Programma 26e Nederlandse Entomologendag 19 dec 2014 08:30 Registratie en koffie in ontvangstruimte 10:00 Studio 1: Opening door Prof. Dr. Jacintha Ellers (voorzitter SETE), Plenaire lezing Dr. Eva Veronesi: Vector competence of biting midges: parameters involved in virus transmission 11:00 KOFFIEPAUZE / POSTERSESSIE IN ONTVANGSTRUIMTE ZAAL Studio 1 (beneden) Bach 3 Bach 1 Strauss 1 1. Medical entomology 2. Behaviour 3. Insect-microbe interactions 4. Biological control 11:30 1.1 Elbers Aerial Culicoides density 2.1 Wijngaard Modelling butterfly circling behaviour 3.1 Henry Bacterial mutualism in insects 4.1 Lommen Exotic beetle for ragweed control? 11:50 1.2 Busula Malaria mosquito host-seeking 2.2 Grobbe Nasonia vitripennis a biosensor? 3.2 Frago Insect symbionts and dynamics 4.2 Wang Cabbage root fly resistance 12:10 1.3 Ibanez-Justica Aedes japonicus surveillance Flevoland 2.3 Lucas-Barbosa Plant responses and pollinator behaviour 3.3 Jacobs Surviving embryogenesis 4.3 Liu Antagonistic effects of CGA and PAs 12:30 1.4 Stroo 12:50 LUNCHPAUZE 14:00 Studio 1: Uitreiking NEV Dissertatieprijs + plenaire lezing door winnaar Dermacentor faunistics and ecology Medical entomology - cont. 3.4 Uitreiking & winnaar UES Thesis Award Plant-fungus-insect interactions 5. Ecology & Evolution 6. Genetics & Development 7. Plant-insect interactions 5.1 Bonthond Photoprotective compounds in mayflies 6.1 Geuverink Role of Nasonia transformer-2 7.1 Wang Mycorrhizal herbivory induced defense Ecological speciation in stoneflies 6.2 Lievers DNA methylation in moths 7.2 Wei Plant resistance to insects Host specificity in ticks 6.3 Verhulst Doublesex regulates sex specific dimorphism 7.3 Moisan Multiple plant defence mechanisms Transcriptomics of a damselfly Aphid induced community effects 14:40 1.5 Buijs Mosquito surveillance in Amsterdam 15:00 1.6 Vogels A novel mosquito surveillance approach 5.2 Boumans 15:20 KOFFIEPAUZE / POSTERSESSIE IN ONTVANGSTRUIMTE 15:40 1.7 Braks Disease burden and threat in NL 3.4 Biere 5.3 van Oosten 8. Biodiversity 16:00 8.1 Hakbijl Entomoarchaeology of Fectio (Vechten) 5.4 Salis Seasonal timing in the Wintermoth 6.4 Simon 16:20 8.2 Courbois Which species should count? Ecological requirements of a fritillary 6.5 Zandveld Meta-analysis transcriptome data Drosophila 7.5 Bezemer Disentangling biotic and subsidy effects 16:40 BORREL / POSTERSESSIE IN ONTVANGSTRUIMTE 5.5 Omon 7.4 Li
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