Issue #110: June 6, 2014! General Information In This Issue: "" "" "" " "" After school club presentations • General Information After school club displays Thanks from Genitori Attenti Manchester United Soccer Schools Library closure reminder Parents are reminded that after-school activities will finish on Friday 13 June 2014. Private lessons will continue as per agreements with the specific teachers. Families are invited to attend the club displays taking place in the next weeks:! " Monday 9 June: Football, English for Fun, Drama (Mr Crase) -16.30" • Elementary News RIS students audition for IB conference Gr 6 exams next week Tuesday 10 June: Rugby - 16.30" Wednesday 11 June: Self- defense, Basketball, Art - 16.30" "" Thursday 12 June: Cooking club, Football, Ballet - 16.00 " Friday 13 June: Athletics, Self defense - 16.30 " • Middle/High School Gr 9 Terza Media schedule Tuesday 17 June: Piano (piccoli) - 15.30; Piano (grandi) - 16.00; Drama (Ms Gr 7 & 8 drama performance! Secondary barbecue Cavalleri) - 17.00" "" " Thursday 19 June: Guitar and Drums - 16.00 • Lunch Menu 9 - 13 June Thank you from Genitori Attenti We are pleased to share the following extract from a letter of thanks sent by the President of Genitori Attenti. The association is one of the school’s charity partners for this year and part of the funds raised from the May Fair were donated to this organisation. " " ! New photo line ! albums on " 14;" May Fair 20 eremony" raduation C Grade 13 G a rn te in e m ro news " “La generosità della Vostra Scuola darà sicuramente un prezioso supporto al nostro operato. La nostra è un' Associazione di promozione sociale rivolta ai genitori per aiutarli a crescere i propri figli, riducendo al minimo il rischio che essi sviluppino diverse condizioni di abuso o dipendenza. Dal Maggio del 2013 la Genitori Attenti! ha istituito una sezione locale in ogni regione italiana per cercare di raggiungere il maggior numero di persone in grado di fare tesoro degli strumenti di prevenzione che promuoviamo. ! In Lazio, la dott.ssa Laura Lauzzana, nostro referente Regionale, si è adoperata per conto dell'Associazione nell'attivazione di importanti eventi ( organizzazione di un Convegno nazionale e del Consiglio Direttivo dell'associazione) nonché nell'attivazione del progetto di prevenzione denominato Progetto Pinocchio. ! Il protocollo di questo progetto contiene tre importanti novità. La prima riguarda l’abbassamento dell’età degli interventi, che iniziano già dalla V elementare. La seconda riguarda la messa a punto di strategie finalizzate a coinvolgere il più possibile i genitori. La terza riguarda infine la decisione di affrontare alcune problematiche specificamente «moderne», in particolare quelle legate all’assunzione degli energy drink e, dal 2012, la nostra ricerca si è estesa alle dipendenze tecnologiche: videogiochi, internet, cellulare...! La terremo senz'altro informata rispetto alle nostre attività nazionali. Nel ringraziarla per l'aiuto ricevuto sono a porgere i miei più cordiali saluti.”! " Prof. Luigi Gallimberti, Presidente Page 1 General Information Library closure & return of resources "" "" " Due to the approaching move, both libraries will close from Tuesday 10 June 2014 onwards. Please ensure that all borrowed resources are returned by this date." " Please note that a minimum library service will be" offered until the end of the academic year." What’s on in Rome " Manchester United Soccer Schools As communicated to families earlier this week, we are pleased to share a fantastic offer valid for RIS students for the Manchester United Soccer Schools taking place this summer in various cities in Italy. " " Per gli studenti della Rome International School è previsto uno sconto del 10% sull'iscrizione delle Soccer Schools del Manchester United.! " Per effettuare l'iscrizione:" - collegarsi al sito " - Selezionare la settimana di camp desiderata" - Inserire il codice sconto “RIS” nell' apposito campo per ottenere lo sconto" - Preparare la borsa!" " Per ulteriori Informazioni" " +39 06.97600342" +39 393.3270621 " Concerto di Solidarietà organised by the non-profit organisation, Vises on Friday 13 June 2014. Page 2 Elementary School " Idoneità scuola primaria Summer concerts "" "" "" A reminder that the Transition P summer concert is taking place next Friday 13 June at 09.30 in the first floor lunchroom!" Yearbook Cover Competition Students created some amazing and imaginative designs for this year's yearbook cover competition, based on the theme of celebrating 25 years of RIS. With close to 100 works of art to look through, it was a very enjoyable but difficult decision for our judges to make!" Monday 9 June & Tuesday 10 June! 09.00 - 13.00 ! Leonardo Da Vinci School, Ciampino ! " Please note that there will be a bus provided by the school which will depart at 07.30 sharp and return students back to school at the end of the exams. RIS students audition for IB conference A group of children participated in the auditions for the IB Regional Conference taking place for the first time in Rome in October 2014. We had a fun day and met children from other international schools in Italy. I am very proud of our participants who showed great talent, courage and enthusiasm. Our participation in the conference will be communicated by the end of next week. Well done Carlotta 3P, Emilija 5C, Orlando 3P, Giorgio Maria 3Y and Maria 6B." " - Mrs Maria Palma Doriano " The judges are very pleased to announce that congratulations go to this years' competition winner, Ludovica from Grade 5M. Congratulations also to our creative runners up, Olga G5M and Luisa G5C. Look out on the display boards to see some of the judges' top picks and a big “Thank You” to all the artists who entered the competition, you all did a fantastic job. Grade 3 residential trip Students enjoyed three days in La Tuscia Romana. They visited the necropolis in Cervetri, the ‘Dying City’ in Civita di Bagnoregio and the monster park in Bomarzio. The children had great fun and enjoyed one of the most beautiful areas of Italy." Page 3 Middle & High School" Shrek is coming to town! "" "" "" " Actually, three Shreks, Three Fionas, and three Donkeys. Meet them and many other characters, including Princess Jasmine, Mulan, the cast of Grease, Oliver and Robin Hood and his Merry men!" It may sound confusing at the moment but by 24 June at 16.00, Grades 7 and 8 will be ready to knock your socks off! See you at Teatro Euclide at 16.00 for their end of year production of Shrek." " Terza Media exam schedule Please find the Terza Media Examination schedule and important information below:! " Saturday 14 June ! ! Italian " " " 4 hours ! Tuesday 17 June! ! Mathematics" " 3 hours! Wednesday 18 June ! ! English"" " 3 hours" Thursday 19 June" " Invalsi" " " 2 exam papers, 1hr15 " " " " " " " " mins each" All exams start at 08:30 unless otherwise stated. Please note that the dates are subject to change at the discretion of the examination centre, we will keep you updated should any additional changes arise. Please note that oral exams end on 28 June. " " Please note that on the mornings of 14-18 June there will be a bus provided by RIS that will depart at 07:00 as the exams on these days start at 08.30. On Thursday 19 June, the bus will depart at 08.00 as the exam on this day commences at 09.30. Please ensure your son or daughter arrives in good time each morning. The bus will be available at the end of each exam to return the students to RIS. There is also an option to travel independently should this be more convenient for you. - Ms Chapman Secondary school barbecue A reminder that the Middle and High School Barbecue will be held in the school grounds on Monday 16 June, from 18.00 to 20.00.! " Please note that this will also be an opportunity to meet the incoming Principal of the Middle/High School, Mr Anthony Allard and the new IB Diploma Programme Coordinator, Mrs Lisa Blair, both of whom will be joining us for the 2014/2015 academic year. " " We would be very grateful if you could confirm your participation by e-mail ([email protected]) no later than Thursday 12 June. Please note that we do ask for a small contribution of five euros towards the evening. Tickets, necessary for entry, can be purchased at the school office, by 12 June." Page 4 LUNCH MENU 9 - 13 June ! Early Years! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pasta conchigliette fredde Pasta tubetti with tuna Minestrone with barley Rice with tomatoes and basil Pasta chifferi with zucchini Chicken and potato polpette Cod nuggets (ovenbaked) Beef cutlet Omelette with spinach Carrot salad Steamed green beans Roast potatoes Braised peas Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Seasonal fruit Ice cream Fruit juice Seasonal fruit Banana Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pasta conchiglie fredde Spaghetti with tuna Minestrone with barley Rice with tomatoes and basil Pasta chifferi with zucchini Chicken and potato polpette Cod nuggets (ovenbaked) Beef cutlet Omelette with spinach Carrot salad Steamed green beans Roast potatoes Braised peas Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Seasonal fruit Ice cream Fruit juice Seasonal fruit Banana Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pasta conchiglie fredde Spaghetti with tuna and olives Minestrone with barley Rice with tomatoes and basil Pasta sedani with zucchini Chicken and potato medallions Cod au gratin Roast beef cutlet Omelette with cheese and spinach Caprese Mixed salad Steamed green beans Roast potatoes Braised peas Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Seasonal fruit Ice cream Fruit juice Seasonal fruit Banana " Mozzarella and tomato bites Elementary / Middle School ! " Mozzarella and tomato bites High School ! " Page 5
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