DAY COLLECTION DAY -COLLECTIONTABLES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS - TAVOLI, SEDIE, MADIE I COMPLEMENTI PER LA ZONA GIORNO: UNA COLLEZIONE ISPIRATA ALLA MASSIMA LIBERTÀ STILISTICA, PER INTERPRETARE TUTTE LE SENSAZIONI DELL’ABITARE CONTEMPORANEO. LIVING ROOM FURNISHINGS: A COLLECTION INSPIRED BY MAXIMUM FREEDOM OF STYLE, TO INTERPRET ALL THE SENSATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY LIVING. made in italy, day collection, INDEX, 02 TAVOLI - TABLES 50 SEDIE - CHAIRS 94 MADIE - SIDEBOARDS 128 FINITURE - FINISHINGS La definizione della zona giorno in sintonia con l’attualità, esplorando la varietà della collezione tavoli, sedie e madie. La più totale libertà di abbinamento per creare, attraverso le relazioni, “total interiors” sempre diversi, risolti in ogni dettaglio. The definition of the living room in synch with current trends, exploring the variety of the collection of tables, chairs and sideboards. The ultimate freedom of combinations to create ever differing “total interiors”, manicured down to the smallest detail. 2 1 my life design solutions, CONCORDE PAG 4 DESIGN Emmanuel Gallina ................................................................................................................... GILL PAG 12 DESIGN Roberto Barbieri ................................................................................................................... HOWARD PAG 16 DESIGN Jean-Marie Massaud ................................................................................................................... ANNA PAG 22 DESIGN CR&S Poliform ................................................................................................................... CLIPPER PAG 26 DESIGN CARLO COLOMBO ................................................................................................................... ZEUS PAG 30 DESIGN Vincent Van Duysen ................................................................................................................... DOLMEN DUE PAG 34 DESIGN CARLO COLOMBO ................................................................................................................... HECTOR PAG 38 DESIGN Bruno Fattorini & Partners ................................................................................................................... MASTER DUE PAG 40 DESIGN CR&S Poliform ................................................................................................................... FLUTE PAG 44 DESIGN ROBERTO BARBIERI ................................................................................................................... TREVI PAG 46 DESIGN ROBERTO BARBIERI ................................................................................................................... DART PAG 48 DESIGN MICHELE CAZZANIGA ................................................................................................................... DAY COLLECTION - COMPLEMENTI GIORNO -TABLES- una collezione nel segno della continua ricerca estetica, esplorando gli stili e le ispirazioni più diverse. A COLLECTION MARKED BY ONGOING STYLING RESEARCH, EXPLORING THE MOST VARIED STYLES AND INSPIRATIONS. an exceptional variety of materials and finishes, for projects that move toward a greater individuality. 2 3 design Emmanuel Gallina CONCORDE, In questa pagina: tavolo Concorde con struttura in rovere spessart e piano in marmo petit granit nero lucido. Sedie Grace con rivestimento in pelle, struttura in rovere spessart. Il tavolo Concorde propone, attraverso forme di grande leggerezza, uno stile in continuità con la tradizione. This page: Concorde table with structure in spessart oak and top in glossy black petit granit marble. Grace chairs covered with leather, spessart oak structure. The Concorde table - owing to its ultra light-weight shapes - offers a style that is consistent with tradition. 4 5 concorde, In questa pagina: tavolo Concorde rovere spessart e piano in marmo petit granit nero lucido. Sedie Grace rivestimento pelle, struttura rovere spessart. Nella pagina a fianco: Concorde in versione tonda nella finitura rovere spessart con piano girevole opzionale in marmo calacatta oro. Left: Concorde table in spessart oak and glossy black petit granit marble top. Grace chairs covered with leather, spessart oak structure. Above: spessart oak Concorde table in round version with optional swivel top in calacatta oro marble. 6 7 740 740 29 1/4” 1/4” 29 design Emmanuel Gallina 2185 2185 86” 86” 1080 1080 42 1/2” 1/2” 42 CONCORDE, 740 740 29 1/4” 1/4” 29 740 29 1/4” Ø 1370 54” 2800 2800 110 1/4” 1/4” 110 1080 1080 42 1/2” 1/2” 42 Ø 2000 78 3/4” 740 29 1/4” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati o marmo finitura: rovere spessart, noce c., 3............................................................................... marmi levigati e 4 marmi lucidi STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart e noce c. ............................................................................... PIANO GIREVOLE OPZIONALE ............................................................................... Ø 1050 in appoggio su tavolo Ø 2000 materiale: legno e derivati o marmo finitura: laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori, 3............................................................................... marmi levigati e 4 marmi lucidi TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products or marble finishing: spessart oak, walnut c., marble in 3 mat and in 4 glossy finishings ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak and walnut c. ............................................................................... OPTIONAL SWIVEL TOP ............................................................................... Ø 41 1/4” to be put on the table Ø 78 3/4” material: wood and wood-by products or marble finishing: mat lacquered colours, glossy lacquered colours, marble in 3 mat and in 4 glossy finishings ............................................................................... 2185 86” PIANO - TOP ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... PIANO GIREVOLE - SWIVEL TOP ............................................................... 1080 42 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” 1080 42 1/2” In questa pagina: Concorde con struttura noce c. e piano in marmo bianco carrara. La collezione Concorde comprende tavoli rettangoli e tondi. È disponibile con piani in marmo in 3 finiture levigate e 4 lucide, a cui si affiancano le versioni interamente in legno, in 2 essenze. This page: Concorde with walnut c. base and carrara white marble top. The Concorde collection includes rectangular and round tables. It is available with marble table tops in 3 mat finishes and 4 glossy finishes, which accompany the all-wood versions, in 2 wood finishes. 8 9 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 2185 86” 2185 86” 740 29 1/4” 1080 42 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” 2185 86” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” Ø 1370 54” Ø 1370 54” 1080 42 1/2” 740 29 1/4” Ø 1370 54” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” Ø 1370 54” Ø 1370 54” 740 29 1/4” 1080 42 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” CONCORDE, 1080 42 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” 2185 - 2800 86” - 110 1/4” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati 1080 finitura: rovere spessart e noce c. 42 1/2” ............................................................................... scrittoio STRUTTURA ............................................................................... scrittoio materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart e noce c. ............................................................................... OPZIONALE ............................................................................... 735 cassetto sottopiano laccato 29” nero scrittoio 735 e............................................................................... sottomano in cuoio 7 colori 29” 720 735 28 1/4” 720 29” 28 1/4” 740 29 1/4” Ø 1370 54” design Emmanuel Gallina 2185 - 2800 86” - 110 1/4” 2185 - 2800 86” - 110 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1450 57” 1450 57” TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: spessart oak and walnut c. ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak and walnut c. ............................................................................... OPTIONAL ............................................................................... black lacquered under-top-mounted drawer and hide desk pad in 7 colours ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... SOTTOMANO - DESK PAD ............................................................... 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 1450 57” Sopra: scrittoio Concorde rovere spessart, sottomano in cuoio. Sedia Grace rivestimento pelle, struttura rovere spessart. A destra: lo scrittoio in finitura noce c. con cassetto sottopiano e sottomano in cuoio. La serie Concorde interpreta lo scrittoio in chiave contemporanea fra sottili rimandi formali, dettagli preziosi e la ricerca della massima essenzialità. Left: Concorde desk in spessart oak, hide desk pad. Grace chair with leather covering, spessart oak structure. Above: the desk in walnut c. finish with a drawer under the desk surface and desk pad in hide. The Concorde range interprets the desk with a contemporary feel, thanks to subtle formal reminders, precious details and the pursuit of maximum essential appeal. 10 11 design Roberto Barbieri GILL, In questa pagina e nella successiva: tavolo allungabile Gill in rovere spessart. Sedie Harmony rovere spessart e struttura in acciaio inox. Madie Pandora alta rovere spessart. Pouf Onda rivestito in pelle. This page and the next: Gill extending table in spessart oak. Harmony chairs in spessart oak and stainless steel. Pandora high sideboard in spessart oak. Onda pouf in leather. 12 13 design Roberto Barbieri 736 29” GILL, 1800/2350 70 3/4”/92 1/2” 900 33 1/2” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... 736 29” 1800/2350 70 3/4”/92 1/2” TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... 736 29” 1800/2350 70 3/4”/92 1/2” 900 33 1/2” 736 29” 1550/2100 61”/82 3/4” 900 33 1/2” 736 29” 2000/2620 78 3/4”/103 1/4” 736 29” 1550/2100 61”/82 3/4” 900 33 1/2” PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 736 29” 2000/2620 78 3/4”/103 1/4” 900 33 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 736 29” 2000/2620 78 3/4”/103 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” In questa pagina: tavolo allungabile Gill in rovere spessart. Sedie Harmony rovere spessart e acciaio inox. Pouf Onda rivestito in pelle. Il disegno del tavolo Gill è sottolineato dalle gambe che si innestano a 45° nella struttura. This page: Gill extending table in spessart oak. Harmony chairs in spessart oak and stainless steel. Onda pouf in leather. The design of the Gill table is underscored by the legs which are incorporated into the structure at a 45° angle. 14 15 design Jean-Marie Massaud HOWARD, In questa pagina: tavolo Howard in rovere spessart con piano in vetro fumè acidato, sedie Ventura con rivestimento in tessuto e struttura in rovere spessart. Geometrie rigorose che valorizzano le qualità dei materiali: nell’abbinamento dell’essenza con il vetro e il marmo, Howard reinterpreta un classico dell’arredamento. This page: Howard table in spessart oak with etched fumè glass top, Ventura chairs with fabric covering and spessart oak structure. Straightforward geometric shapes that enhance the value of the quality materials: in teaming wood with glass and marble, Howard reinterprets a furniture classic. 16 17 howard, In questa pagina: tavolo Howard finitura rovere spessart. Sedie e poltroncine Ventura con struttura rovere spessart e scocca rivestita in tessuto. Libreria Wall System rovere spessart. Pouf Play in tessuto. Left: Howard table in spessart oak finish. Ventura chairs and small armchairs with spessart oak structure and fabric covered body. Wall System bookcase in spessart oak. Play pouf in fabric. 18 19 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” 2200 86 1/2” design Jean-Marie Massaud 1100 43 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” HOWARD, 740 29 1/4” 740740 29 29 1/4” 1/4” 800 2800 110 1/4” 1/4” 740740 1/4” 29 29 1/4” 2800 2800 110110 1/4” 1/4” 2200 86 1/2” 1610 63 1/2” 1100 1100 43 43 1/4” 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” 1610 63 1/2” 1100 1100 1/4” 43 43 1/4” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: vetro temperato spessore 12 mm finitura: trasparente bisellato senza cornice, acidato fumé con cornice in legno materiale solo per tavoli rettangolari: legno o marmo finitura: rovere spessart, 3 marmi levigati e............................................................................... 4 marmi lucidi STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... TELAIO ............................................................................... materiale: metallo tagliato a laser e piegato finitura: verniciato bronzato ............................................................................... TOP ............................................................................... material: tempered glass thickness 12 mm finishing: transparent bevelled without frame, etched fumè with wooden frame material for only rectangular tabletop: wood or marble finishing: spessart oak, marble in 3 mat and in 4 glossy finishings ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... FRAME ............................................................................... material: laser-cut and folded metal finishing: painted bronze ............................................................................... PIANO - TOP ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... TELAIO - FRAME ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” 740740 1/4” 29 29 1/4” 740740 1/4” 29 29 1/4” 1610 63 1/2” 2” 1000 1000 1/4” 39 39 1/4” 2200 2200 1/2” 86 86 1/2” 1000 1000 1/4” 39 39 1/4” 1610 63 1/2” 740740 1/4” 29 29 1/4” 1610 1610 1/2” 63 63 1/2” 1610 1610 1/2” 63 63 1/2” In questa pagina: tavolo in rovere spessart con piano in marmo calacatta oro. Una proposta che nelle versioni rettangolari esplora un’ampia varietà di materiali per i piani: dal marmo in 7 finiture all’essenza rovere spessart, fino al vetro trasparente, acidato o fumè. Above: table in spessart oak with calacatta oro marble top. In the rectangular versions, this model explores a broad variety of table top materials: from 7 marble finishes to spessart oak wood finish, to transparent, etched or fumé glass. 20 21 design CR&S Poliform ANNA, In questa pagina e nella successiva: tavolo Anna con struttura in rovere spessart, piano con bordo in rovere spessart e inserto centrale in marmo petit granit. Sedie Ley con struttura in legno massello finitura rovere spessart, rivestimento interno ed esterno della seduta in cuoio. Pouf Play con rivestimento in tessuto sfoderabile. This page and the next: Anna table with spessart oak structure and top with spessart oak edge and insert in petit granit marble. Ley chairs with solid wood structure in spessart oak finishing and external and internal seat covering in hide. Play pouf with removable fabric covering. 22 23 design CR&S Poliform ANNA, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: metallo impiallacciato legno finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... INSERTO PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: marmo finitura: 3 marmi levigati e 4 marmi lucidi ............................................................................... TOP ............................................................................... material: wood finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: wood veneered metal finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... TOP INSERT ............................................................................... material: marble finishing: 3 mat and in 4 glossy finishings ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... INSERTO PIANO - TOP INSERT ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” 1380 54 1/4” In questa pagina: tavolo Anna con struttura in rovere spessart, piano con bordo in rovere spessart e inserto centrale in marmo petit granit. Pouf Play con rivestimento in tessuto sfoderabile. Il top del tavolo Anna è disponibile interamente in essenza o con inserto in marmo, in 3 finiture levigate e 4 lucide. Left: Anna table with spessart oak structure and top with spessart oak edge and insert in petit granit marble. Play pouf with removable fabric covering. The top of the Anna table is available entirely in wood finish or with a marble insert, in 3 mat finishes and 4 glossy finishes. 24 25 design Carlo Colombo CLIPPER, In questa pagina e nella successiva: tavolo Clipper struttura metallo verniciato bronzato e piano rovere spessart. Sedie Velvet Due rivestimento tessuto fondo piega. Pouf Play tessuto. Libreria Wall System laccato opaco fango. Above and the next page: Clipper table with bronze painted metal structure and spessart oak top. Velvet Due chairs with slipcover in fabric. Play pouf in fabric. Wall System fango mat lacquered bookcase. 26 27 design Carlo Colombo CLIPPER, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori e rovere spessart ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: metallo finitura: verniciato bronzato e laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours and spessart oak ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: metal finishing: bronze painted metal or mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... PIANO - TOP ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 730 28 3/4” 2200 86 1/2” 1050 41 1/4” 2800 110 1/4” Sopra: dettaglio del tavolo Clipper con struttura in metallo verniciato bronzato e piano rovere spessart. Clipper è caratterizzato dalla geometria della struttura in metallo di minimo spessore, che crea un’immagine di grande leggerezza. On the left: Clipper table with bronze painted metal structure and spessart oak top. The Clipper table stands out for the geometric shape of the thin metal structure, which creates a feeling of ultra light-weight. 28 29 design Vincent Van Duysen ZEUS, Tavolo Zeus rovere spessart, sedie Velvet rivestimento tessuto e struttura rovere spessart. Geometria e rigore per un tavolo importante, pensato per diventare il centro della zona pranzo recuperando l’idea di una convivialità contemporanea. Zeus table in spessart oak, Velvet chairs with fabric covering and spessart oak structure. Geometry and simplicity for an important table, designed to be the centre of the dining area, touching upon the idea of contemporary conviviality. 30 31 740 29 1/4” 2200 86 1/2” 1800 1800 70 3/4” 3/4” 70 1800 70 3/4” design Vincent Van Duysen 1080 42 1/2” ZEUS, 740 740 29 1/4” 1/4” 29 740 29 1/4” 740 740 29 1/4” 29 1/4” 2200 2200 86 1/2” 1/2” 86 1800 70 3/4” 2700 2200 106 861/4” 1/2” 1080 1080 42 42 1/2” 1/2” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart .............................................................................. TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 10801080 42 1/2” 42 1/2” 1800 70 3/4” 740 740 29 1/4” 1/4” 29 2700 2700 106 1/4” 1/4” 106 740 29 1/4” 2700 106 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1080 1080 42 1/2” 1/2” 42 2200 86 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” 1080 42 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 2700 106 1/4” 1080 42 1/2” Disponibile in versione quadrata e rettangolare, Zeus è una serie di tavoli definita dalle ampie proporzioni, caratterizzata dal piano a doghe e dalle linee di raccordo di forte spessore. Available in the square and rectangular version, Zeus is a range of tables defined by its generous proportions, distinguished by the slatted table top and by the ultra-thick connecting joints. 32 33 design Carlo Colombo DOLMEN DUE, In questa pagina e nella successiva: tavolo Dolmen Due con struttura laccato opaco fango e piano in petit granit. Sedie BB interamente in cuoio. Madia Class in finitura rovere spessart con piedini in metallo bronzato. Above and the next page: Dolmen Due table with fango mat lacquered legs and petit granit tabletop. BB chairs entirely in hide. Class sideboard in spessart oak with bronze metal feet. 34 35 design Carlo Colombo DOLMEN DUE, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello, legno e derivati, marmo, vetro finitura: rovere naturale con finitura olio laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori, noce c., rovere spessart, 2 marmi levigati e 3 marmi lucidi e............................................................................... vetro fumè STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello, legno e derivati finitura: rovere naturale con finitura olio laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori, noce c., rovere spessart ............................................................................... TELAIO ............................................................................... materiale: alluminio verniciato finitura: color titanio ............................................................................... 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1100 43 1/4” 1500 59” 15001500 59” 59” PIANO - TOP ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 1100 43 1/4” 1500 59” 2200 86 1/2” TOP ............................................................................... material: solid wood, wood and wood-by products, marble, glass finishing: natural oak with oil finishing mat lacquered colours, glossy lacquered colours, walnut c., spessart oak, marble in 2 mat and in 3............................................................................... glossy finishings and fume glass STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood, wood and wood-by products finishing: natural oak with oil finishing mat lacquered colours, glossy lacquered colours, walnut c., spessart oak ............................................................................... FRAME ............................................................................... material: painted aluminium 740 finishing: titanium colour ............................................................................... 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1500 59” 1100 43 1/4” 2200 86 1/2” 740 740 29 1/4” 29 1/4” 1500 59” 11001100 43 1/4” 43 1/4” 1100 43 1/4” 11001100 43 1/4” 43 1/4” Sopra: dettaglio del piano in petit granit, struttura laccato opaco fango. Concepito come un incontro di piani e solidi geometrici, Dolmen Due è in grado di interpretare una grande varietà di stili grazie all’ampia scelta di finiture. On the left: detail of the fango mat lacquered legs and petit granit tabletop. Devised as an encounter between surfaces and geometric blocks, Dolmen Due is capable of interpreting a large variety of styles owing to the extensive range of finishes. 36 37 1500 59” design Bruno Fattorini & Partners HECTOR, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: rovere naturale, rovere spessart e............................................................................... resina acrilica bianca STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: metallo impiallacciato finitura: rovere naturale, rovere spessart e............................................................................... resina acrilica bianca DIMENSIONI MM ............................................................................... 1800 x 900 2000 - 2400 - 3000 x 1000 1250 x 1250 2500 - 3000 x 1250 ............................................................................... TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: natural oak, spessart oak and white acrylic resin ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: veneered metal finishing: natural oak, spessart oak and white acrylic resin ............................................................................... DIMENSIONS IN ............................................................................... 70 3/4” x 35 1/2” 78 3/4” - 94 1/2” - 118” x 39 1/4” 49 1/4” x 49 1/4” 98 1/2” - 118” x 49 1/4” ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” da 1800 a 3000 from 70 3/4” to 118” da 900 a 1250 from 35 1/2” to 49 1/4” In questa pagina: tavolo Hector rovere spessart, sedia Ventura con scocca in pelle e struttura in metallo verniciato. A destra: dettaglio della giunzione fra gambe e piano. Left: Hector table in spessart oak, Ventura chair with leather covering and black metal rod structure. Above: detail of the joint between the legs and the top. 38 39 design CR&S Poliform MASTER DUE, Tavolo allungabile Master Due in noce c., sedie e poltroncina Manta rivestimento in pelle, madia Teia in finitura noce c. con ante battenti a 180°. Le geometrie di forte spessore del tavolo Master Due caratterizzano una proposta di zona dedicata al dining in stile contemporaneo. Master Due extending table in walnut c., Manta chairs and small armchair in leather, Teia sideboard in walnut c. with leaf doors opening 180°. The thick geometric shapes of the Master Due table distinguish a model designed for the dining room with a contemporary style. 40 41 design CR&S Poliform MASTER DUE, 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1000/1760 39 1/4” / 69 1/4” 1000/1760 1550/2200 / 86 1/2” 39 1/4” / 6961” 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1550/2200 61” / 86 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 860 33 3/4” 740 29 1/4” 1550/2200 61” / 86 1/2” 860 33 3/4” 740 29 1/4” 1800/2450 70 3/4” / 96 1/2” 860 33 3/4” 740 29 1/4” 1800/2450 70 3/4” / 96 1/2” 860 33 3/4” 740 29 1/4” 1800/2450 70 3/4” / 96 1/2” 860 33 3/4” PIANO E STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello, legno e derivati finitura: noce c., rovere spessart e............................................................................... laccato opaco colori TELAIO PER ALLUNGO ............................................................................... materiale: ferro finitura: verniciato alluminio ............................................................................... TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood, wood and wood-by products finishing: walnut c., spessart oak and mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... FRAME FOR EXTENSION ............................................................................... material: iron finishing: aluminium painted ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 860 33 3/4” In questa pagina: tavolo Master due in finitura noce c. La serie, disponibile in due essenze e in 32 colori laccati, comprende un tavolo quadrato e due rettangolari, tutti con possibilità di allungo. This page: Master Due table in walnut c. finish. The range is available in two wood finishes and in 32 lacquered colours, including a square table and two rectangular tables, all with the optional extension. 42 43 design Roberto Barbieri FLUTE, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno o marmo finitura: laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori, in versione antigraffio nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 e nero 03, 3............................................................................... marmi levigati e 4 marmi lucidi STRUTTURA ............................................................................... FLUTE materiale: metallo finitura: laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori, in versione antigraffio nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 e nero 03 ............................................................................... 740 29 1/4” TOP ............................................................................... material: wood or marble finishing: mat lacquered colours, glossy lacquered colours and bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 and nero 03 antiscratch colours, marble in 3 mat and in 4 glossy finishings ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: metal finishing: mat lacquered colours, glossy lacquered colours and bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 and nero 03 antiscratch colours ............................................................................... 740 29 1/4” PIANO - TOP ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” Ø 900 35 1/2” Ø 900 - 1250 - 1400 35 1/2” - 49 1/4” - 55” Ø 1400 55” FLUTE 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” Ø 900 35 1/2” Ø 1250 49 1/4” Ø 1400 55” Sopra: tavolo Flute laccato opaco grafite, sedie Fly tre interamente rivestite in pelle. A destra: Flute laccato opaco bianco. Un tavolo che fa della leggerezza e della semplicità le proprie caratteristiche, in grado di interpretare una grande varietà di soluzioni estetiche differenti grazie all’ampia gamma dei colori laccati della collezione Poliform. On the left: Flute grafite mat lacquered table, Fly tre chairs entirely covered in leather. Above: bianco mat lacquered Flute table. A table that epitomises light-weight and simplicity, capable of interpreting a wide variety of different styling solutions owing to the broad range of lacquered colours in the Poliform collection. 44 45 design Roberto Barbieri TREVI, PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori e in versione antigraffio nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 e nero 03 ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: alluminio finitura: alluminio brill, laccato opaco colori e............................................................................... in versione antigraffio 900 35 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 900 35 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1250 49 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 1250 49 1/4” 1250 49 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 1400 55” TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours and in antiscratch version in colours bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 and nero 03 ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: aluminium finishing: bright finish aluminium, mat lacquered colours and in antiscratch version ............................................................................... 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 800 31 1/2” 800 31 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 1250 49 1/4” 1400 55” 740 1800 29 1/4” 70 3/4” PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 900 35 1/2” 1800 70 3/4” 740 29 1/4” 800 31 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 1400 55” 1250 49 1/4” 1250 49 1/4” 900 35 1/2” 800 31 1/2” 1250 49 1/4” 1400 55” 900 35 1/2” 900 35 1/2” 1800 70 3/4” 1250 49 1/4” Sopra: tavolo Trevi laccato opaco antigraffio bianco. Sedie Strip plastica bianca e cuscini rivestimento tessuto. Trevi è un tavolo dalla geometria basic, caratterizzato dal particolare innesto delle gambe in alluminio con il piano. On the left: scratch-resistant bianco mat lacquered Trevi table. Strip white plastic chairs with fabric cushions. Trevi is a table with a basic geometry, distinguished by the special way in which the aluminium legs are incorporated into the tabletop. 46 47 design Michele Cazzaniga DART, 740 29 1/4” 850 33 1/2” 1400/1950 55”/76 3/4” PIANO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori, rovere spessart e in versione antigraffio nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 e nero 03 ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finishing: laccato opaco colori, rovere spessart e in versione antigraffio nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 e nero 03 ............................................................................... TOP ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours, spessart oak and in antiscratch version in colours bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 and nero 03 ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: mat lacquered colours, spessart oak and in antiscratch version in colours bianco 01, canapa 35, grafite 04 and nero 03 ............................................................................... PIANO E STRUTTURA-TOP AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 740 29 1/4” 740 29 1/4” 850 33 1/2” 1400/1950 55”/76 3/4” 1800/2350 70 3/4”/92 1/2” 850 33 1/2” 740 29 1/4” 1800/2350 70 3/4”/92 1/2” 850 33 1/2” Tavolo allungabile Dart laccato antigraffio grafite, sedie Nex tessuto e struttura acciaio inox. La funzionalità è la caratteristica distintiva del tavolo Dart, con un design semplice e rigoroso in grado di completare differenti concezioni della zona pranzo. Dart extending table in scratch-resistant grafite lacquer, Nex fabric chairs with stainless steel structure. Functionality is the distinguishing trait of the Dart table, with a simple design capable of completing different concepts of the dining room. 48 49 my life design solutions, DAY COLLECTION - COMPLEMENTI GIORNO -CHAIRS- La varietà delle SEDIE: ritratti della contemporaneità che interpretano stili differenti, nella più totale libertà di abbinamento. VARIETY OF CHAIRS: PORTRAITS OF CONTEMPORARY LIVING WHICH INTERPRET DIFFERENT STYLES, IN THE UTMOST FREEDOM OF COMBINATION. VENTURA PAG 52 DESIGN JEAN-MARIE MASSAUD ......................................................................... GRACE PAG 58 DESIGN Emmanuel Gallina ......................................................................... HARMONY PAG 62 DESIGN RODRIGO TORRES ......................................................................... LEY PAG 66 design Gabriele e Oscar Buratti ......................................................................... MANTA PAG 68 design Rodrigo Torres ......................................................................... BB PAG 70 DESIGN R. BLUMER E M. BORGHI ......................................................................... VELVET, VELVET DUE PAG 72 design CR&S Poliform ......................................................................... FLY TRE PAG 74 DESIGN CARLO COLOMBO ......................................................................... scacchi PAG 76 DESIGN PAOLo piva ......................................................................... creta, creta due PAG 77 DESIGN CARLO COLOMBO ......................................................................... nex PAG 78 design Mario Mazzer ......................................................................... FOLD PAG 82 DESIGN RODRIGO TORRES ......................................................................... STRIP PAG 84 design CARLO COLOMBO ......................................................................... VENUS PAG 88 design Marcel Wanders ......................................................................... ICS, IPSILON PAG 92 design Rodrigo Torres ......................................................................... visions of style, starting from suggestions closer to memories, to achieve original and contemporary solutions. 50 51 design Jean-Marie Massaud VENTURA, Sopra: Ventura con braccioli, rivestimento tessuto e struttura in massello finitura rovere spessart. A destra: Ventura rivestimento pelle e struttura rovere spessart. Tavolo Howard rovere spessart, piano in vetro fumè acidato. On the left: Ventura with armrests, fabric covering and solid wood structure with spessart oak finish. Above: Ventura with leather covering and spessart oak structure. Howard table in spessart oak, etched fumè glass top. 52 53 design Jean-Marie Massaud VENTURA, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano flessibile stampato, prerivestimento fibra di poliestere rivestimento finale: non sfoderabile in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle; nella versione tessuto (escluso velluto) cucitura a cordoncino in tinta ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere laccato opaco a poro aperto, rovere naturale e rovere spessart ............................................................................... 815 32” 505 20” 815 32” 505 20” 505 20” 540 21 1/4” STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 555 21 3/4” 540 21 1/4” 815 32” 555 21 3/4” 540 21 1/4” 505 20” 540 21 1/4” 815 32” SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... 815 32” 815 32” 815 32” 540 21 1/4” SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane, pre-covering in polyester fibre final covering: non removable in fabric, leather and eco-leather; fabric version (except velvet) with stitching cord in the same colour of the cover ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: mat lacquered oak open pore, natural oak and spessart oak ............................................................................... 555 21 3/4” 540 21 1/4” 815 32” 540 21 1/4” 555 21 3/4” 540 21 1/4” Sopra: un dettaglio delle cuciture sartoriali in contrasto, per una maggiore caratterizzazione estetica. A destra: Ventura nella versione con braccioli, rivestimento tessuto con cuciture in contrasto e struttura rovere naturale. On the left: a detail of the tailored contrasting stitching, for greater styling appeal. Above: Ventura with armrests, fabric covering with contrast stitching and natural oak structure. 54 55 design Jean-Marie Massaud VENTURA, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano flessibile stampato, prerivestimento fibra di poliestere rivestimento finale: non sfoderabile in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle; nella versione tessuto (escluso velluto) 815 cucitura a cordoncino in tinta 32” ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: tondino di metallo 505 540 555 20” laccato opaco 21 21 3/4” finitura: 301/4” colori, verniciato bronzato, bianco, nero ............................................................................... 815815 32”32” 505505 20”20” 815815 32”32” 815 32” 540540 21 1/4” 21 1/4” 555555 21 3/4” 21 3/4” 505505 20”20” SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 815 32” 540540 21 1/4” 21 1/4” 505 20” 815815 32”32” SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane, pre-covering in polyester fibre final covering: non removable in fabric, leather and eco-leather; fabric version (except velvet) with 815 stitching cord in the same colour of the covering 32” ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: metal 540 rod 1/4”lacquered 30 colours, finishing:21mat rod bronze, white, black painted ............................................................................... 540 21 1/4” 555 21 3/4” 540 21 1/4” 815815 32”32” 540540 21 1/4” 21 1/4” 555555 21 3/4” 21 3/4” 540540 21 1/4” 21 1/4” Sopra: poltroncina Ventura con scocca rivestita in pelle e struttura in tondino di metallo laccato opaco acqua. A destra: sedia Ventura con scocca rivestita in tessuto e struttura in tondino di metallo verniciato ghiaccio. La versione con struttura in metallo è disponibile anche nella finitura verniciata bronzata, bianca e nera. Left: Ventura chair with armrests, acqua mat painted metal structure and leather body. Above: Ventura chair with ghiaccio painted metal structure, fabric body with contrast stitching. The version with the metal structure is also available in the painted finish in bronze, black and white. 56 57 design Emmanuel Gallina GRACE, Sopra e a destra, Grace nelle versioni poltroncina e sedia, struttura rovere spessart e rivestimento in pelle. Tavolo Concorde struttura rovere spessart e piano in marmo petit granit nero lucido. Left and above: Grace small armchair amd chair with spessart oak frame and leather cover. Concorde table with spessart oak structure and glossy black petit granit marble top. 58 59 design Emmanuel Gallina GRACE, 815 32” 815 32” 455 18” 455 18” 535 21” 540 21 1/4” 535 21” 540 21 1/4” SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano flessibile stampato rivestimento finale: non sfoderabile in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: noce c. e rovere spessart ............................................................................... SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane final covering: non removable in fabric, leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... STRUCTURE AND SEAT ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: walnut c. and spessart oak ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... Sopra e a destra: Grace sedia struttura noce c. e poltroncina struttura rovere spessart, con rivestimento tessuto. La serie Grace è la riproposizione di forme familiari, interpretate con una forte connotazione di contemporaneità. Left and above: Grace chair with walnut c. structure and armchair with spessart oak structure, fabric covering. Grace chair is marked by a wraparound backrest that emphasises the feelings of the upholstery materials. 60 61 design Rodrigo Torres HARMONY, Sopra: sedie Harmony nella versione con struttura in acciaio inox, seduta in rovere spessart. Tavolo allungabile Gill rovere spessart. A destra: sedie Harmony nella versione interamente in legno, finitura rovere spessart. Left: Harmony chairs in the version with stainless steel structure, spessart oak body. Gill extending table in spessart oak. Above: Harmony chairs in the all-wood version, spessart oak finish. 62 63 design Rodrigo Torres HARMONY, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: legno curvato finitura: rovere spessart, rovere laccato opaco colori a............................................................................... poro aperto STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: acciaio inox finitura: acciaio inox ............................................................................... 4” 795 31 1/4” 460 18” 480 19” 460 18” 815 32” 460 18” 480 19” SEAT ............................................................................... material: legno curvato finishing: spessart oak, oak open pore mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: stainless steel finishing: stainless steel ............................................................................... 445 17 1/2” SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: legno curvato finitura: rovere spessart, rovere laccato opaco colori a............................................................................... poro aperto STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart, rovere laccato opaco colori a............................................................................... poro aperto 660 26” 450 17 3/4” 795 31 1/4” 460 18” SEAT ............................................................................... material: bent wood finishing: spessart oak, oak open pore mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak, oak open pore mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... 795 31 1/4” 460 18” 480 19” 460 18” 815 32” 460 18” 480 19” SEDUTA E STRUTTURA-SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 445 17 1/2” 660 26” 450 17 3/4” In questa pagina: sgabello e sedia Harmony con struttura in acciaio inox e seduta in rovere spessart. Nella pagina a fianco: sedia con struttura e seduta in essenza, finitura rovere spessart. Entrambe le versioni sono disponibili anche laccate opache poro aperto in 32 colori. On the opposite page: Harmony stool and chair with stainless steel structure and spessart oak seat. This page: chair with wood finish base and seat, spessart oak finish. Both versions are also available in mat open pore lacquered in 32 different colours. 64 65 design Gabriele e Oscar Buratti LEY, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello rivestito finitura: rivestimento interno ed esterno in cuoio 7 colori ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... SEAT ............................................................................... material: covered solid wood body: external and internal covering in hide 7 colours ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 780 30 3/4” 530 20 3/4” 560 22” In questa pagina: sedia Ley con struttura in legno massello finitura rovere spessart, rivestimento interno ed esterno della seduta in cuoio. Tavolo Anna con struttura in rovere spessart, piano con bordo in rovere spessart e inserto centrale in marmo petit granit. Left: Ley chairs with solid wood structure in spessart oak finishing and external and internal seat covering in hide. Anna table with spessart oak structure and top with spessart oak edge and insert in petit granit marble. 66 67 design Rodrigo Torres MANTA, SEDUTA E STRUTTURA ............................................................................... poliuretano flessibile stampato ............................................................................... SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................... moulded flexible polyurethane ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO ............................................................................... completamente rivestita in pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... COVERING ............................................................................... completely covered in leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... 770 30 1/4” 520 20 1/2” RIVESTIMENTO - COVERING ............................................................... 770 30 1/4” 530 20 3/4” 570 22 1/2” 550 21 3/4” Sopra: poltroncina Manta rivestimento pelle. Tavolo Clipper struttura metallo verniciato bronzato e piano rovere spessart. Libreria Wall System laccato opaco fango. A destra: sedia Manta rivestimento pelle. Forme elementari caratterizzano le due versioni di Manta: una proposta che esalta le qualità uniche della pelle, sottolineate dalle cuciture a vista. Left: Manta small armchair covered with leather. Clipper table with bronze painted metal structure and spessart oak top. Wall System fango mat lacquered bookcase. Above: Manta chair with leather covering. Elemental shapes characterise the two versions of the Manta chair: a model that enhances the unique qualities of leather, underscored by the visible stitching. 68 69 design R. Blumer e M. Borghi BB, SEDUTA E STRUTTURA ............................................................................... poliuretano rigido a bassa densità ............................................................................... SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................... low density rigid polyurethane ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO ............................................................................... completamente rivestita in cuoio (7 colori) ............................................................................... COVERING ............................................................................... completely covered in hide (7 colours) ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO - COVERING ............................................................... 780 31 1/4” 415 16 1/4” 550 21 3/4” In questa pagina: sedia BB interamente in cuoio. Tavolo Dolmen Due laccato opaco fango con piano in marmo petit granit. Disponibile anche nella versione poltroncina, BB è caratterizzata da un disegno primario che interpreta il cuoio come materiale totale, attraverso una tecnologia di produzione all’avanguardia. This page: BB chairs all in hide. Fango mat lacquered Dolmen Due table with petit granit marble top. Also available in the small armchair version, BB is distinguished by a primary design that interprets leather as a total material, through cutting-edge production technology. 70 71 SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano flessibile stampato rivestimento finale: sfoderabile in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: laccato opaco colori, noce c. e............................................................................... rovere spessart 770 30 1/4” 635 25” 560 22” 580 22 3/4” design CR&S Poliform design CR&S Poliform VELVET, VELVET DUE, SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane final covering: removable in fabric, leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: mat lacquered colours, walnut c. and spessart oak ............................................................................... 770 30 1/4” 770 30 1/4” 590 23 1/4” 635 25” 525 20 3/4” 560 22” 580 22 3/4” SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano flessibile stampato rivestimento finale: tessuto sfoderabile ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: laccato opaco colori, noce c. e............................................................................... rovere spessart 770 30 1/4” 770 30 1/4” 590 23 1/4” 575 22 3/4” SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane final covering: removable in fabric ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: mat lacquered colours, walnut c. and spessart oak ............................................................................... 635 25” 590 23 1/4” 580 22 3/4” SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 770 30 1/4” 590 23 1/4” Sopra: poltroncina Velvet con braccioli struttura rovere spessart e rivestimento tessuto. Sedia Velvet in rovere spessart e rivestimento pelle. Nella pagina a destra: Velvet Due con rivestimento fondo piega, in versione con e senza braccioli. Un altro classico dell’arredamento della zona dining in equilibrio fra memoria ed essenzialità del disegno. On the left: Velvet small armchair, spessart oak structure and fabric covering. Velvet chair with spessart oak structure and leather covering. Above: Velvet Due with slipcover, available with or without armrests. Another classic piece of dining room furniture in a brand new styling, balancing between memory and essential design. 72 73 design Carlo Colombo FLY TRE, SEDUTA E STRUTTURA ............................................................................... SEDIA FLY 3 materiale: poliuretano espanso ............................................................................... SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: foamed polyurethane ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO ............................................................................... sfoderabile in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... COVERING ............................................................................... removable in fabric, leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO - COVERING ............................................................... 850 33 1/2” 510 20” 550 21 3/4” In questa pagina: sedie Fly Tre rivestitimento in pelle sfoderabile, tavolo Flute laccato opaco grafite. Fly Tre è una sedia caratterizzata dal rivestimento totale, in cui le sensazioni dei diversi materiali, dalla pelle alla varietà dei tessuti, diventano protagoniste assolute. Left: Fly tre chairs with removable leather covering, grafite mat lacquered Flute table. Fly tre is a chair distinguished by total upholstery, where the feelings afforded by the various materials, from leather to a variety of different fabrics, become the absolute star players. 74 75 SEDUTA E STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno di betulla imbottito con uno strato di poliuretano flessibile ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO ............................................................................... completamente rivestita in pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... SCACCHI design Paolo Piva design Carlo Colombo SCACCHI, CRETA, CRETA DUE, SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: birch wood upholstered with a layer of flexible polyurethane ............................................................................... COVERING ............................................................................... completely covered in leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... RIVESTIMENTO - COVERING ............................................................... 860 33 3/4” 465 18 1/4” SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: poliuretano espanso Creta rivestimento finale: tessuto, pelle eSEDIA ecopelle CRETA sfoderabili Creta Due rivestimento finale: tessuto sfoderabile con fondo piega ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: laccato opaco colori, noce c. e............................................................................... rovere spessart CRETA SEAT ............................................................................... material: flexible moulded polyurethane 2Creta final covering: removable fabric, leather and eco-leather Creta Due final covering: padded seat and backrest with removable slipcover ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: mat lacquered colours, walnut c. and spessart oak ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 450 17 3/4” 880 34 3/4” 450 17 3/4” In questa pagina: sedia Scacchi interamente rivestita in pelle. Un’eleganza senza tempo per una proposta formalmente vicina alla tradizione, in cui la qualità del rivestimento è garantita dalla scelta delle migliori pelli. A destra: sedia Creta con struttura noce c. e rivestimento tessuto sfoderabile. Sedia Creta Due con rivestimento tessuto fondo piega sfoderabile. L’archetipo della seduta dedicata alla zona pranzo, in perfetto equilibrio fra memoria e attualità. 76 880 34 3/4” 410 16 1/4” 450 17 3/4” 410 16 1/4” On the left: Scacchi chair entirely covered with leather. Timeless elegance for a model that resembles tradition in its shape, the quality upholstery of which is guaranteed by the selection of the finest leather. Above: Creta chair with walnut c. structure and removable fabric covering. Creta Due chair with removable fabric slipcover. The archetype chair dedicated to the dining room, perfectly balanced between past and present. 77 design Mario Mazzer NEX, Sedie Nex struttura cromata e scocca rivestita in tessuto. Cucina Alea della collezione Varenna in laccato goffrato bianco, penisola in eco canaletto. La collezione Nex prevede sedute con struttura continua e con quattro gambe, presentate nella pagina successiva. Un’estetica della massima essenzialità per una sedia monoscocca che interpreta uno stile moderno. Nex chairs with chromed metal structure and fabric-covered body. Alea kitchen from the Varenna collection in embossed bianco lacquered, eco-canaletto peninsula. The Nex collection entails chairs with a continuous structure and four legs, shown on the next page. Styling with maximum essential appeal for a monocoque chair which interprets a modern style. 78 79 design Mario Mazzer NEX, S60 S61 740 740 29 291/4” 1/4” 500 500 19 193/4” 3/4” S64 950 950 37 371/2” 1/2” 740 740 29 291/4” 1/4” 535 535 21” 21” 500 500 19 193/4” 3/4” 510 510 20” 20” 505 505 20” 20” 505 505 20” 20” SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: plastico nei colori bianco 01, canapa 35 e grafite 04 disponibile anche rivestita in tessuto, pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... S60-S64 materiale: tubolare di ferro, diametro 16 mm finitura: cromato S61 materiale: tondino di ferro o acciaio, diametro 12 mm finitura: cromato o acciaio inox ............................................................................... SEAT ............................................................................... material: plastic material colours bianco 01, canapa 35 and grafite 04 available also covered in fabric, leather or eco-leather ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... S60-S64 material: iron tubes, diameter 16 mm finishing: chromed S61 material: rod of iron or steel, diameter 12 mm finishing: chromed or stainless steel ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... Sopra: la serie Nex comprende sgabelli con struttura cromata e scocca in materiale plastico nei colori bianco, grafite e canapa. Una collezione completa, in grado di risolvere le soluzioni progettuali della zona giorno, dalla cucina alla zona pranzo. A destra: sedia Nex nelle versioni con struttura continua e con quattro gambe, scocca in materiale plastico. La serie Nex prevede anche la possibilità di rivestimento della scocca di seduta in tessuto o in pelle. On the left: the Nex range includes stools with a chromed structure and plastic body in bianco, grafite and canapa colours. A complete collection, designed to accommodate design requirements for the living room, kitchen or dining room. Above: Nex chair in the version with chromed metal structure and with four chromed tubular legs, plastic body. The Nex range entails the possibility of covering the seat body with fabric or leather. 80 81 design Rodrigo Torres FOLD, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: materiale plastico finitura: bianco o nella versione bicolor con esterno bianco e interno nero ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: ferro finitura: verniciato bianco o laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... SEAT ............................................................................... material: plastic finishing: white or in the two-tone version with white exterior and black interior ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: steel finishing: rod painted white or mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 832 32 3/4” 551 21 3/4” 514 20 1/4” Sopra: sedia Fold con struttura in metallo laccato bianco, scocca in plastica bicolore esterno bianco e interno nero. A destra: la versione completamente bianca. Fold è una seduta ispirata alla ricerca di una nuova geometria: un’estetica dei minimi spessori che associa leggerezza ed originalità nel massimo rigore del bianco e nero. Left: Fold chair with white lacquered metal structure, two-tone plastic seat, white exterior and black interior. Above: the all-white version. Fold is a chair inspired by the pursuit of new geometries: an ultra thin styling that associates light weight and original appeal in the ultimate simplicity of black and white. 82 83 design Carlo Colombo STRIP, Sopra: sedie Strip con base girevole, struttura e scocca in colore bianco. Tavolo Trevi laccato opaco antigraffio bianco. A destra: sedia Strip con base girevole, struttura e scocca in colore nero, cuscino di seduta in tessuto sfoderabile. Left: Strip chairs with swivel base, structure and body in white. Scratch-resistant bianco mat lacquered Trevi table. Above: Strip chair with swivel base, structure and body in black, seat cushion with removable fabric covering. 84 85 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 600 23 1/2” 570 22 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 600 570 22 1/2” 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 570 22 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 23 1/2” 570 22 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 570 22 1/2” 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 570 22 1/2” 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 23 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 570 22 1/2” STRIP, 720 28 1/4” 600 570 23 1/2” 22 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 570 22 1/2” design Carlo Colombo 720 28 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 570 22 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 570 23 1/2” 22 1/2” SEAT ............................................................................... materiale: body in moulded plastic finishing: white or black plastic or non removable covering in leather and eco-leather optional cushion in foamed polyurethane covered in removable fabric, leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... materiale: swivel base in metal with or without castors or in tubular metal finishing: white and black painted or chromed metal ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 720 28 1/4” 570 22 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 600 23 1/2” 570 22 1/2” SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: scocca in plastica stampata finitura: plastica colore bianco e nero o rivestimento non sfoderabile in pelle ed ecopelle cuscino opzionale in poliuretano espanso rivestito in tessuto, pelle e ecopelle sfoderabili ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: base in metallo girevole con o senza rotelle o in tubolare metallico finitura: verniciato bianco e nero o............................................................................... metallo cromato 570 22 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 570 22 1/2” 600 23 1/2” 570 22 1/2” In queste pagine, da sinistra a destra: Strip con base girevole a cinque razze e ruote, cuscino di seduta in tessuto. Due viste della versione con struttura in metallo cromato e scocca in colore bianco e nero. Versione con base girevole nera e scocca in pelle. These pages, from left to right: Strip with five-spoke swivel base and castors, fabric seat cushion. Two views of the version with chromed metal structure and white and black body. Version with black swivel base and leather body. 86 87 design Marcel Wanders VENUS, Sopra: sedie Venus struttura e scocca bianca, con seduta interna rivestita in pelle. A destra: versione nera, con seduta rivestita in pelle. L’essenzialità del design incontra il decor neobarocco, in un’interpretazione di forte originalità della seduta monoscocca. Left: Venus chairs with white structure and body, leather covered inner seat Above: black version, with leather covered seat. Essential design meets neo-Baroque décor, in a highly original interpretation of the monocoque seat. 88 89 design Marcel Wanders VENUS, 775 30 1/2” 595 23 1/2” SEDUTA ............................................................................... esterno seduta materiale: materiale plastico finitura: bianco o nero interno seduta rivestimento: non sfoderabile in pelle ed ecopelle ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: metallo verniciato finitura: bianco o nero ............................................................................... 460 18” 530 20 3/4” SEAT ............................................................................... outer part of the seat material: plastic material finishing: white or black inner part of the seat covering: non removable in leather and eco-leather ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: painted metal finishing: white or black ............................................................................... SEDUTA - SEAT ............................................................... STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... Sopra e a destra: le diverse combinazioni fra bianco e nero diventano un’ulteriore possibilità di caratterizzazione della sedia Venus. La seduta interna con scocca imbottita in pelle è disponibile nei diversi colori della collezione. Left and above: the different combinations of white and black become a further opportunity to customise the Venus chair. The upholstered inner seat with leather covering is available in the several colours and finishings of the collection. 90 91 design Rodrigo Torres ICS, IPSILON, SEDUTA ............................................................................... materiale: legno finitura: rovere naturale, rovere spessart e rovere laccato opaco colori a poro aperto ............................................................................... STRUTTURA ............................................................................... materiale: legno massello finitura: rovere naturale, rovere spessart e rovere laccato opaco colori a poro aperto ............................................................................... poggiapiedi in acciaio inox (solo per sgabello Ics) 660 26” 465 18 1/2” 412 16” 385 15” 440 17 1/2” SEAT ............................................................................... material: wood finishing: natural oak, spessart oak and oak open pore mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... STRUCTURE ............................................................................... material: solid wood finishing: natural oak, spessart oak and oak open pore mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... footrest in stainless steel (only for Ics stool) 660 26” 465 18 1/2” 340 13 1/2” 412 16” SEDUTA E STRUTTURA-SEAT AND STRUCTURE ............................................................... 385 15” 440 17 1/2” 340 13 1/2” Sopra: sgabello Ipsilon rovere naturale, sgabello Ics rovere laccato opaco acqua poro aperto. Mensole a parete Skip laccato opaco nero. A destra: sgabelli Ics e Ipsilon rovere spessart. Una coppia di sgabelli dal design essenziale ispirato ad una geometria semplice, in grado di interpretare ambientazioni e stili differenti grazie all’ampia varietà di colori e finiture. Left: Ipsilon stool in natural oak, Ics stool in open pore acqua mat lacquered oak. Nero mat lacquered Skip wall shelves. Above: Ics and Ipsilon stools in spessart oak. A pair of stools featuring an essential design inspired by simple geometric shapes, capable of interpreting a host of different settings and styles, owing to the wide variety of colours and finishes. 92 93 my life design solutions, PANDORA PAG 96 DESIGN JEAN-MARIE MASSAUD ................................................................................................................... CLASS PAG 102 design Matteo Nunziati ................................................................................................................... AXIA PAG 108 DESIGN PAOLO PIVA ................................................................................................................... FREE PAG 114 design CARLO COLOMBO ................................................................................................................... TEIA PAG 120 design Studio Kairos ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... DAY COLLECTION - COMPLEMENTI GIORNO -SIDEBOARDSi contenitori per la zona giorno: un’ampia varietà di proposte pensate per completare i più diversi stili dell’abitare. LIVING ROOM STORAGE SOLUTIONS: A WIDE VARIETY OF SOLUTIONS DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE THE MOST DIFFERENT LIFESTYLES AND DÉCORS. primary geometries defined by the colour varieties and natural materials. 94 95 design Jean-Marie Massaud PANDORA, In questa pagina: madia Pandora nella versione con tre ante battenti e tre cassetti, finitura rovere spessart, piedini verniciato bronzato. Poltrona Santa Monica con rivestimento tesato in pelle. La serie di madie Pandora, disponibile in cinque configurazioni, è caratterizzata dagli interni laccati nell’eccezionale varietà dei 32 colori della collezione Poliform. This page: Pandora sideboard with three leaf doors and three drawers, spessart oak finish, bronze painted feet. Santa Monica armchair with stretched covering in leather. The sideboard series Pandora is available in five configurations and offers an exceptional customization of finishing with the 32 mat colours of the collection Poliform. 96 97 pandora, In questa pagiona: madie Pandora alta rovere spessart. Sedia Harmony rovere spessart e acciaio inox. Anna rovere spessart e marmo petit granit. A destra: un dettaglio della struttura interna, disponibile nella varietà dei 32 colori laccati Poliform. Left: Pandora high sideboard in spessart oak. Harmony chairs in spessart oak and stainless steel. Anna table in spessart oak and petit granit marble. Above: a detail of the interior, available in a variety of 32 Poliform lacquered colours. 98 99 1300 1300 51 511/4” 1/4” 1300 51 1/4” 514 514 20 201/4” 1/4” 514 0 1/4” 520 20 1/2” 514 20 1/4” 520 20 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 2342 92 1/4” 2342 2342 921/4” 1/4” 92 520 520 20 201/2” 1/2” 520 20 1/2” 1000 1000 39 391/4” 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” 514 20 1/4” 1300 51 1/4” 514 520 520 20 1/4” 20 201/2” 1/2” 1915 1915 75 751/2” 1/2” 2342 520 20 1/2” 92 1/4” 1915 75 1/2” 520 520 20 201/2” 1/2” 520 20 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 520 20 1/2” 1300 51 1/4” 714 28” 714 28” 520 20 1/2” 1915 75 1/2” 2502 98 1/2” 714 28” 23422502 2502 520 1915 921/2” 1/4” 98 981/2” 1/2” 20 1/2” 75 714 714 28” 28” 714 714 51428” 28” 51420 1/4” 20 1/4” 520 520 520 520 2020 1/2” 201/2” 1/2” 20 1/2” 520 20 1/2” 1915 75 1/2” 714 28” 1915 1915 1000 75 751/2” 1/2” 39 1/4” 520 20 1/2” STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... PIEDINI - FEET ............................................................... 520 520 520 201/2” 1/2” 20 1/2”20 1915 75 1/2” 520 20 1/2” 714 28” 714 28” 2502 98 1/2” STRUCTURE - DOORS - DRAWERS ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours and spessart oak ............................................................................... FEET ............................................................................... material: metal finishing: bronze painted ............................................................................... drawer inner structure in spessart oak melamine with profiles in mat lacquered colours 714 28” 714 28” 520 20 1/2” 2502 98 1/2” STRUTTURA - ANTE - CASSETTI ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori e rovere spessart ............................................................................... PIEDINI ............................................................................... materiale: metallo finitura: verniciato bronzato ............................................................................... interno cassetti in nobilitato rovere spessart con profili laccato opaco colori 520 20 1/2” 514 20 1/4” 1915 75 1/2” PANDORA, 520 20 1/2” 514 514 20 201/4” 1/4” 520 20 1/2” design Jean-Marie Massaud 1300 51 1/4” 520 20 1/2” 1915 75 1/2” 520 20 1/2” In questa pagina, da sinistra a destra: madia Pandora con due ante e due cassetti rovere spessart, madia alta con due ante e due cassetti rovere spessart, madia con due ante e tre cassetti laccato opaco muschio. Piedini in metallo verniciato bronzato. This page, from left to right: Pandora sideboard with two doors and two drawers in spessart oak, high sideboard with two doors and two drawers in spessart oak, sideboard with two doors and three drawers in muschio mat lacquer. Feet in bronze painted metal. 100 101 design Matteo Nunziati CLASS, In questa pagina: madia Class in finitura rovere spessart, con piedini in metallo bronzato. Class è una serie di contenitori per la zona giorno che esplora un’estetica ricca di rimandi stilistici e dettagli esclusivi. This page: Class sideboard with spessart oak finish and bronze metal feet. Class is a range of storage units for the living room that explores a styling brimming with stylistic references and exclusive details. 102 103 class, In questa pagina: madia Class in rovere spessart nella versione sospesa a parete. Anta a ribalta e vassoio portaposate con piano e frontale in cuoio: un dettaglio prezioso per un classico abbinamento di materiali. This page: Class sideboard in spessart oak, wall-mounted version. Flap door and cutlery tray with shelf and front in hide: a precious detail for a classic combination of materials. 104 105 design Matteo Nunziati CLASS, STRUTTURA - ANTE ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: rovere spessart ............................................................................... SCHIENALI E RIPIANI VANO A GIORNO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori e rovere spessart ............................................................................... PIEDINI ............................................................................... materiale: metallo finitura: verniciato bronzato ............................................................................... OPZIONALE ............................................................................... cassetto portaposate con piano e frontale rivestito in cuoio caffè 19 ............................................................................... 450 17 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” 450 17 1/2” 450 17 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” 473 18 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” 450 17 1/2” 450 17 1/2” 473 18 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” STRUCTURE - DOORS ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: spessart oak ............................................................................... BACKS AND OPEN COMPARTMENT SHELVES ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours and spessart oak ............................................................................... FEET ............................................................................... material: metal finishing: bronze painted metal ............................................................................... OPTIONAL ............................................................................... cutlery tray with shelf and front in hide colour caffé 19 ............................................................................... 473 18 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” 2300 90 1/2” 450 720 17 1/2” 28 1/4” STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... SCHIENALI E RIPIANI - BACKS AND SHELVES ............................................................... PIEDINI - FEET ............................................................... 1200 47 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 473 18 1/2” 473 18 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 1000 39 1/4” 1200 47 1/4” 450 17 3/4” 1200 47 1/4” 720 28 1/4” 473 18 1/2” 1000 39 1/4” 450 17 3/4” Sopra: madia Class nella versione alta. A destra: la proposta con piedini in metallo bronzato. La serie è disponibile anche con i ripiani e gli schienali dei vani a giorno laccati opachi in 32 colori. Right: Class sideboard in the high version. Above: the model with bronze metal feet. The range is also available with shelves and open compartment back panels lacquered mat in 32 different colours. 106 107 450 17 3/4” design Paolo Piva AXIA, In questa pagina: madia Axia rovere spessart, vani a giorno laccato opaco pioggia, basamento verniciato bronzato. Sgabello Ipsilon rovere laccato opaco fango poro aperto. This page: Axia sideboard in spessart oak, pioggia mat lacquered open storage compartments, painted bronze base. Ipsilon stool in mat lacquered oak with open pore in the colour fango. 108 109 axia, Madia Axia rovere spessart, vani a giorno laccato opaco bianco, basamento laccato opaco acqua. Sedia Ventura struttura metallo e scocca pelle. Tavolo Hector rovere spessart. A destra: dettaglio della maniglia integrata nell’anta battente. Axia sideboard in spessart oak, bianco mat lacquered open storage compartments, acqua mat lacquered base. Ventura chair with metal structure and leather body. Hector table in spessart oak. This page: detail of the handle incorporated into the hinged door. 110 111 design Paolo Piva 1307 51 1/2” 1350 53 1/3” AXIA, 450 17 3/4” 1307 51 1/2” 720 28 1/4” 1350 53 1/3” 450 17 3/4” 2597 102 1/4” 500 19 3/4” STRUTTURA - ANTE ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: rovere spessart e laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... INSERTO A GIORNO ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... BASE ............................................................................... materiale: metallo finitura: verniciato laccato opaco colori o verniciato bronzato ............................................................................... l’inserto a giorno della madia bassa può essere attrezzato con cassettini interni STRUCTURE - DOORS ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: spessart oak and mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... OPEN COMPARTMENT ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... BASE ............................................................................... material: metal finishing: painted metal in mat lacquered colours or bronze colour ............................................................................... the open compartment of the low sideboard can be fitted with inner drawers STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... INSERTO A GIORNO - OPEN COMPARTMENT ............................................................... BASE - BASE ............................................................... 720 28 1/4” 2597 102 1/4” 500 19 3/4” Sopra: madia Axia con ante, vani a giorno e basamento laccato opaco ghiaccio, struttura laccato opaco petrolio. A destra: ante e struttura rovere spessart, vani a giorno laccato opaco canapa, basamento verniciato bronzato. Con la possibilità di cassetti interni opzionali, Axia è caratterizzata dalle ante bifacciali con apertura a 180°. Left: Axia sideboard with doors, open storage compartments and base lacquered in mat ghiaccio, petrolio mat lacquered frame. Above: Axia with doors and structure in spessart oak, open storage compartments in canapa mat lacquered, bronze metal painted base. Axia stands out for the 180° opening two-sided doors and optional internal drawers. 112 113 design Carlo Colombo FREE, In questa pagina: madia Free versione orizzontale con quattro cassetti laccato lucido tortora. Divano Park tessuto sfoderabile. L’assenza di maniglie valorizza la massima essenzialità del disegno, per superfici di colore assoluto. This page: Free sideboard in the low version with four tortora glossy lacquered drawers. Park sofa with removable fabric covering. The absence of handles brings out the value of the high design essentiality for absolute colour surfaces. 114 115 free, In questa pagina: madia Free nella versione alta, finitura laccato opaco alloro. Poltroncine Grace struttura rovere spessart e rivestimento in pelle. A destra: dettaglio del cassetto interno con frontale cuoio. Left: Free sideboard in the alloro mat lacquered high version. Grace armchairs with spessart oak frame and leather covering. Above: detail of the internal drawer with hide front. 116 117 1160 45 3/4” 1090 43” design Carlo Colombo 460 18” FREE, 670 670 26 1/2” 26 1/2” 2420 2204 86 95 3/4”1/4” 670 26 1/2” 540 540 21 1/4” 21 1/4” 1160 45 3/4” 1090 43” 2420 95 1/4” 1160 45 3/4” 460 18” 1090 43” STRUCTURE - DOORS - DRAWERS ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: mat and glossy lacquered colours. ............................................................................... HANDLE PROFILE ............................................................................... finishing: spessart oak, walnut c. and mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... INTERIOR ............................................................................... finishing: mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... Free alta: cassetto interno portaposate estraibile con piano e frontale rivestiti in cuoio Free bassa: portabottiglie per i cassetti inferiori Free high sideboard: inner extractable cutlery tray with hide covered shelf and front. Free low sideboard: bottles rack for lower drawers STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... PROFILI MANIGLIA - HANDLE PROFILE ............................................................... INTERNO - INTERIOR ............................................................... 460 18” 670 26 1/2” 2204 86 3/4” 540 21 1/4” STRUTTURA - ANTE - CASSETTI ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: laccato opaco colori, laccato lucido colori ............................................................................... PROFILI MANIGLIA ............................................................................... finitura: rovere spessart, noce c. e laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... INTERNO ............................................................................... finitura: laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... 670 26 1/2” 540 21 1/4” 2204 86 3/4” 540 21 1/4” In questa pagina, da sinistra a destra: madia Free bassa con quattro cassetti, Free alta con due ante e un cassetto, Free bassa con un’anta e tre cassetti, profili noce c. e facciate laccato opaco fango. This page: from left to right: Free low sideboard with four drawers, Free high sideboard with two doors and one drawer, Free low sideboard with one door and three drawers, walnut c. profiles and fango mat lacquered fronts. 118 119 design Studio Kairos TEIA, In questa pagina: madia Teia con quattro ante battenti, finitura rovere spessart. Una collezione dall’immagine essenziale e dai dettagli ricercati, che comprende un’ampia varietà di proposte. Solidi fondamentali per interpretare, con una visione attuale, il più classico dei contenitori giorno. This page: Teia sideboard with four hinged doors, spessart oak finish. A collection affording a strikingly simple image and sophisticated details, which includes an extensive variety of solutions. Fundamental staple pieces to interpret the most classical of living room storage solutions in a topical way. 120 121 teia, In questa pagina: madia Teia noce c. ante con apertura a 180°. A destra: dettaglio del cassetto interno con frontale in cuoio. La collezione Teia è caratterizzata dai forti spessori delle linee e dall’assenza di maniglie. Left: Teia sideboard in walnut c. with 180° opening doors. Above: internal drawer with hide covered front. The Teia collection interprets an image of absolute essential appeal, underscored by the stocky silhouettes and the absence of any handles. 122 123 teia, Sopra: Teia rovere spessart con ante in vetro fumè. A destra: la versione con vani a giorno e cassetto. Dai vani a giorno ai cassetti, fino alle ante con apertura a 180°: la varietà delle configurazioni delle madie Teia sottolinea l’attenzione che la collezione Poliform rivolge alle abitudini e alle esigenze della vita contemporanea. On the left: sideboard in spessart oak with fumè glass doors. Above: the version with open storage compartments and drawer. From open shelves to drawers, up to leaf doors with 180° opening: Teia sideboard configuration variety highlights Poliform care for contemporary living habits and needs. 124 125 design Studio Kairos TEIA, 570 22 1/2” 570 22 1/2” 2457 96 3/4” 2457 96 3/4” 629 24 3/4” 500 19 3/4” 1550 61” 1089 42 3/4” 1089 42 3/4” STRUTTURA - STRUCTURE ............................................................... 500 19 3/4” 1550 61” 1550 61” 1089 42 3/4” STRUCTURE - DOORS - DRAWERS ............................................................................... material: wood and wood-by products finishing: walnut c., spessart oak and mat lacquered colours ............................................................................... optional: bottles rack for right and/or left side opening optional for the dining room sideboard: inner and pull-out optional cutlery drawer with top and front covered in hide 1000 39 1/4” 850 33 1/2” 1970 77 1/2” STRUTTURA - ANTE - CASSETTI ............................................................................... materiale: legno e derivati finitura: noce c., rovere spessart e laccato opaco colori ............................................................................... optional: elemento portabottiglie per vani laterali dx e sx optional madia pranzo: cassetto interno portaposate estraibile con piano e frontale rivestiti in cuoio 500 19 3/4” 1089 42 3/4” In questa pagina, da sinistra a destra: madia Teia con 2 ante battenti, un cassetto e vano a giorno finitura rovere spessart, madia alta con 2 ante battenti e un cassetto finitura rovere spessart, madia con 2 ante battenti con apertura a 180° e 3 cassetti finitura noce c. This page, from left to right: Teia sideboard with 2 hinged doors, one drawer and one open compartment in spessart oak finish, tall sideboard with 2 hinged doors and one drawer in spessart oak finish, sideboard with 2 hinged doors opening at 180° and 3 drawers in walnut c. finish. 126 127 day collection, TABLES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS - TAVOLI, SEDIE, MADIE -FINISHINGSLA VARIETà DELLE FINITURE: UNA GAMMA CHE SI RINNOVA CONTINUAMENTE, esplorando LE DIFFERENTI ISPIRAZIONI DEGLI stili della contemporaneità. The aesthetic variety of the FINISHINGS: A range THAT IS PERIODICALLY RENEWED TO explore contemporary styles, with different inspirations. freedom in the choice of definition of the surfaces: an offer that expresses the variety of the collection. 128 129 finiture, finishings finiture, finishings La libertà di definire le superfici attraverso un’ampia scelta di finiture. 4 essenze che interpretano la varietà stilistica del legno. Le 32 tinte della collezione sono previste per la finitura laccata opaca, per il rovere laccato opaco a poro aperto. 16 tinte per il laccato lucido. 3 marmi levigati, 4 lucidi e 2 vetri. INTERNO CASSETTI / DRAWERS STRUCTURE The wide choice of finishings enables creating always different surfaces. 4 wood types to discover the variety of styles of the wood finishings. The 32 colour shades of the collection are available in mat finishing and in mat lacquered oak with open pore. 16 colours are available in the glossy finishing. 3 marbles in mat finishing, 4 in glossy finishing and 2 glasses. VETRO / GLASS NOBILITATO ROVERE SPESSART SPESSART OAK MELAMINE LACCATO OPACO E LUCIDO / MAT AND GLOSSY LACQUERED solo laccato opaco / only mat lacquered 01 BIANCO 42 PANNA 35 CANAPA 64 ARENA 26 CORDA 46 TORTORA 48 VISONE 49 MOKA 61 QUARZO 62 CRETA 63 FANGO 03 NERO 09 PIOGGIA 78 FERRO 3850 ACIDATO FUMÉ ETCHED FUMÉ ROVERE SPESSART SPESSART OAK ROVERE LACCATO OPACO A PORO APERTO 32 COLORI OAK OPEN PORE 32 MAT LACQUERED COLOURS CALACATTA ORO EMPERADOR DARK 73 PAPAVERO CALACATTA ORO EMPERADOR DARK PETIT GRANIT ESSENZE / WOODS ROVERE NATURALE NATURAL OAK 60 GHIACCIO 3050 FUMÉ FUMÉ NOCE C. WALNUT C. 04 GRAFITE MARMO LEVIGATO / MAT MARBLE 65 ZOLFO 71 ZUCCA 74 ACQUA 69 PETROLIO 50 PRATO 66 ALLORO 75 SMERALDO 67 MUSCHIO BIANCO CARRARA MARMO LUCIDO / GLOSSY MARBLE 68 AVIO 18 BLU POLVERE 76 ELETTRICO 70 PRUSSIA 73 PAPAVERO 72 CILIEGIA 39 SIENA 14 MELANZANA 130 BIANCO CARRARA 131 rivestimenti, coverings Una collezione in continuo ampliamento: la varietà dei rivestimenti riflette le eccezionali possibilità di declinazione stilistica delle proposte Poliform. Dai tessuti alla pelle, dall’ecopelle al cuoio, la naturalezza è la qualità che accomuna tutti i diversi materiali. rivestimenti, coverings A collection that becomes always wider: the exceptional variety of the materials reflects the styling variation of the Poliform collections. Fabric and leather, eco-leather and hide, all natural materials in the name of the quality which unites them. TESSUTI / FABRICS ECOPELLE / ECO-LEATHER ASPEN CAT. C 12 COLORI/COLOURS ATLANTA CAT. B 12 COLORI/COLOURS BERLINO CAT. C 7 COLORI/COLOURS BILBAO CAT. D 8 COLORI/COLOURS NAIROBI ECOPELLE CAT. C 10 COLORI/COLOURS MALINDI ECOPELLE CAT. D 10 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE / LEATHER CANCUN CAT. B 12 COLORI/COLOURS KYOTO CAT. D 9 COLORI/COLOURS LUNA CAT. D 10 COLORI/COLOURS COLUMBIA CAT. E 12 COLORI/COLOURS LAPPONIA CAT. E 21 COLORI/COLOURS LUXOR CAT. E 18 COLORI/COLOURS DRESDA CAT. D 9 COLORI/COLOURS LIMA CAT. C 11 COLORI/COLOURS MADRID CAT. D 7 COLORI/COLOURS KIEV CAT. D 7 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE CAT. P 12 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE COLORS CAT. S 25 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE SUPER CAT. S 7 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE INVECCHIATA CAT. Y 9 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE VINTAGE CAT. S 5 COLORI/COLOURS PELLE NABUK CAT. Y 5 COLORI/COLOURS LONDON CAT. C 13 COLORI/COLOURS MARSIGLIA CAT. B 14 COLORI/COLOURS CUOIO / HIDE MELBOURNE CAT. E 8 COLORI/COLOURS MIKONOS CAT. E 9 COLORI/COLOURS NATURLINO CAT. C 14 COLORI/COLOURS NEPAL CAT. B 9 COLORI/COLOURS OSLO 2 CAT. D 11 COLORI/COLOURS PARIS CAT. E 8 COLORI/COLOURS PORTO CAT. B 15 COLORI/COLOURS PRAGA CAT. E 9 COLORI/COLOURS REIMS CAT. E 11 COLORI/COLOURS SAVANA CAT. E 10 COLORI/COLOURS SINGAPORE CAT. E 9 COLORI/COLOURS SIVIGLIA CAT. C 14 COLORI/COLOURS SONORA CAT. D 14 COLORI/COLOURS TOLEDO CAT. D 9 COLORI/COLOURS VANCOUVER CAT. D 9 COLORI/COLOURS VIENNA CAT. C 7 COLORI/COLOURS CUOIO 7 COLORI/COLOURS WEST CAT. D 10 COLORI/COLOURS 132 133 PELLE SPECIAL CAT. X 21 COLORI/COLOURS Poliform si riserva il diritto di apportare, senza preavviso, ogni modifica mirata al miglioramento funzionale e qualitativo dei propri prodotti. Testi e disegni presenti in questo stampato hanno scopo divulgativo: per ogni aspetto tecnico e dimensionale fare riferimento ai listini aziendali e relativi aggiornamenti. I campioni di colori e materiali hanno valore indicativo. Poliform reserves the rights at all time to apply modifications for the functional or qualitative improvement of its products. Texts and drawings present in this brochure have a divulgative purpose: for every technical and dimensional aspect please refer to the company’s price lists and their relative updatings. The colour and material samples have an indicative value. ART DIRECTION: PAOLO MOJOLI PHOTO: FEDERICO CEDRONE EZIO PRANDINI GIONATA XERRA F2 FOTOGRAFIA STYLING: UFFICIO STILE POLIFORM PATRIZIA CANTARELLA RAVAIOLI SILENZI STUDIO CANDIDA ZANELLI 1 ° E DI ZI O NE FEBBRAIO 2014 CO D. 7 1 /R1 / 2014 THANKS TO: ALESSI A.G. SPALDING&BROSS ALTA FEDELTA’ DI MERATE PER REGA ALTAI ANTIQUE MIRROR BRIONVEGA CC-TAPIS DANESE MILANO DAN YEFFET AND LUCIA KOLDOVA PER BROKIS ETT LA BENN GALERIE GOSSEREZ G. LORENZI GOLRAN I+I KALMAR KASTHALL OPERE D’ARTE DI “NO GALLERY” PAOLA C SANDRINI GIARDINI SANTA&COLE SFERA SPAZIO PONTACCIO HEADQUARTERS: POLIFORM SPA VIA MONTESANTO 28 CASELLA POSTALE N. 1 22044 INVERIGO (CO) ITALY TEL +39/0316951 FAX +39/031699444 [email protected] WWW.POLIFORM.IT KITCHEN DIVISION: VARENNA CUCINE VIA DEGLI ARTIGIANI 51 CASELLA POSTALE N. 55 22040 LURAGO D’ERBA (CO) ITALY TEL +39/031695401 FAX +39/031695444 [email protected] WWW.POLIFORM.IT 134 CONTRACT DIVISION: POLIFORM CONTRACT VIA TRENTO 2, ANG. VIA MAGNI CASELLA POSTALE N.1 22044 INVERIGO (CO) ITALY TEL +39/031695601 FAX +39/031695354 [email protected] WWW.POLIFORM.IT COMMUNICATION CENTER: POLIFORM LAB VIA TRENTO 2, ANG. VIA MAGNI CASELLA POSTALE N. 1 22044 INVERIGO (CO) ITALY TEL +39/031695701 FAX +39/031695744 [email protected] WWW.POLIFORM.IT 135
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