COMPETENZE DI BASE DELL’ASSE LINGUISTICO: LINGUA INGLESE (TRIENNIO) 1. Saper comprendere in modo dettagliato testi orali adeguati al livello della classe, trasmessi attraverso vari canali, in contesti diversificati. 2. Saper descrivere, narrare ed argomentare con sempre maggior correttezza formale, fluidità e interagire in una data situazione. Essere in grado di esporre gli argomenti trattati nei testi presi in esame con adeguata competenza comunicativa. 3. Saper comprendere testi scritti che potranno variare dal genere letterario, scientifico-tecnologico, di attualità, la cui complessità sarà adeguata alla competenza linguistica e alle conoscenze tecniche possedute dalla classe. 4. Saper produrre descrizioni, narrazioni, lettere di carattere personale, formale, riassunti guidati e brevi commenti sugli argomenti trattati. Nella classe quinta gli alunni dovranno essere in grado di svolgere le varie tipologie di terza prova previste per l’esame di stato. CLASSE: TERZA COMPETENZE MACRO ARGOMENTO GRAMMAR New Headway Digital Passives Mobile phones Fourth edition, are owned by Liz & John Soars, almost 6 billion Oxford people. The first mobile phone call was U. 10 made in 1973. … have been Our interactive world sold … … will be replaced … p78 CONOSCENZE VOCABULARY ABILITA’ TEMPI USE OF ENGLISH Words that go On the phone together Saying phone Noun + noun numbers text message 07700 businessman 900333 Verb + noun Expressions take notes send a Can I speak text message to …? Adverb + adjective I’m calling well-known because … badly-behaved p85 p81 Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. 1 2 3 4 X X X X SettembreOttobre Present Perfect Continuous Life’s what you make He’s been playing since he was 3. it! How long has she been working there? p86 Tense review Present and past sings was born loved p88 Birth pregnant baby is due weighed Marriage engaged honeymoon split up Death alive funeral died of a heart attack p92 Good news, bad news Congratulations! That’s fantastic news! I’m so sorry to hear that. What a shame! p93 Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. First conditional if + will U. 12 If it’s sunny, we’ll go for a picnic. p94 Just wondering… might I might see some friends. p94 Second conditional if + would If I had a brother, I’d play with him. p96 Present perfect Complete First, simple and Second Edition, Cambridge University continuous Press Prepositions With nouns on strike information about With adjectives angry with different from With verbs look like belong to p100 Thank you and goodbye! It’s late. I must be going now. I’m so grateful for your help. Thanks for having me. Take care! p101 Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Phrasal verbs: get on with, do up,etc. collocations with make and do Surviving teenagers Doing the chores Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. U. 11 U. 1 A family affair SettembreX X X X X X X X X X X X Ottobre NovembreDicembre Gennaio Making Phrasal verbs and comparisons expressions: take Adjectives with –ed up, sum up,etc. U. 2 Leasure and pleasure and -ing U. 3 Happy holidays? U. 4 Past simple Travel, journey, Past continuous and trip, way use to Adjectives suffixes At, in, or on in time phrases Past perfect simple and continuous So and such Too and enough Food, glorious food My first bike Key word transformation A bus journey My nightmare holiday Learning about Food, dish and meal food Adjectives to Moso Moso – a describe restaurants restaurant review Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Febbraio X X X X X X X X X X X X Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno LIVELLI MINIMI Alla fine della classe terza l’alunno deve: Saper comprendere e produrre testi di vario genere adeguati al livello della classe, trasmessi attraverso vari canali e saper riutilizzare in modo corretto le strutture apprese anche in contesti diversi da quelli noti. CLASSE: QUARTA MACRO ARGOMENTO Premium B2, Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Pearson Longman GRAMMAR CONOSCENZE VOCABULARY Making comparisons Reflexives Life styles and homes At home Town and country Past tenses Time linkers Travel and transport synonyms Obligation and permission Would/used to Sport and competition Success U. 3 READING Pledgebank Gapped texts ABILITA’ Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. TEMPI COMPETENZE 1 2 3 4 Settembre, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ottobre Life styles U. 4 Get away from it all U. 5 Play to win U. 6 Put it down to experience So/such/too/enough Ages and stages Present perfect Dependent prepositions Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, The kite runner writing, speaking Multiple choice about vocabulary Alternative and grammar sports structures. Multiple matching Reading, listening, It’s their age! writing, speaking Multiple about vocabulary matching and grammar structures. The pilot who survived Gapped texts Novembre DicembreGennaio Febbraio U. 7 Future forms Like vs as Science, inventions and discoveries Intensifiers (alternatives to very) A short history of Nearly Everything Multiple choice Countable and uncountable nouns Articles Food and cooking Compound adjectives Special restaurants Science fact, science fiction U. 8 Food for thought U. 9 Participle clauses Weather Expressing purpose Animals The world around us Letters from Pompeii Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. MarzoX X X X X X X X Aprile MaggioGiugno Sarà inoltre effettuata una selezione degli argomenti più significativi ed inerenti al corso di specializzazione e agli interessi degli alunni dal testo di micro lingua adottato per ciascun indirizzo. Tale scelta sarà concordata con i docenti delle materie caratterizzanti. CHIMICA E MATERIALI: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA, EDISCO INFORMATICA: ENGLISH FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY, O'MALLEY KIARAN, PEARSON LONGMAN ELETTRONICA: NEW ON CHARGE TOWARDS NEW CHALLENGES IN ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS, AUTOMATION, IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION, STRAMBO ANNA LINWOOD, PAMELA DORRITY GERARD, PETRINI MECCANICA MECCATRONICA: LET'S GET MECHANICAL, ROGGI GIUSEPPE PICKING JOHN, TREVISINI BIOTECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE, CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA,EDISCO BIOTECNOLOGIE SANITARIE: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA,EDISCO LIVELLI MINIMI Alla fine della classe quarta gli alunni saranno in grado di: riutilizzare in modo corretto le strutture apprese anche in contesti diversi da quelli noti nelle quattro abilità linguistiche. CLASSE: QUINTA MACRO ARGOMENTO CONOSCENZE GRAMMAR VOCABULARY READING Comparison Premium B1, Rachael Roberts, Pearson Longman Numerical expressions; directions and landmarks; city places Dubai short texts ABILITA’ COMPETENZE 1 2 3 4 TEMPI Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X U. 5 City life U. 6 To the ends of the earth U. 7 Play the game U. 8 Imagine Present perfect simple and continuous Future: will and going to Present perfect simple , for, since; real conditionals Contrast linkers; past perfect Prepositions of Explore time: in, at on; Antarctica travel the natural world Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Sports: verbs- do Olympic Gold? Reading, listening, play, go; Health clubs writing, speaking collocations; Dee triumphs at about vocabulary exercise and sea and grammar health structures. The arts; word Famous dreams Reading, listening, families; adverbs writing, speaking of time about vocabulary and grammar structures. Due unità a scelta nel bimestre U. 9 Going green U. 10 Celebrity culture U. 11 Pieces of me Modals of The environment obligation and prohibition Defining relative clauses Unreal Clothes and conditionals accessories Adjective and word order Multi-part verbs Personal appearance -ing/infinitive Hobbies Non-defining Leisure relative Music clauses Film Modals of U. 12 What money can buy deduction Verbs with two objects U. 13 A special event Compounds nouns Computers -ed/-ing Special events adjectives Performing arts Reason and result markers Going green Big Brother is watching me First impressions A new way to pass time on the train A very British Hollywood star They have ways of making you spend Favourite things Arts festival programme Meera Syal Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. X X X X Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. X X X X Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. X X X X X X X X X X X X Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. U. 14 Recipe for success U. 15 Communication The passive Too/ enough Reported speech Reporting verbs Food Cooking Taste and flavours Staying with a British family Happy birthday ketchup The phone Countries Nationalities Britain is at the bottom of the class in foreign languages Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. Reading, listening, writing, speaking about vocabulary and grammar structures. X X X X X X X X Tutti gli argomenti di micro lingua svolti nella classe IV saranno inclusi nel programma della classe V. Saranno affrontati in modo autonomo da ogni docente aspetti socio culturali della lingua inglese, del linguaggio settoriale e del settore di indirizzo. Sarà inoltre effettuata una selezione degli argomenti più significativi ed inerenti al corso di specializzazione e agli interessi degli alunni dal testo di micro lingua adottato per ciascun indirizzo: CHIMICA E MATERIALI: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY &BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA, EDISCO INFORMATICA: LOG IN TECHNICAL ENGLISH FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE & TELECOMMUNICATIONS, AAVV ,HOEPLI ELETTRONICA: NEW ON CHARGE TOWARDS NEW CHALLENGES IN ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS, AUTOMATION, IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION, STRAMBO ANNA LINWOOD, PAMELA DORRITY GERARD, PETRINI MECCANICA MECCATRONICA: LET'S GET MECHANICAL, ROGGI GIUSEPPE PICKING JOHN, TREVISINI BIOTECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE, CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA,EDISCO BIOTECNOLOGIE SANITARIE: NEW A MATTER OF LIFE CHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, BRIANO PAOLA,EDISCO LIVELLI MINIMI Alla fine della classe quinta gli alunni saranno in grado di: riutilizzare in modo corretto le strutture apprese anche in contesti diversi da quelli noti nelle quattro abilità linguistiche e svolgere le varie tipologie di terza prova previste per l’esame di stato. METODOLOGIA La metodologia utilizzata sarà di tipo funzionale comunicativo, come suggerito dai libri di testo. Sarà effettuata una selezione degli argomenti più significativi ed inerenti al corso di specializzazione e agli interessi degli alunni. VERIFICA E VALUTAZIONE Durante il trimestre saranno effettuate due verifiche scritte e due orali, mentre nel pentamestre tre verifiche scritte e due/tre orali. La tipologia delle verifiche orali potrà variare tra interrogazioni, test di ascolto, questionari e rispetteranno comunque le quattro abilità linguistiche da verificare separatamente o in un'unica soluzione. Nella classe quinta saranno effettuate anche simulazioni della terza prova che potranno essere valutate come verifiche scritte. La valutazione non si baserà solo sui voti delle verifiche scritte ed orali ma anche sull’interesse, la partecipazione, la collaborazione, le abilità metacognitive e la capacità di auto-verifica.
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