Contact ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course

Contact Person
Paul Savelkoul
P. Debyelaan 25
P.O. Box 5800
6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands
Phone +31 433 876 644
Fax +31 433 876 643
[email protected]
Target Audience
Up to 100 MDs, biologists, post-doctoral fellows
and PhD students who are working in the field
of microbiology and are interested in molecular
Confirmed Faculty Members
Martin Altwegg, Lucerne, Switzerland
Eric Claas, Leiden, The Netherlands
Tanja Geelen, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Margareta Ieven, Antwerp, Belgium
Hans Kusters, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Colin Mackenzie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Marlies Mooij, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Jacob Moran-Gilad, Jerusalem, Israel
Bert Niesters, Groningen, The Netherlands
Roel Nijhuis, Velp, The Netherlands
John Penders, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Marijke Raymaekers, Hasselt, Belgium
John Rossen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Paul Savelkoul, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Kate Templeton, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Anton van Loon, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rob Willems, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Carl Wittwer, Salt Lake City, United States
Petra Wolffs, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Administrative Secretariat
Secretary Office Dept. Medical Microbiology
Maastricht UMC
P. Debyelaan 25
P.O. Box 5800
6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands
Phone + 31 433 876 644
Fax +31 433 876 643
[email protected]
Picture outside: Aerial view of the Maastricht University
Medical Centre (MUMC)
© ESCMID, September 2013
ESCMID Postgraduate
Education Course
Principles of Molecular
The Netherlands
5 – 7 March 2014
ESCMID Postgraduate
Education Course
Principles of Molecular
• ESCMID Study Group for Molecular Diagnostics
• Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital
Hygiene, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf,
• University Hospital Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
• Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel
• Bioanalytica AG, Lucerne, Switzerland
• Edinburgh Specialist Virology Centre, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
• Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
• University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands
• Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
The Netherlands
• Jessa Hospital, Site Virga Jesse, Hasselt, Belgium
Course Coordinators
• Tanja Geelen, Maastricht, The Netherlands
• Marlies Mooij, Maastricht, The Netherlands
• Paul Savelkoul, Maastricht, The Netherlands
• Petra Wolffs, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Course Objectives
The course provides an overview of the general
principles of state-of-the-art molecular
techniques for diagnosis of infectious diseases:
Quantitative PCR, (Next-Generation) Sequencing
and Mass Spectrometry. In addition, the course
educates participants on the set-up, validation
and quality control of the different techniques
and discusses the latest and upcoming developments in the field.
Course Programme
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
08:30 Welcome
09:00 Real-time PCR: the basics. Carl Wittwer
Applications of real-time PCR
09:30 Quantitative PCR. Eric Claas
10:00 Multiplex PCR to maximum. Kate Templeton
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Gene expression profiling. To be announced
11:30 High Resolution Melting. Carl Wittwer
12:00 Digital PCR. To be announced
12:30 Lunch
13:30 PCR design & computer simulations.
To be announced
14:00 PCR parameters for optimisation.
To be announced
14:30 Troubleshooting for PCR. To be announced
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Molecular detection of antibiotic resistance
and virulence factors . Roel Nijhuis
16:00 Point of care detection systems.
Bert Niesters
19:30 Welcome dinner
Thursday, 6 March 2014
09:00 Next-Generation Sequencing: the basics.
To be announced
Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
09:30 The use of pyrosequencing for typing and
resistance. Rob Willems
10:00 Microbiome analysis. To be announced
10:30 Coffee Break
Setup of NGS workflow. To be announced
Sample handling for NGS. John Penders
Troubleshooting NGS workflow. John Rossen
Advanced PCR detection: possibilities.
Paul Savelkoul
Application of micro-arrays. To be announced
Broad Spectrum PCR for clinical diagnostics.
Martin Altwegg
Coffee Break
Mass Spectrometry: the basics
(types and principles). To be announced
Applications of Mass Spectrometry in
medical microbiology. Hans Kusters
Friday, 7 March 2014
DNA / RNA isolation & sample processing.
Petra Wolffs
One-assay approach and principles of CE-IVD
(in vitro diagnostics). Margareta Ieven
Quality assurance (internal/external).
Anton van Loon
Coffee Break
Guidelines molecular diagnostics.
Marijke Raymaekers
Molecular diagnostics: when to use and
when not to use. Jacob Moran-Gilad
The future developments in molecular
diagnostics. Paul Savelkoul
Closing lunch & presentation of new
equipment by companies
Course Venue
Maastricht University
Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science
Universiteitssingel 50
6229 ER Maastricht
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Registration Procedure
Register now online on the ESCMID website
at Registration
deadline is 31 January 2014.
Registration Fee
EUR 500 for ESCMID members
EUR 600 for all others
The fee includes the scientific sessions, meals
and all social events. Travel and accommodation
are not included.
Attendance Grants
ESCMID provides a number of attendance
grants for ESCMID “young scientist
members”. The grant covers the registration
fee, but not accommodation or travel costs.
Please apply via the ESCMID website
at before
8 January 2014. Applicants will be
informed about their acceptance by
22 January 2014.
CME Accreditation
The organisers of the course will apply
for European CME accreditation through