Il 25 marzo, a Roma, con il Commissioner Office of

Con il Patrocinio del Senato della Repubblica e della Camera dei deputati
Guest speaker:
Dr. Joseph Bruno
Commissioner at the Office of Emergency Management of New York City
Rome, March 25th 2014 - 9:30 a.m.
Sala dei Gruppi Parlamentari
Granting Security is fundamental everywhere, but there are cities in which a crisis can provoke damages at
a systemic level and that therefore need to be protected as critical infrastructures. The aim of the
meeting is to facilitate the discussion on the opportunity to exploit public and private interaction at its
finest in those cities, as a tool to prevent and manage critical events.
The presentation of the model adopted by the Office of Emergency Management of New York City by Dr.
Joseph Bruno will encourage the debate of the round table thanks to his representation of the coordination
gained through the rationalization of the private sector into approximately 20 categories having full
representation within the Crisis Room of New York City.
As it is widely renowned, in fact, organizing prevention, making tests on the territory that involve the private
sector and coordinating companies on the behaviors to be kept in case of a crisis are fundamental activities
to grant Security to the citizenship and to territorial infrastructures.
This first event has the objective to activate a joint discussion between public and private sectors in order to
explore the possibility of adopting a similar partnership model in the main Italian cities.
Sen. Giacomo Stucchi, Presidente COPASIR;
Sen. Giuseppe Marinello, Presidente Comm. Territorio, Ambiente e Beni Ambientali del Senato;
On. Edmondo Cirielli, Segretario dell’Ufficio di Presidenza della Camera dei deputati;
Rossella Matarazzo, Vice Capo di Gabinetto con delega alla Sicurezza del Comune di Roma;
Fabrizio Curcio, Direttore Ufficio Gestione Emergenze Dip. Protezione Civile Nazionale;
Domenico Giani, Ispettore Gen. del Corpo della Gendarmeria dello Stato della Città del Vaticano;
Domenico Vulpiani, Coordinatore Centro Elaborazione Dati Ministero dell’Interno;
Pierluigi Pelargonio, Resp. Vigilanza e Security di ATAC S.p.A.;
Tommaso Profeta, Responsabile Security di Finmeccanica S.p.A.;
Umberto Saccone, Corporate Security Officer di ENI S.p.A;
Damiano Toselli, Corporate Security Officer di Telecom Italia S.p.A.
Gianna Detoni, Presidente HI CARE; Franco Bettoni, Presidente ANMIL;
Giuseppe Fausto Milillo, Presidente Fondazione Italiana per la Legalità e lo Sviluppo;
Umberto Saccone, Presidente Ass. Professionale AIAS Security & Safety;
Coordinator Maria Giovannone, Amministratore Delegato ANMIL Sicurezza.
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