Top Judo tournament for judokas under 15, 18 and 21 years

Top Ju do to u r nam en t for j u do ka s
u n d er 15, 18 an d 21 year s
Mor e than 1700 par tici pan ts
10 - 11 jan uary 2015
Followed by a training camp. Check
Comments from ...
Willem Jan Stegeman
Director Dutch Judo Federation:
The Dutch Judo Federation is very proud with
the Dutch Open Espoire. Organized by our
Southern District, it has proved to be a event
of high sportive and organizational quality. This
event provides many judoka’s from various
countries to measure their sportive capabilities with other Judoka’s and add the results to
their (national) qualification. This tournaments
fits the tradition of organizing large sportive
events by our Judo organization, with the help
of many volunteers . Both volunteers as participants make this event a sportive highlight and
a prove of Fair Play due to the excellent
Edwin Steringa
National Coach men under
18 - u21
Talented young judoka’s have a
fine opportunity too test their
technical judo skills during the
Dutch Open Espoir tournament
in Eindhoven. In Holland this
is the most strong attended
event for the youth (-15) cadets ( -18) and juniors (-21)
John Beer
President of the southern district:
As the person who is final accountable for the organization of the 39th edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir
tournament, I’m proud that our tournament has received
the qualification status for Dutch judoka’s under 18 and
21 years of age. For the Southern District it is the reward
for providing a well organised tournament, in a splendid
sports hall, for more than 3 decades. I’m confident that
this status will attract even more top judoka’s in 2015.
Thanks to the more than 100 volunteers, I’m very confident that the 2015 edition of the Matsuru Dutch Open
Espoir again is going to be a success.
I invite you to participate.
Véronique Akkermans
National Coach women under 18 - u21
The Dutch Open Espoir 2015 is the fresh start of a new season for
the Dutch national teams -18 & -21. Everyone who has plans for
the upcoming year will be present in Eindhoven to show their level. It
will not be easy to reach the podium since many strong teams from
abroad will travel to the Netherlands to test their skills amongst
international competition. Many medal winners of European Cups,
European and World championships -18/-21 started their year at
the Dutch Open Espoir. If you are looking
for a strong tournament for juniors and cadets in the
Netherlands, this is your best option.
Ans v.d.Kerkhof
Sports Director Dutch Judo Federation:
Henk Plugge.
Referee Director the Netherlands
As sports director of the Dutch Judo Federation, I am very proud with a tournament
like the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir. It is a
very strong competition for the participating
judoka’s. For the Dutch judoka’s it counts
for qualification for the EC/EYOF and WC.
For many years, the same team of pleasant,
motivated and skilled volunteers are responsible for the organization. Together with the
judoka’s, they brought this tournament to a
very high level of professionality.
For the age categories below 15, 18 and 21 years, the Matsuru
Dutch Open Espoir Tournament belongs to one of the best tournaments in Europe. This event attracts an increasing number of judoka’s and has become a very strong competition. Because of the high quality of this event there is a need for
a large, experienced and well-qualified referee group. Because
the Dutch Judo Association JBN has appointed the Matsuru
Dutch Open Espoir tournament as a “qualification” tournament,
the Dutch National Referee commission selects only national and
international referees for this event. The referees are always
very pleased to work at the Matsuru Dutch Open Espoir. I recommend you to participate in this tournament.
Venue: Indoor Sportscentre.
Theo Koomenlaan 1
5644 HZ Eindhoven, Netherlands
Public seats: 7.500
Playground: 4.300 m2
12 tatamis and a warming up area.
Dutch Judo Federation;Southern district
More info: check
Photography powered by
“5 minutes walk from hotel van der Valk to the Indoor sportscentre”
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