Europabreed erkennen Jolien van der Vegt (OCW) Mark Frederiks (NVAO) Lucie de Bruin, Bas Wegewijs (EP-Nuffic) EP-Nuffic Jaarcongres 12 maart 2015 De EAR projecten: European Area of Recognition Stroomlijnen erkenningspraktijk Praktische implementatie Lisbon Recognition Convention, gebaseerd op bestaande good practice ENIC-NARIC netwerken (& CoE, UNESCO and EC) Voorbeeld voor andere Conventies (o.a. Azië, Africa) Gebruik EAR aanbevolen in Bologna Bucharest Communiqué 2012 EAR projecten: 2009 - 2014 EAR projecten: 2014 - 2017 Inhoud EHEA en automatische erkenning Benelux beschikking erkenning FAIR project Revised European Standards & Guidelines Interactief gedeelte EHEA en automatische erkenning Bucharest Communiqué (2012): “We are willing to work together towards the automatic recognition of comparable academic degrees, building on the tools of the Bologna framework, as a long-term goal of the EHEA.” “At the European level, we will support the work of a pathfinder group of countries exploring ways to achieve the automatic academic recognition of comparable degrees.” Pathfinder Group on Automatic Recognition Verkennen concept ‘Automatic recognition’ Werkgroep is experiment binnen Bologna Process Klein aantal landen (OCW namens NL vertegenwoordigd) Rapport is door BFUG goed ontvangen Aanbevelingen Pathfinder Group (I) “To ensure that qualifications are recognised on an equal level with domestic qualifications” “To modify legislation which obliges HEIs to primarily apply formal and quantifiable criteria (length of studies/number of credits) in recognition” “To simplify national regulation surrounding recognition practices” “To advise HEIs on properly implementing the LRC and on increasing the use of qualitative criteria, such as the achievement of Learning Outcomes” Aanbevelingen Pathfinder Group (II) “To draw more effectively on the potential of qualifications frameworks for recognition” “To endorse the recently published EAR-HEI Manual as a reference framework to guide recognition processes” “To further reduce the maximum time limit for recognition decisions” “To support the role of Quality Assurance assessing recognition processes in HEIs” Benelux beschikking: automatische erkenning Beschikking van het Benelux Comité van Ministers (mei 2015); Doel: de automatische wederzijdse erkenning van hogeronderwijsgraden op generiek niveau; Bachelor = Bachelor en Master = Master; Bouwt voort op automatische erkenning tussen Vlaanderen en Nederland (accreditatieverdrag). FAIR project – Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition Erasmus+ KA3 Policy experimentation project; Ministeries van Onderwijs zijn volwaardige project partners naast erkenningscentra, hoger onderwijsinstellingen en ‘evaluation bodies’. Test hypothese “automatic recognition leads to better recognition procedures”: o Meten verbeteren van erkenningsprocedures in 2 trials o Aanbevelingen op nationaal en Europees niveau o Implementatie op nationaal niveau FAIR project - Partners & Rollen 37 partners: 6 landen: - België (Vlaanderen), Duitsland, Italië, Kroatië, Nederland en Spanje: o Ministeries van Onderwijs o ENIC-NARICs o 23 HOs (6 x 4 = 24 – 1 = 23) European University Association (‘Externe Evaluator’ of ‘Evaluation Body’) European Consortium of Accreditation (ECA) ENIC-NARIC Denemarken (Peer review door ‘critical friend’) FAIR project - Coördinatie Project coördinator: OCW Project manager: EP-Nuffic Landencoördinatoren: ENIC-NARICs FAIR project – 4 fasen I - Planning 1/1/’15 – 1/3/’15 1 - Experimentation Protocol 2 - Legal arrangements * 3 - Kick-off meeting II – Field Trials 1/3/’15 – 1/10/’16 4 - Field trial 1: Baseline assessment recognition procedures 5 - Analysis Baseline assessment 6 - Project team meeting 7 - Implementation improved recognition procedures 8 - Field trial 2: Impact analysis III – Evaluation 1/09/’16 – 1/1/’17 9 - Analysis of field trials & Recommendations IV – Dissemination 1/1/’15 – 30/4/’17 10 – Dissemination of project results FAIR project - baseline assessment Aanbevelingen pathfinder group Aanbevelingen van de EAR handboeken Herziene Standards & Guidelines voor kwaliteitszorg Het baseline assessment form: 1 - background information 2 - recognition process description 3 - scorecard Aanbeveling pathfinder group Aanbevelingen EAR handboeken European Area of Recognition (‘EAR’ handboek voor ENIC-NARICs) EAR – a Recognition Manual voor de HO‘s (‘EAR-HEI’ handboek) Good practice en real-life voorbeelden voor 20 onderwerpen FAIR project - baseline assessment form 1 – Background information on the respondent Position of the office: central / faculty level Type of evaluations: specific programme / category of applicants; Admission level: associate / bachelor / master / doctorate Decision making: recognition / admission FAIR project - baseline assessment form 2 – Recognition process description Which offices are involved, what role do they play? 1 – General recognition procedure * in line with Lisbon Recognition Convention? * quality assurance of recognition procedure? 2 – Transparency * information on recognition procedure is publicly available? * information on recognition criteria is publicly available? * information on status of application is provided? FAIR project - baseline assessment form 2 – Recognition process description 3 – Evaluation * Principles (substantial differences and appeal) * Procedure (verification, specific qualifications, fees, required documents) * Tools and sources (NQF, credits, grades, information resources) FAIR project - scorecard Country Level Spec FR PR Reason PR Comm. PR NR Reason NR Comm. NR type applicant applicant Date in Date Spec. of any decis. delay applicant Adm informed UK B 1-3 8-3 - 9-3 NL B 20-3 SE B 12-day 10-6 wait for answer NARIC 3-week 5-4 holiday evaluator X ODL X X 180 ECTS program Adm. to 4th year of bachelor ODL is not We do not 2-3 accepted accept ODL by our credits faculty staff 3-3 5-4 yes no no Revised European Standards & Guidelines en erkenning “Standards & Guidelines for Quality Assurance” (ESG) 1.4 Student admission, progression, recognition and certification Standard: Institutions should consistently apply pre-defined and published regulations covering all phases of the student “life cycle”, e.g. student admission, progression, recognition and certification. Guidelines: Appropriate recognition procedures rely on: institutional practice for recognition being in line with the LRC cooperation with other institutions, QA agencies and the national ENIC/NARIC centre to ensure coherent recognition across the country. Interactief gedeelte Groepsdiscussie over de thema’s (naar eigen keuze): 1 – Kwaliteitszorg (Mark) 2 – Automatische erkenning (Jolien) 3 – FAIR project (Bas) Volg Dutch ENIC NARIC op Twitter @ENICNARIC_NL 25
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