Under the patronage INFORMAZIONI GENERALI WORLD SOCIETY OF EMERGENCY SURGERY PRESIDENTS Luigi Bonavina, Milano Fausto Catena, Parma Segreteria Scientifica Patrocini Ottenuti [email protected] FACULTY Nelson Andreollo (Brasil) Luca Ansaloni (Italy) Luigi Bonavina (Italy) Fausto Catena (Italy) Osvaldo Chiara (Italy) Mircea Chirica (France) Massimo Conio (Italy) Sandro Contini (Italy) Cesare Cutrone (Italy) Franca Davanzo (Italy) Gianluigi De Angelis (Italy) Marco Dei Poli (Italy) Maria Luisa Farina (Italy) Gustavo Fraga (Brasil) Michael Kelly (Australia) Yoram Kluger (Israel) Carlo Locatelli (Italy) Yuri Macchitella (Italy) Gianmariano Marchesi (Italy) Massimiliano Mutignani (Italy) Predrag Pesko (Serbia) Maria Paola Saggese (Italy) Antonio Schindler (Italy) Giorgio Serino (Italy) Aleksander Simic (Serbia) Ognjan Skrobic (Serbia) Tino Valetti (Italy) Maurizio Vecchi (Italy) Local Organizing Committee Y. Macchitella, Milano F. Coccolini, Bergamo Patrocini Richiesti Foregut Caustic Injuries Lesioni esofago-gastriche da ingestione di caustici EVIDENCE-BASED INTERNATIONAL CONSENSUS CONSENSO INTERNAZIONALE BASATO SULLE EVIDENZE PROVIDER E SEGRETERIA ORGANIZZATIVA A Easy Congress Srl easy congress Via R. Pitteri, 10 · 20134 Milano E Y S tel. 02.21591024 · fax 02.93667214 [email protected] · www.easycongress.net Con il contributo di April 18 2015 SEDE Sede Centrale IRCCS Policlinico S. Donato Piazza Edmondo Malan, 1 20097 San Donato Milanese MI Come si raggiunge la Sede Il Policlinico San Donato è facilmente raggiungibile. con i mezzi pubblici Il Policlinico è servito dai mezzi pubblici. È raggiungibile utilizzando la linea Gialla della metropolitana fino al capolinea (San Donato) e da lì le linee B, C, Arancio e Verde degli autobus extraurbani di San Donato e San Giuliano. Da Milano Rogoredo è raggiungibile con la linea A. in auto Dalle autostrade si deve prendere la tangenziale Est, uscita San Donato. Nelle vicinanze dell’Ospedale c’è a disposizione un’ampia possibilità di parcheggio. QUOTA DI ISCRIZIONE Presidents LUIGI BONAVINA FAUSTO CATENA IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Main Auditorium San Donato Milanese (Milano ) 7 ECM Le iscrizioni sono gratuite. Il Corso sarà accreditato per le seguenti discipline: Medici Chirurghi, Chirurghi Generali, Chirurghi Toracici, Otorinolaringoiatri, Anestesisti Rianimatori, Infermieri, Medici di base, Endoscopisti, Medici e Chirurghi di Accettazione e di Urgenza. Il Corso è a numero chiuso, accetteremo le prime 100 iscrizioni pervenute in ordine cronologico presso la segreteria. Per procedere all’iscrizione seguire la procedura indicata sul sito www.easycongress.net. Foregut Caustic Injuries 08.30 Registration Open 09.00 Introduction Rationale of the Meeting L. Bonavina (Italy), F. Catena (Italy) to ingestion of caustic agents still represent a major medical and surgical emergency worldwide. The work-up of these patients is poorly defined and no clear therapeutic guidelines are available. The aim of this meeting is to provide an international, TOPICS: Out-hospital and emergency room treatment; Management algorithm (timing and indications for aero-digestive panendoscopy, role of CT scan). Presenters: M. Chirica (France), C. Locatelli (Italy) Panelists: F. Davanzo (Italy), M.L. Farina (Italy), M.P. Saggese (Italy), G. Serino (Italy), T. Valetti (Italy) PLENARY DISCUSSION 10.30 Coffee Break evidence-based consensus on primary and secondary prevention, diagnosis, staging, Chairmen: Y. Kluger (Israel), A. Simic (Serbia) disabling condition. 12.15 SESSION III Stricture Prevention Chairmen: M.L. Farina (Italy), M. Mutignani (Italy) TOPICS: Role of H2 blockers, PPI and steroids in stricture prevention; At which time interval after the acute phase should endoscopy and dilatation be performed? Indications for temporary stenting; Is endoscopic laser therapy of pharyngo-laryngeal synechiae indicated? Presenters: G. De Angelis (Italy), C. Cutrone (Italy) Panelists: Y. Kluger (Israel), A. Simic (Serbia), M. Vecchi (Italy) PLENARY DISCUSSION 13.30 Lunch 11.00 SESSION II Surgical Management and treatment of this life-threatening and 18 April 2015 15.30 SESSION V Endoscopic Therapy of Esophageal Stricture Chairmen: N. Andreollo (Brasil), M. Conio (Italy) 09.15 SESSION I Initial Therapeutic Approach Chairmen: L. Ansaloni (Italy), D. Chiara (Italy) Lesions of the upper digestive tract due SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM TOPICS: Indications for emergency surgery; Management of esophageal and gastric necrosis; The place for extended resections (duodenopancreatic, bowel, colon); Management of tracheobronchial involvement; Nutritional approach. Presenters: O. Chiara (Italy), O. Skrobic (Serbia) Panelists: M. Dei Poli (Italy), M. Kelly (Australia), G. Marchesi (Italy) PLENARY DISCUSSION 14.15 SESSION IV Management of Gastric Outlet Obstruction Chairmen: F. Catena (Italy), M. Chirica (France) TOPICS: Is there a role for endoscopic stenting? Which is the appropriate timing for treating gastric outlet obstruction? Which is the best treatment strategy (bypass vs resection)? Presenters: L. Ansaloni (Italy), A. Simic (Serbia) Panelists: N. Andreollo (Brasil), Y. Kluger (Israel), F. Coccolini (Italy) TOPICS: Which patients are eligible? What type of endoscopic dilation and for how long? Is there a role for endoscopic stenting? Presenters: S. Contini (Italy), M. Mutignani (Italy) Panelists: F. Catena (Italy), G. Fraga (Brasil), Y. Kluger (Israel) PLENARY DISCUSSION 16.30 SESSION VI Reconstructive Esophageal Surgery Chairmen: L. Bonavina (Italy), P. Pesko (Serbia) TOPICS: Timing for reconstructive surgery; Is esophagectomy (synchronous, metachronous) necessary? Which esophageal substitute and which route should be used as first choice? Management of pharyngeal strictures (When is a partial or total laryngectomy needed? Is temporary tracheostomy needed in all patients?); Postoperative rehabilitation: how to do it? Presenters: N. Andreollo (Brasil), M. Chirica (France) Panelists: Y. Macchitella (Italy), A. Schindler (Italy), O. Skrobic (Serbia) PLENARY DISCUSSION 17.30 Quiz and Evaluation form 18.00 Conclusion of the Course
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