Marco Polo - Istituto Comprensivo di Mozzate

Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born
in September 1254 in
Venice. He was one of
the most famous
Italian merchant
He was the first
explorer to leave a
detailed account of his
Marco Polo's travels
may have had some
influence on the
development of
European cartography.
Marco Polo set off for
Asia. The adventures were
documented in his book,
called Il libro di Marco
Polo, detto Il Milione. He
returned to Venice 24
years later in 1295.
Venice now
Venice in the past
Marco Polo was important because he brought knowledge and Chinese
culture to Italy and because he crossed China, Anatolia and Armenia.
In 1323 Marco Polo
was confined to bed
due to illness. He died
on 8 January 1324. To
write and certify
Polo’s will, his family
requested the services
of Giovanni
Giustiniani, a priest
from San Procolo.
Giustiniani divided up Polo’s assets,
including several properties, among
individuals and religious institutions.
He’s my hero because
he went on fantastic
adventures and was
one of the greatest
explorers of all time.
S.M.S “M. E. Bossi»
Mozzate – Italy