ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 Sepia officinalis restocking project Data Maggio 2014 Documento WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 Autori Dott. Thomas Galvan Dott. Raoul Lazzarini Verificato Dott.ssa Roberta Rocco Approvato Dott. Alessandro Vendramini Versione 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mollusks are an important resource for Italian fishing and, in recent years, this industry showed positive changes with the involvement of fishermen in the management of bivalve mollusks consortia (Co.Ge.Vo) and with excellent results in mussel and clam farming. The choice of the species Sepia Officinalis for the restocking activity is due to its importance for Italian fishing and to the availability of scientific knowledge resulting from recent similar activities. The aim of the research is to: 1. increase the availability of the resource through restocking 2. use the experience of the fishermen making them the protagonists of the activities 3. create a positive image of the fishermen with facts Cuttlefish is suitable for this experimentation because of its life cycle and the relative ease of eggs and juveniles retrieval for this species. The North Adriatic sea is a particularly suitable habitat for both juveniles and adults of cuttlefish, the images below shows their distribution along North Adriatic coasts, particularly for juveniles density. In this area cuttlefish fishing is made by bottom trawls or static gears, mainly in spring. In some areas this fishery accounts for 80 percent of the total catch of trawling within the coast. Maximum distribution areal of cuttlefish (Source: Piccinetti et al., 2012) ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 2 Distribution areal of cuttlefish juveniles (Source: Piccinetti et al., 2012) Official ISTAT data and statistics of some representative markets of northern Adriatic sea (Chioggia, Caorle, Goro and Venezia) show significant fluctuation between the years in the production of cuttlefish with a negative trend over the last 30 years. MIT Chioggia - conferimento seppieproduction nel periodo1980-2012 1980-2012 Chioggia ichthyic market – cuttlefish 2.500 tonnellate tons 2.000 1.500 1.000 R² = 0,4562 500 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 anno year ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 3 Workers in artisanal fisheries (about 40 fishermen) complain losses on cuttlefish production and express the need to carry out for farming systems and restocking actions. Fishermen know the importance of sustainable fisheries and that fishing activities must be carried out in an environmentally way. The aim of this experimental activity is to lay the groundwork for innovative forms of management of Sepia officinalis that contribute to the increase of local production of this species and to the revamp of artisanal fisheries in Venice lagoon and in the neighborhood. The results of the initiatives undertaken for the project will be monitored both in biological aspect and in managing one. Cuttlefish spawning occur at the end of its life therefore fishing with traps is not impacting on population. Otherwise eggs are largely damaged during the cleaning operation of nets. In this project the possibility of maintaining the population through protection and recovery of eggs has been evaluated, cuttlefish lay eggs on hard surface whether they are natural or artificial. Eggs, largely lay on traps, are exposed to a high risk of loss mostly for cleaning operation made by fishermen. ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 4 Traps with cuttlefish and cuttlefish eggs AIMS OF THE RESTOCKING ACTIVITY The general purpose of the project have to be considered in order to an eco-friendly management of coastal areas, with the promotion of small-scale coastal fishing, mariculture and aquaculture activities with a policy of sustainable use and safeguard of resource. The specific goals of the experimentation are: The recovery of cuttlefish eggs laied on fishing gear to pledge eggs hatch and reduce mortality causes; The storage of eggs in safe environment, in the lagoon or in the sea to promote the hatching; Restocking with young cuttlefish obtained in safe environment; The improvement of cuttlefish production in lagoon with the outlook to develop an alternative to trawilng; Support the restocking of Sepia officinalis in Venice lagoon since it is recording a gradual reduction of the resource in recent years. STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF THE RESTOCKING ACTIVITY In a context of fisheries general crisis, particularly concerning coastal and lagoon fisheries, is fundamental to look for new management forms of fishery resources, including raising awareness of the operators directly. This project lays the groundwork to implement new forms of management on cuttlefish that is a resource with high demand on markets and with consolidated scientific foundations coming from successes in controlled breeding processes. IMPLEMENTATION AREAS The experimental restocking activity on Sepia officinalis will be carried out for the most part in the marine context, particularly along the coastal stretch between Jesolo and Chioggia. Along the coast in front of the Venice lagoon will be placed static gear (traps and big traps) until spawning. Authorized areas for commercial fishing and the macro-zones identified to carry out the test are shown in the figure below. ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 5 Location areas for large fyke nets (sx) and traps (dx) along coast in front of Venice lagoon With proceeding of the fishing season most of the gears with the eggs will be stored in secure marine areas (within the lunate, along the breakwaters, etc.) waiting for their hatching. A smaller fraction will be stored in the lagoon to support the restocking of inland waters with juvenile cuttlefish. Particularly it will be chosen areas with the presence of large seagrass beds, which are an ideal habitat for the deposition and the development of cuttlefish eggs, as well as the growth of youth. ACTIVITIES FULFILLMENT PERIOD The activities of experimental restocking of Sepia officinalis will be carried out from March to July 2015 during the fishing season of cuttlefish with static gears. ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 6 Particularly, experimentation with large fyke nets or reoni will be carried out between March and May 2015, while the experiment section with traps will be implemented from April to July 2015. ACTIVITIES PLAN AND GENERAL ECONOMIC PLAN Restocking involves two separate tasks dealing respectively cuttlefish and scallops. The economic division of the available funds for restocking activities WP4 is shown in the following table. Type Equipment Services Restocking activity n. 1 Cuttlefish restocking 65,0% 55,0% Restocking activity n. 2 Great Mediterranean scallop restocking 35,0% 45,0% Percentage distribution of the budget between the two restocking activities provided in Veneto (WP4) In range of the activity n.1 – cuttlefish restocking - equipment and services will be broken down as shown in the following table. Percentage allocation of investment in equipment and services for “Restocking activity n. 1 – Cuttlefish restocking” % of n. of fishery n. of fishery n. of pots n. of nets Coast/boundary incidence of operators/business operators/business to use to use the project involved involved Cavallino – 20,0% 300 1 1 1 Treporti Lido of Venice 600 2 1 1 60,0% Pellestrina 600 2 1 1 Chioggia 20,0% 300 1 0 0 Tot 100,0% 1.800 6 3 3 Activity n. 1 – cuttlefish restocking: breakdown of equipment and services ECOSEA project WP 4.2 - Restocking Activity n. 1 - Sepia officinalis restocking project 7 PRINCIPAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Arkley K., Jacklin M.S., Boulter M., Tower J., 1996. The cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): A guide to its exploitation in UK waters. The Sea Fish Industry Authority. Seafish Technology. Seafish Report N. SR467. Bettencourt V., 2000. Idade e crescimento do choco, Sepia officinalis L. Ph D Thesis, Univ. Algave, Portugal: 196 pp. Bettencourt V., Guerra A., 2001. 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