Reduction of antimicrobial usage in Livestock in the Netherlands

Reduction of antimicrobial usage in Livestock in the Netherlands
and the European Union
Thursday 27 March 2014
Paushuize te Utrecht, from 12.30 welcome (including small lunch)
13.00 – 13.10 Opening by Hetty van Beers-Schreurs, DVM, PhD, Director of the Netherlands
Veterinary Medicine Authority, SDa.
13.10 – 13.30 Antibiotic resistance in human and veterinary perspective
Prof. Marc Bonten, DM, PhD, Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, and
head of the department of Medical Microbiology, at the University Medical Center
(UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands.
13.30 – 13.50 What we know on the relation between use of antimicrobials and resistance
Associate Prof. Christina Greko, PhD, Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial
Strategies of the National Veterinary Institute (SVA); Uppsala, Sweden.
13.50 – 14.10 Measuring antibiotics use for pigs in Denmark, including pro and cons of risk
management and relation to other MS measures
Annette Cleveland Nielsen, DVM, PhD, Chief Veterinary Advisor, Animal Welfare and
Veterinary Medicine Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark.
14.10 – 14.30 Antibiotic resistance; the Belgian approach
Evelyne De Graef, DVM, PhD, Centre of Expertise on Antimicrobial Consumption and
Resistance in Animals (AMCRA), Belgium.
14.30 – 15.00 Pause
15.00 – 15.20 Harmonisation in calculating the usage of antibiotics in Livestock
Inge van Geijlswijk, PharmD, PhD, Hospital pharmacist and head of the Pharmacy
Department of the UU Faculty Veterinary Medicine, The Netherlands, member of the
SDa-Expert panel, The Netherlands.
15.20 – 15.40 Veterinary Benchmark Indicators in the Netherlands from farm to veterinarian
Professor Dick Heederik, PhD, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences – Environmental
Epidemiology. Chairman of the SDa-Expert panel, The Netherlands.
15.40 – 16.00 Initiatives to achieve a proper usage of antibiotics in Livestock
Christianne Bruschke, DVM, PhD, Chief Veterinary Officer of the Netherlands,
Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands.
16.00 – 16.30
Have we realized our reduction-ambitions?
Professor Dik Mevius, DVM, PhD, Central Veterinary Institute/Utrecht University, and
former Chairman of the SDa-Expert panel, The Netherlands.
16.30 – 17.00 Closure
17.00 – 18.00 Informal get together