PUBLICATIONS Willem B. Drees Unless indicated otherwise, all items have Willem B. Drees as sole author or editor. January 2015 Books (monographs) Religion and Science in Context: A Guide to the Debates. London: Routledge, 2010. Creation: From Nothing until Now. London & New York: Routledge, 2002. Vom Nichts zum Jetzt: Eine etwas andere Schöpfungsgeschichte. (Mensch – Natur – Technik, Bd. 8). Hannover: Lutherisches Verlagshaus, 1998. 2 3 Religion, Science and Naturalism. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. 1997 , 1998 (pb) 2 Beyond the Big Bang: Quantum Cosmologies and God. La Salle: Open Court, 1990, 1993 . Translated as Para Além do Big Bang: Cosmologias quânticas e Deus (Lisboa, 2000) 2-3 Van Niets tot Nu: Een wetenschappelijke scheppingsvertelling. Kampen, Kok, 1996, 1997 . 2 3 Heelal, mens en God: vragen en gedachten. Kampen: Kok, 1991, ’92 , ’96 . Inaugural addresses & brochures Naked Ape or techno sapiens: The Relevance of human humanities. Tilburg University, January 30 2015 Over wijsbegeerte van de godsdienst en haar object: Twee formules. Leiden: Leiden University, June 4 2002. [On philosophy of religion and its object: Two formula’s.] The Idreos Lectures 1998. ‘From Nothing until Now: Faith in the Natural History of Our Universe’ and ‘Spirituality or superstition? Criteria for Quality in Science, Religion and Popular Culture’. Oxford: Harris Manchester College, 1998. Reprinted as Farmington Papers ‘Science and Christianity 13’ & ‘14’ (2000). Buitenaards leven en aardse techniek: Over evolutie, techniek en vrijzinnigheid. Enschede: Twente University, 1995. [Extraterrestrial Life and Earthly Technology: On Evolution, Technology, and Liberal Religion.] Volumes edited Technology, Trust and Religion: Roles of Religions in Controversies on Ecology and the Modification of Life. Leiden University Press, 2009. with Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld, eds., The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: st Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21 Century, Leiden University Press, 2008. with Hubert Meisinger, Taede Smedes, eds., Creation’s Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science (Issues in Science and Theology, Vol. 5.) London: T&T Clark Continuum, 2008. with Hubert Meisinger, Taede Smedes, eds., Humanity, the World and God: Understandings and Actions (Studies in Science and Theology, Volume 11). Lund, October 2007. with Hubert Meisinger and Zbigniew Liana, eds., Wisdom or Knowledge? Science, Theology and Cultural Dynamics (Issues in Science and Theology.) London: T&T Clark, 2006. with Ulf Görman, Hubert Meisinger (2005) (Eds), Creative Creatures: Values and Ethical Issues in Theology, Science and Technology (Issues in Science and Theol., Vol. 3). London: T&T Clark with Hubert Meisinger, Zbigniew Liana (2005) (Eds), Streams of Wisdom? Science, Theology and Cultural Dynamcs (Studies in Science and Theology 10). Lund: Lund University with Ulf Görman, Hubert Meisinger, eds., Creating TechnoS@piens? Values and Ethical Issues in Theology, Science and Technology (SSTh 9). Lund Universitet, 2004. Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value. London: Routledge, 2003. W. Drees (jr), Gespiegeld in de tijd: De nagelaten autobiografie. Redactie W.B. Drees, J.M. Drees, E. Schoorl. Amsterdam: Balans, 2000. [Auto-biography of my father, posthumously edited.] 1 with Niels Henrik Gregersen, Ulf Görman (eds.), The Human Person in Science and Theology. Edinburgh: T&T Clark & Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000. with Niels Henrik Gregersen, Ulf Görman (eds.), Studies in Science and Theology 7. Denmark: University of Aarhus, 2000. with D.G.A.Koelega (red.),God en Co: Geloven in een technologische cultuur.Kampen:Kok, 2000. 2 Een beetje geloven: Actualiteit en achtergronden van het vrijzinnig christendom. Amsterdam: Balans, 1999; 2001 . De mens: meer dan materie? Religie en reductionisme. Kampen: Kok, 1997. with M.A. Kaashoek, A.W. Musschenga (eds.), De eigen wijsheid van wetenschap en geloof: Essays in gedachtenis aan Maarten A. Maurice. Amsterdam: VU-Uitgeverij, 1996. Arthur R. Peacocke, Van DNA tot God – een begaanbare weg? Kampen: Kok, 1996. Composed and translated by Kees Kuyvenhoven and Willem B. Drees. Denken over God: Theologie, natuurwetenschap en filosofie in wisselwerking. Kampen: Kok, 1994. Harde wetenschap: Waar blijft de mens? (Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap.) Baarn: Ambo, 1994. Theologie en Natuurwetenschap: Op zoek naar een snark? Kampen: Kok, 1992. R. Hensen, Houtskoolschetsen: Theologische duidingen in een wankel bestaan. Samengesteld en ingeleid door Willem B. Drees. Utrecht: De Ploeg, 1991. Articles in journals Islam and Bioethics in the Context of ‘Religion and Science’. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 48: 732-744. Mystery, Values, and Meaning: Religious Options that Respect Science. Theology and Science 8 (1, 2010), 25-38. Robert J. Russell's Eschatological Theology in the Context of Cosmology. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 45 (1, 2010), 228-236. Is Explaining Religion Naturalistically Explaining Religion Away? Omega: Indian Journal of Science and Religion, 8 (1, 2009), 7-23. Cosmology as Contact Between Science and Theology. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (2007), 533-553. Also as João J. Vila-Chã (ed.), Filosofia e Ciência / Science in Philosophy (Braha, 2007). ‘Religion and Science’ as Advocacy of Science and as Religion versus Religion. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 40 (3, September 2005): 545-553. Where to Look for Guidance? On the Nature of ‘Religion and Sciene’. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 39 (2, June 2004): 367-378. ‘Religion and Science’ Without Symmetry, Plausibility, and Harmony, Theology and Science 1 (1, April 2003), 113128. ‘Playing God? Yes!’ Religion in the Light of Technology. Zygon 37 (3, Sept 2002), 643-654. Religion in an Age of Technology. Zygon 37 (3, September 2002): 597-604. Can we Reclaim One of the 'Stolen Words'? Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 54 (2002): 24-25. Explanatory Pluralism: Comfort or Threat for Theologians? Theory & Psychology 11 (6, 2001): 808-817. Technology and Religion. Currents in Theology and Mission 28 (3-4, 2001), 394-399. Naturalism Need Not Be ‘Made Safe’: A Response to William Rottschaeffer’s Misunderstandings. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 36 (3, September 2001), 455-465. Thick Naturalism: Comments on Zygon 2000. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 35 (4, December 2000), 849860. Kan God de evolutietheorie overleven? Algemeen.Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 92 (1, 2000), 85-101. Wenn es Zeit nicht gibt: Überlegungen über Wissenschaft und Glaube. In Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl Heim Gesellschaft 12 (1999), Hrsg. H. Schwarz. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1999, 119-138. God and Contemporary Science: Philip Clayton’s Defense of Panentheism. Zygon 34 (1999), 515-525. Should Religious Naturalists Promote a Naturalist Religion? Zygon 33 (4, 1998): 617-633. Burhoe’s Legacy: Lessons for Europeans. Zygon 33 (3, Sept. 1998): 489-495. Naturalisms and Religion. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 32 (4, 1997): 525-541. 2 Die Bedeutung der Kosmologie für die Theologie: Informationen oder Grenzfragen? In Glaube und Denken (Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft) 8 (1995): 9-28. Gelovend denken, denkend geloven of gescheiden zaken? Overzicht van onderzoek over natuurwetenschap en geloof in Nederland, 1980-1994. Nederlands Theol.. Tijdschrift 49 (4, 1995): 291-311. Welke vissen ontsnappen? Over de relevantie van de natuurwetenschap voor de theologie. Tijdschrift voor Theologie 34 (2, 1994): 169-183. Het waarom en hoe van theologie en natuurwetenschap. Kerk en Theologie 44 (1993): 52-57. Quantum Cosmologies and `the Beginning’. Zygon 26 (1991): 373-396. Philosophical Elements in Penrose’s and Hawking’s Research in Contemporary Cosmology. Philosophy in Science 4 (1990): 13 – 46. Theologie over buitenaardse personen. Tijdschrift voor Theologie 27 (1987): 259-276. The Interpretation of "the Wavefunction of the Universe". International Journal of Theoretical Physics 26 (1987): 939-942. Contributions to multi-author books Insiders and Outsiders in 'Religion and Science'. In: Welker M. (Red.) The Science and Religion Dialogue: Past and Future. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014. 157-170. God as Ground? Cosmology and non-Causal Conceptions of the Divine. The Causal Universe, edited by george F. Ellis, Michael Heller, Tadeusz Pabjan. Cracow: Copernicus Center Press, 2013, 291-321. Human Insignificance? Cosmology and Creation Stories. In P. McNamara & W.J. Wildman (Eds.), Science and the World's Religions, Vol. 1: Origins and Destinies (pp. 185-207). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012. Religions and the Natural Sciences: Appeals to Science as Religious Advocacy? In Lisbet Christoffersen, Hans.Raun Iversen, Hanne Petersen & Margit Warburg (Eds.), Religions in the 21st Century: Challenges and Transformations (pp. 103-110). Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. The Multiplicity of Purposes of 'Religion and Science'. In Dirk Evers, Antje Jackelén & Taede.A. Smedes (Eds.), How Do We Know? Understanding in Science and Theology (Issues in Science and Theology) (pp. 121141). London: T&T Clark, 2010. Not an Iota, Not a Dot Will Pass from the Law: On Religious and Legal Interpretation. In A.-J. Kwak (Ed.), Holy Writ: Interpretation in Law and Religion (Applied Legal Philosophy) (pp. 47-65). Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2009. The Nature of Visions of Nature: Packages to be Unpacked. In J.D. Proctor (Ed.), Envisioning Nature, Science, and Religion (pp. 36-58). West Conshocken: Templeton Press, 2009. Technology, Trust, and Religion. In W.B. Drees (Ed.), Technology, Trust, and Religion: Roles of Religions in Controversies on Ecology and the Modification of Life (pp. 9-22). Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2009. With Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld. Academic and Religious Freedom: An Introduction. In W.B. Drees & P.S. Koningsveld (Eds.), The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century (pp. 13-28). Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2008. Academic Freedom and the Symbolic Significance of Evolution. In W.B. Drees & P.S. van Koningsveld (Eds.), The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century (pp. 59-90). Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2008. Religion in Public Debates: Who Defines, for What Purposes? In H. de Vries (Ed.), The Future of the Religious Past (Religion: Beyond a Concept, 1) (pp. 464-472). New York: Fordham Press, 2008. Our Universe – A Contingent Cosmos? In Religions Challenged by Contingency: Theological and Philosophical Approaches to the Problem of Contingency, eds. Drk-Martin Grube, Peter Jonkers. Leiden: Brill, 2008, 221243. Creation's Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science. In Willem B. Drees, Hubert Meisinger, Taede A. Smedes, Creation's Diversity: Voices from Theology and Science. London: London: T&T Clark, 2008, pp. 1-6 Partner of the Sciences or Object of Study? Theology and Religion in Relation to the Sciences, in William Sweet, Richard Feist, eds., Religion and the Challenges of Science. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, 169-183. 3 Understanding and Action in Science and Religion, in W.B. Drees, H. Meisinger, T.A. Smedes, Humanity, the World and God: Understandings and Actions. Lund: ESSSAT, 2007, 1-6. Some words in favour of reductionism, pantheism, theism and more. In Arthur Peacocke, All That Is: A Naturalistic st Faith for the 21 Century, with responses. Fortress Press, 2007, 70-80. Should we ‘teach the controversy’? Intelligent Design, science and religion, in Knowledge in Ferment: Dilemmas in Science, Scholarship and Society, eds. Adriaan in ‘t Groen et al., Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2007, pp. 155-169. Is Cosmology Religiously Significant? In Arri Eisen,Gary Lederman, eds., Science, Religion and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy, Volume 1. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2007. pp. 406-414. Religious Naturalism and Science. In Philip Clayton, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 108-123. Vocabularies of Creation and Creativity in Debates on Genetics and Ecology. In Caroline Vander Stichele & Alastair G. Hunter, eds., Creation & Creativity: From Genesis to Genetics Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2006, pp. 96-111. Introduction: Technological and Moral Creatures or Creators? In U. Görman et al., eds., Creative Creatures: Values and Ethical Issues in [,,,]. London : T&T Clark, 2005, 1-12 Pleidooi voor een wetenschappelijke theologie. In Van God los? Theologie tussen godsdienst en wetenschap, K. Hilberdink (red). Amsterdam: KNAW, 2004, 75-92. This vale of tears – the best of all possible worlds? & Introductions to Parts I-IV. In W.B. Drees, ed., Is Nature Ever Evil? Rel., Sc. & Value. Routledge, 2003, 1-10, 65-66, 147-148, 245-246. Naturalism, In J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen (ed), Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, Volume 2. New York: Macmillan, 2003, 593-597. Disorder and the Ambitions of ‘Science and Theology’: Ten Theses. In N.H. Gregersen, Ulf Görman,e ds., Design and Disorder, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2002, 203-223. Naturalism, Morality, and Religion. In Donald A. Crosby, Charley D. Hardwick, eds., Religion in a Pluralistic Age, New York: Peter Lang, 2001, 131-144. Theology and Science - Which Theology? Which Science? In H.A. Krop, A.L. Molendijk, H. de Vries (eds.), PostTheism: Reframing the Judeo-Christian Tradition. Leuven: Peeters, 2000, 289-300. Evolutionary Naturalism and Religion. In R.J. Russell, W.R. Stoeger, F. Ayala (eds.), Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Vatican: Vatican Observatory & Berkeley: Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences 1998, 303-328. The Significance of Scientific Images. In N.H. Gregersen, J.W. Van Huyssteen, eds., Rethinking Theology and Science: Six Models for the Current Dialogue, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998, 87-120. Mensen als mogelijkheid van materie. In W.B. Drees, red. De mens: meer dan materie?, Kampen: 1997, 155-168. Contingency, Time, and the Theological Ambiguity of Science. In Carol Rausch Albright and Joel Haugen, eds., Beginning with the End: God, Science and Wolfhart Pannenberg, Chicago: Open Court, 1997, 217-247. Gaps for God? In R.J. Russell, N. Murphy, A.R. Peacocke, eds., Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, Vatican Observatory & Berkeley: CTNS, 1995,223-237. Problems in Debates about Physics and Religion. In J.Hilgevoord (ed.), Physics and Our View of the World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 188-225. A Case Against Temporal Critical Realism? Consequences of Quantum Cosmology for Theology. In R.J. Russell, N. Murphy, and C.J. Isham, eds., Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Divine Action in Scientific Perspective, Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory & Berkeley: CTNS, 1993, pp. 331-365. Potential Tensions Between Cosmology and Theology. In V. Brümmer, ed., Interpreting the Universe as Creation: A Dialogue of Science and Religion, Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1991, 65-89. Theology and Cosmology Beyond the Big Bang theory. In Jan Fennema and Iain Paul, eds., Science and Religion: One World – Changing Perspectives on Reality, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, 99-129. Extraterrestrial Persons. In H.G. Kippenberg, Y.B. Kuiper and A.F. Sanders, eds., Concepts of Person in Religion and Thought, Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter & Co, 1990, 383-392. 4 Editorials in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, since 2009 49 (2014) Zygon: Almost 50 and Healthy. 49 (4): 781-783 Zygon @ 49: A Child of the Sixties? 49 (3): 537-539 Zygon: 49 Years Young. 49 (2): 277-280. Zygon @ 49: Almost Half a Century. 49 (1): 3-5. 48 (2013) Rich Religion and Science: Asian Religions, ian Barbour, and Much Else. 48 (4): 853-858. Constructive theology, Bioethcis, and Bodily Existence. 48 (3), 511-513. Emergence and Reduction: The Same Coin? 48 (2), 247-250. Asian Religions and Science – editorial virtual issue ‘Asian Religions and Science’ June Techno-secularity and Techno-sapiens: Editorial for Zygon's First Real Virtual Issue (1), 5-8 Science, Realism, Galileo, Morality and More. 48 (1), 3-4. 47 (2012) Humans in the center? 47 (4), 659-661. Science and the Religions of the World. 47 (3), 477-480 Practices, Approaches and Agendas in Plural. 47 (2), 254-255. Mystery? 47 (1), 3-6. 46 (2011) Worlds of Ideas in a Single World. 46 (4), 775-776. History, Hinduism, and Christian Humanism. 46 (3), 515-516. Informed Intellect and Integrity. 46 (2), 261-264. Classifications in Context. 46 (1), 3-4. 45 (2010) Change and continuity. 45 (4), 787-790. Understanding, Empathy, and Explanation. 45 (3), 541-543. Ideas Have Real-Life Consequences. 45 (2), 297-300. Who Speaks? 45 (1), 3-6. 44 (2009) Putting "Religion and Science" in Its Place: Diversity. 44 (4), 755-756. Zygon, Evolving. With Philip Hefner. 44 (3), 497-509. Professional Publications / for a wider public (over 100, in newspapers, magazines, et cetera, of which many in Dutch, some in English or German, and a few translations in Polish, Romanian, Russian and Spanish). A selection Wetenschap tegen goedgelovigheid. De Gids 177 (7, November 2014): 12-13. Verbeelding van een wereld met wetenschap. In Koen Holtzapffel, Johannes Magliano-Tromp & Marijke Tolsma (Eds.), Kerk en Buitenwereld: Opstellen over de kerk in de samenleving (pp. 179-188). Zoetermeer: Meinema, 2012. Vulkanen en vruchtbaarheid: De Merapi een natuurlijk kwaad? In Bert Musschenga & Bettine Siertsema (Eds.), Het Kwaad: Reflecties op de zwarte zijde van ons bestaan (pp. 141-151). Vught: Skandalon, 2012. Geen ziel, maar niet zielig! AdRem, 24(4, 2012), 4-6. Discussion ‘Sprengt der Urknall unseren Gottesglauben? Podium am Freitag, 8 Juni’. In Silke Lechner, Christoph Urban, Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag Köln 2007. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2007. pp. 645649. Creation. In John Bowker (Ed). Christianity: The Complete Guide. London: Continuum, 2005, 295-299. Science. In John Bowker (Ed), Christianity: The Complete Guide. London: Continuum, 2005, 1090-‘98. Naturalism. In J. Wentzel V. van Huyssteen, ed., Encyclopedia of Religion and Science, Volume 2, J-Z. New York: Macmillan, 2003, 593-597. Poetic Story and Academic Argument. Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology 2 (9, May 2002), 20-21. Creationism and evolution. Concilium 2000-1, 45-52; also in Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Brazilian. 5 st Bethlehem: Center of the Universe? In God for the 21 Century, ed. Russell Stannard. Radnor, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2000, 67-70. ISBN 0281053421; ix +194 pp. Chaos. III. Religionsphilosophisch. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vierte Auflage, C-E, Hrsg. H.D. Betz, D.S. Browning, B. Janowski, E.Jüngel. Tübingen: Morh Siebeck, 1999, 106. 4 Chaos. IV. Dogmatisch. RGG , C-E, 1999, 106. 4 Determinismus/Indeterminismus. I. Fundamentaltheologisch. RGG , Bd.2, 1999, 678. 4 Determinismus/Indeterminismus. II. Systematisch. RGG , Bd.2, 1999, 678-679. Ten Commandments for Quality in Science and Spirituality. In Science and Spirit 9 (4, September 1998): 3-5. Quantum Cosmologies and the `Beginning’. Progress in Theology 2 (3, Sept. 1994): 8. (Published as an abbreviation of the paper with same title in Zygon 26 (1991): 343-396, on the occasion of the award in the 1993 Templeton Call for Papers on Humility Theology.) Bridges? Science and Religion News 3 (3, Fall 1992): 8. ‘God’ in popular cosmologies. IRAS Newsletter 37 (3, 15/4/1990): 2ff. Beyond the limitations of the Big Bang theory. CTNS Bulletin (Berkeley) 8 (1, Winter 1988): 1-15. Further more, various articles in ESSSAT News ( ), and almost the complete newsletters up to 1998: ESSSAT NEWS 8 ( 1- 3, 1998), 44 pages in total. ESSSAT News 7 (1-4, 1997), 38 pp. in total. ESSSAT News 6(1, 1996) – 6(4, 1996), 42 pp. in total. Newsletter of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology: 14 issues, august 1991-October 1995. Book Reviews and subsequent discussions, a selection Bartok Brosżek, The Double Truth Controversy: An Analytical Essay. In Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 47 (2012, 3) Michael Heller, The Sense of Life and the Sense of the Universe: Studies in Contemporary Theology . In Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 47 (2012, 3) Richard H. Jones, Piercing the Veil: Comparing Science and Mysticism as Ways of Knowing Reality. In Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 47 (2012, 3) Keith Ward, The Big Questions in Science and Religion. In: Scottish Journal of Theology 64 (2012): 491-493. The Selfish Gene? It's all in the mind [Review of Raymond Tallis, Aping Mankind]. Times Higher Education, 2005 (30 June 2011), 48-49. Neil A. Manson, ed., God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science (Routledge 2003). In A Companion to the ISSR Library of Science and Religion, edited by Pranab K. Das II. Cambridge, UK: International Society for Science and Religion, 2011, 123-124. J. Wentzel van Huyssteen, Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology (Eerdmans 2006). In A Companion to the ISSR Library of Science and Religion, ed. Pranab K. Das II. Cambridge, UK: International Society for Science and Religion, 2011, 205-206. Robert J. Russell, Nancey C. Murphy, C.J. Isham, ed., Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action (Vatican Observatory Publications, 1996). In A Companion to the ISSR Library of Science and Religion, edited by Pranab K. Das II. Cambridge, UK: International Society for Science and Religion, 2011, 123-124. Michael H. Barnes, Understanding Religion and Science: Introducing the Debate. In Ars Disputandi, 11 (2011), 61-62. Mary Midgley, The Solitary Self: Darwin and the Selfish Gene. Times Higher Education, 1977 (9 december 2010), 55. Wesley Wildman, Science and Religious Anthropology: A Spiritually Evocative Naturalist Interpretation of Religious Life. ESSSAT News, 20 (2010, 3), 6-7. A. McGrath, Science and Religion: A New Introduction. Theology and Science, 8 (2010, 3), 333-336. 6 Response to Alister E. McGrath's Review of Religion and Science in Context: A Guide to the Debates. Theology and Science, 8 (2010, 3), 340-341. Response [to 'Letter to the Editor' by Steve Fuller on Drees’s review of his Science vs Religion? Intelligent Design and the problem of evolution.]. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 24 (2010, 2), 220221. Steve Fuller, Science vs Religion? Intelligent Design and the problem of Evolution. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 23 (2009, 1), 115-118. J.Wentzel van Huyssteen, Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology, 63 (2009), 204-205. Michael Heller, George V. Coyne, A Comprehensible Universe: The Interplay of Science and Theology. ESSSAT News, 19, 7-8. Donald S. Lopez, Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed & Paul D. Numrich (ed.), The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science. ESSSAT News, 19 (1), 8-9. Guus Labooy, Waar Geest is, is vrijheid. In: ESSSAT News, 17 (2007), 11-12. Alan G. Padgett, Science and the Study of God. In: Journal of Theological Studies 58 (2007), pp. 377-379. More critical voices would make 'Quest' more valid: review of W. Mark Richardson et al., Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists. In: Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology (2003), 3 Alister E. McGrath, A Scientific Theology, Volume 2: Reality. In: Ars Disputandi (2003), 3 Hans Schwarz, Creation. In: Ars Disputandi (2003), 3 William A. Stahl et al., Webs of Reality: Social Perspectives on Science and Religion. In: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (2003), 28 A scientific theology, Vol. 1, by Alister E. McGrath, review. In: Ars Disputandi (2002), 2 Russell's vision continues to drive 'Divine Action' series. Review of R.J. Russell et al., Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. In: Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology, 3 Sleuthing the Divine, by Kevin Sharpe. In: Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology 56 (2002) Why Gods Persist: A Scientific Approach to Religion, by Robert A. Hinde, review. In: The American Anthropologist (2002), 102. 7
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