CORE Dissemination Report Attivitá di disseminazione progetto CORE dal 01.11.2011 al 31.10.2014 Type of Event Name Date Target group and approx. number of people targeted Brief Description Location and geographical scope/website 2011_2012 Web site Da nov. 2011 a ott 2014 Nov 2011 1.000 CORE corner Egna Staff meeting ( dal 01.04.2014) Collegio Docenti 80 Project Presentatio Egna Staff meeting Staff meeting Collegio Docenti Clil group 14.12.11 29.02.12 80 08 Egna Predazzo @bassacore educators, parents Description of the project Teaching staff meeting about CORE project + website Twitter channel about CORE teachers, parents, Wiki about Core Project National level 4 15 teachers Project aims/ Course design Report of second meeting Karmoy (NO) Egna IC Bassa Atesina 10 teachers Report of second meeting + teacher training course school Predazzo Twitter Staff meeting staff meeting Inspector L2, Head “Coordinamento di plesso” May 2012Oct 2014 May 2012 Oct 2014 11.04.12 16.05.12 Staff meeting Language department/ 20.05.12 Wikispace National level CORE Dissemination Report 2012_2013 Contact with University Teacher Develop. Course Newspaper Conference Staff meeting Staff meeting Public event/exhibition Università Studi G. Marconi Roma “Attrativitá e ragione” September 2012 Teacher trainers 15 Teachers, heads Alto Adige 11-12. Nov 2012 Nov 2012 My Europe 19.11.2012 Collegio Docenti May 2013 30 Headteachers, teachers, schools 90 CLIL Department Campus delle Lingue June 2013 10th May 2013 20 Parents, educators, media Diff. regionale Exchange of information Emails, leaflet CLIL and course dissemination workshop article Bolzano/Trento (district level) TAA CORE Project and course (workshop) Update about the project and course in Lithuania Case Study involvement CORE films; Core project Eurac (Bolzano) IC Bassa Atesina IC Bassa Atesina Bolzano 2013_2014 Conference Teacher Develop. Course School Pedagogical Day Teacher Development Course Department meeting “Parliamo di CLIL” 03.09.2013 70 Teachers, heads CLIL and course dissemination workshop Bolzano Giornata Pedagogica 04.09.2013 80 teachers/ HeadT Film workshop Merano Berufsbildungsjahr (1. treffen) October 2013 15 L2 (German) teachers Workshop with films “Problem Solving and Autumn Fruit” Bolzano CORE follow-up meeting 23.10.2013 15 teachers Feedback about 5th meeting Egna CORE Dissemination Report October 2013 November 2013 11.11.2013 District level Article about 5Th CORE meeting Bolzano province 2000 people Article about 5Th CORE meeting Bassa Atesina 100 teachers/head Laives Treffen mit L2LP im Berufsbildungsjahr Giornata Pedagogica 15.11.2013 15 teachers 20.11.2013 50 teachers “Il talento perduto” 10.11.2013 10 Teachers Know thy CLIL (1) Nov. 2013 10 Teachers Meeting (AUT_IT_CH_DE) 26.11.2013 Erasmus+ meeting Erasmus for all meeting 19.02.2014 School Pedagogical Day Staff meeting Giornata Pedagogica 19.03.2014 25 teachers, heads, teacher trainers 80 teachers/head/adm. staff 100 teachers/head Collegio Docenti April 2014 90 CLIL Department Giornata Pedagogica June 2014 21.03.2014 20 100 teachers/head Know thy CLIL (2) 06.05.2014 10 Teachers Teacher Development Course “CLIL” Conference “Sprachsensibler Unterricht und CLIL“ Oct14_May 15 20.10.2014 Teachers secondary school - 10 40 teachers Film workshop (Problem solving and Drama in English) Film workshop (Problem solving and Autumn Fruit) Film workshop (Problem solving and Autumn Fruit) CLIL and course dissemination workshop CLIL and course dissemination workshop Core Project presentation (poster session) “nd CORE Course leaflet distribution Film workshop (Problem solving and Drama in English) Update about the project andcourse in Lithuania Case Study involvement Film workshop (Problem solving and Autumn Fruit) CLIL and course dissemination workshop In-service course for group of teacher of secondary school Workshop “CLIL… in action” Local Newspaper Alto Adige Local Newspaper Salurner Klause article School Pedagogical Day Teacher Develop. Course School Pedagogical Day Teacher Develop. Course Teacher Develop. Course ETwinning Staff meeting School Pedagogical Day Teacher Develop. Course Teacher Develop. Course Conference Workshop Giornata Pedagogica Bolzano Bolzano Bolzano/Trento (district level) Trento (district level) Österreich (Feldkirch AUT) University Bolzano Bolzano IC Bassa Atesina IC Bassa Atesina Laives Trento (district level) District of Bolzano Bolzano Inoltre sono stati pubblicati articoli su varie testate/riviste a livello provinciale (Trento) dal partner IC Predazzo_Tesero_Panchià_Ziano ( Didascalie, Adige, AA ed. Trento)
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