BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION Magazine for executives & decision makers OKT - NOV ISSUE 2014 132 GENERAL MANAGEMENT EFQM: The European Federation of Quality Management FINANCE & LEGAL When buying art becomes investing in art HUMAN RESOURCES Retention management SALES & MARKETING Mobile communication: anywhere, anytime, any device ICT The Internet of Things LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING Transport Management FACILITY MANAGEMENT Hoe energie besparen? Prof. Michael Braungart “We should not do fewer things badly, but rather more things well” EDITORIAL PARTNERS p. 21 We will not teach you about Dutch gastronomic customs. WILT U HET JUISTE Contacteer ons! Tel: 03 889 52 59 DOELPUBLIEK BEREIKEN EN UW BUSINESS DOEN GROEIEN? BUSIN ESS MAGA LEADE RSHIP, ZINE ON INNOV ATION STRAT EGY AND VISION , BUSIN ESS MAGAZ LEADER SHIP, INE ON INNOV ATION, STRAT EGY AND VISION Digital for execuMagazine decision tives & makers GENERAL MAN AUG/SEP Digital for execuMagazine decision tives & makers ISSUE 2014 131 GENERAL Ode aan AGEMENT Bedrijven onderwijs partners voor ? het Digital HR Outs ourcing KETING FACILITY ICT IT-securit y FACILITY FINANCE MAN Factoring en FINANCE Betalen of niet? & LEGAL werkkapit aal SALES & MAR AUTO & LIFES agement e: Big data & MAN AGEMENT Milieuvrie sanitaire ndelijke keuz ruimtes es maken voor AGEMENT Vlaander duurzaamen toonaange materiale vend in nbeheer Fleet Man Enterpris LOGISTICS ISSUE ENT er MANUFAC Logistiek TURING toekomsti is een drive r voor een ge aank oop SALES & MAR Direct mark eting APR/MAY 2014 127 MANAGEM het papi ICT KETING Van mult ichannel naar cross -channel TYLE & LEGAL Arnoud Rask in, co-founde Kris Peet ers, Uittr edend Vlaa “Wat ku r StreetwiZe ms Minister -Pre “E straatki nnen manager in r is nog een sident mooie to nderen s lere dunstvarie ?” ekom n in V EDITORIAL Magazine Print Editie 15 October 2014 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 28 November, 2014 30 Januari, 2015 But we can help you to optimise your cash management in the Netherlands. 30 Maart, 2015 PARTNERS laandere n.” EDITORIAL PARTNERS Magazine Digital 31 October, 2014 31 December, 2014 27 Frebruari, 2015 Contact your ING Relationship Manager and benefit from our presence in over 40 countries. LEADERSHIP FORUM 2014-2015 GENERA L MA NA GE CES OUR RES GENERA L MA NA GE ICT LOGIST ICS & LOGIST ICS & FINANCE & LEFGINAALNCE & LEGAL HU ES ITI FAC IL ES ITI ICT N MA & MARKAELTEISNG& MARKETING SALES S NT ME FAC IL ING Belgium SA/NV –Bank/Lender –Registered office: avenue Marnix 24, B-1000 Brussels –Brussels RPM/RPR –VAT: BE 0403.200.393 –BIC: BBRUBEBB –IBAN: BE45 3109 1560 2789 - Publisher: Inge Ampe –Cours Saint-Michel 60, B-1040 Brussels S URCE ESO NR MA NT ME HU PROGRAM RUNNING FROM DECEMBER 2014 UNTIL MAY 2015 PROGRAM RUNNING FROM DECEMBER 2014 UNTIL MAY 2015 SMART SMART ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS st voor 5 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION UITGEVER / ÉDITEUR & DIRECTEUR EDITORIAAL / EDITORIAL WHY MEDIA WILL PLAY A CHANGING ROLE IN THE FUTURE Dirk Vermant Dear Reader, In this Internet era, we all enjoy instant access to information. Nothing surprising there. What’s more interesting, however, is that thanks to the Internet ‘authorities’ are slowly but surely disappearing. Take doctors and professors, for example: no longer are they the sole guardians of health and science knowledge. This phenomenon also affects business media. To maintain its significance, business media will have to reinvent itself. A few years ago, CxO Magazine launched a totally innovative co-creation concept. By making magazines in collaboration with readers, pages not only became more accessible, they also got where they were meant to go: with editorial content that really did the job. This novel concept helped CxO Magazine to lay the foundations for the future of our media. This makes you, the readers, the winners of this unique media model, by helping each other out in a smart way. But co-creation does not end at our national borders. Better yet, through upscaling, co-creation can be rolled out throughout Europe, and even worldwide. By offering you a European outlet, CxO Magazine helps make businesses smarter and stronger. That’s why, as a prelude to our European plans, the magazine will feature many English and French articles. By making this co-creation model international, we aim to set an example to the many SMEs eager to stand up and be counted. We stimulate and give insights, drawing on knowledge from international sources. Omdat de klanten van BASE mobieler zijn, biedt BASE hen megasnel 4G, waar ze ook zijn. KMO’S BESPAREN DANKZIJ BASE GEMIDDELD 41%* OP HUN MOBIELE TELECOMBUDGET. CONTACTEER ONS EN LATEN WE SAMEN BEREKENEN HOEVEEL UW ONDERNEMING KAN BESPAREN. Because businesses do better when they’ve got the right information, that’s our goal. In these days of overflowing inboxes and information overload, CxO Magazine facilitates better strategic decision-making. How? CxO Magazine gathers information and filters it for independence, reliability and relevance, helping to keep you on the right course. Happy reading! Bel 0486/19 1940 ADVERTEERDERSLIJST Accel p. 53 - Administri p. 35 - Barco p. 15 - BASE p. 4 - BNP PARIBAS FORTIS p. 68 - Faculty Club p. 36 ING p. 2 - OVAM p. 17 - Profiles p. 39 - SalesAssist p. 45 - Samsung p.47 - Skelia p. 29 - StepStone p. 36 Val-I-Pac p. 13 - ViCre p.1, 57, 66 - ViCre (advertorial) p. 21 - Vito p. 61 * Gemiddelde besparing op het bedrag van de laatste factuur van 300 KMO’s, die een offerte van BASE business hebben aangevraagd tussen 1 januari en 30 augustus 2014. OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 6 7 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Magazine for executives & decision makers BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION 12 . . . . . . Authentic Leadership: room for essential questions 50 GENERAL MANAGEMENT 16 ICT 50 . . . . . . Bi-Monthly Headlines 52 . . . . . . Expert Group ICT: 14 . . . . . . Coverstory: Prof. Michael Braungart Thematic article: IT security 16 . . . . . . Vlerick Business School: Big Boss Survey 18 . . . . . . Business innovation Une société bruxelloise aux commandes de l’informatique gestuelle 20 . . . . . . AMS: From Special to Specialist 56 22 . . . . . . B-Information LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING 56 . . . . . . Expert Group Logistics & Manufacturing: L’industrie pharmaceutique en Belgique Thematic article: Transport Management 24 . . . . . . EFQM: Business Excellence 28 . . . . . . Thema-artikel: Internationaal ondernemen 34 FINANCE & LEGAL 32 . . . . . . Recente ontwikkelingen m.b.t. het octrooirecht 60 34 . . . . . . Expert Group Finance & Legal: Thematic article: Wealth Management FACILITY MANAGEMENT 60 . . . . . . Expert Group Facility Management: Thema-artikel: Lighting & Relighting HUMAN RESOURCES 38 . . . . . . Expert Group Human Resources: Thematic article: Retention Management 38 40 . . . . . . W hat can we learn from Ganesh ? Newsletter PMS 41 . . . . . . De sollicitant is de baas 64 SALES & MARKETING 42 . . . . . . W ho is responsible for pricing at your organisation? 62 . . . . . . Op de boekenplank 63 . . . . . . Testimonial 44 . . . . . . Expert Group Sales & Marketing: In zee met Kia Sportage Thema-artikel: Mobiele Communicatie 64 . . . . . . Cars 46 . . . . . . CxO Leadership Forum 2014-15 WWW.CXONET.BE AUTO & LIFESTYLE Happy Profit / De Wet van Snuf Newsletter EPP 44 Honda Civic Tourer / Maserati Ghibli 48 . . . . . . Identity & Branding (5) Thought Leadership OKT-NOV 2014 OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 8 9 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION RAAD DER WIJZEN CONSEIL DES SAGES BOARD OF THE WISE GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION ALGEMENE DIRECTIE GROTE ONDERNEMINGEN Frédérique Bruggeman Managing director Robert Half België en Luxemburg The Board of the Wise is a group of entrepreneurs, general managers and directors of SME’s, multinationals and non-profit organisations who decided to join the CxO community. In both CxO Magazine Print and CxO Magazine Digital the members of the Board of the Wize are sharing their knowledge and inspiring vision through interviews and articles. ERELID RECENT TOEGETREDEN LID Kris Cloots Country manager ISS Hedwig Maes President EMEA Rockwell Automation Luc Deflem CEO Securex Dirk Momont Managing partner Auxo Chantal De Vrieze Jean-Claude Delen CEO Econocom Senior Executive Vice President at DHL Global Forwarding Jan Ronsse Jean-Paul Van Avermaet Country Leader Oracle BESTUURDERS COMMUNITIES Managing director G4S Belgium & Luxemburg Alexander Dewulf Managing director Cebeo Eric Van Bael Vice president commercial & ublic sector EMEA Ron Embrechts Algemeen directeur Care Danny VandeVyver Managing director Unify Belgium & Luxemburg Ingrid Gonnissen General manager Xerox Alain Vandenbrande CEO Facilicom Services Group Jean-François Guerrier Ludo Langen Ronnie Leten Sonja Van Dorslaer Rik Vanpeteghem Eric Van Zele Managing director Fujitsu Technology Solutions General manager Asendia Belgium Site manager DSV Solutions President & CEO Atlas Copco CEO Barco CEO Deloitte België ALGEMENE DIRECTIE COMMUNITIES Eddy Bruyninckx Afgevaardigd bestuurder Havenbedrijf Antwerpen Antoon De Proft Voorzitter raad van bestuur IMEC Prof. dr. Marc De Vos Directeur Itinera Institute Dirk Fransaer Afgevaardigd bestuurder Vito Philippe Haspeslagh Decaan Vlerick Business School Ingrid Lieten Vlaams parlementslid Paul Matthyssens Decaan Antwerp Management School Claire Tillekaerts Algemeen directeur Flanders Investment & Trade Raymonda Verdyck Afgevaardigd bestuurder Gemeenschapsonderwijs Frank Van Massenhove Directeur FOD Sociale Zekerheid Bruno van Pottelsberghe Dean Solvay Brussels School Cathy Berx Gouverneur Provincie Antwerpen Bernard Caprasse Gouverneur Provincie Luxemburg Lodewijk De Witte Gouverneur Provincie VlaamsBrabant Herman Reynders Gouverneur Provincie Limburg Koen Valgaeren Algemeen directeur Vlaams Instituut voor Mobiliteit Patrick Van Lijsebetten CEO Atlantae Karel Vinck Coordinator at the EU Commission Olivier Willocx Gedelegeerd bestuurder BECI ALGEMENE DIRECTIE KMO’S Eugène Beckers Eddy Bonne François Goddet Eddy Helsen Gonzales Stubbe Ann Vancoillie Chairman Zenitel Voorzitter ABRA Anja Cappelle Algemeen directeur The Reference Christophe Cherry Country director Atradius Belux BESTUURDERS GROTE ONDERNEMINGEN Noë Denecker Bestuurder Honda Europe CXO EDITORIAL EXPERTS Marc Lambotte VP & GM Benelux & Nordics Unisys Luc Van den Brande Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur VRT Eric Verrept Administrateurgeneraal Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie ONDERNEMERS KMO’S CEO Groep S Arn Borstlap Erwin De Weerdt Gabriël Fehervari Zaakvoerder Worldlinx CEO ViCre CEO at Zenith Optimedia Gedelegeerd bestuurder Creaplan Wim Hoeckman CEO Victor Buyck Steel Construction Paul Van de Perre CEO Caesar Real Estate Fund Carine Huysveld Alexandre Cleven CEO Partena, Cluster Ondernemingen en Ondernemers Francis Jespers Gedelegeerd bestuurder Attentia CEO Euler Hermes Belgium Pascale Van Damme Luc Van den Bossche General manager Dell Voorzitter Directiecomité Optima Rudi Deruytter CEO DATEX-CKV-Goffin Kredieten Inge Plancke Jonas Dhaenens CEO Combell/Unitt Hugues Rey General manager USG People Belgium CEO Havas Media Belgium Willy Van Overschée Saskia Van Uffelen CEO CIMCIL CEO Belux Ericsson Astrid De Lathauwer Viv Hermans Directeur Acerta Consult President Belgian Relocation Center Burt Riské Peter Ryckaert Managing director B-information Daniëlle Vanwesenbeeck Zaakvoerder MasterMail Director Cegeka Chairman Feweb Tine Verhelst Directeur Faculty Club Jan Heiremans Luc Hellemans Managing director StepStone Marleen Smekens Managing partner Mentorprise Bruno Verhofstede Onafhankelijk bestuurder en Consultant in Bedrijfsstrategie CEO Arcadis Johan Sneyers Algemeen directeur Val-I-Pac Walter Vermeeren Managing director Nova Group Nicolas Saverys Gedelegeerd bestuurder Exmar Hans Wilmots CEO BDO WWW.CXONET.BE OKT-NOV 2014 OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 10 11 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION CxO EXPERT GROUPS HUMAN RESOURCES LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING ICT FACILITIES FINANCE & LEGAL © Jos Verhoogen SALES & MARKETING Prof. dr. Peggy De Prins Docent en academisch verantwoordelijke HRM AMS Walter Engels Koen Dewettinck Sales & Customer Services Director DHL Parcel Raymond Evens Sabine Gekiere Jurgen De Wever HR manager DHL Global Forwarding (Belgium) Bart Janssens Denise Laros Patrick Muylle Kristian Vandenhoudt HR Manager Atlas Copco HR Dept. Director McDonalds’ Belgium Bert Lyssens Corporate HR manager Agfa-Gevaert Marc Van Hoecke HR Counsel KPMG Marketing Manager Siemens Christian Luyten Nathalie Arteel Commercieel directeur Arteel Recognition Solutions Véronique Fauconnier Business Development Director Nova Relocation Lise Mulpas Corporate Communications Officer Isabel Communicatie Elia System Operator Stéphane Thiery Annemarie Van Asbroeck Directeur du Marketing de la Mobilité durable TEC Senior Marketing Manager Havenbedrijf Antwerpen Piet De Grauwe Peter Bal Marketing manager Cofely Services CIO Wabco Vehicle Control Systems Dirk Hendrickx Geert Christiaens Vice President EMEA Barco Manager IT Services and Business Processes Tiense Suikerraffinaderij Steve Muylle Jan Dobbenie Professor of Marketing Partner of Vlerick Business School Johan Vanden Bergh Marketing manager KIA Motors Belgium CIO ENI Christiaan Peeters IT Manager, Arteco - Total België Chris Borremans Jan Buys Dave Bellekens General manager European IT Komatsu Europe IT Manager Accor Hotels Belgium Christiaan De Backer Prof. dr. Steven De Haes Mike Callens CIO Tom Tom Group Catherine Hellebaut Director Knowledge & Research AMS Logistiek directeur Multipharma Vice Persident sourcing Atlas Copco Airpower nv Christophe Huygens Suzy Costers Regional Business Service, ERP & IT Leader Benelux 3M Benelux Professor KU Leuven Wim Schollaert Prof. dr. Bart Sijnave Jos Marinus ICT Manager Gates Europe CIO UZ Gent VP Vlaanderen PICS Jürgen Berckmans Robert Boute Geert Van Hootegem Hoogleraar KULeuven Linda Verdonck Director Human Resources Ricoh Belgium Vicky Welvaert HR Director Asco Industries Patrick Van der Avert Peter Van Eycken Anne Van Gils Joris Vanholme Manager Corporate Communications & Marketing Belux Atradius Credit Insurance Marketing manager Gosselin Group Sales Director BeLux Unify Communications Marketing manager Attentia Arnold Van Garsse Marketing & Sales Manager Bulo Office Furniture Kalman Tiboldi CIO TVH - Thermote & Vanhalst Freddy Stijn Viaene Van den Wyngaert Ass. Prof. of Management CIO Agfa-Gevaert Group Information Systems Partner of Vlerick Business School Ass. Prof. of Operations Management Vlerick Business School Exploitatie verantwoordelijke Decathlon Benelux Erik Chabot Olivier Corluy Steve Calmein Business Unit Manager Logistics Honda Europe Nik Delmeire Nationaal voorzitter O.T.M. Luc Peeters President PICS Belgium Liesbet De Munck D emand Planning Coordinator WEZ AB-Inbev Maarten Peeters President VIB Supply Chain Director Nutricia-Milupa Belgium Marc Slegers Geert Swinnen Alex Van Breedam Johan Van Den Broeck Tom Van Dijck VP Telenet Procurement & Supply Chain Nico Vandaele Ward Van Rijckeghem Prof. dr. KU Leuven Marketing Com munications Manager Volvo Cars Belux Erik Aerts Supply Chain Director Danone Logistiek manager Hansen Transmissions International © Sven Everaert Directeur personeel en organisatie Campina Belgium Grit Adriaenssens HR Manager Shell Belgium HR Manager Aveve HR manager Gosselin Group Els Druyts Ass. Prof. of HRM Director part-time MBA programme Vlerick Business School Head of Supply Chain and Procurement bij Ineos ChlorVinyls LVM Prof. KU Leuven en Universiteit Antwerpen Facility manager Johnson Controls Mieke Loncke Directeur IFMA Koen Van Haelst Directeur facilitaire diensten Provinciebestuur Antwerpen Sébastien Berlanger Facilities manager Coca-Cola Enterprises Belgium Stephane De Klerck Building Infrastructure Manager The Brussels Airport Company Claude Pintens Facility & Security Domain manager Loterie Nationale Jeroen Boon Erik Boone Kris Coppens Finance Director Bosal Benelux Sylvain dal Vecchio Facilities-Projects-Risks Floré Group CFO Gosselin Group Frank Geets Patrick Descamps Rudi De Winter CFO Van Laere CFO Randstad België & Luxemburg Ann Troch Financieel directeur Aveve Luc Janssens Paul Lievens Philippe Maeckelberghe Administrateur-generaal Agentschap voor Facilitair Management Facility manager D.E. MASTER BLENDERS 1753 CFO EOC Belgium Johan Maes Directeur Financieren Aquafin Geert Stienen CFO Egemin CFO Ondernemingen Jan De Nul Jan-Willem Ruinemans CFO Hansen Transmissions International Finance Director Belgium & Luxemburg Fujitsu Technology Solutions Matthew Fite CFO Deceuninck Regine Slagmulder Ass. Prof. of Accounting & Control Partner of Vlerick Business School Marc Van Gastel Head of Department Invest FIT Purchase manager BASF De expert Group ICT wordt verder uitgebouwd dankzij de ondersteuning van: Steven Vansnick Sales manager Ricoh Belgium WWW.CXONET.BE Paul Vermeylen Jan Vroemans Commercial Manager Marsh Marketing manager Jaguar Land Rover Belux OKT-NOV 2014 OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 12 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: ROOM FOR ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS WE LEAD THE COMPANY WITH AMBITION AND ON A HUMAN SCALE “What you see is what you get – this goes for Argenta, and for me.” Thus speaks John Heller, Argenta CEO for a good 5 years “with the ambition of making Argenta the best bank in Belgium. Over the last few years the bank has grown from 300 to 800 staff members and last year we posted profit of 157 million euros.” Katharina Müllen encourages vitalizing leadership: the healthy way to sustainable performance and a happy life: www. She is active in www. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Between patience – the grass doesn’t grow any faster than you can cut it – and impatience – if it doesn’t happen I’ll explode – John Heller is busy using the Argenta DNA – transparent, honest, sober, no-nonsense, long-game, strong customer relations – to become the best bank in Belgium. “The best – not the biggest: it’s possible, we’ve done such amazing things in recent years and we’re flatout busy catching up in areas where we’re not number one.” [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE “But Argenta still has plenty of room for improvement. I have not yet reached my benchmark. Personal leadership development is just as important as a solid trading result. This applies, of course, to the young talent, but we also depend on the people who have been carrying Argenta for many years: professional, creative energy is critical here. ” IF I MIGHT ASK When, at the age of 37, I first assumed responsibility for leading a company, I asked myself: “What am I doing? I’m too young for this responsibility.” Fortunately I was able to find a mentor who pointed me towards loads of relevant books. But I was frightened to death surrounded by so much experience. Spurred on by my own limitations, I began to ask questions. Over the years I’ve noticed that this works best: an interrogative style combined with setting a fixed direction. That’s how I stimulate our young talents. TEACHING ORGANIZATION ness and how to achieve it. A stimulating environment is important. ‘The context brings on change’, that sentence struck during a presentation by Prof. Ghoshal. That’s just one of the reasons why I’d like to transform this building into a stimulating work environment in which together we can create a village community that helps to encourage interaction between people – work-related, of course. LEADERSHIP PROFILE Driving people on by constantly reminding them of their roots soon burns you out. Driving for ever greater productivity makes no sense; we need a different style of leadership. In Argenta we try to do this via a profile in which five aspects are central: team-mindedness, responsibility, initiative, achieving results together, and professional knowledge. We look to the balance between these qualities without hierarchy. This development – the technical and the human ¬– is crucial for the future of our company. Am I doing something special? No, not really. Anyone can do it – so have confidence in them. It’s much more difficult to get a group of people pulling the same way once they’ve been in the company for 20–40 years. What kind of environment should I create for them? People are looking for different organizational models: our way of organizing in big organizations is not ‘human’. I have to deal with this every day. I believe that you have to trigger energy in people. What do I take home with me from experience in other companies and voluntary organizations? “Be open yourself!” ANYTHING GOES In fact I’m in constant dialogue with The best things I see around me here the people in Argenta about open- are all about well-qualified young talent. They are socially engaged and genuinely interested in corporate social responsibility, sustainability, etc. They are consciously busy with choices: ‘Where do I want to work?’, ‘What do I want to learn?’, ‘What do I want?’ more than ever before, that’s my feeling. We pay close attention to these young talents so that they can gain wide experience. I like it when these people experience a very fast-tracked development. The impact of people who get the freedom, space, coaching and mentoring that they deserve is great. “A ny t hing goes”, a mot to of Feyerabend that means that we must break down the obstacles of the commonly accepted – that’s after my own heart. So I like to see our people seize opportunity, take up space, use creativity, show initiative and assume responsibility to make this company. That’s Argenta’s pool for the future. Als uw bedrijf haar verpakkingsafval sorteert, is dat niet alleen goed voor het milieu maar ook financieel voordelig. Want VAL-I-PAC biedt financiële steun aan bedrijven die hun verpakkingsafval selectief inzamelen en laten ophalen om gerecycleerd te worden. Niet verbazend dat zoveel kmo’ers er al werk van maken. John Heller, CEO Argenta since 2009. OKT-NOV 2014 MEER WETEN OVER DE VOORWAARDEN VAN DE RECYCLAGEPREMIES? KIJK OP VALIPAC.BE EN VRAAG DE GRATIS FOLDER AAN! 14 15 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION COVER ARTICLE: PROFESSOR MICHAEL BRAUNGART AND ‘UPCYCLE’ “WE SHOULD NOT DO FEWER THINGS BADLY, BUT RATHER MORE THINGS WELL.” Authors Michael Braungart (chemist) and William McDonough (architect) give their vision of a sustainable society in ‘The Upcycle’. The book is full of new insights and presents a remarkable approach for redesigning products and the way in which we produce and use energy. A plea for sustainability as an opportunity to experience greater well-being and prosperity. CxO Magazine spoke to Michael Braungart in Brussels at the Prologistics trade fair. IN OTHER WORDS, IT CONCERNS THE MATERIALS USED IN PRODUCTS? MB: “Products are designed in as energy-efficient a way as possible or with a view to their energy-efficient use. Energy efficiency is not the most important criterion, however. Renewable sources will help us to produce our energy more economically in the future. The substances we use in products are more important. Can all substances be used again? Umicore, for example, recovers only 9 out of the 40 elements present in mobile phones for recycling and generating a return on them. Fine, but we can also think about methods for giving all these elements a new life.” Arn Borstlap Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart from Germany gained fame in 2002 with his book entitled ‘Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things’. With ‘The Upcycle: beyond sustainability designing for abundance’, he publishes the long-awaited sequel to that work. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UPCYCLING AND RECYCLING? YOU ADVOCATE DESIGNING PRODUCTS DIFFERENTLY RIGHT FROM Michael Braungart (MB): “When THE BEGINNING? something is recycled, it is actually subjected to ‘downcycling’. Down, because recycled paper looks different from ‘fresh’ paper. ‘The Upcycle’ theory goes one step beyond the theory behind Cradle to Cradle: rather than continuously reusing materials in a closed-loop system as proposed in the first book, The Upcycle suggests that humans can have a net positive effect.” WWW.CXONET.BE MB: “The bottom line is that products are designed in such a way that they can be reused from the beginning to the end. No more harmful substances should ever be used, not even if they are just somewhat less harmful than the substances they replace. It must be possible to apply and use everything we make again.” SHOULD PACKAGING ALSO BE DESIGNED DIFFERENTLY? MB: “Packaging materials are polluting our planet more than ever. Each year, 7 million tons of plastic disappear into the oceans, with 60% of this in the form of packaging. Something can be done about the impact. Eat more oysters, for example, because they contain dozens of types of plastic (laughing). However, we do not solve anything by minimising the damage. We have to look for positive business solutions and opportunities. We can rethink the materials in packaging, for example. Because the ratios OKT-NOV 2014 are skewed. Why does packaging still consist of an average of 2% PVC globally? PVC is necessary, it is said, to make packaging cheaper, but the cost of re-using PVC packaging is many times higher in proportion. The key question is: what is the best, healthiest and safest packaging, not: how can we make packaging as cheaply as possible? Packaging that ends up in the ocean is certainly not the best packaging. Being good means modeling our production systems on biological systems; eliminating the concept of waste. Instead of designing plastics that end up in the ‘pacific garbage patch’, designing polymers that, once we’re finished with them for a particular use, become materials for other uses.” YOU ARE PUTTING PRESSURE ON PRODUCT AND PACKAGING DESIGNERS. MB: “Designs are the first sign of human intention and who would have the intention of creating a system that pollutes our air, our water and our mother’s milk with harmful chemicals? Why replace a light bulb with a low-energy bulb containing toxic substances? That’s not a solution. Another example: a car contains various steel alloys based on various types of materials. However, this steel is used again afterwards in the construction industry. See what happens: in 1999, 20.000 people were killed in an earthquake in Turkey, with many buried under collapsed houses. In the West, they said the Turks could not build decent houses. The fact is, though, that Turkey imported 5.5 million cars a year from the US and Europe at that time and the car steel was reused as construction steel. But because increasingly less copper was and is processed for cars for reasons of energy efficiency, car steel is becoming more brittle, with all the consequences of this.” OKT-NOV 2014 DO YOU HAVE EXAMPLES OF UPCYCLING? MB: “It could be interesting to erect solar panels next to the rail tracks. That way, the track is upcycled. Electricity that is generated can finance and drive the train. Another example of upcycling is water conservation. While taking shorter showers has often been a proposed solution for making the water shortage problem less bad, we suggest filtering the used water and using solar power to heat it. In doing this, people can shower for as long as they want without creating any ‘bad’ at all. In fact, this could result in a positive effect as people will, in theory, be happier and more relaxed from long, warm showers.” YOU CALL FOR A ‘BENEFICIAL FOOTPRINT’. LOGISTICS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN THIS REGARD. MB: “Yes, why can’t we build trucks that also protect the air as well as transport goods? Or look at the big logistics warehouses, often huge areas that are ‘dead’ places. Why can we not design them differently and make them much more productive at a low cost? They could be made into habitats for rare species of animals, or with walls designed in such a way that they absorb dust or refresh the air or water. Sustainability revolves too often nowadays around reducing emissions or ‘doing fewer things badly’. Upcycling does not merely concern redesigning products, it has consequences for the entire environment. These are the ideas of doing things right, creating things people want to use while not losing anything in the process, and taking into account the long-term health and happiness of societies.” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY “While incremental sustainability initiatives might create short-term profits, longterm success for businesses, society and the planet are almost a guarantee when innovation and upcycling are the main focus,” says Prof. Dr. Braungart. [email protected] ClickShare The one click wonder Request a demo on 14095.BARC.BusinessCardAd.indd 1 18/04/14 11:12 WWW.CXONET.BE 16 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION RESULTS OF THE 2014 THE BIG BOSS SURVEY WORKERS ASK FOR MORE FOCUS ON COACHING Anyone who wants motivated, energetic workers on board needs good executive and managerial staff. The boss is key to ensuring satisfaction and commitment. What do workers really think of their bosses, and what do they really expect? Vlerick Business School, HR services provider Attentia and media partner Jobat asked 1,746 Belgian workers. Things could evidently be better. What do workers expect from their bosses? What motivates them and how is their commitment roused? Koen Dewettinck, partner and Professor in HRM at Vlerick Business School, focuses on research on strategic HRM and performance management. “Workers want a boss who coaches them and helps them to be better and move onwards and upwards. Besides that, EXECUTIVE there are three more aspects that make workers sponSUMMARY taneously willing to pull out all the stops and give their Vlerick Business best: being part of a team they are proud to belong to, School, HR services having clear, set, team objectives, and a corporate culprovider Attentia ture that is based on health and well-being.” and Jobat surveyed 1,746 Belgian workers about “Workers want support in their developtheir satisfaction ment, clear set objectives at team level, a with their boss. sense of pride in their team and a corporate The 2014 The culture based on health and well-being.” Big Boss survey results revealed definite areas for YOU CAN TEACH WORKERS ENTHUSIASM improvement. The majority of the 1,746 respondents have received Our bosses focus higher education. 60 per cent work in the private sectoo little on tor, 30 per cent in the public sector and 10 per cent employee coaching. Evaluation talks for a mixed enterprise. 60 per cent of the respondents must be aimed at are happy with their current job situation. However, future prospects, commitment goes beyond just satisfaction with what promotion and you are doing. Committed workers want change and training courses. progress, and are ready to work that bit harder to get it. Team pride, team objectives and a And with them, the situation regarding commitment corporate culture is not so rosy. Workers between 25 and 34 in particular that is based score low. They have certain expectations of their boss, on health and such as support in their development, that are not met well-being also sufficiently, if indeed at all. Coaching has a very great have a particularly motivating effect. impact on commitment, and it is precisely here that the Belgian bosses score poorest. They pay insufficient [email protected] attention or lack the necessary skills. WWW.CXONET.BE EVALUATION AS AN OBLIGATORY NUMBER? Only 40 per cent feel that evaluation talks with the boss have a motivating effect. The rest report that they have too little or even no effect at all. The number is irrelevant: what matters here is the duration, quality and content. Workers mostly want to talk about future prospects, promotion and training courses. Then again, it seems that the formulation of individual objectives does not have a motivating effect, something that is frequently a subject in an evaluation. But a pat on the back can work wonders. Giving the worker the feeling that he/she has done something good has a direct positive effect in terms of commitment. FOCUS ON TEAM LEVEL AND WELL-BEING “If you have a team that knows what it’s working towards and is proud to do so, your workers are also more motivated.” Koen once again emphasizes the role of executives. “The attainment of targets is at present excessively focused at individual level, while it’s precisely at team level that there is a pressing need for concrete objectives. At an individual level, companies must focus more on how they might support their workers in order to achieve objectives.” One important lever to motivate workers is to give them the feeling that you feel for them, that you too are concerned. But on this human side, bosses do not score well. However, to close on a positive note: the research appears to show that bosses do better when it comes to informing, leading by example and involving workers when decisions have to be taken. Doe de materialenscan en ontdek hoe duurzaam materialengebruik zowel uw onderneming als de maatschappij ten goede komt. U voelt de noodzaak om te innoveren zodat u uw marktpositie kunt versterken. En u beseft dat efficiënt omspringen met grondstoffen en energie de logische stap is die zal zorgen voor meer bedrijfszekerheid, ook in de toekomst. Laat uw bedrijf dan nu doorlichten door de materialenscan. Die screening is GRATIS en wordt uitgevoerd en opgevolgd door een erkend adviseur. Meer info en het inschrijvingsformulier vindt u op Koen Dewettinck, member of the CxO Expert Group, partner and Professor in HRM at Vlerick Business School, focuses on research on strategic HRM and performance management OKT-NOV 2014 18 19 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS INNOVATION UNE SOCIÉTÉ BRUXELLOISE AUX COMMANDES DE L’INFORMATIQUE GESTUELLE Le contrôle gestuel des ordinateurs, consoles et autres tablettes est la prochaine étape majeure de l’informatique domestique et professionnelle. L’un des leaders mondiaux de ce gigantesque marché est bruxellois. Il s’appelle SoftKinetic. Jean-Luc Manise Tout a commencé en 2000 avec un trio travaillant sur un logiciel capable de piloter un écran par le geste. Avec le soutien de la région bruxelloise, Xavier Baele, Eric Krezlo et Gille Pinault vont opérer une première levée de fonds en 2008 et créer une spin off. Parmi ses actionnaires, on trouve Belgacom, un fond belgo-luxembourgeois et la Région Wallonne. La société va se doter d’un PDG, Michel Tombroff, et d’un studio de création de contenu basé à Charleroi. Elle va nouer des partenariats avec différents fabricants de caméras 3d et en particulier avec Optrima, une startup issue de la VUB. En matière de caméras 3d miniatures, celle-ci a une longueur technologique d’avance, tant et si bien que les deux petites structures fusionneront leurs activités en 2011. « Un moment » au dire du PDG de la jeune société, « déterminant pour le secteur de l’électronique grand public international ». Le package se compose du logiciel de reconnaissance gestuelle 3D iisu et d’une famille de capteurs et de caméras 3D. Le Middelware est ouvert et les développeurs intéressés peuvent créer à loisir des interfaces gestuelles et des applications. En fait, le nouveau kit de Softkinetic est le chaînon manquant qui vient combler le « fossé interactif » qui existe entre le jeu vidéo, le cinéma, la musique ou la navigation sur le Web. Comment ? En devenant le standard de l’interaction gestuelle sans contrôleur pour caméras et capteurs 3D. ACCORDS AVEC INTEL ET TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Quelques années plus tard, Sofkinetic est effectivement devenu l’un des poids lourds de l’industrie des WWW.CXONET.BE composants 3D. Elle fabrique ses propres caméras 3D pilotées par son désormais célèbre logiciel de reconnaissance gestuelle iisu. La société compte plus de 200 employés et des implantations en Belgique (Bruxelles et Jumet) bien sûr, mais aussi aux USA et en Corée du Sud. SoftKinetic était sur la short list de Microsoft pour équiper de son capteur 3D la console de jeu Kinect. Microsoft lui préférera finalement PrimeSense mais SoftKinetic sera retenu par Sony. Du coup, on retrouve sa caméra stéréoscopique dans la PlayStation 4. Elle permet une interaction sans fil avec la console. Et puis il y aura les accords signés avec Intel et Texas Instruments IISU AU CŒUR DES PROCESSEURS INTEL Lors du dernier CES 2014 à Las Vegas, le stand d’Intel consacrait une quinzaine de mètres carrés aux solutions basées sur la technologie de reconnaissance gestuelle de la startup bruxelloise. Selon le fondeur, la technologie iisu devrait être intégrée à différents terminaux Windows dès cette année. On pourra alors naviguer sous Windows 8 par le geste, créer d’un mouvement de la main des salles de conférence numérique ou jouer à mains nues avec son PC. Quelques mois plus tard, SoftKinetic a transformé l’essai avec Intel qui commercialise désormais en direct le middleware de SoftKinect. On va donc très rapidement retrouver iisu intégré dans les prochaines familles d’ultrabook, notebook et autres tablettes. Intel propose la solution sous forme de pack avec le SDK Perceptual Computing d’Intel, un kit disponible gratuitement pour les développeurs d’applications. Texas Instruments a annoncé pour sa part qu’il fabriquera et vendra les senseurs de SoftKinetic aux entreprises intéressées par leur intégration. L’une des premières concrétisation du partenariat s’est traduit par le lancement par Creative d’une caméra 3D à clipser directement sur l’écran de son ordinateur portable. C’est la première étape vers la commercialisation de caméras 3D grand public. Michel Tombroff : “Nous croyons en l’interaction homme-machine par la gestuelle ; elle offre aux consommateurs une expérience naturelle, intuitive, attrayante et surtout personnalisée” OKT-NOV 2014 Grâce au capteur Time of Flight, l’utilisateur va pouvoir régler la température ou la radio ou passer un appel téléphonique d’un simple mouvement de la main EXECUTIVE chargeables, de créer des objets et figurines. Le parteSUMMARY DES TABLETTES PILOTABLES AU DOIGT ET À L’OEIL nariat devrait permettre à Makerbot de proposer des La société s’intéresse en particulier au marché des ter- scanners 3d encore plus précis et de simplifier grande- Au doigt et à l’oeil ! Aujourd’hui, on minaux mobiles. Au CES, Nvidia, l’un des plus gros ment le fonctionnement de ses machines. retrouve le logiciel fournisseurs de processeurs et cartes graphiques, a de reconnaissance annoncé avoir intégré la caméra USB DephtSense EN VOITURE gestuelle iissu et 3D Time-of-Flight DS325 et le système de reconnais- Le dernier champ d’action en date de SoftKinetic pour les caméras 3D de sance gestuelle de SoftKinetic dans sa tablette Tegra sa technologie de reconnaissance concerne l’automo- Softkinect dans Note 7. Cette caméra embarquée permet de scanner bile et plus particulièrement la commande à distance la Playstation 4 de Sony et dans des objets et de les commander à distance. C’est une des dispositifs « Infotainment ». C’est ainsi qu’en juin les processeurs petite révolution sur le marché des tablettes et des dernier, SoftKinetic a annoncé la disponibilité du pre- Intel, en attendant smartphones qui vont pouvoir embarquer, à l’instar mier capteur ToF (Time of Flight ou « temps de vol » des exécutions des Xbox et PlayStation, des systèmes de reconnais- pour la détection 3D en temps réel) pour les marchés grand public pour sance et de pilotage gestuelle. La reconnaissance fonc- de la sécurité et de l’info-divertissement automobile. les tablettes et smartphones. Avec tionne jusqu’à une distance de 6 pouces de l’écran à Le capteur MLX75023 est capable de détecter la forme, ce « package », des vitesses pouvant atteindre 60 images par seconde. la taille et le comportement des objets et des personnes les appareils Le produit intéresse aussi le domaine des jeux sérieux. l’intérieur de la voiture. Le conducteur va ainsi pouvoir sont capables de Iisu devrait permettre de créer des applications dans régler la température ou la radio ou passer un appel percevoir l’action le domaine médical, comme par exemple la rééduca- téléphonique à l’aide de gestes simples, sans quitter les de l’utilisateur et de suivre les tion qui nécessite d’accomplir certains gestes, l’acti- yeux de la route. Le capteur peut aussi « superviser » le mouvements vité physique des personnes âgées, le fitness, mais aussi comportement du conducteur. Michel Tombroff : « Ce du corps dans d’autres domaines professionnels où l’on va chercher capteur va être à l’origine d’innovations marquantes l’espace. C’est la par exemple à travailler sur certains “gestes-métier”, dans le domaine des jeux vidéo, de la réalité augmentée fin de la souris ou comme dans les milieux sportifs. On songe aussi aux ou tout simplement de l’environnement domestique. Il de l’écran tactile : les ordinateurs, marchés du divertissement, du marketing interactif ou fonctionne parfaitement, même en plein soleil, à une tablettes, du commerce électronique. vitesse de 600 images par seconde. La solution a pour smartphones et vocation d’être intégrée par les constructeurs auto- autres consoles IMPRESSION 3D mobiles et les fabricants multimédias à leurs propre seront pilotées Le marché des imprimantes 3D pourrait constituer un solutions d’infotainment embarqué. Michel Tombroff : grâce aux mouvements des autre débouché majeur pour l’entreprise. Makerbot a « Je suis convaincu que la reconnaissance gestuelle 3D mains. vendu plus de 45.000 imprimantes 3D depuis sa créa- deviendra, demain, partie intégrante de l’[email protected] tion. Elles permettent, à partir de plans et schémas télé- ment info-récréatif de la voiture. OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 20 21 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Evy and André have an intellectual disability and went for the gold in the Special Olympics. Evy and André are looking for a job. For the SO European Summer Games 2014, Antwerp Management School examined how these athletes can use their talents both on the sports field and in the workplace. Joke Schrauwen, Evy Ploegaerts, André Schepers and Bart Cambré (Antwerp Management School) Only 15% of working-age people with an intellectual disability are currently employed. The majority of them work in a sheltered workshop. But what is the added value of people with an intellectual disability in a normal economic circuit? How can we improve inclusion in companies? We found out with an inclusive research team: Evy and André took part in the interviews, analyzed and discussed the results. They turned out to be natural-born researchers. Together we visited eight companies where people with an intellectual disability work or where sheltered workplaces send a group of employees on secondment together with a coach. INCLUSION IS MORE THAN JUST HIRING PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Following the motto ‘Special Olympics athletes do not only have talents on the sports field, but also in the workplace’, Antwerp Management School investigated the added value of inclusion of people with an intellectual disability in regular companies. [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE First and foremost, inclusion takes place when there is an actual collaboration. This means that mixed teams of disabled and non-disabled people work on a common goal. Moreover, successful inclusion focuses on both people and profit. On the one hand, colleagues are not perceived as ’persons with a disability’. The focus will lie on the abilities and talent of this colleague. They get the opportunity to grow in their job by training or minor adjustments to the surroundings. Thanks to this people-focused approach, colleagues with an intellectual disability can experience the advantages of inclusion in the best possible way: financial freedom, (relative) independence and an increase in quality of life and self-confidence. But employers may not lose track of profit. Most of the time, diversity or inclusive actions are undertaken because of regular business advantages or economic pull factors. Sometimes an additional business advantage is the generating of new businesses or relocating work from low-wage countries. Especially the inexpensive labor cost is a decisive argument. GENERAL MANAGEMENT ADVERTORIAL ANTWERP MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AND THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS MAKE IT WORK ! FROM SPECIAL TO SPECIALIST BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION thanks to a philanthropic approach. There are a lot of good intentions there, but with little result. A second view, the cost-cutting strategy, reduces employment to an economic transaction. Employing people with disabilities is inexpensive, since they are partly subsidized. Therefore why not do it? A third possibility is excuse inclusion. They do employ people with disabilities, but without much (of an economic or humane) vision. Here we find the so-called quota companies, who create employment because of agreements with stakeholders or governments. The fourth approach is characterized by companies and organizations that offer people with intellectual disabilities custom work, paying attention to both the human aspects and the economic needs of the organization. Social innovators we call them, because they work from an inclusive vision on work and society. JOB DESIGN AS A KEY An important key to social innovation is job design. When it comes to vacancies requiring a predetermined set of tasks or teamwork where team members are interchangeable, people with a disability are often excluded.. The best way to achieve an inclusive team is customization. This can be done by ‘on the job’ job development: an assessment of basic competences results in the hiring of new employees. Subsequently they receive small tasks to test how employable they are in different work processes. The final job is then adjusted to their individual skills and expectations. However, when employees find that the job is a bad fit, they must be able to reorientate quickly without loss of income. Finally, job carving can be used as a technique in this customization. With this, tasks of a team are split up into specialized and unskilled work. This way, employees with an intellectual disability can perform unskilled work. FROM ‘SPECIALS’ TO SPECIALISTS If we want the athletes of the Special Olympics to also excel as specialists in the workplace, people with and without disabilities must have opportunities to work together. Customization in job design is an important key to achieve this. A more inclusive society can arise when governments do not cut thoughtlessly in budgets of support infrastructure and subsidies to reduce the wage bill. The empowerment of people with a disability is also important and can be done by focusing on their SOCIAL INNOVATION AS IDEAL competences instead of their disability. By doing this By combining people and profit, four perspectives can we will discover that they are not ‘special’ or different, be used to frame employment of people with intellec- but ‘specialists’ in the job. tual disabilities. A first perspective focuses exclusively on the person. We are talking about a (small) group of companies where people with disabilities are employed OKT-NOV 2014 DE GEBOORTE VAN EEN NIEUWE LEIDER Openstaan voor feedback. Altijd en overal. Want we hebben telkens een kans om te leren. Als resultaat? Groei en ontplooiing aan de snelheid van het licht: de geboorte van een nieuwe leider. Het zou wel eens liefde kunnen zijn. Feedback is een geschenk, een geschenk van liefde. Ook al is de feedback hard en duidelijk, ook al legt hij een hand op de wonde. De persoon die zich de moeite getroost feedback te geven, is een persoon die je het beste wenst, die wil dat je groeit: groter, mooier, beter. En toch Onvoorwaardelijk ontvankelijk? Een geschenk tovert een glimlach, doet je ogen stralen. Je armen gestrekt, je handen open. Feedback, een geschenk dat je ontvangt onvoorwaardelijk? Als we eerlijk zijn, is het antwoord nee. Want de waarheid kwetst, soms harder, soms vaker dat we dit zouden willen. Af en toe zijn we wel voldoende sterk, zijn we in balans dat we kunnen ontvangen, dat de leider, de collega mag geven. Die zeldzame momenten kunnen talrijk zijn, maar dit vraagt een heel bewust en actief openstellen voor. En situationeel leiderschap? De leider voelt wa n neer h ij gedu ld moet oefenen, weet wanneer hij kan en mag geven. Wacht tot het juiste moment en zegt het juiste. De nieuwe leider? De nieuwe leider is op elk moment toegankelijk. Geen trauma’s, geen frustraties. Alleen en altijd ja. Hij staat open voor feedback en is blij. Want elk woord van feedback is een kans voor groei. En die grijpt hij. Met gestrekte armen, de handen open. En als eerste aanvaardt hij dat hij vandaag beter is dan gisteren, maar minder goed dan morgen. Aarzel niet ons te contacteren [email protected] – 014 26 12 39 OKT-NOV 2014 Valérie Motmans: Business Transformation Consultant bij ViCre. “Sinds ik op elk moment toegankelijk ben voor feedback, zegt men dat ik sneller evolueer.” Situationeel leiderschap gespiegeld. Niet wachten, geen polshoogte, geen wikken, wegen of verpakken. Wel altijd en overal, recht toe, recht aan. Als je onvoorwaardelijk toegankelijk bent, altijd en overal openstaat voor feedback, kan je groeien en jezelf ontplooien aan de snelheid van het licht. Niets of niemand houdt je dan nog tegen. Geen eenvoudige opdracht. Tenzij voor de nieuwe leider. Want hij aanvaardt als eerste dat hij vandaag beter is dan gisteren, maar minder goed dan morgen. ViCre is short for vision creation. Founded in 2004, the company offers business consulting with impact to clients in Europe and the US. It specialises in enterprise innovation, including strategy, knowledge and leadership development. Using its own proven methods, tools and techniques, ViCre helps to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of an organisation, to ensure the right things are done right. ViCre is committed to adding value by increasing customer, shareholder and employee satisfaction through customer engagement, resource optimisation and employee empowerment. WWW.CXONET.BE 22 23 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION MADE IN BELGIUM (10): POWERED BY B-INFORMATION L’INDUSTRIE PHARMACEUTIQUE EN BELGIQUE 1.EVOLUTION DES 3 SOUS-SECTEURS CES DERNIÈRES ANNÉES Cette industrie est un peu différente des autres. En effet, ni la fabrication ni la vente ne peuvent se faire sans certaines précautions et ne sont donc pas à la portée de tous. 3 grands sous-secteurs sont à distinguer : la vente au détail qui est l’apanage des pharmaciens, les grossistes et les fabricants. Parmi les produits concernés, on retrouve les produits de la parapharmacie. Leur commercialisation est libre et sort du contexte de l’analyse. Les fabricants sont, au sens strict, le coeur de l’industrie. 2011 2012 2013 09/2014 Pharmacies 5546 5501 5445 5404 5386 Grossistes 1869 1897 1947 1988 1998 Industrie 14 699 688 685 676 8129 8097 8080 8077 8060 Total 2010 2011 2012 2013 09/2014 14 16 15 24 8 Fait plutôt rare, la Région Flamande perd des entreprises. C’est très marquant dans les 2 Flandres et, dans une moindre mesure à Anvers. La Wallonie a tendance à en gagner, sauf à Namur. Un effet positif sans doute des choix de pôles de développement. Bruxelles est stable et reste le siège de prédilection du secteur. 6. LES FAILLITES 2. EVOLUTION PAR FORMES JURIDIQUES Le secteur s’érode donc doucement, sauf pour les grossistes, qui continuent à augmenter. 2010 5. LES CRÉATIONS D’ENTREPRISES On crée peu dans le secteur, mais ce n’est pas anormal. A noter la forte croissance de 2013 … suivie d’une pauvre année 2014 en perspectives. Les créations de nouvelles entreprises sont à 25% pour Bruxelles et à 21% des entreprises étrangères. 2010 2011 2012 2013 09/2014 3 4 4 6 2 SPRL SA Ind. Autres Total 2010 184 162 266 102 714 2011 189 164 246 100 699 2012 189 166 230 103 688 2013 196 168 213 108 685 7. LA SANTÉ FINANCIÈRE EN 2014 PAR FORMES JURIDIQUES Statut SPRL SA Ind. Autres Total 09/2014 194 167 205 110 676 Même si le secteur est en contraction, ce n’est manifestement pas sur faillite, qui reste exceptionnelle. Actifs 161 130 163 82 536 Transitoires* 33 37 42 28 140 Total 194 167 205 110 676 3. EVOLUTION PAR CLASSE D’EMPLOI Malgré la complexité et la règlementation du secteur on constate que les indépendants restent très nombreux. Mais leur nombre diminue constamment au profit des sociétés, dont le nombre croît, sans arriver à compenser. Les indépendant représentaient 37.25% du secteur en 2010, contre 30.33% aujourd’hui. 0 1à4 5à9 10 à 19 20 à 49 50 à 99 100 à 199 200 à 499 500 à 999 > 999 Total 2010 569 58 13 13 25 15 8 5 3 5 714 2011 550 60 14 14 25 15 8 5 3 5 699 2012 536 62 15 14 24 15 9 5 3 5 688 2013 528 66 14 14 25 15 10 5 3 5 685 09/2014 519 66 14 14 25 15 10 5 3 5 676 Le statut transitoire exprime une situation d’attente suite à un jugement (ouverture de faillite ou réorganisation judiciaire, ou une situation incertaine suite à la non-publication répétée de comptes annuels. Avec 26% des entreprises en situation délicate, le secteur n’est cependant pas exempt d’accidents. Les formes juridiques ‘autres’ sont les plus touchées, avec 34.15% de leur population. Score des actifs SPRL SA Ind. Autres 09/2014 7.42/20 10.67/20 6.8/20 10.31/20 4. EVOLUTION GÉOGRAPHIQUE 8. LES PLUS GRANDS ACTEURS Les toutes petites entreprises font l’immense majorité du secteur. Mais leur nombre diminue. Les petits employeurs croissent lentement et les autres sont stables. Contrairement aux secteurs plus classiques, on trouve ici une forte proportion de moyen et gros employeurs dont le nombre est stable sur la durée. Le score est une approche du risque de faillite. Les petites structures sont toujours plus fragiles. Il n’est donc pas anormal de voir les SPRL et les indépendants dans des zones plus faibles. Par contre, les indépendants le sont particulièrement. Fragiles, certes. En décroissance aussi. Même si les faillites restent exceptionnelles. 2010 2011 2012 2013 09/2014 Le top 8 (Plus de 500 travailleurs) Constitution Chiffre d’affaires (EUR) Valeur ajoutée (EUR) Résultat net (EUR) 5 5 6 11 11 ALCON - COUVREUR 1962 311.261.744 91.793.401 12.354.351 120 117 115 114 112 SCHERING - PLOUGH LABO 1972 176.660.500 82.493.086 6.639.491 Limbourg 42 42 41 39 37 PFIZER MANUFACTURING BELGIUM 1960 254.732.443 140.931.761 10.450.001 Flandre Orientale 86 80 75 70 70 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA 1934 3.312.749.969 2.722.035.346 857.885.490 Flandre occidentale 43 39 39 38 35 AJINOMOTO OMNICHEM 1946 244.660.150 83.922.223 8.472.212 Brabant Flamand 74 72 72 72 71 BAXTER 1900 230.728.440 135.262.265 11.630.009 Brabant Wallon 49 49 51 52 52 GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS 1993 2.798.325.283 1.848.544.591 182.627.750 GENZYME FLANDERS 2001 125.253.486 93.033.814 22.371.932 Etrangers Anvers Namur 25 23 20 19 20 Luxembourg 13 14 14 14 14 Liège 69 67 66 67 67 Hainaut 58 61 59 60 58 Bruxelles 130 130 130 129 129 WWW.CXONET.BE OKT-NOV 2014 Source : B-information, septembre 2014 Euro DB offre sous la marque B-information de l’information sur les entreprises adaptée à vos besoins. Avec environ 6 millions d’Euro de chiffre d’affaires, Euro DB est un des acteurs principaux sur le marché de l’information commerciale. B-information a 4 lignes de services : B-marketing, B-finance, B-legal et B-collection. Info : OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 24 25 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT (EFQM) IN ASSOCIATION WITH EFQM EFQM: CELEBRATING 25 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE EFQM is a not for profit foundation, founded in 1989 by 67 leading European companies to provide a common approach to restore European competitiveness on the global stage. The EFQM Excellence Model was developed to provide this approach and has since been adopted by more than 30.000 organisations in Europe and many more beyond. © EFQM The quest for excellence is not an abstract theory; it relates to an organisation’s tangible achievements in what it does, how it does it, the results it gets and the confidence that these results will be sustained in the future. Achieving excellence is hard enough at the best of times; sustaining it in today’s world of increasing global competition, rapid technological innovation, changing processes and frequent movement in economic, social and customer environments, is even harder. WWW.CXONET.BE Enlightened organisations understand that in addition to demonstrating the outcomes of past financial performance, their results must also include data and feedback from other stakeholders that will provide predictive indications of future financial performance. These leading indicators include measured excellence in customer satisfaction and loyalty; people motivation and capability; and the positive perceptions of the wider community. To create confidence that positive results can be sustained, any organisation can search for evidence that actions and efforts are soundly based, systematic, and continuously reviewed and improved. The challenge goes further than this though. Corporate confidence is also based on an organisation’s ability, own insight and knowledge of its strengths and opportunities for improvement, particularly in relation to its ability to identify and develop strategies and align the organisation to deliver those strategies to enhance performance. Using a process EFQM calls self-assessment, organisations have the possibility to produce a comprehensive picture of their overall fitness at a given moment in time. This picture, which gives valuable feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation’s approaches across all its activities, provides a powerful driver for meaningful improvement. © EFQM José Manuel Barroso, President, European Commission (2004 – 2014) : “Over the past 25 years, the EFQM has guided many organisations, from both the public and private sectors, to improve productivity and efficiency and to develop their human capital.” OKT-NOV 2014 © EFQM © EFQM © EFQM Jacques Delors, Former President, European Commission (1985 – 1995) wGeorg Kell, Executive Director, United National Global Compact Herman van Rompuy, President, European Council “The strengths of the EFQM Excellence Model have been recognised outside Europe; organisations from Iceland to Australia, from Thailand to Trinidad are using the Model to support their sustainable development.” “EFQM has played a critical role in the development of the Global Compact. Our partnership, formed a decade ago, introduced us to the continuous performance model, which inspired the Global Compact’s Communications on Progress (COP) methodology.” “ The increasing pressure to compete on a global stage with limited resources means we all have to work together to secure our future prosperity, and that of generations to come. The EFQM Excellence Model provides a framework that encourages the cooperation, collaboration and innovation that we will need to ensure this goal is achieved.” ment processes around. A team of independent assessors with different backgrounds spend an average of 500 hours assessing each applicant, including a week on-site. One of the unique aspects of the assessment is the assessors themselves. They are trained volunteers from other member organisations, who use their background and experience to provide a peer to peer review. become the “norm”. Through this process, EFQM aims to improve the overall competitiveness of the European economy. Does it work? If you look at how industry standards have evolved over the last 25 years, you can clearly see the influence of the concepts contained within the Model. The most visible example of this is in the area of sustainability. When the Model was first launched in 1992 to support the Award process, many questioned the inclusion of “Impact on Society” within the results criteria. Few organisations would now question the need to take their social responsibilities clearly and the development of standards like ISO14001 (Environment) and the ISO26000 guidelines (Corporate Responsibility) effectively demonstrate this normalisation process at work. HOW EFQM MAKES A DIFFERENCE? Marc Amblard, EFQM’s Chief Executive Officer, says “The range of organisations who choose to use the EFQM Model to support their development is really incredible. Within our network, we see everyone from household names through to SMEs. The Model provides a common language that enables them to easily exchange ideas and experience. ” EFQM EXCELLENCE AWARD: RECOGNISING EXCELLENCE IN EUROPE The EFQM Excellence Award was launched in 1992 to recognise Europe’s best performing organisations, whether private, public or non-profit. To win the Award, an applicant must be able to demonstrate that their performance not only exceeds that of their peers, but also that they will maintain this advantage into the future. Organisations describe the Award as “like playing in the Champions League”, because many of the applicants are the winners of the National Awards run by EFQM’s Partners. The Award is supported by one of the most rigorous assess- OKT-NOV 2014 The first EFQM Award Winner was Xerox. Since then winners have included multinationals like BMW, Grundfos and TNT, through to schools like St. Mary’s College, Derry, and non-profit organisations like The Cedar Foundation. What do these organisations have in common? They all share a passion to continually deliver results that delight their stakeholders, whether that’s the customers they serve or But to stay ahead of the pack, the leading organisations need to conthe lives they change. tinue to innovate, not just in terms ROLE MODEL ORGANISATIONS of the products and services they The Award process was designed to deliver but also in the way they work. recognise “role model” organisa- That’s why the EFQM Excellence tions so their practices and experi- Awards, and the EFQM Model itself, ence can be shared. These organisa- are as relevant today as when they tions inspire others and, eventually, were first conceived. the practices they have developed WWW.CXONET.BE 26 27 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT (EFQM) CxO Redactie THE EFQM EXCELLENCE AWARD 2014 WINNERS PRIVATE SECTOR - LARGE BOSCH BARI PLANT (ITALY) AWARD WINNER & PRIZE WINNER The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. In 2013, its roughly 281,000 associates generated sales of 46.1 billion euros. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Automotive Technology, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With 2,000 employees, the Bosch Bari Plant is the largest production facility for automotive components in southern Italy, mainly producing high pressure pumps for diesel engines. SIEMENS PLC CONGLETON (UK) PRIZE WINNER Siemens Congleton, based in Cheshire UK, is an operational manufacturing unit within the Drive Technologies division (DT) which is a part of the Industry sector. DT comprises several business units with 45 factories worldwide. Siemens Congleton is a contract manufacturer for the Motion Control business unit (MC) within DT, supplying over 1.2 million electrical devices, including 500,000 variable speed drives (known as Inverters), to Siemens MC and is 1 of 9 global MC manufacturing facilities. BMW REGENSBURG (GERMANY) PRIZE WINNER The BMW Regensburg plant has approximately 9,000 employees with a daily production of around 1,100 units of the BMW 1 Series, 3 Series WWW.CXONET.BE IN ASSOCIATION WITH EFQM Sedan, 4 Series Convertible and BMW M3 , M4 variants including individual and government vehicles and four-wheel variants as well as the BMW Z4, making it an important part of the worldwide BMW Group production network. In 2013 a total of 295.417 cars were built. Since 1986, more than 5.5 million vehicles rolled off the assembly line. FINALIST INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRIA (AUSTRIA) FINALIST PUBLIC SECTOR – LARGE ONE VISION HOUSING (UK) PRIZE WINNER REGTSA is a provincial government agency established in 1992 with the purpose of collecting the public revenues the municipalities require to be able to deliver first-class public services to the citizens in the province of Salamanca (Spain). The income of the organisation stems from the price the municipalities pay for the provision of their services. BOSCH BARI PLANT INTERVIEW WITH PLANT DIRECTORS ENNO SCHARPHUIS AND JENS LAST 8 organisations were short-listed for the EFQM Excellence Award 2014. The Winners were announced during a glittering ceremony in Brussels on 20th October, with the Awards presented by Georg Kell, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact. This year’s overall Award Winner was Bosch Bari. © EFQM Headquartered in Villach, Infineon Technologies Austria AG belongs to the Infineon Technologies Group. In recent years, it has established itself as a key Austria-based company and is vested with global responsibilities. Infineon has expanded its activities in Austria in all business segments: Automotive, Power Management & Multimarket, Industrial Power Control and Chipcard & Security. One Vision Housing is an award winning housing provider, with over 11,000 homes for rent in Merseyside, primarily across the borough of Sefton (United Kingdom). They are committed to creating sustainable neighbourhoods; well run, active, inclusive and most importantly, safe places to live. Places that people are proud of and want to live in. From the moment One Vision Housing was created in 2006, their vision has been one of excellence POMPES GRUNDFOS SA (FRANCE) which led to our people being more FINALIST focussed, motivated and determined Pompes Grundfos France (PGF) is to deliver better services to our cusone of the production and distri- tomers. bution subsidiaries of the Danish Group, Grundfos. With annual sales THE CEDAR FOUNDATION (UK) in excess of €350 million, a workforce PRIZE WINNER of around 700 employees and facilities with a built area of 35,000m2, Cedar is a registered charity based the company is positioned today as a in Northern Ireland focusing on market leader of equipment for boil- inclusion for people with disabilities. ers. Their vision is a society accessible to all. Their mission is to provide excepPUBLIC SECTOR – SMALL & MEDIUM tional services that support children REGTSA - RECAUDACIÓN Y GESTIÓN and adults with disabilities to particTRIBUTARIA DE SALAMANCA (SPAIN) ipate in all aspects of community life. OKT-NOV 2014 Bosch Bari Plant Directors Enno Scharphuis and Jens Last. The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. In 2013, its roughly 281,000 associates generated sales of 46.1 billion euros. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Automotive Technology, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With 2,000 employees, the Bosch Bari Plant is the largest production facility for automotive components in southern Italy, mainly producing high pressure pumps for diesel engines. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE THE EFQM EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER 2014. WHAT DOES THIS ACHIEVEMENT MEAN TO YOU? Winning the EFQM Award makes us extremely proud because it is an important recognition for us on our “Journey towards Excellence”. After having been awarded with the EFQM prize in the category “Managing by Processes” in 2012 OKT-NOV 2014 this year’s Award demonstrates that we have developed our excellence approach even further over the last two years. Being, therefore, perceived as a continuously improving organisation is a tremendous acknowledgment and a big motivation for us. APART FROM THE AWARD, YOU WON 3 PRIZES. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DO THAT MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL? In this year’s Feedback Report the assessors highlighted that the entire organisation understands our site strategy and actively contributes to achieving our targets. We consider the high level of involvement of our associates in strategic projects and the continuous improvement work as the key success factors of our excellence approach. The topic of the Good Practice Visit we hosted in 2013 - “Processes and Passion” - reflects two important aspects of this approach. On the one hand performance requires a strict application of standards and principles, but on the other hand the attitude of our associates to continuously outperform their targets gives surely the power to jump over the hurdle and face the next challenge. In Bari “Processes and Passion” are not a contrasting pair but a powerful combination. WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND USING THE MODEL TO OTHER ORGANISATIONS? Bosch Bari started to familiarise with the Model in 2004. Based on ten years’ experience we can confirm that the EFQM Model is a comprehensive framework guiding an organisation in the development of a sound, consistent and sustainable improvement system. However, only if the organisation endeavouring to apply the EFQM model finds its individual, best fitting way of adaptation and implementation, success will result. Without doubt it remains a journey of trial and error, but in the end the improvement fostered by the thorough application of the RADAR logic and the steady learning from assessment feedback prevails. Only a holistic approach is finally sustainable. © EFQM Bosch Bari is the EFQM overall Award Winner. WWW.CXONET.BE 28 29 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel CxO Redactie INTERNATIONAAL ONDERNEMEN BI-MONTHLY HEADLINES “IN NEDERLAND ‘SPRINGEN’ ZE SNELLER” Wie internationaal zaken doet, verbetert zichzelf. Waarheid of niet? Jan Ronsse, de nieuwe Managing Director Belux van Oracle, beaamt alvast. “Internationaal ondernemen verbreedt je scope, al zijn er sterke mentaliteitsverschillen,” aldus Jan die sinds 1996 voor Oracle België werkt en er diverse management- en bestuursfuncties bekleedde. Als opvolger van Xavier Verhaeghe is Jan Ronsse verantwoordelijk voor de vertaalslag van de Oraclestrategie en zorgt hij in de Belux voor de synergie tussen de software, systemen en serviceteams. Aangezien Oracle overal ter wereld aanwezig is, is Jan actief in een internationale context. Onlangs nam hij deel aan de jaarlijkse Oracle Open World conference in San Francisco samen met ruim 60.000 klanten. “Internationaal overleg verbreedt je scope omdat je van elkaars aanpak leert, onafgezien van de mentaliteits- of cultuurverschillen. De uitdaging is voor iedereen dezelfde, de invulling is anders. Het komt erop aan om de beste methodes van andere landen toe te passen. Je bepaalt zelf wat je kopieert, en wat niet.” WWW.CXONET.BE advies van anderen zal men de knoop doorhakken. Ik heb de indruk dat men in Nederland sneller ‘springt’. Ik ervaar grote cultuurverschillen tussen de continenten. Een voorbeeld haal ik uit de organisatie van The Open Innovation Tour van Oracle, een jaarlijkse innovatietrip met enkele Belgische top CIO’s die ik mee organiseer. De voorbije jaren gingen we naar Silicon Valley en bezochten we er bedrijven zoals Facebook, Apple en Google, of vooraanstaande universiteiten. Dit jaar gaan we voor het eerst naar Seoul en Singapore. Het valt op dat de voorbereiding anders verloopt: om een meeting vast te leggen met iemand van Google of Facebook was e-mailverkeer naar een directielid voldoende. In Seoel is deze werkwijze not done. Er moet eerst uitvoerig worden gecommuniceerd tussen de top van Oracle en de top van hun organisatie: wie komt er, wat zijn de gespreksonderwerpen, wat is het doel, enzovoort. Pas wanneer hierover een akkoord is volgt een vlekkeloze uitrol in hun organisatie. Een snelle organisatie van een rondetafel ligt moeilijk omdat dit op voorhand tot in het detail moet worden vastgelegd aan de hand van een gedetailleerd scenario waarin quasi de quotes reeds zijn uitgeschreven.” CULTURELE VERSCHILLEN WEES NIET TE TIMIDE “Het is een cliché maar Nederlanders zijn directer en hebben een andere, nuchtere relatie met hun klanten. België leunt wat dat betreft dichter bij Frankrijk aan waar een eerder persoonlijke relatie met de klant vooropstaat. Belgische zakenmensen zullen bij het nemen van grote beslissingen, uiteraard zonder te veel te veralgemenen, alle aspecten goed in overweging nemen. De total cost of ownership en de ROI worden overwogen en pas na het “Belgische bedrijven met internationale ambities, wil ik aanraden niet te timide te zijn. Belgen zijn nog te weinig trots, ondanks de uitstekende opleidingsmogelijkheden en talenkennis. Daarnaast: durf te falen. Nog te weinig wordt er geaccepteerd dat er mag gefaald worden. In de innoverende cultuur van Silicon Valley liggen mislukkingen vaak aan de basis van verbetering. Startende bedrijven lopen er vaak tegen de muur, maar proberen opnieuw, tot ze slagen. Falen is nodig om vooruitgang te maken.” Jan Ronsse, Managing Director Belux van Oracle en kersvers lid van de CxO Raad der Wijzen: “Belgische bedrijven met internationale ambities, wil ik aanraden niet te timide te zijn.” GENERAL MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION OKT-NOV 2014 Bi-Monthly CxO Redactie HEADLINES FINALISTEN SUPPLY CHAIN AWARD De Supply Chain Award - Project of the Year 2014 wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt aan het meest verdienstelijke project dat de servicegraad en efficiëntie van de integrale supply chain verhoogt, en dit zowel op het gebied van inkoop als van voorraad-, productie- of distributielogistiek. De VIB, Vereniging voor Inkoop en Logistiek, en de PICS, Belgian integrated Supply chain Society, willen hiermee bedrijven stimuleren om (meer) te investeren in projecten die de verdere uitbouw en professionalisering van hun supply chain bevorderen. De winnaar wordt bekendgemaakt tijdens een feestelijk Gala Award Event op 27 november in Kinepolis Antwerpen. Tijdens de namiddagsessie van dit event presenteren de vijf finalisten hun project aan het publiek. Meer info op Genomineerden 2014 • Bpost met het project “City Logistics” • Colruyt met het project “Automation orderpicking in a freezer environment” • Dockx Group met het project “New Urban Logistics concept for the private and professional Market” • Nestlé & Pepsico + TRI-Vizor met het project “Creation of a horizontal collaboration community for fresh & chilled food at Nestlé & Pepsico” • V laamse Overheid + Public-Sourcing + Connecting Expertise me thet project “Innovative MSP and Marketplace concept for hiring temporary IT-profiles for all entities of the Flemish Government” 30 31 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION GENERAL MANAGEMENT THE WORLD AS SUBJECTIVELY EXPERIENCED BY THE CUSTOMER AS THE CENTRAL STARTING POINT DESIGN THINKING: THE BASIS FOR USER-FRIENDLY INNOVATION Imagine: the most exclusive product in your range falls prey to copycats, or a new law suddenly puts paid to a huge part of your product portfolio. That’s what happened to foam gun manufacturer Altachem and producer of balustrades Mavaro. Admittedly, they stood there a while scratching their heads. But finally they managed to turn things to their advantage with some clever innovations. Their secret? Design thinking. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Design thinking is a way of thinking in which the world experienced by the customer is the one central starting point for every thought process and, ergo, every innovation process. Tine Peeters from Studio Dott explains: “In design thinking, you first bring into play your emotions, experiences and your customer’s expectations so as to then (re)design the solution holistically and innovate, on the basis of the customer’s perception of reality. Whether you’re offering products or services, and whatever sector you’re working in: this is how to optimize your solutions in a people-first way.” Design thinking stands for a way of thinking in which the world as subjectively experienced by the customer is the one central starting point for all thinking processes and, ergo, innovation processes. In design thinking you first bring into play your emotions, experiences and your customer’s expectations so as then to (re)design the solution holistically and innovate, HARDER TO COPY, on the basis of the INCREASED CUSTOMER LOYALTY customer’s perception of reality. Take foam gun manufacturer Altachem, confronted with a cheap [email protected] imitation of its most exclusive prod- WWW.CXONET.BE uct. Initially, the company considered two options: going low-cost itself, or developing a new top product. But Altachem decided to first examine the role that the gun had occupied in supplying its customers (foam manufacturers) and then discussing the matter with them. This was how a third and much better alternative took shape: together with the foam manufacturers, Altachem designed a number of variants of the foam gun, personalized according to the manufacturer’s brand identity. “Today, each foam manufacturer placing big orders with the company has a customized gun with its own branding. This new, vertically oriented customer relations model offers more than one advantage: not only is it harder to copy the personalized guns, but customer loyalty has increased considerably. By considering the real challenges and opportunities for its customers, Altachem managed to innovate in a truly customer-minded way. An approach that is much more successful than going low-cost itself, or looking for another top product and that perhaps would not be copied quite so quickly by the competition,” says Tine. TOOLS TO AID UNDERSTANDING However obvious setting out from the subjective world of the customer may sound, we know of many companies that have only a superficial knowledge of what their customers want. Maka De Lameillieure, Managing Director of Flanders InShape, explains: “People do things they don’t talk about. It’s crucial to OKT-NOV 2014 get to know their explicit needs and dig deeper to also map the latent needs.” There are many ways of doing this. Think of, say, keeping a diary (ideal for, for example, customers of an organizer of long journeys) or holding an in-depth interview, like Altachem did. Both are tools for better understanding the context, feelings and motives of the customers. Observation techniques are also crucial to capture all aspects of customer behaviour. “You can, for example, study the user of your product or service in his most natural environment, without getting in his way (so-called f ly-onthe-wall observation),” says Maka. “Visibly ‘shadowing’ someone in his normal environment is also a good technique, although it does risk having an involuntary impact on the behaviour of the person you are observing. Then you can also go for the think-aloud technique: that way you get the user to comment on his actions. That can also often yield new insights.” LATENT WISHES BROUGHT TO LIGHT Whichever technique is used, it boils down to digging deeper than what lies on the surface. And that’s exactly what balustrade manufac- OKT-NOV 2014 problem with Mavaro balustrades: they were more labour-intensive and time-consuming on the site than competitor products. On-site observations, while the balustrades were being measured, assembled and fitted, confirmed this. Mavaro adapted its product portfolio accordingly. The new product range is in line with the new legislation and contains a number of modular construction solutions. The result: the contractor spends less time assembling balustrades on-site and, because more of the work is now done on the production site, the company can also keep turer Mavaro did. When the legisla- costs down. tor decided that balustrades should now be 1 m 20 high instead of 1 m, HUMAN TO HUMAN and have only vertical balusters, a Switching from mass production substantial part of Mavaro’s port- to customer intimacy, changing folio suddenly found itself with- tack in the product range … Does out buyers. Fortunately, Mavaro that have any consequences for engaged in dialogue with its cus- corporate culture? “Absolutely,” tomers about their expectations says Maka. “The stories of these before setting about adapting the two companies are no chance sucproduct range to the new law. The cesses or flashes of genius. They are talks revealed that other additional the result of a clear decision to try adaptations were necessary. to fathom the customer – his emotions, experiences and expectations, and then to create unique solutions in carefully thought-out steps. That’s why we also advise against regarding design-thinking as an “Forget the distinction isolated project; it should rather be seen as a mindset through which the between B2B and B2C: whole company must live. Make it a today we build, engineer part of all your corporate processes and design H2H. (research, production, marketing, Human to Human.” sales, after-sales, etc.). The subjective world experienced by the customer must be central to all of the company’s thinking and innovation initiatives, whether you’re offering products or services, and whatever Once the company had put the sector you happen to be active in. potential decision-makers in the Forget the distinction between B2B picture regarding purchases of bal- and B2C: today we build, engineer ustrades (from project designers and design H2H. Human to human. via contractor to end-customer) That means: designing solutions, it became apparent that it was products and services, but in a mainly the contractors who had a human-oriented way.” This article is a contribution from Commanity, the Flemish community that inspires managers from technology companies in the strategic aspects of industrial marketing and business development ( Author: Inge Delva. WWW.CXONET.BE 32 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION WEALTH MANAGEMENT RECENTE ONTWIKKELINGEN M.B.T. HET OCTROOIRECHT Dirk Huygens Corbus Advocaat Recentelijk hebben er zich enkele belangrijke wijzigingen voorgedaan met betrekking tot het octrooirecht. Zo zijn de wettelijke bepalingen hieromtrent gecodificeerd in het nieuwe Boek XI ‘Intellectuele Eigendom’ van het Wetboek van Economisch Recht. Met deze codificatie zijn er ook een aantal belangrijke wijzigingen aan de wettelijke bepalingen aangebracht. Vervolgens is het vanaf nu ook mogelijk om via een elektronische procedure een octrooiaanvraag in te dienen. Tot slot heeft België ook ingestemd met de internationale overeenkomst die het eengemaakt Europees octrooigerecht mogelijk maakt. WHEN BUYING ART BECOMES INVESTING IN ART BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION FINANCE & LEGAL PAGINA 32 One day, the art you hang on your wall could be more than a decoration. That would be when you decide to start investing in art. A decision which raises three main questions which we will try to comment in this article. The first is to find out whether you know something about some art. Then, to decide whether you prefer to invest in art rather than in real estate, shares, old timers or music instruments, just to mention a few. And finally, are you sure whether you look for a short or long term investment? Recente ontwikkelingen mbt het octrooirecht PAGINA 33 When buying art becomes investing in art LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 34 CODIFICATIE VAN WETGEVING IN WETBOEK VAN ECONOMISCH RECHT MET WIJZIGINGEN AAN HET OCTROOIRECHT. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY De wettelijke bepalingen omtrent het octrooirecht zijn in het Wetboek Economisch Recht ingevoegd in Boek XI ‘Intellectuele Eigendom’. De bepalingen van dit Boek XI zullen in werking treden op 1 januari 2015. Vanaf 22 sep-tember 2014 is het mogelijk om een octrooiaanvraag elek-tronisch in te dienen. Er zal ook een eengemaakt Europees octrooigerecht worden opgericht. [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE De wetgeving over “intellectuele eigendom” wordt gebundeld in het nieuwe boek XI ‘Intellectuele eigendom’ van het Wetboek van Economisch Recht. Dit boek bevat de bepalingen over uitvindingsoctrooien, aanvullende beschermingscertificaten, kwekersrechten, auteursrechten en naburige rechten, computerprogramma’s, rechten van producenten van databanken en topografieën van halfgeleiderproducten. De bundeling bevat een codificatie van 13 wetten. In principe geeft boek XI deze wetgeving ongewijzigd weer. De codificatie heeft evenwel een aantal wijzigingen aangebracht om meer juridische zekerheid te verkrijgen en om Europese richtlijnen om te zetten. De aanpassingen aan het octrooirecht hebben hoofdzakelijk tot doel: de regeling van het taalgebruik preciseren; het taksensysteem flexibeler maken; precisering voor bepaalde taksen wat de gevolgen zijn bij niet-naleving van de betaaltermijnen; verduidelijking m.b.t. de inhoud van het octrooidossier dat ter inzage aan het publiek wordt voorgelegd en de elementen die van dit dossier kunnen worden uitgesloten; inrichting van een register van erkende gemachtigden, hetgeen bijgehouden zal worden door de Directeur van de ‘Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom’; aanpassing van de procedure voor het indienen van een verklaring van voorrang. De bepalingen van het Boek XI zullen vanaf 1 januari 2015 in werking treden. mingscertificaat voor geneesmiddelen of gewasbeschermingsmiddelen bij de ‘Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom’ ook per fax of via de elektronische procedure vermeld op de pagina’s ‘Intellectuele Eigendom’ op de website van de FOD Economie in te dienen. De indiening van de octrooiaanvraag kan echter ook nog steeds per post. In het ontvangstbewijs wordt dan de dag vermeld waarop de aanvraag bij de ‘Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom’ toekomt. Er is ook een nieuw modelformulier vastgesteld voor de aanvraag. EENGEMAAKT OCTROOIGERECHT OP EUROPEES NIVEAU België heeft ingestemd met de overeenkomst die het eengemaakt Europees octrooigerecht mogelijk maakt. De oprichting van dergelijk gerecht zal voor een efficiëntere procesvoering zorgen. Octrooihouders en gebruikers zullen immers niet langer procedures meer moeten instellen voor verschillende nationale rechtbanken, terwijl het eigenlijk om hetzelfde octrooi gaat. Bovendien zullen er zo ook tegenstrijdige uitspraken vermeden worden. Het eengemaakt octrooigerecht zal bevoegd zijn voor geschillen over de geldigheid van en de inbreuk op de klassieke Europese octrooien én de Europese octrooien met eenheidswerking. De rechtbank zal bestaan uit een gerecht van eerste aanleg, een hof van beroep en een griffie. Er zullen ook lokale en regionale afdelingen worden opgericht op het niveau van eerste aanleg. De proceduretaal voor de lokale of regionale afdelingen is de nationale taal (of een van de nationale talen) van de lidstaat (of de lidstaten) waar de afdeling is gevestigd. Bij het hof van beroep, waarvan ELEKTRONISCHE AANVRAAG MOGELIJK de zetel in Luxemburg is gevestigd, is de proceduretaal Vanaf 22 september 2014 is het mogelijk om een aan- dezelfde als deze die in eerste aanleg is gebruikt. vraag voor een octrooi of een aanvullend bescher- OKT-NOV 2014 CXO EDITORIAL EXPERT Jan Callant CxO EXPERT GROUP FINANCE & LEGAL Erik Boone CFO Gosselin Group Paul Lievens CFO Ondernemingen Jan De Nul Kris Coppens Finance Director Bosal Benelux Philippe Maeckelberghe CFO Deceuninck Sylvain dal Vecchio Finance Director Belgium & Luxemburg Fujitsu Technology Solutions Johan Maes Directeur Financieren Aquafin Patrick Descamps CFO EOC Belgium Jan-Willem Ruinemans CFO Hansen Transmissions International Rudi De Winter CFO Van Laere Regine Slagmulder Ass. Prof. of Accounting & Control Partner of Vlerick Business School Matthew Fite CFO Randstad België & Geert Stienen CFO Egemin Luc Janssens Financieel directeur Aveve Marc Van Gastel Head of Department Invest FIT Paul Lievens CFO Ondernemingen Jan De Nul 34 35 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel Erwin De Weerdt WEALTH MANAGEMENT One day, the art you hang on your wall could be more than a decoration. That would be when you decide to start investing in art. A decision which raises three main questions which we will try to comment in this article. The first is to find out whether you know something about some art. Then, to decide whether you prefer to invest in art rather than in real estate, shares, old timers or music instruments, just to mention a few. And finally, are you sure whether you look for a short or long term investment? PASSION So, before making art part of your investment portfolio, ask yourself to what extent you would be interested what in art? The answer to this question will prevent you from making poor choices and from getting stuck with pieces of art you even don’t like. That could be a small painting but also a Stradivarius. Once you know what sector of art raises the adrenaline level in your blood, art may well become a passion. is to help you buy the right piece of art? Don’t look for them in the yellow pages. You will meet them in art galleries, at exhibitions or third parties will introduce you to them. It is also possible that they will find you. GET KNOWLEDGABLE Still too many new art collec- “Trust” is key here. tors think in terms of bidding at Christie’s or swapping their golden ART, WHAT ART? credit card through a payment ter- Art is hard to define. You can minal in an art gallery. Of course, describe it, but it does not exist you can take courses on art his- until a creative mind does tory, but art is a lively and changing something with something. What market. Visiting art galleries, exhi- modern art is for some, is trash for bitions and museums will give you others. Or it must be “old” without an indication of what your world of specifying what “old” means. After art is all about. Specialized art mag- all, what it comes down to is taste, azines, art sections in newspapers, and taste defines the price in a specific reports on radio, TV or the world of art. Be aware that taste internet can give additional insight can change rapidly. That is why it in the trends in your art market is so important to stay focused on today and the prices that go with the kind of art you like. Remember, it. But why not call on the services sometimes even famous artists of an advisor with a reputation and dreadfully screw up. One wrong waterproof references, whose job it statement or bad attitude can EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the art world, the rule “buy low and sell high” applies. There is no ideal time to sell, however. In art, there are no quick trades. Appreciation may take years or even decades. The answer to the question: “Is art a good investment?” is yes and no. [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE FINANCE & LEGAL BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Once you know what sector of art raises the adrenaline level in your blood, art may well become a passion. ruin their career and see their work become worthless in a split second. The art market has no selfregulating system which protects specific art sectors or styles more than others. DILEMMA ally in 5 to 8 years. Or join a private investment partnership. Why not start one yourself? Do you know that it is possible to leverage your existing collection by buying more art since it is possible to use your art collection as a pawn for a loan. And what is wrong in considering buying from emerging artists? Why not concentrate on developing markets such as China, Brazil, Russia, the Middle East and India. By the way, for collectors with time and expertise, a great way to turn art into money is by buying works with great potential for major auctioneers at local or regional auction houses. In this world, the rule “buy low and sell high” applies. There is no ideal time to sell, however. In art, there are no quick trades. Appreciation may take years or even decades. The answer to the question: “Is art a good investment?” is yes and no. “Yes” because you can make money in art. And “no” because you can’t control taste. Prices can go up as fast as they go down. Like any other first time buyer, to be a successful inves- SO? tor in art, you need to be patient and Common with all these factors is build up experience. Most first time that they represent the opinion of buyers do not necessarily understand why and how taste drives the market and the prices. Perhaps the best way is to justify your investment always by purchasing art you like. When art prices fall, you will at least be able to enjoy the beauty of what you decided to invest in. people in the world of art. That’s important because these opinions drive the market price. It shouldn’t keep you from buying a piece of art from an unknown artist who received a bad press review. In essence, a good way to minimize risk is to take into account what the world of art thinks of an artist. On the other hand, minimized risk usually increases the price because other people are interested in the artist. Additionally, it is not exceptional to see an unknown artist trigger all of a sudden an inexplicable return on investment. Or no return at all. In other words, after all, it is up to you! ALTERNATIVELY Still too many new art collectors think in terms of bidding at Christie’s or swapping their golden credit card through a payment terminal in an art gallery. OKT-NOV 2014 Why not rally with an Art Fund? They work like private investment funds. Some of them try to place works in museums and exhibitions to crank up their value before trying to sell them for a profit, gener- OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE RETENTION MANAGEMENT B2A biedt: 3 een interactief forum voor topexecutives uit het bedrijfsleven en gerenomeerde academici 3 een klankbord én inspiratiebron voor de uitdagingen en mogelijkheden die nieuwe trends en ontwikkelingen met zich meebrengen 3 boeiende, actuele en maatschappelijk relevante thema’s AN INITIATIVE BY FACULTY CLUB B2A - Conference The Power of Failure 3 afsluitend netwerkevent op een unieke locatie i.s.m Mentally Fit Institute MEER INFO OP of contacteer Tine Verhelst op 016/32 95 13 MEER INFO OP BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION HUMAN RESOURCES PAGINA 37 Long-term retention based on mutuallly perceived meaningfulness PAGINA 40 What can we learn from ganesh 3 inspirerende debatten Op 13 november 2014 MEDIAPARTNER LONG-TERM RETENTION BASED ON MUTUALLY PERCEIVED MEANINGFULNESS Faculty Club · Groot Begijnhof 14 · B-3000 Leuven PAGINA 41 De sollicitant is de baas “Long-term retention is essentially about striking a delicate balance,” says Dr. Peggy De Prins from Antwerp Management School and a member of the CxO Expert Group. “If too few workers leave the organization, a sort of ossification seizes the personnel pool and the organization. Almost no young blood joins up and the result is a marked greying and ageing.” LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 38 GEMAKKELIJKER REKRUTEREN! CXO EDITORIAL EXPERTS Talent is het belangrijkste in een bedrijf. Dankzij StepStone is uw zoektocht naar goede kandidaten voor uw jobs eenvoudiger dan ooit. Plaats uw job online Hoogst aantal sollicitaties per job in België Bruno Koninckx Goele Geeraert Uw job per mail naar de goede kandidaten Doorplaatsing op de website van onze partners CxO EXPERT GROUP HUMAN RESCOURCES Vind en contacteer kandidaten Meer dan 360.000 CV’s 5.000 nieuwe CV’s per maand Prioriteit voor meest actieve profielen Info en offertes: 02/209.97.77 of [email protected] Gratis test van de DirectSearch Database: Prof. dr. Peggy De Prins Docent en academisch verantwoordelijke HRM AMS Denise Laros Koen Dewettinck Ass. Prof. of HRM Director part-time MBA programme Vlerick Business School Bert Lyssens Corporate HR manager Agfa-Gevaert Els Druyts Walter Engels HR Manager Aveve Raymond Evens HR manager DHL Global Forwarding (Belgium) Sabine Gekiere Bart Janssens Patrick Muylle Kristian Vandenhoudt Marc Van Hoecke Geert Van Hootegem Linda Verdonck HR Manager Shell Belgium Directeur personeel en organisatie Campina Belgium HR Manager Atlas Copco HR Counsel KPMG HR Dept. Director McDonalds’ Belgium Hoogleraar KULeuven HR manager Gosselin Group HR manager Ricoh Belgium Vicky Welvaert HR Manager Asco Industries 38 39 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel CxO Redactie EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What then are the ingredients of a long-term retention policy? CxO Magazine asked the CxO Expert Group. According to Peggy De Prins, long-term retention is essentially about looking for meaningful maturity growth and constant maintenance and fuelling of a facilitating dialogue on the subject. Sabine Gekiere takes the view that engagement and involvement are key concepts in talent retention. [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE HUMAN RESOURCES BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION RETENTION MANAGEMENT Dr. Peggy De Prins: “If too few workers leave the organization, a sort of ossification seizes the personnel pool and the organization. Almost no young blood joins up and the result is a marked greying and ageing. If the outflow is excessively large and undesired, there is the threat of substantial loss of knowledge, experience and network. The organization as ‘teaching organization’ then becomes a hollow concept, and process stability is compromized. Labour market literature uses the term ‘churn’: outflow that exceeds the basic level of turnover current in the industry sector. For organizations, ‘churn’, for strategic, costs and sustainability reasons, is a delicate matter. Organizations therefore prefer to anticipate as quickly as possible by gaining an understanding of the reasons for voluntary departure. On that basis, a tailored retention policy can then be mapped out.” no longer absolute, but relative. No longer the lifelong perspective but a timeframe that can be grasped by both parties and experienced as meaningful can be used as a signpost in the dialogue.” CORPORATE CULTURE quently returning to the organization with an enriched skill set. The underlying reasoning is that these workers are the best ambassadors for the company in question.” Sabine Gek iere: “Work ing in McDonald’s means working in a diverse environment with young and older people, Belgians and immigrants, students and graduates. Team spirit and respect are at the forefront of our culture, alongside customer-mindedness. Authenticity and being yourself are also important.” NO HIERARCHIC VIEW OF CAREERS “In other words, a long-term reten“Breaking free from a narrow, hier- tion policy does not preclude a longarchic view of careers is also vital term career policy. On the contrary: to any long-term retention policy. they strengthen each other. Where A career policy that sets out uni- there used to be an actual overlap laterally from traditional vertical during their entire career for a sinpromotions plus status increases is gle employee, that overlap is now after all, by its very definition, lim- more often limited in time and ited in possibilities, certainly in flat spread over different employees and organizations. Research also sys- different career phases.” tematically reveals that it is not so much promotions that give workers SABINE GEKIERE: EMPLOYEE satisfaction with their careers, but EXPERIENCE IMPROVES CUSTOMER rather the opportunities that they EXPERIENCE have to develop in a direction that “Engagement and involvement are is important for them, this within a basic concepts in the maintenance broader life context. Instead of pro- of talents,” says Sabine Gekiere, HR motion, remotion (workers taking Department Director McDonald’s a step back) may thus equally well Belgium and member of the CxO bring solace. Or workers leave Expert Group. “It’s about involving and then return. This latter phe- your workers through good comWHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS OF SUSTAINABLE COSTnomenon is known as boomerang munication and by making them recruiting and boils down to suc- feel ‘empowered’. That can hapEFFECTIVENESS? Peggy De Prins: “Research has cessful workers leaving at a given pen in different ways: by motivatshown that offering a fair wage plus moment to consolidate or increase ing, by respecting, by listening and sufficient job security, a good work- their skills elsewhere and subse- explaining objectives.” life balance and opportunities for promotion remain the top retention factors. Within a retention policy we can also not overlook the intrinsic drivers. Workers want to see steady progression, they want growth and to be able to stretch themselves. The key to long-term retention therefore also means looking for meaningful maturity growth and constant maintenance and fuelling of a facilitating dialogue on the subject. If you regularly talk with your workers about work that ‘whets the appetite’ and involve them in projects that really interest them, you can probably prolong their employment with your organization by sevDr. Peggy De Prins of the CxO Expert Group is attached to the Antwerp Management School’s eral years. The timeframe in which “Next Generation Work. Sustainability through People” Competence Centre. retention is discussed is then also OKT-NOV 2014 ISTHE CULTURE KEY TO RETAINING TALENTS? “To satisfy your customers you must first satisfy your workers. Internal research even suggests that there is a link between employee satisfaction, staff turnover and customer satisfaction. Where the involvement of management and workers is high, and staff turnover low, there is a better customer experience. It’s only logical: if you are happy in your work, you are more involved and engaged. Involved and competent, self-confident workers make Sabine Gekiere, HR Department Director McDonald’s Belgium and member of the CxO Expert Group: “To satisfy your customers you must first satisfy your workers.” the difference between a good and an excellent customer experience. “Retaining talents starts with Because coaching workers means It is precisely the ‘employee experecruitment. We recruit staff who mapping out a career path with rience’ that improves the customer have the right attitude, i.e. the them. Our managers need to have experience.” will to work, customer-minded- the right ‘people skills’ such as creness and a smile on their face. In ating involvement, following up other words, we are looking for projects and giving performance talent rather than a degree. Young reviews.” people are offered the opportunity to develop their talents further through a wide range of training courses. Besides operational training we also attach importance THE ASSESSMENT COMPANY to the soft skills: learning to work in a team, keeping discipline and clear communication with the customer. Sometimes staff move on to other companies. We take account of that. We note that there, precisely because of our basic training, they are often already well placed.” Profiles Belgium “Effective screening delivers great people” You hold on to talent by offering prospects. “That’s where management has an important part to play. OKT-NOV 2014 Tel: + 32 3 337 25 84 Mail: [email protected] WWW.CXONET.BE 40 41 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM GANESH? Ganesh is a young boy who has to make his way to school each day through the hellish Indian traffic of his city. Ganesh winds his way between the stationary cars until he sees the cause of all the misery: a fallen tree … Ganesh stands there in his soaked shirt with his book sack on his back. He is the only one to take the initiative to remedy the situation. He puts his book sack down on the ground and, with his little hands, sets about trying to move the gigantic tree. Needless to say, the tree does not move an inch, but his example touches people. Some of the drivers now feel called to follow the inspiring example and go to lend a helping hand. Soon there is a fair-sized group of people pushing against the tree. The ‘stronger together’ initiative under the inspiring example of little Ganesh helps to remedy the situation. The tree finally moves and the road is clear. WHAT CAN MANAGERS AND EXECUTIVE STAFF LEARN FROM GANESH? Nowadays an executive has to give more and more leadership via soft skills, people management and leading by example. People are always looking for examples that inspire, motivate, and stimulate them to become better and to develop. So today’s and tomorrow’s leaders need to be more and more mindful of the inf luence of their behaviour on their colleagues. However, change calls for application, discipline and perseverance. WWW.CXONET.BE HUMAN RESOURCES MASTERCLASS BUSINESS TO ACADEMY (B2A) NEWSLETTER PMS Dirk Huyers is Managing Director of PMS - Project Management Services BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION It takes a full 20 to 60 days before a new action or behaviour is transformed into second nature. It also takes a while before this change in action or behaviour is even noticed by the target group, especially when it comes to minor (more subtle) changes. Patience is therefore an important factor in success, but patience has its rewards! Everyone involved in change management will agree that minor changes are implemented much more easily and quickly than major, sudden, outof-nowhere changes. Resistance is lower because the change itself is perceived as less radical. EARLY ADOPTERS AND LAGGERS but have no option except to follow (for one reason or another). Timehonoured hierarchical structures of yesteryear are disappearing. In new forms of organization the rank and file are more closely involved in the daily run of events. Every initiative therefore merits consideration. Every member of personnel expects consideration and appreciation. Every worker, from his/her perspective, can provide another way of looking at a situation, such that the solution is perhaps found more quickly than one might first have thought. Just like young Ganesh did great things with one small deed, individual workers can offer a small tip or contribution that has a considerable impact on their colleagues or even throughout the whole organization. Leaders and managers who care about their workers will do all that they can to bring about success moments in their organizations - and also to share them as much as possible. Sharing and celebrations stimulate the team spirit and have an inspiring effect. Everyone wants to be in the picture and be celebrated. But be careful that this does not degenerate into undesirable competitiveness, because that has a more counterproductive effect. As in any change or renewal course there are early adopters en laggers. This is the second reason why patience, discipline and perseverance pay off. Early adopters are naturally inclined to be quickly convinced and are open to new things. Once they remain convinced and radiate the change in behaviour, attitude, etc., their colleagues will automatically follow. Early adopters are the ambassadors who welcome the doubters in at the door. Then come the real ‘followers’ - those who follow from herd instinct or “because that is how it is”. Last but not least you have the laggers - those who do not believe in You can see the video on it and in fact never will believe in it, OKT-NOV 2014 DE SOLLICITANT IS DE BAAS In de strijd tegen ‘War for talent’ wordt het activeren en benutten van talenten dé uitdaging. Begin september vond bij Faculty Club de jaarlijkse Masterclass van Recruitment2020 in samenwerking met B2A plaats. Het centrale thema was ‘Sollicitant is de baas’. 1. De bevolking op arbeidsleeftijd zal krimpen vanaf 2016-2017. De invloed van migratie op onze arbeidsmarkt is gedaald en zal blijven dalen. Ons land is voor migranten immers minder interessant dan het ooit is geweest. CxO Redactie 2. De versnelling van de demografische wissel. Er is de laatste jaren heel wat regelgeving uitgewerkt rond vervroegd pensioen en brugpensioen, waardoor heel wat 50-plussers vervroegd de arbeidsmarkt verlaten. Dit zorgt voor een groot natuurlijk verloop en een groot aantal vervangingsvacatures. Deze laatste dienen op een of andere manier te worden ingevuld. 3. We veroordelen onszelf tot krapte en jobgroei. Er zijn immers eurodoelstellingen op het vlak van werkzaamheidsgraad. Op dit moment hebben we een werkzaamheidsgraad van 71,9% - de eurodoelstelling is 76%. Met de gekende factoren is de projectie dat we zullen stranden op een werkzaamheidsgraad van ongeveer 73%, en dit is slecht nieuws. De 3% verschil tussen de projectie en de doelstelling staan voor 110.000 jobs. Prof. Sels, Decaan Departement Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen KU Leuven: “Is er nog sprake van krapte op de arbeidsmarkt?” Prof. Sels, Decaan Departement Toegepaste Economische Weten schappen KU Leuven, gaf een wakeup call anno 2014. Hij stelde de vraag of er vandaag nog kan gesproken worden van krapte op de arbeidsmarkt. Want de arbeidsmarkt ontspant: de laatste jaren is de vacaturegraad gedaald, wat wil zeggen dat er minder openstaande vacatures zijn. Er zijn (beduidend) minder knelpuntvacatures. In 2011 was er sprake van een piek, maar de laatste jaren is het aantal knelpuntvacatures gedaald. Uiteraard heeft ook dit OKT-NOV 2014 te maken met de algemene daling in het aantal vacatures. Dat de arbeidsmarkt weer aantrekt, is een feit. Er is geen sprake van een structurele crisis, maar wel van een conjuncturele crisis, en die gaat voorbij. Maar nog niet morgen. Er zijn geen tekenen op beterschap op korte termijn. De bevolking op arbeidsleeftijd zal wel degelijk krimpen. Daarom moeten we verder kijken. Hoe zal de situatie evolueren op lange termijn? Volgens Prof. Sels zijn er 4 factoren die de druk op de arbeidsmarkt hoog zullen houden. 4. Tenslotte zien we dat onze arbeidsreserve groot is, maar de inzetbaarheid ervan is beperkt met ons huidige rekruteringsgedrag. Er zit immers weinig reserve bij die groepen waarin we het meest rekruteren, en veel reserve bij die groepen waarin we het minst rekruteren. Op 13 november vindt een volgend B2A-event plaats. Het thema is ‘The Power of Failure. The winning effect of positive mistakes.’ WWW.CXONET.BE 42 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION NEWSLETTER PRICING MOBIELE COMMUNICATIE WHY EVERYONE IN AN ORGANISATION OWNS PRICING WHO IS RESPONSIBLE Britt Dejager, Project Manager, European Pricing Platform. britt.dejager@ FOR PRICING AT YOUR ORGANISATION? This is one of the most frequent questions European Pricing Platform is asked. Should pricing belong to Finance, Product Lines (product management), Marketing, Sales Operations (deal desk), or even Sales? What do you think? My answer: ‘Yes!’ Effective pricing requires participation from all of these departments. ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY DEVICE BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION SALES & MARKETING PAGINA 40 Thougt leadership “Bij de term ‘mobiele communicatie’ denken de meeste mensen spontaan aan een mobiel toestel zoals een gsm of een smartphone. Nochtans is deze benadering veel te eng en eenzijdig en gaat mobiele communicatie veel verder.” Peter Van Eycken en Steve Muylle zijn lid van de CxO Expert Group en staan met beide voeten midden in de wereld van de mobiele communicatie. PAGINA 42 Who is responsible for pricing at your organisation? PAGINA 43 Anywhere, anytime, any device LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 44 CXO EDITORIAL EXPERT Hilde Pauwels FINANCE WWW.CXONET.BE price. They execute the pricing strategies and levels so they need clear guidelines to follow. They are often involved in the monitoring of the success or failure of pricing. Salespeople are truly the front line of value communication. They negotiate with the largest customers. They MUST believe that the value delivered by our product is far more than the price we are charging. Sales has a huge impact on whether or not the company achieves the prices set by the product line. CxO EXPERT GROUP SALES & MARKETING © Jos Verhoogen Finance must provide margin guidance and help with monitoring of actual results against the expected results. Finance and other executives are often involved My preference in crafting the right pricing strategies. They run what-if is #1. Hire true analyses to help predict the results. leaders. Then it doesn’t really matter where pricing PRODUCTION sits. Of course The product lines must understand the market and the these people should value the products have to the market. They must be get support from intimately involved in setting the price. They are also pricing and profit optimisation ex- the last level of escalation to approve deep discounts perts to help define for important strategic customers. Since profit and loss the right priorities responsibility typically lies with the product line, they in developing the must have a lot of say in pricing. pricing maturity of their organisations, Talent development MARKETING in pricing depart- Marketing needs to understand pricing exceptionally ments (not only well so they can communicate the value to the customon pricing skills) ers. They need to create the tools that empower salesmay be given more people to win at the highest possible price. attention is what I feel. Sales Operations or the deal desk quotes individual [email protected] deals. They are often the front line to the customer for EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Grit Adriaenssens Sales & Customer Services Director DHL Parcel Nathalie Arteel Commercieel directeur Arteel Recognition Solutions Piet De Grauwe Marketing manager Cofely Services Jurgen De Wever Marketing Manager Siemens Véronique Fauconnier Business Development Director Nova Relocation Dirk Hendrickx Vice President EMEA Barco Steve Muylle Christian Luyten Lise Mulpas Communicatie Elia System Operator Professor of Marketing Partner of Vlerick Business School Anne Van Gils Joris Vanholme Ward Van Rijckeghem Corporate Communications Officer Isabel WHO’S IN CHARGE? Back to the original question, “Who is in charge of pricing?” Every department owns a piece of pricing. If you decide to bring on a pricing team, they need to have influence over every one of these groups. Stéphane Thiery Directeur du Marketing de la Mobilité durable TEC Annemarie Van Asbroeck Senior Marketing Manager Havenbedrijf Antwerpen That means one of two things: 1. You bring on a team of highly influential leaders who can lead and generate change without authority or 2. You put pricing in the most powerful department in the company, possibly even reporting to the CEO. Steven Vansnick Sales manager Ricoh Belgium OKT-NOV 2014 Jan Vroemans Marketing manager Jaguar Land Rover Belux Johan Vanden Bergh Marketing manager KIA Motors Belgium Patrick Van der Avert Manager Corporate Communications & Marketing Belux Atradius Credit Insurance Peter Van Eycken Sales Director BeLux Siemens Enterprise Communications Arnold Van Garsse Marketing & Sales Manager Bulo Office Furniture Marketing manager Gosselin Group Marketing manager Attentia Marketing Communications Manager Volvo Cars Belux 44 45 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel MEER DAN ALLEEN ‘SPRAAK’ Ontwikkelingen in mobiele technologie gaan hard. Gebruikers van mobiele technologie wensen high-end communicatie oplossingen die ze overal kunnen gebruiken, met om het even welk toestel, en wanneer ze dit zelf beslissen. CxO Magazine legt haar oor te luister bij de Expert Group. Peter Van Eycken: “Mijn ervaring leert me dat mobiele communicatie niet stopt bij ‘spraak’. De wens van de meeste gebruikers is dat mobiele communicatie ook ‘data’ ondersteunt. Denk aan typische applicaties zoals e-mail, maar ook bedrijfskritische applicaties zoals SAP en In dit kader wordt ‘document sharing’ als standaard beschouwd. Meer en meer komt de vraag naar audio/video-communicatie, waar een ‘road warrior’ kan deelnemen aan een conferentiegesprek.” “Mobiele communicatie hoeven we niet te beperken tot de gsm of smartphone. De laptop, standaard met een WLAN interface, en al dan niet voorzien van een extra 3G/4G module, kan eenvoudig worden voorzien van een software applicatie, waardoor de laptop ook met spraak (softphone) en video kan [email protected] ondersteund worden. Om nog maar WWW.CXONET.BE SALES & MARKETING MOBIELE COMMUNICATIE “Mobiele communicatie is meer dan een gsm of smartphone,” zegt Peter Van Eycken, Sales Director Belux van Unify Communications. “Neem dokters en verpleegkundigen in hospitalen, ze moeten altijd en overal bereikbaar zijn. De mobiele communicatie gebeurt er nog vaak door middel van DECT, maar ondertussen ook al door ‘Voice over WLAN’ (VoWLAN), in combinatie met WLAN toestellen of smartphones. Ook productieverantwoordelijken en onderhoudstechnici in fabrieken (bvb. chemische industrie) moeten steeds bereikbaar zijn. Communicatie over grote terreinen wordt nog vaak ondersteund door DECT of TETRA-oplossingen. Denk ook aan internationale zakenmensen die soms wekenlang kamperen op luchthavens en in hotels, of aan de zogenaamde ‘road warriors’, mensen die continu op de baan zijn zoals verkopers en chauffeurs.” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION te zwijgen van de verschillende applicaties die beschikbaar zijn in de cloud. Hier zien we dat tablets zoals de iPad meer en meer de laptop vervangen.” ten bevatten extra informatie over de omgeving. Je ziet bijvoorbeeld een huis te koop staan en dankzij een speciale app krijg je meteen extra info: de geschiedenis van het huis, de prijs en informatie over de buurt. Indien de app wordt aangeboden door een bank krijg je meteen een kredietvoorstel met afbetalingsplan mee. Hier lag tot voor kort de uitdaging. Een aantal toonaangevende bedrijven, waaronder Unify, zijn onder impuls van o.a. Google, gestart met de ontwikkeling van WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication protocol) en oplossingen die gebaseerd zijn op WebRTC. Eind oktober 2014 lanceert Unify haar eerste WebRTC gebaseerde oplossing, Ansible genoemd. Deze applicatie zal mobiele communicatie een bijkomende impuls geven. De komst van ‘unified communication’ (UC) waaronder mobiele UC met inbegrip van functionaliteiten zoals one number, preferred device, presence en chat, alsook van verschillende ‘consumer devices’ (iPhone, Samsung S-series, …) dragen bij tot een boost in mobiele communicatie.” Kortom, de meeste gebruikers wensen high-end communicatie oplosANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY DEVICE singen die ze overal (anywhere, “Waar leidt dit allemaal toe? Binnen dus ook mobiel) kunnen gebruiUnify, een wereldwijd bedrijf in het ken, met om het even welk toestel domein van UC en Communicatie, (anydevice), en dit wanneer ze zelf zien we dat al deze technologische beslissen (anytime). Er dient een ontwikkelingen samenkomen in vloeiende overgang te zijn tussen wat wij ‘NW2W’ noemen, de ‘New data, spraak en video. De functioWay to Work’, ofwel een nieuwe naliteiten dienen eenvoudig (usermanier van werken. De meeste friendly) maar toch algemeen (user gebruikers wensen anywhere (waar experience) beschikbaar te zijn. ik me ook bevind, maar ook via om Momenteel staan we aan het begin het even welk type netwerk), any- van een nieuwe golf van ‘mobiele time (gebruiker beslist wanneer communicatie’ en zal deze golf veren voor wie hij bereikbaar is), en moedelijk niet de laatste zijn. met any device (gsm, smartphone, tablet …) bereikbaar te zijn, en dit STEVE MUYLLE: door middel van data, spraak, en/ “DE ONTWIKKELINGEN IN MOBIELE of video. Bovendien wensen ze nog COMMUNICATIE GAAN HARD” slechts één uniek nummer te heb- Ook professor in de marketing, ben (‘One number’). Dit leidt tot het Steve Muylle (Vlerick Business werken op andere plaatsen, thuis, School), houdt de vinger aan de maar ook in de wagen of de lobby pols als het gaat om mobiele techvan een hotel. Een gevolg hier- nologieën. Hij doceert onder meer van is dat mensen meer in virtuele de cursus ‘Digitale Strategie’ aan teams zullen werken. De komst van bedrijven. “De ontwikkelingen in nieuwe generaties van gebruikers, mobiele communicatie gaan hard, waaronder de ‘millennials’, zal dit dat maakt het boeiend om te volproces nog versnellen.” gen,” aldus Steve die enkele voorbeelden geeft. “Het bedrijf Showpad WEB REAL TIME is een jonge start-up uit het Gentse COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL die een app hebben ontwikkeld voor “In de nabije toekomst zullen verkopers. In een beveiligde omgewe meer en meer het internet ving kunnen de verkopers catalogi gebruiken, al dan niet over LAN/ en productinformatie opslaan en WLAN/3G/4G, om een optimale meteen tonen aan de klant. Deze communicatie met de verschillende catalogi worden gepersonaliseerd, media en toestellen te combineren. op maat van de klant.” OKT-NOV 2014 Peter Van Eycken, Sales Director Belux van Unify Communications en lid van de CxO Expert Group: “De wens van de meeste gebruikers is dat mobiele communicatie ook ‘data’ ondersteunt.” Ook in de industrie biedt nieuwe mobiele technologie tal van mogelijkheden. Steve Muylle: “Er zijn voorbeelden van industriële bedrijven die klanten een speciaal geconfigureerde app gratis laten downloaden. De klanten kunnen zich deze app helemaal eigen maken: ze berekenen bijvoorbeeld aan de hand van hun specifieke situatie hoeveel ze besparen door de technologie van deze leverancier te gebruiken en wat deze technologie zou betekenen voor de efficiëntie in het productieproces.” figureerd via de camera op een smartphone of tablet, worden door een computer elementen toegevoegd. Deze toegevoegde elemen- Tot slot is er een opgemerkte samenwerk ing tussen w inkelbedrijf Delhaize, Coca-Cola en myShopi voor de integratie van de beacontechnologie in Belgische supermarkten. Dankzij beacon krijg je meldingen over Coca-Cola promoties en cashback-acties op het moment dat je de parking van de Delhaize op rijdt of wanneer je voorbij bepaalde producten wandelt. Het systeem werkt dankzij een bluetooth-beacon dat in de buurt van de relevante producten werd geplaatst. Dat baken zendt een bluetoothsignaal uit dat wordt opgemerkt door het besturingssysteem van je telefoon. Gelukkig zendt het baken niet zomaar reclame naar elke smartphone: alleen toestellen waarop myShopi is geïnstalleerd zullen reageren op het signaal, en dan nog alleen wanneer bluetooth aan staat en pushmeldingen zijn toegestaan. AUGMENTED REALITY Een andere toepassing op de smartphone is de Augmented reality of ‘toegevoegde realiteit’ Via een live beeld van de werkelijkheid, gecon- OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE SALES & MARKETING LEADERSHIP FORUM 2014-2015 REGISTER YOUR SEAT NOW DATE: 28 - 29 NOVEMBER THEME: BUSINESS EXCELLENCE VENUE: METROPOLE HOTEL BRUSSELS SPEECH COACH: FILIP MUYLLAERT SPEAKERS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL Seriously built for business. Secured by . Because you can’t just take any tablet to work. FULLY DUST AND WATER PROTECTED delivers in the roughest environments (IP 67 & MIL810G certified) SUPER FAST INTERNET EVERYWHERE connect at 4G speed with LTE MULTITASK IN ONE SCREEN work how you want with MultiWindow Arnoud Raskin Marcel Van Der Avert Daniël Pairon Peter Baeten Conny Hooghe Jos Marinus Co-founder StreetWiZe Author ‘Ongeziene Resultaten’ Global Head KPMG Asset Management Deployment Readiness Manager Unify HR Director Wolters Kluwer President VIB Empower your street skills The unwritten rules of Business Excellence How to be excellent in Asset Management Empower Your Anywhere Workers for the New Way of Work Excellence in Leadership E-commerce: being excellent between screen and mailbox ALL OffiCE APPS WITHIN REACH download Hancom Office for free FULLY PROTECTED DATA, ISOLATED AND ACCESSIBLE combines safety with usability 3MP AUTOFOCUS CAMERA for easy and fast barcode scanning THE CXO TABLE MASTERS SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB ACTIVE Field-proven. Work-ready. Totally secure. Frédérique Bruggeman Sonja Van Dorslaer Managing Director Robert Half Belux General Manager Asendia Belgium Peter Ryckaert Viv Hermans Director Cegeka Chairman Feweb President BRC Eddy Helsen Johan Sneyers CEO ViCre Algemeen Directeur Val-I-Pac Patrick Van Lijsebetten CEO Atlantae Danny VandeVyver Paul Van de Perre CEO Real Estate Fund Managing Director Unify Belgium & Luxemburg Ludo Langen Anja Cappelle Dirk Momont Site Manager DSV Solutions Algemeen directeur The Reference Managing Partner Auxo This is not a typical management congress The CxO Leadership Forum is an interactive congress: short presentations followed by lively debates in small groups of experts, magazine readers and everyone specialized and/or interested in the subject. REGISTER NOW WWW.CXOLEADERSHIPFORUM.COM 48 49 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION SALES & MARKETING SERIES: IDENTITY & BRANDING (5) ‘THOUGHT LEADERSHIP’ OFFERS VARIOUS CAPABILITIES QUALITY RESEARCH Thought leadership concerns companies seeking to become authorities in specific areas of knowledge, and to make that knowledge available to different stakeholders. But why should I, as a company, want anything to do with thought leadership? And how do you build it up? A word of explanation. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Renaat Van Cauwenberge is founder and Managing Director of Total Gramma and has over 20 years’ experience in identity development, positioning and corporate branding. Thought leader companies are in a position to go beyond the conventional patterns of thought in the market and thus offer their customers innovating insights. Thought leadership is not something that an organization claims, but rather what it earns as the result of the confidence that it creates in the implementation of the pioneering body of thought. To describe thought leadership better it is important to distinguish between two related concepts: innovation and vision. Innovation is the process in which an idea is transformed into a product or service for which people are willing to pay. An innovation may go beyond the status quo in product use, but does not necessarily bring about new ways of thinking. Apple’s products are innovative, but Steve Jobs broke the conventions about how we look at computer technology. An innovation may embody a thought leadership theme, but that alone does not make the company a thought leader. Thought leadership is also about having a vision. A vision indicates what an organization is aspiring to for the future. That vision may be inspiring, ambitious, but does not have to overturn any conventional WWW.CXONET.BE ways of thinking. Thought leaders do, however. Thought leaders come with a vision or a way of looking at things that shatters existing conventions. It is precisely thanks to this convention-breaking that stakeholders feel drawn to a thought leader. WHY THOUGHT LEADERSHIP? “Thought leadership is a new platform for differentiation in a world in which the consumer is concerned with more than just product, service, identity or corporate social responsibility. These aspects of differentiation are increasingly becoming ‘hygiene factors’ – an organization has to have them, but they no longer offer any distinguishing factor. Customers increasingly need innovating perspectives and approaches in the themes or issues that they find important. These needs affect society at different levels. For instance, a local authority is looking for new ways to keep its densely populated city viable. But it may also be the case among consumers wanting to identify themselves with brands challenging the status quo on relevant trans-product themes. Thought leadership is a way of proactively anticipating these changed needs,” say van Halderen and Kettler-Paddock CONSTRUCTION OF THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Working towards thought leadership is a strategic choice. It is a positioning strategy that must tally with the expertise of the whole company. The following steps give a good guideline. Step 1: assessing the potential When considering a thought leadership strategy it is important to assess whether the company has the potential for a thought leadership theme in-house. You will need to consider four questions: a) What themes are currently of interest to our customers? b) Do we have a relevant innovating angle of attack on these themes? c) Does this fit in with our knowledge and expertise? d) Do we have the resources and the strength to embed this new approach in our strategy? Step 2: formation of the innovating approach “Dove did this really well”, so we are told in the article by van Halderen and Kettler-Paddock, with the research in ten different countries on women’s perceptions of their outer appearance. The research revealed that only 2 per cent of women thought themselves beau- OKT-NOV 2014 COMPELLING IDEAS EXPERT ANALYSIS THOUGHT LEADERSHIP The main way to construct thought leadership is to create a network platform on the thought leadership theme and to play a central role in it yourself. tiful – the remaining 98 per cent expressed reservations. Then 68 per cent also took issue with the unrealistic standards imposed by the media as regards beauty. A viral video showed how it was possible to transform an ‘average’ woman into a fashion model using make-up and some technical sleight of hand. The video resonated with the feelings of many women and challenged the rather narrow definition of beauty (the film ended with ‘No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted’). This viral video was, of course, in the first place a smart branding campaign, but its success was so astonishing that Dove adopted the theme. Despite criticism about the initiative being hypocritical (for example, Dove is still selling creams that are supposed to treat cellulitis), Dove created a new platform for differentiation and the company is now regarded among its relevant target groups as a brand that has rid itself of a distorted stereotype image of the ‘ideal of beauty’. OKT-NOV 2014 Step 3: open sharing of knowledge and expertise A company earns thought leadership on the basis of the confidence that it has built up as an expert on an innovating theme. One important way in which a company builds confidence is through the open sharing of knowledge and expertise with (potential) customers and other stakeholders. The more that information shapes the insights that its stakeholders need, the more it proves that it understands their world and their issues, and that it is an expert in the field. Step 4: initiating network platforms around the theme The main way to construct thought leadership is to create a network platform on the thought leadership theme and to play a central role in it yourself. By acting as a facilitator in such a network, the company creates a central position in the network. That means that not only does it have access to an extended pool of knowledge and expertise, it can also build up meaningful relationships which, again, can offer access to potential business relationships. Step 5: linking action to result To build up confidence as an expert on the innovating theme, organizations must work constantly on communications initiatives. Thought leadership is a form of differentiation in a world in which the need for innovating perception is increasing all the time. Companies that go about thought leadership half-heartedly or insufficiently are wasting their time, money and other resources. But those that are ready to adopt thought leadership wholeheartedly are keeping pace with evolving market needs and setting themselves apart from the competition. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thought leader companies are in a position to break with the conventional ways of thinking in the market and thus offer customers innovating perceptions. Thought leadership is not something an organization claims, but rather what it earns as the result of the confidence that it creates in Rewritten based on the article ‘Een the implementation of the pioneering bedrijf om na te volgen’ by Mignon body of thought. van Halderen and Kym [email protected] Paddock WWW.CXONET.BE 50 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ITS IMPACT THE INTERNET OF THINGS WILL REVOLUTIONISE EACH AND EVERY BUSINESS BI-MONTHLY HEADLINES Bi-Monthly HEADLINES Jean-Luc Manise IPHONE 6 : UN TERMINAL DE PAIEMENT DESIGN Voilà, c’est fait. Apple a finalement changé de stratégie et décidé d’intégrer une puce NFC dans son nouveau smartphone présenté en grande pompe début septembre. Vous approchez votre iPhone 6 du terminal de paiement, vous pressez le Touch ID et le tour est joué : le paiement sans contact s’effectue en moins de 3 secondes. Voilà la pour la simplicité d’Apple Pay. La sécurité est à double : le smartphone est doté d’un lecteur d’empreinte digitale et d’une puce qui génère un numéro dynamique pour chaque transaction. Pour assurer la surface la plus large possible à sa solution de paiement mobile via iPhone 6 (ou via sa montre iWatch 6), Apple a conclu des accords avec les grandes enseignes du monde des cartes de crédit que sont American Express, Visa ou MasterCard (83 % des volumes de transaction aux USA) et avec quelques majors comme Subway, McDonald’s, Nike ou Disney. Sans oublier bien sûr ses propres Apple Store. BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION ICT PAGINA 50 Bi-monthly headlines PAGINA 51 The internet of things will revolutionise each and every business PAGINA 54 The Internet as we know it today has been around for some thirty odd years now but it is only in the last decade that we have seen an increasing number of “things” being hooked up to the network. Those “things” come in many shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common: they generate an endless stream of data over the Internet that is fundamentally changing the business playing field, like it or not. Multimedia LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 52 GOOGLE GLASS ET LA RÉALITÉ AUGMENTÉE SELON SAP MOBILES : LES MALWARES EN AUGMENTATION DE 17 % Selon les laboratoires d’Alcatel-Lucents Kindsight Labs, les smartphones sont de plus en plus en proie à des attaques de Malware. Le nombre d’infections est en croissance de 17 % au cours du premier semestre 14. Ce sont les terminaux Android qui sont les plus sensibilis, à concurrence de 60 %. Le « solde » provient d’ordinateurs portables sous Windows connectés à un réseau mobile via une clé USB ou un routeur mobile Wifi. Des chiffres qui devraient réjouir les détenteurs de téléphone Apple : les iPhone représenent moins de 1 % des infections répertoriées. LE ROAMING GRATUIT EN 2015 Depuis 2010, les utilisateurs bénéficient d’un tarif régulé lorsqu’ils utilisent leur téléphone mobile lors de leurs déplacements dans un autre pays de l’Espace économique européen. Ce tarif régulé, appelé eurotarif, est encadré sous la forme de pla- WWW.CXONET.BE CXO EDITORIAL EXPERTS De expert Group ICT wordt verder uitgebouwd dankzij de ondersteuning van: Voici votre nouvelle carte de paiement électronique.... Jean-Luc Manise fonds tarifaires, c’est-à-dire de prix maximum qu’un opérateur peut imposer à son client. Le niveau de ces plafonds est fixé dans un règlement européen sur l’itinérance internationale. Depuis 2012, il impose une baisse annuelle de l’eurotarif jusqu’en 2014, chaque 1er juillet. Cette année, la baisse des prix pour le romaing vocal a été de plus de 20 %, soit un maximum de 19 centimes d’euros la minute pour un appel sortant, et de 5 centeims d’euros pour un appel entrant. Et l’année prochaine, cela sera gratuit HP numéro 1 des serveurs en Europe Avec plus de 550.000 unités et une progression en revenus de 3,77 % (3,228 milliards de dollars), le Gartner estime que le marché des serveurs s’est stabilisé en Europe au cours du 2ème trimestre 2014. Sa concentration est impressionnante : le trio de tête s’octroie plus de 70 % du gâteau avec dans l’ordre HP (34,73%), IBM (22,02%) et Dell (15,29%). OKT-NOV 2014 Frans Godden CxO EXPERT GROUP ICT Peter Bal CIO Wabco Vehicle Control Systems Chris Borremans Jan Buys General manager European IT Komatsu Europe IT Manager Accor Hotels Belgium Christiaan Peeters Wim Schollaert Geert Christiaens Manager IT Services and Business Processes Tiense Suikerraffinaderij Christiaan De Backer Prof. dr. Steven De Haes CIO Tom Tom Group Director Knowledge & Research AMS Kalman Tiboldi Freddy Van den Wyngaert Jan Dobbenie CIO Nuon © Sven Everaert Utiliser les Google Glass pour libérer les mains : c’est aux employés des entrepôts de logistique et aux techniciens de maintenance que l’éditeur allemand a songé. Chaussés de leurs lunettes et de SAP AR Warehouse Picker App, les préparateurs de commande pourront scanner le code-barres, localiser le produits à enlever et recevoir des alertes de maintenance et de sécurité. Grâced à SAP AR Service Technician, les techniciens de maintenance pourront quant à eux recevoir en surimpression les informations utiles à leur travail : fiche technique, manuel, plan,.. Christophe Huygens Professor KU Leuven IT Manager, Arteco - Total België ICT Manager Gates Europe Prof. dr. Bart Sijnave CIO UZ Gent CIO TVH - Thermote & Vanhalst CIO Agfa-Gevaert Group Stijn Viane Ass. Prof. of Management Information Systems Partner of Vlerick Business School Catherine Hellebaut Regional Business Service, ERP & IT Leader Benelux 3M Benelux 52 53 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION ICT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION THEMATIC ARTICLE : THE INTERNET OF THINGS Frans Godden In a recent study called “Harnessing Data in the Internet of Things”, Ovum Consulting predicted that the number of Internet connected devices will explode over the next few years. By 2020 the analysts estimate that well over 20 billion devices ranging from complex interactive systems to tiny sensors will be collecting and transmitting data over the Internet. Of course, it is not really a new phenomenon, companies have been using sensors and embedded technologies for years in what is collectively known as M2M or machine-to-machine technology - the tracking of packages by transportation companies is a common example. However, it is the upcoming sheer volume of intelligent devices that creates a whole new playing field. There are several reasons for this sudden increase. The cost of sensors has come down dramatically while at the same time we have seen huge advances in wired and wireless communication technology enabling better and faster connections to the Internet. An increasing number of objects in our physical world – personal items like smartphones, household appliances, cars, factory equipment, utility networks - are now able to communicate with each other through embedded sensors, tags, and actuators – without any human involvement. The result: vast amounts of data, all available to be analysed for a wide range of purposes. As a cloud-based infrastructure is by its very nature quite scalable and flexible, it is obvious that a lot of IoT data will be stored and processed in the cloud. “But cloud environments represent many challenges for companies that are not familiar with this type of stor- WWW.CXONET.BE Similarly, in a recent report, Tata Consultancy Services clearly highlighted that the Internet of Things will enable organisations in every industry to offer new services or otherwise change their business models. And it lists a host of industries with such new business models resulting from what it calls the use of “cyber-physical” systems, from utilities and manufacturing over healthcare and transportation to consumer goods and retail. And it concludes that just as the Internet has transformed businesses and lifestyles in the last twenty years, the Internet of Things is likely to disrupt any organisation’s relationship with its stakeholders. So beware... NO ESCAPING One thing’s for certain: no sector of industry will be able to ignore the potential benefits that organisations can draw from the Internet of Things. Right now, manufacturing, utilities organisations and logistics seem to be benefiting most from IoT, but very soon every industry vertical will be impacted. “Mind you, it’s not the technology itself that will create the added value, it is the way in which the executives take advantage of the new opportunities for their specific environment that will determine whether they are successful in implementing the results of IoT”, says dr. Steven De Haes, professor Information Systems Management at the University of Antwerp and the IT Alignment and Governance Research Institute (ITAG). “It is important that the organisation has a solid innovation process in place that involves both IT and the business to assess the true impact of the Internet of Things”. NOT JUST “MORE” BIG DATA Up until now, “big data” usually referred to human-generated data, but with the sudden rise of this new type of network, the volumes generated by all those connected devices will far outstrip traditional big data. And while this opens up a host of new opportunities for mining that mountain of data, it also creates several new challenges. For one, there’s the management problem: all those devices must be managed from a central point, completely automated and remotely, and they must be able to talk to each other irrespective of the manufacturer or the type of sensor used. However, as you will get streams of data from different sources, integration may be the next hurdle to take, and that can represent a huge challenge for enterprise data management and analysis. The traditional centralised database will not be able to handle the large volumes of raw data generated by the Internet of Things – very often unstructured data also. don’t begin planning or modifying their development processes risk falling behind more forward-thinking competitors”. age – traditional security methods will fall short”, says IBM security consultant Erno Doorenspleet. “What they need is intelligent solutions based on analytics to spot proactively the correlations between the countless activities within a company’s different ICT infrastructures. That way, the IT department can focus on the core risk-bearing activities without loosing sight of the zillions of other things in the cloud”. “Mind you, it’s not the technology itself that will create the added value, it is the way in which the executives take advantage of the new opportunities for their specific environment that will determine whether they are successful in implementing the results of IoT” (dr. Steven De Haes, member of the CxO Expert Group and professor Information Systems Management at the University of Antwerp and the IT Alignment and Governance Research Institute (ITAG). As if to support Steven De Haes’ theory, the McKinsey Global Institute last year stated in a report that the Internet of Things is one of the most disruptive technology trends of this decade, with far-reaching implications for both businesses and OKT-NOV 2014 Dr. Steven De Haes, member of the CxO Expert Group and professor Information Systems Management at the University of Antwerp: “It is important that the organisation has a solid innovation process in place that involves both IT and the business to assess the true impact of the Internet of Things.” policymakers. In the report the analysts estimate the potential economic impact of the IoT to be somewhere between 2,7 and 6.2 trillion US dollars per year by 2025. The reason: enhanced operational efficiencies and subsequent new revenue-generating products and services. However, that vision will only come true if companies are able to marry data from the Internet of Things with other sources of data. Because the real promise of the IoT lies in the ability to combine machine-generated data with data created by humans, resulting in a deeper insight and real-time decision making. But that means that current data management and analytic architectures will have to be modified to enable data capture from intelligent network devices and integrate the data from the various sources into one big data pool, rather than creating discrete “data islands”. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Internet of Things is no longer a hype, everywhere around us all sorts of devices and sensors are registering activities and generating masses of data transferred over the Internet and used by new applications that derive intelligent information from it. Each and every industry will be impacted and companies that don’t get involved, will only stand to loose. The Internet of Things is no longer a hype, everywhere around us all sorts of devices and sensors are registering activities and generating masses of data transferred over the Internet and used by new applications that derive intelligent information from it. Each and every industry will be impacted and companies that don’t get involved, will only stand to loose. [email protected] Beveilig uw data... voor het te laat is! BUILDING BRIDGES At its recent global user conference in Orlando, Progress Software even went one step further by claiming that very soon construction will begin on the “Internet of Things Bridge”. According to Progress, “organisations will start to deliver on the hype of IoT across a wide array of industries. Initial steps will be taken to assimilate IoT processing into internal and customer facing applications (...). While complete ROI success stories will be limited in the short term, organisations that OKT-NOV 2014 IT-security partner voor de KMO Contact +32 3 460 35 35 [email protected] site tel mail WWW.CXONET.BE BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT INNOVATIE BINNEN MULTIMEDIA HANDIGE OF LEUKE HIGH TECH Bruno Koninckx GADGETS DERDE KEER GOEDE KEER VOOR SURFACE PRO De Surface Pro 3 van Microsoft is eigenlijk pas de eerste versie waarvan je kan zeggen dat het een volwassen product is dat ook echt doet wat het belooft, al is het nog verre van perfect. De Surface Pro wil een combinatie zijn van een volwaardige tablet en een laptop. Als tablet is het product zeker geslaagd: het is voor wat het aan rekenkracht in huis heeft en voor het relatief grote scherm nog erg draagbaar en ligt goed in de hand. Zeker met de bijhorende Bluetooth-pen kan je er ook best productief mee zijn. Hoewel er verschillende configuraties zijn, kunnen we zeggen dat de hardware op zich wat prestaties betreft zeker een degelijke ultrabook of zelfs gewone laptop evenaart. De meeste mensen zullen hier vlot alle dagelijkse computertaken mee kunnen vervullen.Alleen het toetsenbord is nog geen concurrent van dat van een normale laptop. Dankzij een traploos instelbare klep achteraan kan je het scherm nu wel in de perfecte stand zetten, waardoor je het toestel ook relatief goed op je schoot kan gebruiken. Zelfs het toetsenbord kan je met een klepje in twee standen zetten, wat op zich best handig is. Helaas is het toetsenbord op zich niet echt goed, of biedt het toch niet het gebruiksgemak van dat van een echte laptop. Bovendien moet je er nog 130 euro voor betalen, en zonder heeft de Surface Pro niet veel zin. Om hem echt op je bureau te gebruiken, koop je bovendien best het basisstation dat ook nog eens 200 euro kost. Samen met de minimum 800 (tot 1950) euro voor het toestel op zich doet dat de prijs wel erg oplopen. Als krachtige tablet is derde keer dus wel goede keer, maar als geheel is er toch nog wat werk aan het concept, en zeker aan de prijs. PLANTRONICS VERWENT DE OREN Plantronics is vooral bekend van Bluetooth oortjes en headsets voor professioneel gebruik, maar brengt meer en meer consumentenproducten op de markt. Het laatste product in dit gamma is de BackBeat Pro. Deze fors uitgevallen hoofdtelefoon zit vol snufjes. Hij kan tegelijk via Bluetooth of NFC koppelen met verschillende toestellen, zodat je bijvoorbeeld naar muziek op een tablet kan luisteren en een gesprek aannemen dat op een smartphone binnenkomt. Als pure koptelefoon is dit misschien niet het model dat echte audiofielen in vervoering zal brengen, maar de kwaliteit is zeker meer dan behoorlijk. Bovendien heeft hij een knop waarmee je Active Noise Cancelling op zet, zodat omgevingsgeluiden nagenoeg weggefilterd worden. Wil je omgekeerd net wel horen wat er om je heen gebeurt, dan kan je de OpenMic-functie aanzetten. De muziek dimt dan, en je kan ook makkelijker een gesprek voeren. Daarnaast zijn er nog wel enkele slimme functies. Zo stopt de muziek automatisch als je de koptelefoon afzet, en kan je met draaiknoppen het volume traploos aanpassen of naar een vorig of volgend nummer springen.Gesprekken aannemen gaat makkelijk door op de rechterschelp te klikken. Deze klinken op zich heel helder, al vinden we dat een koptelefoon over de oren niet zo aangenaam om gesprekken te voeren – zelfs met de OpenMic-functie aan. Het design van de BackBeat Pro is ten slotte echt top: een combinatie van matte en zacht lederen materialen oogt mooi en zit prettig. Voor 250 euro krijg je echt wel veel kwaliteit. PACKAGING: WHAT DO SHIPPERS DO ABOUT IT? The importance of transport packaging is often underestimated but there is no denying that it has an important function. It protects goods during transport and also allows the carrier to move and set up the goods safely. This latter is all too often underestimated. OTM (Organisatie van Traffic Managers) gives more explanation about various aspects of transport packaging. BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING PAGINA 55 Transport management LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 56 CXO EDITORIAL EXPERTS Karel De Decker Jan De Kimpe CXO EXPERT GROUP LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING © Jos Verhoogen 54 Dave Bellekens Logistiek directeur Multipharma Jürgen Berckmans Supply Chain Director Danone Mike Callens Ass. Prof. of Operations Management Vlerick Business School Vice Persident sourcing Atlas Copco Airpower nv Business Unit Manager Logistics Honda Europe Erik Chabot Oliver Corluy Suzy Costers Maarten Peeters Marc Slegers Geert Swinnen Alex Van Breedam Nico Vandaele Robert Boute President PICS Belgium VP Vlaanderen PICS Nik Delmeire Liesbet De Munck Nationaal voorzitter O.T.M. Coördinator Expertisecel Log-IC Coördinator Postgraduaat Supply Chain Business Analyst Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Johan Van Den Broeck Tom Van Dijck CROSSOVER: LAPTOPRUGZAK VAN TOPKWALITEIT Ook Thule is een merk dat je waarschijnlijk vooral van dakkoffers en fietsenrekken kent, maar ondertussen zijn productengamma al flink heeft uitgebreid. De nieuwste Crossover is bijvoorbeeld een van de betere laptoprugzakken op de markt. In het 25 liter model past makkelijk een 15 inch laptop, maar er is ook een beschermende hoes voor een tablet, bovenaan een extra goed gepolsterd zakje voor een bril of andere breekbare zaken, enzovoort. Vooraan zijn er nog twee iets kleinere compartimenten, waar in een ook nog kleinere onderverdelingen zijn. Je zou bijna zelfs kunnen zeggen dat er wat te veel zakken en onderverdelingen zijn, want soms is het even zoeken om te weten in welke zakje je het precies hebt opgeborgen. De rugzak is van duurzaam materiaal gemaakt dat ook waterafstotend is. Het rugpand is vrij goed gepolsterd en de schouderriemen hebben ventilatiegaten. Alleen deze hadden iets meer gepolsterd mogen zijn want als de rugzak echt vol zit, zijn ze wat hard. Bijna 100 euro voor een laptoprugzak is natuurlijk niet goedkoop, maar dit is wel een model waar je lang mee kan doen, en dat je eigenlijk ook in je vrije tijd kan gebruiken. Jos Marinus President VIB Paul Vermeylen Commercial Manager Marsh WWW.CXONET.BE OKT-NOV 2014 Luc Peeters Supply Chain Director Nutricia-Milupa Belgium Logistiek manager Hansen Transmissions International VP Telenet Procurement & Supply Chain Prof. KU Leuven en Universiteit Antwerpen Prof. dr. KU Leuven Head of Supply Chain and Procurement bij Ineos ChlorVinyls LVM Purchase manager BASF 56 57 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel LOGISTICS & MANUFACTURING TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT E-BUSINESS The recent strong growth in e-business sometimes plays tricks on packagings. Some big e-commerce stores have no compunction in using the consumer packaging as transport packaging. Manufacturers make allowance for this to some extent, but the product often undergoes extra shocks by being shipped in free-standing packaging. For smaller goods specific consignment boxes are used in which products are collected and held in place with ‘airpads’ of ‘paperpads’. In this new world the concept of transport packaging receives another meaning and, with the rise of e-business, the manufacturers will over time have to provide more and more primary and secondary packaging in order to satisfy recent forms of distribution. RETURN ON INVESTMENT OF The importance of transport pack- triggered not only by stricter leg- TRANSPORT PACKAGING aging is often underestimated but there is no denying that it has an important function. It protects goods during transport and also allows the carrier to move and set up the goods safely. This latter is all too often underestimated. islation on loading safety but also by an inclination towards corporate social responsibility whereby minimum impact on the environment and care for the product are central. THE FUNCTION OF GOODS Transport packaging is always the last link in the packaging process. Depending on the product other steps come before it. The basic packaging of a product is called primary packaging. This packs the product and often has considerable market importance. It is often said that good packaging sells. These immediate or primary packagings are often put up in batches of X units in an outer packaging, the secondary packaging. This packaging bundles products and is often the measure of the sales unit. These secondary packagings may also be contained in a transport or consignment packaging, often called tertiary packaging. If we take a close look at transport packaging we have to make a distinction between different kinds of goods. The function of goods and their value has a significant effect on transport packaging. Semifinished goods in bulk are given a packaging different from durable goods, which are packaged individually. The value of the product also often determines the value of the packaging. There is trend towards greater attention to correct specifications of the transport packaging whereby safe transport without loss or damage is accorded priority over the cost price of the packaging. This trend seems to have been WWW.CXONET.BE BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION LAST LINK Attention to transport packaging can yield a fair amount of money. Companies do not quite realize how much. The transport packaging is often left out of the design of the product. This looks like utopia, but can make a world of difference. Or how a company came just 2 cm short of being able to stack goods two-high in a truck. If product design had taken this into account twice as many goods could have been placed in the trucks; count your profit. In the development of transport packaging it is therefore best to take account of the dimensions of available means of transport. Stackability (so-called collo modularity) is also important. Various sorts of goods can be shipped in combination volume-efficiently if they fit in a collo modular way. Most logisticians of course know that the volume of two half europallets will fit on one europallet, but the OKT-NOV 2014 dimensions of the different products can also be adjusted to fit each other. This sometimes requires, for example for seaborne cargo, consideration of pros and cons of optimization for loose stacking in a sea container versus pallet stacking. PACKAGING IS MARKETING Transport packaging is also increasingly important in marketing. Companies can use it to strengthen their ‘corporate identity’ and, since the transport packaging is the first packaging that the user sees, it helps to convey a uniform image. Big concerns that often change their product sites have an interest in making packaging as homogeneous as possible so as not to induce any shock reactions with goods that suddenly appear from another part of the world. There are specific rules for dangerous goods. Here the transport packaging acts as a buffer and, thanks to materials tests and specific regulations on the packaging, offers protection in case of accident (packaging is tested for capacity to withstand possible incidents). There are also instructions for emergency services (correct chemical class and contents). Regulations for air freight (regulated by IATA) are in that respect stricter than regulations for transport via road, rail or sea. A good example is the battery. Increasing use of batteries and the concomitant increase in volume of their shipments entails a tangle of problems whereby not only the individual packaging in itself but also all the packagings taken together become important for each flight or run. The function of goods and their value has a significant effect on transport packaging. stowed in the hold of a ship there is now a trend to pack them and ship them in containers. For heavy goods this requires particular attention. And even if the transport packaging here happens to be no more than a ‘skid’ or strong base, transport in the preliminary and especially in the post-shipment phases requires particular attention por t packaging. Especia lly in transport to places where logistics are less developed than in Europe extra care is necessary for transport packaging. Intelligently designed packaging can prevent incorrect handling, excluding possible errors. Transport packaging is thus an integral part of the product and does more than simply protect it. It is thus no necEND-DESTINATION essary cost but an active compoDETERMINES PACKAGING nent of what the loader entrusts to Finally the end-destination also the carrier. determines the look of the trans- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Transport packaging is always the last link in the packaging process. Depending on the product other steps come before it. OTM gives more explanation about various aspects of transport packaging. [email protected] SEABORNE FREIGHT The latest developments in seaborne freight also have consequences for transport packaging. For goods that formerly used conventionally to be OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE LIGHTING & RELIGHTING BEELD GEPIXELLED HOE ENERGIE BESPAREN? Door het stilleggen van verschillende nucleaire reactoren riskeert België stroomonderbrekingen (‘black outs’) tijdens de wintermaanden. Zorgzaam omspringen met energie is dus meer dan ooit brandend actueel. LEES VERDER OP PAGINA 60 BUSINESS MAGAZINE ON INNOVATION, LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND VISION FACILITY MANAGEMENT PAGINA 59 Hoe energie besparen A unique event for Managers in Brussels. The first time ever world authorities from 5 of Europe’s top business schools are brought together: Insead, London Business School, Saïd at Oxford University, IE Madrid, London School of Economics. CXO EDITORIAL EXPERTS Go to Karel De Decker Jan De Kimpe CxO EXPERT GROUP FACILITY MANAGEMENT Erik Aerts Exploitatie verantwoordelijke Decathlon Benelux Sébastien Berlanger Facilities manager Coca-Cola Enterprises Belgium Jeroen Boon Facilities-Projects-Risks Floré Group Steve Calmein Facility manager Johnson Controls Stephane De Klerck Building Infrastructure Manager The Brussels Airport Company & Frank Geets Partners Administrateurgeneraal Agentschap voor Facilitair Management Mieke Loncke Directeur IFMA Claude Pintens Facility & Security Domain manager Loterie Nationale Ann Troch Facility Manager D.E. MASTER BLENDERS 1753 Koen Van Haelst Directeur facilitaire diensten Provinciebestuur Antwerpen 60 61 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Thema - artikel Karel De Decker EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Als gevolg van de ontwikkeling en productie van de nieuwe lichtbronnen is de verlichtingssector volop in beweging. Verlichting omvat echter nog veel andere aspecten zoals visueel comfort, armatuurbouw, het verlichtingsontwerp, architectuur en interieurdesign, intelligente lichtsturing en daglichttoetreding. Bovenal moet de energie-efficiëntie altijd in het oog worden gehouden. LIGHTING & RELIGHTING “Verlichting in een kantooromgeving is verantwoordelijk voor 30 tot 40% van het totale elektriciteitsverbruik,” zegt Mieke Loncke, Directeur IFMA en lid van de CxO Expert Group. “ Energiebesparing kan niet enkel gerealiseerd worden door het verhogen van de efficiëntie, m.n. door het plaatsen van betere verlichtingsapparatuur, maar er kan ook bespaard worden door de bestaande apparatuur efficiënter te gaan gebruiken. De eenvoudige remedie ‘Doe het licht uit wanneer het niet nodig is’, klinkt eenvoudig maar is in de praktijk niet altijd zo eenvoudig door te voeren. Echter, met daglichtsturing – een automatisch systeem dat het verlichtingsniveau aan de hoeveelheid invallend daglicht aanpast – aanwezigheidsdetectie waarbij de verlichting enkel brandt wanneer een lokaal bezet is – en de nodige motivatie bij de medewerkers, kom je al een heel eind.” “De Werkgroep Energie binnen IFMA heeft recent een rapport geschreven over FM en energiebesparingen, waarbij verlichting een belangrijk hoofdstuk uitmaakt. Niet alleen krijg je er een volledig overzicht van alle mogelijkheden, je kan ook zelf aan de slag om het energieverbruik in je eigen omgeving te berekenen. Het document is terug te vinden op de website van IFMA (www.ifma. be<content<rapporten).” HET LED-NOODVERLICHTING-PROJECT: ENKELE CIJFERS: schillende domeinen, maar vooral - bedrijven aanzetten tot differenop het spanningsveld tussen enertiatie, diversificatie en het creëren zijds energiebesparing en anderzijds van meerwaarde door pro-actief te comfortverhoging. Het verzoenen stimuleren tot innovatie, innovavan beide bekommernissen vormt tiekansen aanreiken, attent maken de cruciale uitdaging voor de sector. op mogelijke subsidievormen en Hiervoor is het TIS-project 070488 begeleiden bij het opstellen en uitop de markt gezet. Het project voeren van studies en projecten. hoopt als katalysator te kunnen - het grote publiek en alle gebruioptreden en verlichtingsbedrijven kers op de hoogte brengen van de te ondersteunen en te stimuleren mogelijkheden om beter ter verom deze innovatieve, vaak energielichten met minder energie, voor zuinigere technieken toe te passen een redelijke kostprijs. in eigen ontwikkelingen. De doelstellingen van dit nieuwe project Groen Licht Vlaanderen zijn: - werken aan een algemene kennisverhoging binnen de verlichtingssector door informatie aan te bieden via alle mogelijke kanalen, het inrichten van specialisatiecursus- “De goedkoopste en meest sen en werken aan specifieke oplei- duurzame vorm van dingsmogelijkheden energiebesparing is nog - s ynergie bewerkstelligen tussen steeds dewelke men niet verlichtingsbedrijven, de domoti- verbruikt of hoeft op te casector, studiebureaus, architect wekken.” en,gezondheidsspecialisten, desig- PHILIP MARTIN, COFELY SERVICES (GDF SUEZ) ners en de overheid zodat innovatieve oplossingen worden ontwikkeld die door alle partners worden aanvaard en geïmplementeerd BESPAREN MET LED-VERLICHTING PROJECT: GROEN LICHT VLAANDEREN, ENERGIEBESPARING MET BETER LICHT De verl icht i ng s s e c tor wordt momenteel geconfronteerd met een aantal belangrijke trends en vernieuwingen. Vlaamse bedrijven die actief zijn in de verlichtingssector mogen dit niet ervaren als bedreigingen maar als opportuniteiten die met innovatieve producten en ideeën beantwoord kunnen [email protected] den. De trends situeren zich op ver- WWW.CXONET.BE FACILITY MANAGEMENT BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION Philip Martin, Sector Manager Cofely Services: “In oudere gebouwen zijn er heel wat mogelijkheden naar energiebesparing op verlichting.” Philip Martin, Sector Manager bij Cofely Services (GDF Suez), zag de resultaten na enkele ingrepen in de kerncentrale van Doel. “Afgelopen jaar hebben wij inderdaad verschillende relighting projecten uitgevoerd. Het resultaat is bijvoorbeeld dat we er de afgelopen 6 jaren in geslaagd zijn zonder bijkomende grote investeringen 245.000 Kwh per jaar te besparen (169 ton Co2/jaar), wat overeenkomt met de gemiddelde jaarlijkse energiebehoefte van 49 gezinnen.” OKT-NOV 2014 INVESTERINGSKOST Materiaal 159.375 Euro Werkuren 25.000 Euro Totale investering: 184.375 Euro TE VERWACHTEN JAARLIJKSE BESPARINGEN Correctieve interventies 30.000,00 Euro Preventief onderhoud 15.000 Euro Lampen 1.875 Euro Energie 1.752 Euro Totale jaarlijkse besparing: “Verlichting in een kantooromgeving is verantwoordelijk voor 30 tot 40% van het totale elektriciteitsverbruik,” zegt Mieke Loncke, Directeur IFMA en lid van de CxO Expert Group. “Een van de grotere projecten hierin was het vervangen van 1.200 stuks noodverlichtingen in diverse gebouwen op de site van het bedrijf. Naast de totale investerings- en onderhoudskost was er een bijkomende uitdaging naar energiebesparing toe, met name het feit dat het grootste gedeelte van deze noodverlichtingen (ongeveer 1000 stuks) ook dienst deden als veiligheidsverlichting en dus 24 uur op 24 en 7 dagen op 7 moest branden. Toch is de operatie geslaagd. Naast het verminderen van de afvalberg met gemiddeld 750 stuks TL lampen per jaar is het verbruik verminderd met 17.500 Kwh/jaar; equivalent van 12,2 ton Co2 per jaar.” 48.627 Euro CIJFERS SPREKEN De terugverdientijd over de jaren heen bedraagt in dit specifiek project 3,8 jaar. Philip Martin is ervan overtuigd dat de wereld van de verlichting in volle evolutie is mede dankzij allerhande nieuwe toepassingen en mogelijkheden en ontwikkeling van LED, aanwezigheidsdetectie, performantere voorschakelapparatuur en lampen.... TIP VOOR ONZE LEZERS Er is een nieuwe publicatie van het Vlaamse Gewest: energiezuinige verlichting voor KMO. We kunnen aanzienlijk besparen door over te stappen naar energiezuinige en misschien ook slimme verlichting. Het Vlaams Energie Agentschap publiceerde hierover recent een nieuwe publicatie. Doelgroep is de KMO. De brochure helpt KMO’s om de knelpunten in de bestaande verlichtingsinstallatie op te sporen en maakt hen wegwijs in de uitvoering van een relighting. De brochure kan gratis gedownload worden of besteld worden in de gedrukte versie via deze website van de Vlaamse Overheid. Ook via de knop ‘Publicaties’ op de website kom je bij deze nieuwe brochure. De inhoudelijke samenstelling lag in handen van het Laboratorium voor Lichttechnologie van de KU Leuven, Technologiecampus Gent. Ook het project Groen Licht Vlaanderen werd hierbij betrokken. “In oudere gebouwen zijn er heel wat mogelijkheden naar energiebesparing op verlichting, en zoals het er nu naar uitziet staan er heel wat uitdagingen en opportuniteiten te wachten. Men moet wel bereid zijn om er de nodige budgetten voor vrij te maken. De goedkoopste en meest duurzame vorm van energiebesparing is nog steeds dewelke die men niet verbruikt of hoeft op te wekken.” OKT-NOV 2014 VITO NV Onderzoeks‐ en adviescentrum voor cleantech en duurzame ontwikkeling Berchem - Genk - Gent - Mol - Oostende Voor meer informatie: Kristine Verheyden - Tel. + 32 14 33 55 53 [email protected] - WWW.CXONET.BE 62 63 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION AUTO & LIFESTYLE TESTIMONIAL OP DE FLEET SUPPORT IN ZEE MET BOEKENPLANK KIA SPORTAGE Karel De Decker HAPPY PROFIT: GA VOOR WINST EN WEES ER TROTS OP Auteur Herman Toch wil met zijn boek ‘Happy Profit’ de negatieve spanning rond winst en groei wegnemen en ziet de uitdagingen van de wereld als een enorme opportuniteit voor succesvolle merken en bedrijven. Als CEO’s en marketeers erin slagen om anders te leren kijken naar de wereld om ons heen, dan dienen er zich mooie groeimogelijkheden aan om winst ook duurzaam te maken. Happy Profit ziet de uitdagingen van de wereld zoals mobiliteit, gezondheid, eenzaamheid, vergrijzing en milieu als opportuniteiten voor succesvolle bedrijven en merken. Happy Profit ziet de evolutie in de richting van een gedecentraliseerde, bottom-up maatschappij als momentum voor een nieuw soort leiderschap dat een ander soort bedrijven en organisaties bouwt en zodoende een lans breekt voor die CEO’s en marketeers die van die issues opportuniteiten willen maken en die dromen van een positieve impact op de wereld. In dit verhaal is ‘societal value’ en ‘business value’ even belangrijk en versterken ze elkaar. Winst is een beloning en geen doel. Herman Toch biedt een Happy Profit kompas aan dat bestaat uit vier woorden: Dromen, Impact, Trots en Relaties. Bedrijven moeten dromen hebben en dromen van een betere wereld voor onze kinderen. Dromen zonder realisatie zijn fantasie, aldus de auteur. Ze waarmaken dus, of zorgen voor impact op de wereld waarin we actief zijn. Trots helpt dan weer om in flow te komen. Trots vertrekt vanuit een sterke innerlijke motivatie en helpt om onze ‘purpose of life’ te vinden en te realiseren. Tot slot zijn er de relaties. ‘Ik wil denken in termen van synergieën en niet in termen van trade-offs. En samenwerken is het nieuwe concurrentieveld; samenwerken met alle stakeholders wordt voor de meeste bedrijven de groeimotor van de komende jaren. Erwin De Weerdt Bedrijfsleiders en fleet managers hebben er alle belang bij de kosten en baten van hun bedrijfswagens van dichterbij te volgen en te controleren. Kwestie van een goed zicht te bewaren op de kosten. Vandaag vormen track & trace-systemen een onmisbaar hulpmiddel dat ervoor zorgt dat de baas van het bedrijf, en van de vloot, op elk moment weet waar zijn voertuigen zich bevinden, wie de chauffeur is en hoe die met het voertuig en de eventuele lading omspringt. Happy Profit Herman Toch Lannoo Campus ISBN 978 90 8223 460 2 DE WET VAN SNUF In het kielzog van de transformatie naar een nieuwe (bedrijfs)wereld ontstaan, volgens de auteur, allerlei nieuwe businessmodellen. Deze modellen zijn gegroeid uit nieuwe economische stromingen (circulaire economie, deeleconomie, peer-to-peer economy, makerseconomie en personalised economy) en ze vormen daarmee ook vaak een combinatie. De auteur geeft in het boek nog een dertiental nieuwe businessmodellen. Een aantal bedrijven is dus elektronisch gestuurde volgsystemen gaan ontwerpen en vervaardigen zonder zich daarom te verdiepen in het plaatsen, testen en opvolgen van die systemen. En dat is nu net waar Fleet Support zich in heeft gespecialiseerd. Als “on-field” adviseur en installateur is het bedrijf uitgegroeid tot een onmisbare schakel tussen fabrikant en vlootverantwoordelijke, van ontwikkelings- tot onderhoudsfase. Een bedrijf moet een ‘veilige’ innovatieruimte creëren om te zoeken, te experimenteren, te proberen en fouten te maken, aldus Herman Toch.Wie innoverend ondernemerschap en inspirerend leiderschap nastreeft kan aan dit boek niet ontsnappen. Uitgangspunt van dit boek is de Wet van Snuf: wat je geeft, krijg je terug, ook wel het principe van de wederkerigheid genoemd. Wie meer geeft dan neemt, zal op termijn succesvoller zijn, zowel zakelijk als privé. Geven is een van de krachtigste instrumenten om je omgeving op een positieve manier te beïnvloeden. Wie dus vaker iets gegund wil krijgen of op zoek is naar betere relaties, zal zich de kunst van het geven eigen moeten maken. DRIE DELEN De Wet van Snuf bestaat uit drie delen: Deel 1. Waarom geven? Hier wordt uitgelegd waarom je terugkrijgt wat je geeft. Dat principe van wederkerigheid is overal om ons heen zichtbaar. Wat doet het met mensen, hoe werkt het en wat kan het jou zoal opleveren? Deel 2. Wat te geven? Dit deel beschrijft 26 doeltreffende WERK AAN WERK Fons Leroy LANNOO CAMPUS ISBN 978 94 014 1674 0 manieren van geven, gerangschikt van a tot z. We kunnen allemaal op diverse manieren geven en soms zijn het de kleine dingen die het verschil maken. Deel 3. Hoe te geven? In dit deel komt aan de orde waar je moet op letten als je besluit om vaker te gaan geven. Hoe kun je de impact van wat je geeft vergroten, en welk gevaar schuilt er in geven? Er is bovendien moed nodig om beter te worden in de kunst van het geven. De Wet van Snuf is geen wetenschappelijk boek, maar de inhoud is wel gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke inzichten en onderzoeken. De luchtige schrijfstijl, gelardeerd met een dosis humor en de aansprekende verhalen waarin we onszelf herkennen maken van dit boek een prettig en gemakkelijk leesbaar geheel. WWW.CXONET.BE OKT-NOV 2014 Met meer dan 200 technici in 13 landen is Fleet support een van de best geplaatste partners voor de inplanting van elektronica en telemetrie in alle mogelijke Europese vloten. Door de professionele integratie van hoogtechnologische hulpmiddelen verhoogt immers niet alleen het comfort maar vooral de veiligheid en productiviteit van bestuurders van zowel personen- als vrachtwagens. In België is het Technical Fleet Support Center gevestigd op de A12/Boomsesesteenweg 945 in Wilrijk ( OKT-NOV 2014 Dat Fleet Support stevig doorgroeit blijkt uit het feit dat het management besloot om een bedrijfswagen toe te kennen aan een aantal medewerkers. Deels om fiscale redenen, deels uit motivatie-overwegingen. Toen Olivier Vanhoucke, Director en-COO, op zoek ging naar de meest geschikte auto’s voor zijn vloot kwam hij al gauw uit bij Kia. Het voorstel dat de verantwoordelijke voor fleet bij KIA geformuleerd had, sloeg meteen aan. Niet alleen qua prijs maar evenzeer omwille van het aangename contact bij de bespreking van het contract. Uiteindelijk koos Vanhoucke resoluut voor Kia en voor de Sportage. Van het eerste lot van 10 Sportages waren er 1.7 CRDimodellen met manuele versnellingsbak (85kW/115pk) en één automatische 2.0 CRDi 136 (100kW/136pk). Deze laatste is bestemd voor de verkoper met de langste verplaatsingen. Project Leader Antonio Gomez, een van de andere gelukkigen, heeft er al ruim 30000 tevreden km op zitten. Hij valt voor het design, het comfort en de afwerking aan boord. Ook de hoge zit, de korte draai en de multimedia-uitrusting vallen in zijn gratie. Dat hij een ecodriver is bewijst zijn gemiddeld verbruik dat maar niet boven 6 liter/100km wil. WWW.CXONET.BE 64 65 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION AUTO & LIFESTYLE BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION AUTO & LIFESTYLE FLEET MANAGEMENT Erwin De Weerdt One can wonder whether landing in the hands of Fiat Chrysler will finally be a blessing for Maserati. Since then, the Italian brand has announced that it wants to sell up to 50.000 cars each year as of 2015 and 75.000 by 2018. To make that happen, it intends leaning on a bunch of new models. It already redesigned its Quattroporte model and last year it launched its Ghibli, erroneously baptized “baby Quattroporte”. The next one might be an SUV built on the same platform. ITALIAN DEVIANCE WITH TEMPTING POTENTIAL craftsmanship. The seats have a wraparound form, underlining the interior’s sporty feel and top-class comfort. The roomy rear bench seat accommodates up to three passengers. A STYLE THAT SETS IT APART The Ghibli captures the attention with its emphasis on sporty glamour and strong personality, with sculpted forms and well-defined volumes connected by clean lines that create movement. The car’s nose is dominated by the distinctive Maserati The logo of the Maserati car company refers to the trident in the Neptune statue radiator grille whose concave vertical fillets are inspired by the at the Fontana di Nettuno located in the Piazza del Nettuno in Bologna, Italy. Due GranTurismo. The triangular C-pillar and the frameless door to the fact that Neptune represents strength and vigor, the statue was considered particularly appropriate for the sports car company. It is also a characteristic windows make the car look like a sleek coupé in spite of its length symbol of the company’s original home city. (4,97m) and a wheelbase (2,99m) that is amongst the longest in its class. Furthermore, the sporty look is underlined by the twin exhaust tailpipes and the vast selection of wheels available, from FERRARI TECHNOLOGY 18” up to 21”. Both the Quattroporte and the Ghibli are built in the former Bertone premises in Grugliasco, Torino. Ghibli’s intro model, ELEGANT INTERIOR the 3.0 V6 has a 243kW/330hp Ferrari-assembled engine under In the interior passengers will enjoy choice materials together the bonnet. The Ghibli 3.0 V6 diesel delivers 202kW/275hp while with modern design. An ergonomic three-spoke leather-clad the Ghibli S Q4 signs off on 301kW/410hp. Ghibli’s 3 litre Twin steering-wheel with controls for interacting with the main mul- Turbo V6 engine is designed to achieve even lower fuel consumptimedia functions frames a simple but striking instrument panel. tion and emissions while still guaranteeing stunning sporty The smooth, elegant lines of the dashboard and central tunnel performance. From a standstill, the Maserati Ghibli springs to immerse passengers in an atmosphere of pure elegance. Not 100 km/h in 5.7 seconds; its top speed is 263 km/h. The car bento mention the exquisite stitching, the epitome of traditional efits from a next-generation eight-speed ZF automatic transmission controlled by software that recognises driving style and road conditions and adapts the gear changing mode accordingly. An extremely sophisticated suspension system reconciles ride comfort with sporty performance. A servo assisted hydraulic steering system ensures optimum “feel” at the wheel, even when parking. ITALIAN LIFE STYLE WWW.CXONET.BE Introduced in 2013, the Maserati Ghibli is a sporting/luxury executive saloon that by referring to the Italian way of life will divert potential clients from buying Audi, BMW or Mercedes. OKT-NOV 2014 interior space and Honda’s magic seat configuration. The Civic Tourer offers class leading trunk space across both the C and D segments. Furthermore, there is additional under floor storage in the boot which makes carrying tall objects in the boot easy and the height of the loading lip has been reduced by 137mm* compared to the Civic 5-door to facilitate effortless loading. AN IDEAL COMPANY AND FAMILY CAR HONDA CIVIC MASERATI GHIBLI Maserati Ghibli, basically a short-wheelbase Quattroporte With its distinctive styling, its sporty handling and “O sole mio” look and feel, Maserati is convinced that it can make the difference in a segment which is already highly in demand. The Ghibli is basically a short-wheelbase Quattroporte indeed and it is Maserati’s intention with this model to lower the access to a prestigious brand such as Maserati to a wider public. Already the price difference between a Quattroporte 3.0 V6 Biturbo (€ 110.473) and a Ghibli 3.0 V6 S (€ 82.038) clearly illustrates the company’s new marketing approach. Developed and designed in Europe, allowing Honda’s European R&D team to lead the creative and technical design process, the new Civic Tourer was launched in Europe in early 2014. It is built at Honda’s U.K. manufacturing facility in Swindon. The Tourer’s cargo area accommodates two full-size mountain bikes or three large-sized Samsonite cases with the luggage cover pulled over. The Civic Tourer offers class leading trunk space MAGIC SEATS Honda’s unique Magic Seats deliver further practicality and space within the Civic Tourer, enabling a range of seating configurations for maximum versatility. The rear seats assembly folds down in one easy movement, and the interior trunk floor of the Civic Tourer has been raised compared to the 5-door to create a completely flat area when the seats are folded down. The rear seat cushions can also be flipped up to reveal ample floor space for carrying tall objects. A 60/40 split in the seat base offers even VERSATILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY more options for carrying both people and cargo and provides an Behind the sleek exterior design of the new Civic Tourer is a spa- alternative load area if access via the tailgate is limited. cious interior, which delivers exceptional versatility and functionality. It features Honda’s innovative Magic Seat system and DRIVING PERFORMANCE: offers a class leading boot space of 624 litres with the rear seats ADVANCED AND EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY in place, up to the window line. This expands to 1668 litres with The Civic Tourer will feature either the 1.6 i-DTEC engine the rear seats down and up to the roof. (88kW/120hp) from the Earth Dreams Technology series or the 1.8 i-VTEC engine (104kW/141hp) in manual or automatic transFUNCTIONALITY & FORM mission. The philosophy behind Earth Dreams Technology is to “To achieve true utility on a compact car, you have to consider deliver an impressive balance between fuel economy and driving how to make the most of the space in the cabin, which generally performance. The 1.6 i-DTEC engine was designed specifically also affects the design. Due to the clever platform of the Civic, for the European Market and is built under the same UK rooftop. we had freedom to optimize the package. The end result is a car The Civic Tourer also features an innovative Adaptive Damper that has almost a sports-car silhouette.” says Adrian Killham, System which allows the Civic Tourer to remain comfortable durLarge Project Leader, Civic Tourer. ing highway cruising, yet firm and agile when high-performance Behind this sophisticated and sporty design is a hidden versatil- handling is required. As with all Honda cars, the Civic Tourer ity that leads to clever functionality and unrivalled practicality. will deliver a high standard of safety for the driver, passengers, The Civic Tourer benefits from the same unique center fuel tank pedestrians and other road users in line with Honda’s philosophy layout used in the Civic 5-door. The fuel tank is located under of ‘Safety for Everyone’. Per model bottom price tags read from the front seats allowing the Civic Tourer to offer unparalleled €16.990 up to € 26.990. OKT-NOV 2014 WWW.CXONET.BE 67 BUSINESS MAGA ZINE ON INNOVATION, LE ADERSHIP, STR ATEGY AND VISION CxO Magazine is een drietalige uitgave van CxO Europe bvba en verschijnt 6 maal per jaar met een oplage van 20.000 exemplaren. Het tijdschrift kan bekomen worden via een lidmaatschap aan 120,00 euro excl. BTW, inbegrepen een jaarabonnement op het magazine en het elektronisch archief en 15% korting op CxO Conferenties. Het lidmaatschap voor Europa bedraagt 155,00 euro en 170,00 euro buiten Europa. CxO Magazine est une édition trilingue de CxO Europe sprl qui paraît 6 fois par an avec un tirage à 20.000 exemplaires. On peut se procurer le magazine par une adhésion à 120,00 euros hors TVA qui comprend un abonnement annuel sur le magazine et l’archive électronique et 15% de rabat aux conférences de CxO. l’Adhesion pour l’Europe est à 155,00 euros et hors Europe à 170,00 euros. Committed to Change Jan Callant Hoofdredacteur | Rédacteur en chef Arn Borstlap Eindredactie | Coördinatie Sylvie Scherrens Sales Manager Veerle Van Aken Internal Account Manager Gerda Van Keer Marketing Officer Dirk Vackier Business Relations Manager Syrinx Verlinden Secretariaat | Secrétariat Raad der Wijzen | Conseil des Sages Fotogalerij van de leden: p. 8-9 Galerie de photos des membres : p. 8-9 Uitgeverij – Redactie – Administratie – Regie | Maison d’éditions – Rédaction – Administration – Régie CxO Europe C. 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En uiteindelijk in een perfect geolied geheel waar innovatie ingebed is in de bedrijfscultuur. Benieuwd of ViCre iets kan betekenen voor u en uw bedrijf? Wij willen alleszins graag eens vrijblijvend komen luisteren naar uw ambities en plannen. U kan ons __________ en wij nemen met u contact op voor een verkennend mailen op [email protected], gesprek. Innovation implemented. Enterprise wide. Redactie | Rédaction Arn Borstlap, Jef Brouwers, Jan Callant, Karel De Decker, Jan De Kimpe, Erwin De Weerdt, Glenn Fredrix, Frans Godden, Marc Honnay, Dirk Huygens, Bruno Koninckx, Jan Lagast, Jean-Luc M anise, Steve Mertens, Wim Vandenberghe, Herman Van den Keybus, Wim Vander Haegen Fotografie | Photographie Patrick Van Hoof, Steven Crabbé, Bert Van Lent Vertalingen | Traductions Marc Honnay en BLS Lay-out | Mise en page Verantwoordelijke uitgever | Editeur responsable Dirk Vermant Wielstraat 12, B-2880 Bornem e-mail: [email protected] Niets uit deze uitgave mag verveelvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden zonder schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. De publicitaire aankondigingen vallen niet onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de uitgever. Ondertekende artikels vallen onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de auteur(s). Feitengegevens in de ‘monthly headlines’ vallen onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de inzender. 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Uitgeversbedrijf CxO Europe is lid van de Unie van de Periodieke Pers/La Maison d’editions CxO Europe est membre de l’Union de la Presse Périodique LIJST VERMELDE ORGANISATIES EN BEDRIJVEN IN DEZE EDITIE VAN CXO MAGAZINE Accel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Administri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ajinomoto Omnichem . . . . . 23 Alcatel Lucent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Alcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Altachem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 American Express . . . . . . . . . . 50 Antwerp Management School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 38 Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 50 Argenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Attentia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 B-Information . . . . . . . . . 22, 23 Barco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Baxter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Belgacom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BMW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27 BNP Paribas Fortis . . . . . . . . . 68 Bosch Bari . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27 Coca-Cola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Cofely Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Commanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Corbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Creative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 OKT-NOV 2014 Delhaize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Disney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 EFQM . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25, 26, 27 EPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Facebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Faculty Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Fiat Chrysler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Flanders InShape . . . . . . . . . . 46 Fleet Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Gartner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 GDF Suez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Genzyme Flanders . . . . . . . . . 23 Glaxosmithkline Biologicals .23 Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Google . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 50 Grundfos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27 Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 HP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 IFMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Infineon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27 ING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Intel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Janssen Pharmaceutica . . . . . 23 Jobat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Kia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lannoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Makerbot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Maserati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 MasterCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Mavaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 McDonald’s . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 50 Microsoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mindaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 myShopi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Nike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Nvidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 One Vision Housing . . . . . 26, 27 Optrima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 OTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 OVAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Pfizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 PMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 PrimeSense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Propaganda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Rittal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 SalesAssist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Samsung . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 44 Schering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Showpad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Siemens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27 Skelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 SoftKinetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Stepstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Studio Dott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Subway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Texas Instruments . . . . . . . . . 18 TNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 Total Gramma . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Umicore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Unify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Val-I-Pac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Van Duuren Management . . . 62 Vicre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 21, 57 Visa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Vito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Vlerick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 45 Xerox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 WWW.CXONET.BE Echte rijkdom is niet wat ik bezit, maar wat ik kan doorgeven. 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