Studiefiche Vanaf academiejaar 2014-2015 Plant Based Food Products and Ingredients (I000398) Cursusomvang (nominale waarden; effectieve waarden kunnen verschillen per opleiding) Studiepunten 4.0 Studietijd 120.0 u Contacturen 60.0 u Aanbodsessies en werkvormen in academiejaar 2014-2015 A (semester 2) werkcollege: geleide oefeningen hoorcollege begeleide zelfstudie demonstratie practicum excursie zelfstandig werk Lesgevers in academiejaar 2014-2015 Dewettinck, Koen De Clercq, Nathalie Patel, Ashok LA07 LA07 LA07 Aangeboden in onderstaande opleidingen in 2014-2015 Master of Science in Food Technology Uitwisselingsprogramma bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Food Science and Nutrition (niveau master-na-bachelor) 3.75 u 22.5 u 10.0 u 3.75 u 13.75 u 3.75 u 2.5 u Verantwoordelijk lesgever Medelesgever Medelesgever stptn 4 4 aanbodsessie A A Onderwijstalen Engels Trefwoorden Ingredients, Raw Material, Processing , Quality Situering This product oriented course deals with the technology of vegetable products. Knowledge of general food technology and engineering is applied onto vegetable products. Attention is given to the study of the raw material, modification and processing steps and quality aspects of end products. Inhoud 1. Introduction 2. Oils and fats 3. From corn to starch 4. Gums and hydrocolloids 5. Sweeteners 6. Workshop Chocolate 7. Workshop Soybean processing 8. Workshop Pasta technology 9. Workshop Oils and Fats modification Begincompetenties Basic knowledge of food chemistry Eindcompetenties The student has gained insight in the microstructure of plant based products and their production processes. The studens are able to perform calcuations related to fat modification. (Goedgekeurd) 1 Creditcontractvoorwaarde Toelating tot dit opleidingsonderdeel via creditcontract is mogelijk mits gunstige beoordeling van de competenties Examencontractvoorwaarde Dit opleidingsonderdeel kan niet via examencontract gevolgd worden Didactische werkvormen Begeleide zelfstudie, demonstratie, excursie, hoorcollege, practicum, zelfstandig werk, werkcollege: geleide oefeningen Toelichtingen bij de didactische werkvormen The theory will be given by means of lectures. A syllabus and slides are available as study material. For the practical exercise the students will perform experiments and analyses in the lab. A company visit is included to illustrate the theory. Leermateriaal An English syllabus is available Referenties AGUILERA, J.M. & STANLEY, D.W. (1999) Microstructural Principles of Food Processing and Engineering, Aspen Publishers Inc., 432 p. BECKETT, S.T. (2009). Industrial chocolate manufacture and use. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, 720p. BeMILLER, J. & WHISTLER, R. (2009) Starch: chemistry and technology. Academic Press, Burlington, USA, 879p. BOCKISCH, M. (1998). Fats and oils handbook. AOCS press, Champaign, illinois, USA, 838 p. DICKINSON, E (2005) Food colloids: interactions, microstructure and processing. The royal society of chemistry, Cambridge, 497p. GARTI, N. & SATO, K. (2001). Crystallization processes in fats and lipid systems, Marcel Dekker, New York, 533p. HAMM, W. AND HAMILTON, R.J. (eds.) (2000). Edible oil processing. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 281p. McClements, D.J (1999) Food emulsions: Principles, Practice and Techniques, CRC press LLC, 378 p. McCLEMENTS, D.J (2007) Understanding and controlling the microstructure of complex foods. Woodhead Publishing, CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 772p. O'DONNELL, K. & KEARSLY, M. (2012). Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives in Food Technology. Wiley-Blackwell, 484 p. SJOBLOM, J. (2001) Encyclopedic handbook of emulsion technology, Marcel Dekker, New York, 736p. ELIASSON, A.-C. (1996). Carbohydrates in Food. Marcel Dekker Inc., 561p. Vakinhoudelijke studiebegeleiding Conctact hours are foreseen before and after the theoretical and practical exercises. The lab work is guided by a scientific assistant. Evaluatiemomenten periodegebonden en niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de eerste examenperiode Schriftelijk examen met open vragen Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de tweede examenperiode Schriftelijk examen met open vragen Evaluatievormen bij niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Werkstuk Tweede examenkans in geval van niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Examen in de tweede examenperiode is enkel mogelijk in gewijzigde vorm Toelichtingen bij de evaluatievormen (Goedgekeurd) 2 The students have to make a report of the exercises on fats and oils modification. The exam is written. Open questions will be asked to evaluate their knowledge about the theory. Eindscoreberekening Evaluation of the written exercises: 10% Written Exam: 90% (Goedgekeurd) 3
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