Company Profile COMPANY Auditing company * ISIN A2A PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. BLOOMBERG A2A IM REUTERS A2A.MI Via Lamarmora 230 25124 Brescia The A2A Group, first Italian local utility company for revenues and margins and second independent electrical operator for installed capacity and sales volumes, is present primarily in Northern Italy during all stages of both the electrical energy production chain, from production to distribution and sales, and the gas production chain, from purchasing to supplying the end user. In particular, a generation capacity of 9.4 GW is guaranteed by 7.5 GW of thermoelectrical assets, characterized by an efficient production mix, and approximately 1.9 GW of hydroelectrical assets. A2A also holds a leadership role in district heating, with a capacity of around 1200 MWt and a distribution network of about 970 km, and in environmental services, with about 2.5 million tonnes of treated waste, more than 1.2 of which is used to produce electricity and heat. Finally, the group operates in the electricity and gas distribution as well as in the integrated water cycle. The number of customers served is approximately 1 million units in the electricity sector, approximately 1.1 million units in the gas sector and approximately 0.3 million units in the integrated water cycle. At international level A2A mainly operates in Montenegro through its subsidiary EPCG, active in electricity production, distribution and sale. BOARD MEMBERS C.C.I.(1) C.R.(2) C.N.(3) Executive Non executive Independent CORPORATE GOVERNANCE * (CG) Giovanni Valotti OTHER INFORMATION RELATING GOVERNANCE List based voting system (BoD / MB) Chairman Giovanni Comboni Quorum for minority shareholders Vice-Chairman Luca Camerano Record Date Chief Executive Officer Antonio Bonomo Board member Stefano Cao Industry UTILITIES Investor relations * Tel.: 030/35531 Fax: 030/3553204 http:\\ IT0001233417 Renata Bonfiglio E-mail:[email protected] Tel.:+39 02 77203974 - Fax:+39 02 77203375 Super sector UTILITIES Market Segment MTA KEY FIGURES * €m Total Sales Ebitda Ebitda margin Ebit Ebit Margin Ebt Ebt margin Net Result E-Margin Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 5,604.00 6,480.00 1,133.00 1,068.00 20.22% 16.48% 257.00 501.00 4.59% 7.73% 126.00 366.00 2.25% 5.65% 62.00 260.00 1.11% 4.01% Var % '13 vs '12 -13.52% 6.09% Net Financial Debt / (Cash) Net Equity Capital Employed Annual Results 31/12/13 31/12/12 3,874.00 4,372.00 3,348.00 3,697.00 7,222.00 8,069.00 Var % '13 vs '12 -11.39% -9.44% -10.50% 1.0% Annual Results 31/12/11 0.01 0.00 15.07% -48.70% 4.86% -65.57% 0.59% -76.15% -6.90% Annual Results 31/12/11 0.00 0.01 Source: company data. The year-end closing is at December, 31. Values are expressed in Million Euro. Board member Michaela Castelli Board member SHARE ANALYSIS Elisabetta Ceretti Board member Mario Cocchi Number of shares outstanding Ordinary Nominal value (€) Board member Luigi De Paoli Board member Fausto Di Mezza Last Divid. (€) 0.033 Board member Stefano Pareglio Ordinary Board member Quantity 3,132,905,277 3,132,905,277 Capitalis. (€ m) 2,834.03 2,834.03 0.52 Detach Date 23/06/2014 Secondina Giulia Ravera Board member (1): Internal Control Committee (2): Compensation Committee (3): Nomination Committee (CG) Corporate Governance: Traditional Model Last price Ord Performance Ord 27/02/2015 0.90 -2Y 120.26% -2Y 41.14% 79.12% COMUNE DI MILANO: 27.50% Price range (-2y) Ord -1Y -2.46% -1Y 9.92% -12.38% COMUNE DI BRESCIA: 27.50% MAX 1.02 -3M 8.92% -3M 11.13% -2.21% OTHER SHAREHOLDERS < 2%: 42.50% MIN 0.39 -1M 7.13% -1M 8.20% -1.07% SHAREHOLDERS * CARLO TASSARA: 2.50% INDEX FTSEMIB Relative perf. TURNOVER AND VOLATILITY - STATISTICS FROM 02/01/2015 TO27/02/2015 Source: Consob Update: 31/12/2013 Turn over Total(€) Daily average(€) 647,310,343 15,788,057 Number of shares traded Total Daily average 761,807,637 18,580,674 Number of trades Total Daily average 93,872 2,290 A Volatility 23.76% A Turnover velocity 150.64% Source: Borsa Italiana. Data refer to the ordinary shares. OTHER LISTED INTRUMENTS ON BIT MARKET IDEM STOCK FUTURES SECURITISED DERIVATIVES * The above information has been provided and updated by the issuing company WARRANTS STOCK OPTIONS LISTED BONDS
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