Uitnodiging - van de Bond voor Materialenkennis

Nederlandse Vereniging
van Verftechnici (NVVT)
Bond voor Materialenkennis
De Nederlandse Vereniging van Verftechnici nodigt u uit
voor een studiemiddag op:
Dinsdag 25 november 2014
In congrescentrum ‘t Veerhuis,
Nijemonde 4, 3434 AZ Nieuwegein-Zuid
Aanvang registratie
vanaf 12.30 uur met koffie en broodjes
13.30 uur
16.35 uur
12.30 uur
Ontvangst en registratie met koffie en broodjes
13.30 uur
Opening door de heer P. Geurink – voorzitter NVVT
13.35 uur
High-throughput PAINT optimization by use of a pigment dispersing polymer
S. J. Bohorquez, P. van den Berg, J. Akkerman, D. Mestach, Nuplex BV, Bergen op Zoom,
The Netherlands
S. van Loon, J. Repp, VLCI Van Loon Chemical Innovations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The formulation of a waterborne (WB) coating is usually a time consuming process in order
to ensure an excellent coating performance. It implies an excellent synergy among different
components such as binders, plasticizers, wetting agents, and pigments among others. The
use of WB polymer particles to stabilize and grind inorganic pigment particles during this
coating formulation process, may add some degrees of complexity in the formulation of
paints. In the last decade industry and academia have shown an increased interest in
High-Throughput-Experimentation (HTE) for the understanding of different phenomena
regarding paints and coatings. This work describes the use of HTE as a solution to the
effective formulation and further optimization of waterborne coatings employing pigment
dispersing polymer colloids.
In this investigation both the binder and the pigment dispersing polymer employed for the
coating preparation were synthesized by emulsion polymerization techniques. Subsequently
a HTE workflow was developed including advanced methods for: 1) Design of 4 component
mixture experiment (wt. % pigment stabilizer, Type of TiO2, Type of wetting agent and Type of
cosolvent); 2) Rapid-high-speed mixing and automatized preparation of 36 pigment
dispersions followed by their respective formulated coatings; 3) Response evaluation; 4)
Model fitting and optimization and 5) validation of the model predictions.
The results demonstrate an extensive coating performance evaluation and a better
understanding of the pigment stabilization mechanism within a substantially reduced time
frame when compared to regular bench evaluation. Moreover, the further optimization of this
pigment dispersing polymer colloid allowed exploiting its potential for enhancing properties
like: gloss, opacity, stain resistance, paint stability and TiO2 consumption.
14.15 uur
Hyperbranched Polyesterols as Co-binder to Improve Acrylate Based 2K PUR
Harald Schäfer, David Türp, Rainer Erhardt, Daniel Flojhar, Thorsten Pauen, BASF SE,
Ludwigshafen, Germany
For environmental and workers protection in the field of polyurethane coatings, conventional
solvent borne systems systematically are substituted by more modern solutions. One of
these is the use of high solids solvent borne 2K PUR coatings. A preferred way to achieve
high solid content is the reduction of molecular weight of polyols and/or glass transition
temperature. Unfortunately this leads to drop of curing speed and may hamper end hardness
and resistance of the cured film. Applicants look for solutions which overcome these
problems, and might simultaneously improve properties such as curing speed with pot-life,
resistances with scratch resistance / reflow, hardness with elasticity for high solids coatings.
(Hyper)branched structures often have been discussed in respect to intrinsically more
globular shapes at high functionality and reduced entanglement of chains, thus providing low
viscosities and simultaneously fast curing and high cross-link density and good coating
property profile. So far, neither (hyper)branched polyisocyanates nor (hyper)branched
polyalcohols became widely used so far.
In this presentation it is shown that 2K PUR systems based on low molecular weight
polyacrylates and polyisocyanates can be improved in curing and lacquer performance by
addition of certain (hyper)branched polyesters as (co)-binder.
14.55 uur
15.15 uur
Novel concepts for hydrophobic 100% PU coatings based on renewable resources
Hartmutt Ottensman, Antropol Kunststoff GmbH, Stockelsdorf, Germany
The market of renewable raw materials for the production of 100% PU coatings is getting
more and more important.
At the end of the day, every coating has to fulfil the highest mechanical and chemical
requirements in order to be competitive.
Altropol has started this development in 1998 and is now able to offer solvent free, high-end
products for coatings which are insensitive to water.
The paper will show a comparison of standard 2pack PU coatings versus new 2-pack
Polyurethanes based on renewable resources with highest hydrophobic properties. This
essay will also include a comparison of aromatic and aliphatic crosslinked coatings.
15.55 uur
Bringing aliphatic polyurea technology to the next level: Low viscous solvent-free
polyaspartic construction coatings
Karl-Heinz Wührer, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany
The chemistry of polyaspartic coatings, first introduced in the early 1990s, is today a
well-established state-of-the-art technology. It is based on the reaction of an aliphatic
polyisocyanate with a polyaspartic-ester and results in an aliphatic polyurea.
Due to their unique property profile polyaspartic coatings are used today in a large variety of
applications, e.g. coatings for steel and concrete towers and rotor blades of wind energy
devices, protective coatings for steel structures like bridges, ACE and flooring applications
and as chain-extenders for polyurea spray coatings.
Regarding to existing VOC regulations, i.e. AgBB in Germany, it is impossible to use solvents
for the formulation of coating systems for construction applications, like flooring. In addition
these coatings are typically applied by roller or brush at ambient temperatures. With the
existing product portfolio of polyaspartic-esters it is very difficult to nearly impossible to
formulate manually applicable coatings as the viscosity of these products is too high. Resent
research lead to the development of a new low viscous polyaspartic ester based on a more
flexible amine. This product combines a low viscosity with an appropriate curing profile at
ambient temperatures. It is typically used as a co-binder in combination with exiting products
like Desmophen NH 1420.
Another obstacle for flooring applications is the lack of flexibility respectively the right
combination of flexibility and toughness of existing polyaspartic coatings systems. Therefore
a new flexible aliphatic polyisocyanate prepolymer was developed.
Within the presentation it will be shown that by combining these newly developed products
one is able to formulate polyaspartic ester based coatings combining ease of use for roller or
brush application at ambient temperatures and a unique combination of flexibility and
toughness. This opens up a completely new range of applications for the polyaspartics
16.35 uur
Sluiting, hapje, drankje
Leden BvM/NVVT
Leden BvM
Niet leden
Senioren en studenten
Nederlandse bedrijven
€ 61,00 (incl. 21% BTW)
€ 73,20 (incl. 21% BTW)
Buitenlandse bedrijven
€ 50,42 (BTW verlegd)
€ 60,50 (BTW verlegd)
Geen BTW nummer
€ 61,00 (incl. 21% BTW)
€ 73,20 (incl. 21% BTW)
€ 30,50 (incl. 21% BTW)
Betaling bij de registratie met gepast geld wordt op prijs gesteld.
U kunt zich uiterlijk tot en met donderdag 20 november 2014 aanmelden per e-mail:[email protected]
U ontvangt na aanmelding een bevestiging van deelname. Mocht u deze niet ontvangen of mocht u onverhoopt
verhinderd zijn neemt u dan tijdig contact op met de Bond voor Materialenkennis.
Per auto
Vanuit A’dam (A2) en Rotterdam/Den Haag (A12)
Bij het verkeersplein Ouderijn (Utrecht) volgt u de A2 richting ‘s Hertogenbosch; na ca. 9 km neemt u de afrit
Nieuwegein-Zuid (afrit 10), ruim voor de lekbrug bij Vianen. Aan het einde van de afrit gaat u linksaf en na ca 900 meter,
bij het derde stoplicht slaat u rechtsaf en vervolgens 1e weg rechts. Halverwege deze weg vindt u de hoofdingang van
‘t Veerhuis.
Vanuit Hilversum/Amersfoort (A27-A28)
Volg even de bewegwijzering Utrecht/Den Haag en neem al rijdende op de A27 de afslag Nieuwegein en volg daarna
de borden Nieuwegein (wit bord met Industrie-teken) /Houten (afrit 18) en vervolgens de borden Nieuwegein-Zuid/
Vianen. Neem de afslag Lekboulevard. Na de afslag, 1e straat rechts vindt u de hoofdingang van ‘t Veerhuis
halverwege deze weg.
Vanuit Arnhem (A12)
Neemt u voor Utrecht de afslag Utrecht/Nieuwegein. Volg de borden Nieuwegein en vervolgens de borden NieuwegeinZuid/Vianen. Neem de afslag lekboulevard. Na de afslag, 1e straat rechts vindt u de hoofdingang van ‘t Veerhuis
halverwege deze weg.
Vanuit ‘s Hertogenbosch (A2) en Breda
Richting Amsterdam/Utrecht-West aanhouden (A2) en direkt over de Lekbrug bij Vianen neemt u de afrit NieuwegeinZuid. Bij de stoplichten slaat u linksaf en na ca. 500 meter, bij het tweede stoplicht, gaat u rechtsaf en vervolgens de
eerste weg rechts. Halverwege deze weg vindt u de hoofdingang van ‘t Veerhuis.
Openbaar vervoer
Vanaf Utrecht CS neemt u de sneltram naar Nieuwegein-Zuid. Schuin tegenover de eindhalte vindt u ‘t Veerhuis.
Vanaf Utrecht CS rijden er tevens bussen naar ‘t Veerhuis. Voor de meest recente vertrek-/aankomsttijden kunt u het
beste kijken op www.9292ov.nl.
27 januari 2015:
Studiemiddag in ’t Veerhuis, Nieuwegein: “Additieven”
25 maart 2015:
Studiedag i.s.m. ATIPIC, Brecht: “Future challenge for Decorative Coatings”
19 mei 2015:
Studiemiddag in ’t Veerhuis, Nieuwegein
15 September 2015: Studiemiddag in ’t Veerhuis, Nieuwegein
24 November 2015 : Studiemiddag in ’t Veerhuis, Nieuwegein
Het NVVT bestuur hoopt u te begroeten op 25 november 2014!
Bestuur NVVT
Dr. P.J.A. Geurink, voorzitter
Drs. R. Leijen, penningmeester
Dr. B.P. Alblas, secretaris
M. la Faille
Ing. A.P. Verbree
Ing. J. Wezemer
Dr. J.M. Akkerman
D. Klomp
Dr. M. Casanova
Bond voor Materialenkennis
Postbus 359, 5600 AJ Eindhoven • Kruisstraat 74, 5612 CJ Eindhoven
T 0031 (0)40-2969913 • F 0031 (0)40-2969926 • E [email protected] • I www.materialenkennis.nl