EXCHANGE PARTNER UNIVERSITIES FOR THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Last update: 08/04/2014 For all information about Study Abroad see: Available places for the second semester - deadline = 1 June Please note that we are still reviewing the new and existing agreements. It is possible that partners will be cancelled or new partners will be added. Use this file for your orientation. Application and deadlines: Application form Study Abroad can be found on Hand in at Int. Office-BK or in dropbox Int. Office-BK. 2nd round for 2nd semester = 1 June For more information about partner universities, please check our TU Delft study abroad database. In this database you can find links to: Homepage of the university, homepage of their international office, schedule of the academic yearjaar, information about courses, availability of language courses, information about acommodation, general information about city, country and habits and 'visiting students guides'. Within Europa Code_Uni Country B LIEGE01 Belgium Luik Université de Liège 1 A+U+BT+LA CH LUGANO01 Swiss Mendrisio City Università della Svizzera Italiana Name University OUT 2 A Courses BSc+MSc BSc/MSc DesignProject 12 EC Teaching language MSc yes French Portfolio CH ZÜRICH07 Swiss Zürich Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich 1 A+Bt BSc+MSc D AACHEN01 Germany Aachen Rheinische Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen 1 A+U+Bt+LA BSc+MSc D COTTBUS 01 Germany Cottbus Brandenburgische Technische Universität 2 A+BT+U BSc+MSc German + English E ALICANT01 Spain Alicante Universidad de Alicante 2 A+U+BT BSc Spanish no Spanish + Catalan no yes yes German + English no Spain Vallés Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya Vallés (etsav) 2 A+U+R+BT+LA BSc+MSc E MADRID05 Spain Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2 A+Bt+U BSc+MSc Spanish E MADRID18 Spain Madrid Universidad Europea de Madrid 2 A BSC+MSC Spanish + English F CHATENA02 France Parijs Ecole Centrale Paris 1 A MSc F PARIS085 France Parijs Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées 1 BT(+R)+U MSc ? French no F PARIS126 France Parijs Ecole d'Architecture La Villette 1 A(+U) MSc yes French + English no F VERSAIL05 France Parijs Ecole nationale superieure d'architecture de Versailles 2 A+U MSc I BOLOGNA01 Italy Bologna Universita di Bologna 1 A+U BSC+MSC yes Italy Ferrara Università degli Studi di Ferrara 2 A+U+R+BT+LA+GEO BSc+MSc I MILANO01 Italy Milaan Politecnico di Milano Bovisa (studesk 4) 1 A+Bt BSc+MSc I MILANO02 Italy Milaan Politecnico di Milano Leonardo (studesk 1) 1 yes German + English E BARCELO03 etsav I FERRARA01 French + English French Italian no depends on department Italian no yes Italiaans Italian (few in English) no A+U+R+BT+LA+GEO BSc+MSc I TORINO02 Italy Turijn Politecnico di Torino 1 A+U+BT BSc+MSc I VENEZIA02 Italy Venetie Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia 1 A+U+R+BT+LA+GEO BSc+MSc IRL DUBLIN02 Ireland Dublin University College Dublin 1 A+U P PORTO02 Portugal Porto University of Porto 1 A PL KRAKOW03 Poland Krakow Cracow University of Technology 2 A+U PL WROCLAW02 Poland Wroclaw Wroclaw University of Technology 2 A+U MSc S STOCKHO04 Sweden Stockholm Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan 3 A+U+R+GEO MSc SF ESPOO12 Finland Helsinki Helsinki University of Technology 2 A+Bt+U MSc SF ESPOO12 Finland Helsinki Aalto University School of Engineering 2 GEO+R+SP MSc SI LJUBLJA01 Slovenia Ljubljana University of Ljubljana 1 U + LA MSc 10KT + more possible English UK NOTTING01 United Kingdom Nottingham The University of Nottingham 2 A MSc yes (1st semester only) English yes BSc/MSc DesignProject 12 EC Italiaans yes Italiaans MSc English MSc Portugese BSc+MSc English no English yes 10 ECTS/ PB 12 ECTS pass of fail i.p.v. cijfwers; pass wordt in Delft voldoende English English yes English Outside of Europe OUT Code_Uni Country City Name University Teaching language Portfolio AU MELB02 Australia Melbourne University of Melbourne 11 A+U+Bt+R BSc+MSc English yes AU SYDNEY01 Australia Sydney University of Technology 1 A+R+BT+U MSc English yes AU BRISBANE01 Australia Brisbane University of Queensland 1 BSc+MSc English AU BRISBANE02 Australia Brisbane Queensland University of Technology 1 BR SAO PAULO Brasil São Paulo University of São Paulo 4 CH SCUT China Wushan, Guangzhou South China University of Technology 2 CH TSINGHUA China Tsinghua, Beijing Tsinghua University 1 I TECHNION Israel Haifa Technion Israel Institute of Technology 1 IN AHMED01 India Ahmedabad Centre for Environmental Planning & Technology 1 Courses A A+LA A+U+Bt MSc English MSc Portugese MSc English MSc English MSc English MSc English TR ANKARA04 Turkey Ankara Middle East Technical University 1 in consultation with BSc+MSc TR ISTANBU04 Turkey Istanbul Istanbul Technical University 1 A+U+BT+R+LA+GEO BSc+MSc US CHICAGO01 USA Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago in consultation with A+U+Bt MSc US LOSANGELES USA Los Angeles Southern California Institute of Architecture in consultation with A MSc in consultation with A US MASSACHU01 USA Boston Massachusetts Institute of Technology US NORTH CAR USA Charlotte University of North Carolina 1 A= Architecture U=Urbanism Bt=Building Technology R=Real Estate LA=Landscape Architecture GEO=Geomatics SP=Spatial Planning A MSc MSc Bijzonderheden Italian yes English package 15 ECTS English yes English yes English yes English yes English yes
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