Artikel 12 bijlage 4

Bijlage 1:
Correspondentie met OM over aangifte
a) De aangifte
b) De brief aan de Officier van Justitie
c) De brief van de Officier van Justitie
Bijlage 2:
Volgen en lastig vallen in Vietnam december 2000
a) Foto agent werkzaam voor Koninklijk huis
Bijlage 3:
Bewijs stalking Gemini consulting / Capgemini 2001-2005
a) Lijst directe collega’s
b) Foto’s agenten bij Capgemini
Bijlage 4:
Cambridge PhD-programma 2005-2006
a) Lijst deelnemers PhD-programma van Judge Business School
b) E-mail bevestigt mijn applicatie ‘Application PhD programme’
c) E-mails TOEFL i.v.m. blokkeren toegang faciliteiten
d) Wijziging opzet PhD-programma Judge Business School
e) Diploma MPhil Management research
Bijlage 5:
Warwick Business School PhD-programma 2007-2011
a) Afwijzing PhD-diploma door de heer Michael Mol
b) Selectie van academische publicaties
c) Toekenning PhD-diploma
Bijlage 6:
Boer & Croon 2007-2009
a) Lijst directe collega’s Boer & Croon consulting
b) Foto’s undercover agenten bij Boer & Croon
c) E-mail Managing Partner over gang stalking programma
Bijlage 7:
Buurt gang stalking met vaste surveillance posts 2002-heden
a) Agenten per surveillance post
b) Agenten volgen straat
c) Lijst burgers in buurt die betrokken zijn in gang stalking
d) Riolering sabotage en internet sabotage
Bijlage 8:
Volgen in stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
a) Opening Night TV-uitzending
Bijlage 9:
Formele ontkenning
a) Brieven Justitie
b) Brief AIVD
Bijlage 10:
Artikel van 9/12/2000
a) ‘Koningin vindt dat een paleis ook verwelkomend moet zijn’
Bijlage 11:
Brede maatschappelijke betrokkenheid gang stalking
a) Sociale contacten betrokken in gang stalking
b) Organisaties betrokken in gang stalking
Bijlage 4:
Cambridge PhD-programma
a) Lijst deelnemers PhD-programma van Judge Business School
b) E-mail bevestigt mijn inschrijving ‘Application PhD programme’
c) E-mails TOEFL i.v.m. blokkeren toegang faciliteiten
d) Wijziging opzet PhD-programma Judge Business School
e) Diploma MPhil Management research
Lijst deelnemers PhD-programma van Judge Business School - lichting 2005
De deelnemers van het PhD-programma van de Judge Business School lichting 2005 waren
allen op de hoogte van hoe ik ten onrechte geen toegang kreeg tot onderwijsfaciliteiten en
uiteindelijk niet doormocht naar het tweede jaar op basis van onduidelijke motieven. Het
gedrag van de Judge Business School was een jaar lang uitzonderlijk onprofessioneel naar
mij, hoewel ikzelf desondanks correct bleef. Eenieder van mijn collega’s in het PhD
onderzoeksprogramma kan als getuige gehoord worden om het bovenstaande te bevestigen.
First Name
De Goei
Christian Otto Herbert
Nimmi George
Gumeta Chavez
Humberto Alejandro
Jeffrey Owen
Forrest Logan
Michael Leif
<[email protected]>
Verzonden: vrijdag 13 mei 2005 11:00:16
[email protected]
Onderwerp: University of Cambridge - Receipt of Application
13 May 2005
Dear Ms Oortwijn
PhD in Management Studies Admission in Michaelmas Term 2005
ID: 300250989 / Applic Nbr: 10026858
Thank you for sending your application for the above course. We will
forward it to your intended Faculty or Department and let you know its
decision as soon as possible.
We will use a self-service account to keep you informed about the
progress of your application, and for you to maintain your contact
information. If you do not already have an account, we will set one up
now. Soon, you will receive a letter containing your user id and
password, and explaining how to log in to self service. Please do not
contact us directly for the details.
Applicants who will pay fees at the EU or Overseas rates are eligible to
apply for scholarships from the Cambridge Trusts. Those who will pay fees
at the Overseas rate and who are accepted for research degrees are
eligible to apply for Overseas Research Studentships. Details of both
these sources of funding, and application packs, can be found on our
website, at:
Application forms will not be sent automatically. If you wish to apply
for these awards, you must consult the website.
Do this immediately, DO NOT wait for a decision from us about your course
NB: closing dates for these awards are early in 2005 - do not delay.
Applicants who will pay fees at the Home or EU rates might be eligible to
apply for funding from the Research Councils and for the University's
Domestic and Millennium Research Scholarships. Please consult your
intended Department for details and closing dates. See also:
Board of Graduate Studies
University of Cambridge
E-mail to TOEFL ETS registration office
ID 8800000001042598
Test date 09/29/05
Dear Mr/Ms,
I have taken the TOEFL test in The Netherlands (Arnhem) on September 29 this year. The
results of this test were, among two other universities, supposed to be sent to Cambridge
(UK). Unfortunately, until now they did not receive the test scores. I received my own test
scores at home already 2/3 weeks ago. I am afraid something might have gone wrong with the
results that were sent to Cambridge directly. Since I am already working at Cambridge, but
without the university card and study facilities, I would very much appreciate if you could
help me inform Cambridge Board of Graduate Studies on short notice on my test results.
It would help a lot if:
1) You could arrange to fax the results to Cambridge to Jenny Lewis at FAX: + 44 1223 338
723, AND
2) Sent again the original reports to Cambridge:
Board of Graduate Studies
University of Cambridge
4 Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1RZ
United Kingdom
It would mean a lot to me. If you have any questions or if I can do anything else to solve this,
please let me know.
Kind regards
Maud Oortwijn
E-mails to teacher Mark de Rond about the TOEFL and access to facilities
-----Original Message----From: Maud Oortwijn [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Student supervision
BoGS now does have my TOEFL score (again) and finally accepts them, but it might take some days before I have
access to facilities and have a student card and everything is formally confirmed. So yes, still not effectively working
here but things might work out within a week...
But, reason for this mail. Is it now for sure that Chandler will be the other supervisor? He seems very good and I am
sure it will help a lot to learn the 'tricks' from him. If he can't make it, some of my colleague students would be
interested as well in this job. Anyway, just let me know if I need to do anything.
From: "Mark de Rond" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
To: "'Maud Oortwijn'" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Student supervision
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:53:00 -0000
Dear Maud
Glad things are gradually settling....No doubt you'll be happy to get all of this over with. Hopefully your
college is good for you.
As for the supervisions, I am still on the lookout for a second supervisor as Chander won't be able to
do it this year. However, he has offered to coach you both. If you have any suggestions for another
supervisor, please let me know asap.
Best wishes
First year of the PhD/M Phil MR: Scheme of examinations
This note on the revised scheme for the First year PhD/MPhil Management Research was
approved by the Degree Committee on 11th October 2005. It is circulated for the information
for all supervisors of PhD students.
The revised scheme of the first year of the PhD is intended to exercise stricter control on the
registration process for the PhD. Students in the first year of PhD are registered for the MPhil
in Management Research. All MPhil MR students who perform well enough (including those
who continue on to the PhD) will receive the MPhil MR degree. The only exceptions will be
students who already hold an MPhil degree from Cambridge. According to regulations, such
students cannot be awarded another Cambridge MPhil degree. They will be registered
NOTAF, but will go through the same scheme of examinations as the MPhil MR students.
To the extent that all student go through the same scheme of examinations, there will have to
be an integrated examination system that covers all students, and no separation of the First
Year Report (FYR) from the MPhil MR dissertation. A uniform upper word limit of 16000
will apply. According to the scheme, apart from the dissertation, the students will take the
Research Methodology Modules, and a specialist elective module. (The list of electives has
been approved by the Degree Committee and is circulated in a companion note.) Students are
required to pass these modules in order to qualify for the MPhil in MR degree.
With regard to the scheme of examinations BGS guidelines require that dissertations are
examined by two internal examiners. These examiners must NOT be the supervisors of the
For ensuring the quality of our screening at this stage of the PhD programme, the proposal is
that prior to the viva the first and second examiners of the student prepare independent reports
commenting on the scope and its strengths and weaknesses and recommending
pass in the MPhil MR and immediate registration for the PhD (≥ 70 %)
pass in the MPhil MR and registration for the PhD subject to minor revisions
to the satisfaction of the second supervisor not requiring further examination
(≥ 70 %);
pass in the MPhil MR and submission of a revised dissertation to be reexamined (65 % to 69%).
pass in the MPhil MR, with no registration for the PhD (60% to 64%)..
Outright fail in MPhil MR (< 60%).
After the viva, the examiners prepare a joint report stating their agreed recommendation.
Once the double marking procedure is complete, the external examiner will play a moderating
E-mail Mark de Rond over de wijziging PhD-programma mbt examen einde eerste jaar
Hoewel ik vanwege een administratieve fout van Cambridge University ten aanzien van mijn
TOEFL test-scores niet op de mailinglijst stond van het PhD-programma, heeft mijn
begeleider geen enkele e-mail aan mij geforward over het PhD-programma. De enige
uitzondering hierop was onderstaande e-mail. In de bijlage van die e-mail is het bericht
opgenomen zoals weergegeven op de vorige pagina: ‘Scheme of examinations’.
Het is duidelijk dat men op dat moment al van plan was om mij na het eerste jaar niet door te
laten gaan, omdat er geen andere reden is om halverwege een studiejaar de regels van een
opleiding te wijzigen. Bovendien is dit het enige aspect van het studieprogramma, waarover ik
behoorlijk geïnformeerd werd vanuit de Judge Business School. Alle andere gegevens over
het lesprogramma heb ik zelfstandig moeten vergaren door contact te zoeken met jaargenoten
van het onderzoeksprogramma.
FW: scheme (of examinations) of the MPhil in Management Research / First year of
Mark de Rond ([email protected]) 17-10-2005
Aan: 'Maud Oortwijn'
Rond Dr M.E.J. de ([email protected]) namens Mark de Rond
([email protected])
Verzonden:maandag 17 oktober 2005 9:38:03
'Maud Oortwijn' ([email protected])
2 bijlagen (totaal 50,3 kB)
Dear Maud
The attached is meant for you. It tells you a little about the nature of
the MPhil MR course and the various options you can choose from.
[zie volgende pagina]
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] On Behalf Of Paul Kattuman
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 5:55 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: scheme (of examinations) of the MPhil in Management Research /
First year of the PhD
Dear all,
I enclose two papers on the new scheme (of examinations) of the MPhil in
Management Research / First year of the PhD that was approved by the Degree
Committee on the 11th.
The first is on the scheme of examinations for the MPhil MR/first year of
the PhD.
The second is on the list of elective modules that are available to MPhil
MR/first year of the PhD students and is to be read in conjunction with the
I should be grateful if you could advice your students on these matters as
early as possible.
Best wishes,
-Paul Kattuman
Judge Business School
Cambridge CB2 1AG
44 (0) 1223 764 136