Upper Creaceous Smaller Foraminifera from Buton (D.E.I.)

Palzontology. - Upper Cretaceous Smaller Foraminifera from Buton
(D. E. J.). By F. G. KEI]ZER. (Communicated by Prof. L. RUTTEN.)
(Comrnunicated at the meeting of October 27, 1945.)
During the study oE the miàofauna of asphalt-bearing tertiary marls
hom the island of Buton (SE of Celebes in the Duch East Indies)
reworked upper cretaceous· smaller foraminifera were found in one of the
samples. Generally these are almost pure Globigerina-Globorotalia-marls
with the faunal assemblage very common in the Neogene of the Indopacific region. One sample, however, contains many sharply angular
white and grey pieces of Iimestone and grey and black pieces of chert.
resembling in alle respects, macroscopically as weil as. in thin-section , the
cretaceous Globotruncana-Iimestones Erom the island present in the
collection of the Geological Institute at Utrecht. In this sample many
upper cretaceous smaller foraminifera are mixed with the tertiary assemblage. The cretaceous forms differ markedly from the beautifully preserved
tertiary foraminifera in their dull grey colour and no mistake can be
made in their picking fr om the sample. The following upper cretaceous
forms could be identified :
Cristallaria (Robulus) cf. inomata (O' ORB)
Nodosaria sp
*Gümbelina camagueyana VAN .RMOSHOVEN
* G. costulata CUSHMAN
*G. excolata CUSHMAN
*G. globulosa (EHRENBERG)
*G. nuttalli VOORWI]i<
*G. plummerae LOETTERLE
G. pseudotessera CUSHMAN
*G. reussi CUSHMAN
*G. striata (EHRENBERG)
'* Pseudotextularia varians .RzEHAK
'* Planoglobulina acervulinoides ( EGGER)
'* Ventilabrella carseyi PUIMMER
'* Bolivinoides seranensis VAN DER SLUIS
Pulvinulinella culter (PARKER & JONES)
'*Globigerina bulloides O'ORBIGNY
*G. cretacea D'ORBIGNY
'*G. pseudotriloba WHITE
*Globigerinella aspera (EHRENBERG)
'*Globorotalia crassaformis (GALLOWAY & WISSLER)
'*G. membranacea (EHRENBERG)
* G. velascoensis (CUSHMAN)
'* Globotruncana area (CUSHMAN)
.. G. calcarata CUSHMAN
"G. canaliculata (REUSS)
"G. canaliculata (REUSS), var. ventricosa WHITE
"G. convexa SANDlOGE, var. multicamerata VAN OER SLUIS
Anomalina bentonensis MORRow
A. sp.
In th is list species marked by an asterisk have also been found by
VAN OER SLUIS in the Upper Cretaceous of Seran (0. E.I.). The re:semblance with that fauna is so great, that both faunae may safely be
regarded as ' synchronic (i. e. rather high in the Upper Cretaceous).
The cretaceous rocks are known already for a long time through the
investigations made on the island by the governmental "Dienst van
den Mijnbouw". The knowledge has been summarized by HETZEL 1)
in the final report on the asphaltbearing rocks on Boeton. The cretaceous
series consists of white, grey and rosy, of ten porcelain-like dense-textured
limestones, of ten cut by veinIets of calcite, and containing the typical
assemblage of
Gümbelina globulosa (EHRENBERG)
Globigerina cretacea O'ORBIGNY
Globotruncana canaliculata (REUSS).
This type of limestone is very common in the eastern part of the East
Indian Archipelago. Characteristic for the formation are layers and concretions of reddish and yellow chert, sometimes rich in radiolaria.
The dense-textured limestones are ' mentioned to occur sometimes in
alternation with white or light-grey marly limestones with locally also
layers of chert. In contrast with the first type these limestones contain
abundantly Globigerinidae, but no Globotruncana. This may be interpreted as due to changes in facial conditions, but it remains also possible
th at the marly Globigerina-limestones belong the another stratigraphic
unit than the Globotruncana-limestones. The last possibility leads to the
assumption of tectonical complications in the sec ti ons relating to the
matter in question. HETZEL'S report, however, is too summary to make
a further discussion on this point possible, but the cretaceous series is
reported to be strongly folded and sheared. Tectonical complications in
Boeton have also been suggested by WANNER (2) for a succession of
strata where, according to BOTHÉ (3), upper jurassic limestones are overlain as weil as underlain by Globotruncana ("Rosalina")-limestones
( Cretaceous).
W. H . HETZEL, Verslag van het onderzoek naar het voorkomen van asfaltgesteenten
op het eiland Boeton. Verslagen en Mededeelingen betr. Indische delfstoffen, etc. no. 21 Dienst van den Mijnbouw in Neder. Indië (1936).
2. J. WANNER, Gesteinsbildende Foraminiferen aus Malm und Unterkreide des östlichen
Ostindischen Archipels. Pal. Ztschr. Bd. 22, p. 75-99 (1940).
3. A. C. D . BOTHE. Voorloopige mededeeling betreffende de geologie van Zuid-OostCelebes. De Mijningenieur V III , p. 97-03 (1927).