Presentatie 1

Emotionele Arbeidsbelasting en
Marc van Veldhoven
Department of HR Studies/Tilburg University
Voorheen: personeelwetenschappen
25 jaar (in 2012)
ca. 30 medewerkers
Multidisciplinair (ECO, PSY, SOC, JUR)
Eigen BA, PREMA & MA-opleidingen: ca. 400 studenten
Grootste onderzoeksgroep op gebied van HRM in Mainland
• Incl. People Management Centre (sponsoren: Shell, ING,
Rabobank, Cap Gemini, Lage Landen, STZ Ziekenhuizen, 10
grootste gemeenten, TIAS)
Emotions at work
• Positive emotions at work
• Negative emotions at work:
– Acute emotional workload & traumatic incidents at work
– Chronic emotional workload
• Emotion work/work-related emotion regulation
Traumatic incidents at work
Industrial accidents
Traffic accidents
Criminal acts (armed robbery; hijacking; holdups; kidnapping)
Terrorist acts
Sudden death/suicide in social network
Physical agression & violence (or serious threats thereof)
Radical changes at work involving loss of image/job/security
Characteristics of traumatic incidents
Threathening (experienced)
Combination of helplessness and fear (of death)
Emotional reactions during the incident
Act, “auto pilot”
Emotional reactions after incident
• Disbelief changes into horror
• Emotions kick in:
– Alarm
– Rage
– Fear
• Seek distraction
• Reliving the incident
Normal coping process
• Gradually there is less attention for incident
• Cope but not forget
• A lot of effort involved:
– Experience needs to wear
– Integrate into life history
– From inside to outside
More difficult coping
When there is an issue of guilt
Repeated incident
Earlier experiences of (other) incidents
Stress in other life domains
Personality (introvert, drama queen)
Child victims
Problematic coping
• When acute stress responses remain for more than 2 months
after the incident
• Absenteeism
• Tendency to withdraw and isolate oneself
• Use of mood-dampening substances (alcohol, drugs,
• Depressive impression
• Like a record that is stuck: tell same story over and over again
• Avoid talking about the emotions involved
• Avoid situations that remind of incident
Posttraumatic stress disorder
1. Reliving
• Intruding images (repeating movie)
• Nightmares
• Birthday-reaction
2. Denial/blunting
• Avoidance behavior
• Memory loss
• Alienation/apathy
3. Arousal and irritability
• Sleeping complaints
• Anger and rage
• Psychosomatic reactions
• Difficulty concentrating
Werken met mensen ->
chronische emotionele arbeidsbelasting
Verbale aggressie in het werk
Bedreiging en lastiggevallen worden tijdens het werk
Pesten op het werk
Sexuele intimidatie op het werk
Discriminatie op het werk
Conflicten op het werk
Lichtere vormen van crimineel gedrag (bv. diefstal,
moedwillige sabotage & beschadiging)
– En alle lichtere vormen van niet luisteren,
tegenstribbelen, aanklampen, aandacht trekken, etc.
Bron: EWCS,
Bron: EWCS,
Source: TNO (2006)
Worklife in the
SKB branche-onderzoek emotionele
belasting in de GGZ (2000)
N=1.650 respondenten
% medewerkers dat wekelijks/dagelijks in het werk te maken heeft met:
 CL/P die zich niet aan de regels houden: 48%%
 CL/P die je proberen uit te spelen/uit te lokken: 46%
 CL/P zonder sociale kring: 43%
 Verbale agressie/intimidatie van CL/P: 38%
 CL/P met ontremming: 38%
Afgelopen week herbeleving van incident: 25%
Afgelopen week vermijding ivm. Incident: 3%
Herziene model belasting-belastbaarheid: van Dijk,
van Dormolen, Kompier & Meijman, 1990
Job Demands-Resources Model: DISC-model:
Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001
DISC-model: De Jonge & Dormann, 2003