New insights in the structuring role o f Lanice conchilega reefs in intertidal food webs: a focus on epi- and hyperbenthos Bart De Smet', An-Sofie D’H ondt', Pieterjan V erhelst1, Jérôme Fournier23, Laurent Godet4, Nicolas Desroy5, M arijn Rabaut1, Magda V in cx1 and Jan Vanaverbeke1 1 D epartm ent o f Biology, Marine Biology Section Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 /S8, 9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail: badsmet.desm et@ 2 CNRS, UMR 7208 BOREA Muséum National d ’H istoire Naturelle 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France 3 Muséum National d ’H istoire Naturelle Station Marine de Dinard, 35800 Dinard, France 4 CNRS, UMR 6554 LETG-Nantes G éolittom er Université de Nantes, 44312 Nantes Cedex 3, France 3 IFREMER Laboratoire Environnem ent et Ressources FBN CRESCO, 35800 Dinard, France In recent years, the interest in d isentangling food webs in marine environm ents is grow ing due to an increasing dem and fo r a sustainable use o f aquatic resources. Moreover, the presence o f healthy and abundant food webs is crucial to ensure the survival o f species. M onitoring the status and the trends o f marine food webs is essential in ord er to collect inform a tion needed to assess the current situation and im plem ent the necessary conservation measures. A marine species which was shown to be very useful w ith in a conservation co nte xt is Lanice conchilega. This tu be -b u ild in g polychaete can fo rm dense populations, often called biogenic reefs, which prom ote m acrobenthic co m m un ity change and constitute feeding grounds fo r secondary consum ers such as fla tfis h and waders. A lthough L. conchilega is studied quite elaborately, up to now little or no attention has been paid to the entire intertida l epi- and hyperbenthic com m unities associated w ith the reefs. Therefore, th is is to our knowledge - the firs t study which focusses on the effect o f L. conchilega reefs on the entire associated benthic assemblage (i.e. including the macro-, epi- and hyperbenthic com m unity) over a larger geographic scale. A ll three com m unities were sampled w ith in a L. conchilega reef and control area at tw o locations in France: the bay o f the M ont Saint-Michel (BMSM) and Boulogne-sur-Mer (Boulogne). Independent o f the geographical location, the L. conchilega reef structures all three associated benthic com m unities, although the e xten t o f the structuring effect varies between them . We suggest th a t th is is due to the d ifferen tia l dependency o f the macro-, epi-, and hyperbenthic com m unities to the seafloor. The m acrobenthic com m unity, which is m ost intim ately connected w ith the sedim ent, is m ost notably affected by the presence o f L. conchilega, w hile the hyperbenthos o f the lower w ater colum n is the least structured by the reef. The increased abundances o f animals in all three benthic reef com m unities a ttract and sustain higher tro p h ic levels such as (com m ercial) fish and wader. Hence, L. conchilega reefs do not o nly affect abundances and d ive rsity but they su bstantially steer the structure o f the intertida l sandy beach food web including benthic, pelagic and air-borne com ponents. Moreover, the reef effect is applicable on a larger geographical scale, which is an im p o rta n t fin d in g tow ards the im plem entation o f widespread conservation measures in the future. - 40 -
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