I-In iver s iteit I-Itrecht Press Release On the Occasion of International \ 'Women's Day 20tr 5 Workshop .GEFIDER §QUÀLITY making re*Iity' wJ Utrecht Centre for llYater, Oceans and Sustainability 9 Lil Timc Mrrsh 2015 12 noou*2 pm Loetian nnndzaal" Àchter §int Pic*er XHl, Utrecht fhe lnternational ?ïlomen's Day 2015 witl be celebrated on I March 2SÍ.5- Why do we hane an lnternational Women's Bay? Vl/hat is the history hereof and do we still need this? These questions will be answered in an interesting dialogue with three e)SeÍts frosn Utredrt University on Monday 9 Mardr 2015. Each of thern will present an introduction to the subject, which will he foliowed by questions and discussion with the audience12 nmn InMuction by A&iëane Schillsmans t2.10 prn Ineke Boerefifn, Coordiding Fclicy Advis«, Ne&erlands Institrrte fu Human Rights, Ut$Écfut Ihe Womerfs Conrertisr ïhe Convention on the Elimination of all Forrns of Siscrimination against Wornen (llíornen's Conventionl plays a key role in protecting and advancing the human rigtrts of rf,omeh. ln her intrsduction, Ineke Boerefiin will discuss general features of this treaty, core obligations of States parties and the supervisory rnachinery. She will hÍghlight a nr.rrnber of the maior adrievernents and current challenges. 12-30 pm Cees Flinterman" Emerifirs prcfessor of human r;gbÉs, Utr,Efiht University and f.oroner member of the Unifsd Nations Human Rights Comrnittm{from 2ffi2-20l0 he was memk of Ífue United Nations CEDAW Corarnitree) Temporary §peciral Measures The inequalí§ of wornen and men has deep historical and societal roots. Article 4 of the Women's Comvention provides that tenrporary special rneasures adopted by §tates aimed at acceleratirg de facto equality between men and tiíomen shall not be considered discriminatory. ln his presentation Cees Flinterman will dissuss inter alía the questircn of the lpgal character of article 4: does it seate legally binding abligations? Ële will also address the issue of the seemingly uridspread reluctance of women and uromen's organizaticns to call for ternpomry special meazures- 13-ffi pn Tinehe Lannbooy, Associate Pmf,essry CCIrporats §ocial Rmponsibility" Utrffiht University and Nyenr@ Business Univemify Frafessor Corpmate I-aw at Gerder Equality in Corporate Bmrds Dutch law requires tÈat large companies alm that their corporate boards consist of at least 3096 wornen and 3096 men- The Dutch brprrate Gsuemance Code recomrnends that the boards of listed connpanies rËflett diversfu. Annual§" the Dutch Monitoring Cornrnissi*ln Corporate Govemance examines the cornpliance by listed companies with ïhe Dutch Corporate Governanre Code. One af the areas of concem is the sublect of diversÍty in boards- ïineke lambooy will discuss the Comrnission's report which uras released on 29 lanuary 2A7513-30 pr Dialogue wi,th the audirue nroderafed by A&i§nne §chillemans Registration by eqnail to : adrienneschillemans[aÉJhofimailcom Participation cosa: l0 Euro, free frrecltrqge studmts a*d PhD resesctrcrs
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