H. Poeze Bibliography of C.D. Grijns In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 157 (2001), no: 4, Leiden, 733-737 This PDF-file was downloaded from http://www.kitlv-journals.nl HARRY A. POEZE Bibliography of C.D. Grijns 1972 Ajip Rosidi, Gedichten. Translated by Heraty Noerhadi and C.D. Grijns. Rotterdam: Rotterdamse Kunststichting, 10 pp. 1976 'Lenong in the environs of Jakarta: A report', Archipel 12:175-202. Review of: 'J.L. Swellengrebel, In Leijdeckers voetspoor I; Anderhalve eeuw bijbelvertaling en taalkunde in de Indonesische talen ('s-Gravenhage, 1974)', Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 56:491-495. 1977 Review of: 'John U. Wolff, Beginning Indonesian (Ithaca, 1971)', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 133:366-370. Review of: 'Cri Soekesi Adiwimarta, Omong Djakarta-Texte (Berlin, 1973)', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 133:472. 1979 'Ala recherche du "Melayu Betawi" 17:135-156. OU parler malais de Batavia', Archipel 1980 'Some notes on Jakarta Malay kinship terms; The predictability of complexity', Archipel 20:187-212. 1981 'Jakartan speech and Takdir Alisjahbana's plea for the simple Indonesian word-form', in: Nigel Phillips and Khaidir Anwar (eds), Papers on Indonesian languages and literatures, pp. 1-34. London: Indonesian Etymologica1 Project, Paris: Association Archipel. [Cahiers d'Archipel 13.1 'Distributional aspects of folk performances in the Jakarta Malay area1, Masyarakat Indonesia, Majalah llmu-Ilmu Sosial Indonesia 8-2:187-226. Review of: 'J.L. Swellengrebel, In Leijdeckers voetspoor 11; Anderhalve eeuw bijbelvertaling en taalkunde in de Indonesische talen ('s-Gravenhage, 1978)', Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 61:243-246. 734 Hary A. Poeze Review of: 'Bernd Nothofer, Dialektgeograpkiscke Untersuchungen in West-Java und im westlichen Zentral Java (Wiesbaden, 1980)',Indonesia Circle 24:54-56. 1982 'Indonesian studies in the Netherlands around ,1980; A note on their scope and position', Archipel 24:3-15. 'Patterns of cohesion in Jakarta Malay; Towards a more objective method of describing areal variation', in: Amran Halim, Lois Carrington and S.A. Wurm (eds), Papers from the Third International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Volume 3, Accent on variety, pp. 247-285. Canberra: Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. [Pacific Linguistics C-76.1 Review of: 'Bernd Nothofer, Dialektatlas von Zentral-Java (Wiesbaden, 1981)', Indonesia Circle 29:58-59. Review of: 'Kay Ikranagara, Melayu Betawi grammar (Jakarta, 1980)', RIMA, Review of Indonesian and Malayan Afairs 16-2:164-5. 1983 European loanwords in Indonesian; A checklist of words of European origin in Bahasa Indonesia and Traditional Malay. Compiled by C.D. Grijns, J.W. de Vries and L. Santa Maria. Leiden: Koninklijk Instituutvoor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, xx + 120 pp. [Indonesian Etymologica1Project 5.1 'Language-use in three neighbourhoods of Tanah Abang; The speaker's view', NUSA, Linguisfic Studies in Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia no. 16:37-51. [Special issue: James T. Collins (ed.), 'Studies in Malay dialects, Part I'.] 'Map of the Jakarta Malay (Omong Jakarta) area (1970);Estimated density of speakers', in: Stephen A. Wurm and Shiro Hattori (eds), Language atlas of tke Pacific Area; Part 11, Japan Area, Taiwan (Formosa),Philippines, Mainland and Insular South-East Asia: Map 39. Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities, in collaboration with the Japan Academy. [Map and explanation of the Jakarta Malay language area at the back of Map 39.1 1984 'Foreword', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 140:401. [Foreword to a special issue with linguistic papers presented at the Fourth European Colloquium on Malay and Indonesian Studies held in Leiden in 1983, together with some other articles.] Bibliography of C.D. Grijns 735 1985 T.B. Simatupang, Het laatste jaar van de Indonesische vrijheidsstrijd 1948-1949; Een authentiek verslag door de voormalig chef-staf van de Indonesische strijdkrachten. Kampen: Kok, 234 pp. [Dutch translation and adaptation by C.D. Grijns of Laporan dari Banaran, Djakarta, 1960.1 'In memoriam J.L. Swellengrebel, 12 november 1909 - 21 augustus 1984', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 141:215-224. Review of: 'John Anderson (ed.), Language form and linguistic variation; Papers dedicated to Angus Mclntosh (Amsterdam, 1982)',Lingua 66:105-110. 1986 C.D. Grijns and S.O. Robson (eds), Cultural contact and textual interpretation; Papersfvom the Fourth European Colloquium on Malay and Indonesian Studies, held in Leiden in 1983. Dordrecht/Cinnaminson: Foris, vi + 337 pp. [KITLV, Verhandelingen 115.1 'Andries Teeuw: Bujangga Wredatama', in: C.M.S. Hellwig and S.O. Robson (eds), A man oflndonesian letters; Essays in honour of Professor A . Teeuw, pp. 1-27. Dordrecht/Cinnaminson: Foris. [KITLV, Verhandelingen 121.1 Review of: 'P.H. van der Plank, Taalsociologie; Een inleiding tot de rol van taal in het maatschappelijk verkeer (Muiderberg, 1985)', Forum der Letteren 27:71-73. 1987 'Pembaca sebagai pene rjemah', in: Sularso Sopater (ed.), Apostolé, pengutusan; Kumpulan karangan dalam rangka memperingati hari ulang tahun ke-70 ProbDr. J.L.Ch. Abineno, pp. 296-310. Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Theologia. 1988 Review of: 'Peter Carey, Maritime Southeast Asian studies in the United Kingdom; A survey of their post-war development and current resources (Oxford, 1986); Zicht op de Indonesische studies in Nederland; Een overzicht van onderwijs en onderzoek gericht op Indonesië (Leiden, 1987); Directory of West European Indonesianists (Dordrecht, 1987)', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde 144:184-186. 1991 Jakarta Malay; A multidimensional approach to spatial variation. Leiden: KITLV Press, Two volumes, xx + 292 pp. and vi + 156 pp. + 76 pp. of maps. [Verhandelingen 149; Also published as PhD thesis, Universiteit Leiden.] Kajian bahasa Melayu-Betawi. Translated by Rahayu Hidayat et al. Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafiti, xiii + 283 pp. [Seri ILDEP 54; Translation of seven articles: 'Distributional aspects', 1981; 'Patterns of cohesion', 1982; 'Jakar- 736 Harry A. Poeze tan speech', 1981; 'Language-use', 1983; 'Some notes', 1980; 'Lenong', 1976; 'Ala recherche', 1979.1 'Bahasa Indonesia avant la lettre in the 1920s1,in: H. Steinhauer (ed.), Papers in Austronesian linguistics no. 1, pp. 49-81. Canberra: Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. [Pacific Linguistics A-81; Paper read at the Sixth European Colloquium on Indonesian and Malay Studies, 1987.1 Review of: 'Kingsley Bolton and Helen Kwok (eds), Sociolinguistics today; International perspectives (London, 1992)', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 149:376-378. 1994 'Laras bahasa dan ketunggalan bahasa', in: Liberty P. Sihombing et al. (eds), Bahasawan cendekia; Seuntai karangan untuk Anton M . Moeliono, pp. 336-343. Jakarta: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia/Intermasa. 'Réponse à M. Adelaar', Archipel 47:51-52. [Answer to K.A. Adelaar, 'Mise au point sur l'histoire linguistique du malais jakartanais', Archipel 47:47-50.1 1995 'Indonesians in Jakarta; Three streams flowing together'. Paper presented at the CNWS Workshop 'The history and identity of Jakarta', organized by the cluster Cultural Studies on Southeast Asia and Oceania, Leiden University, 12-13 April, 27 pp. 1996 'Van der Tuuk and the study of Malay', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 152:353-381. [Paper read at the Seventh International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Leiden University, 22-27 August 1994.1 C.D. Grijns and A. Teeuw, 'In memoriam Jacobus Noorduyn, 9 July 1926-20 April 1994', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 152:l-22. 'Malay: its history, role and spread', compiled by K.A. Adelaar and D.J. Prentice, with contributions from C.D. Grijns, H. Steinhauer and A. van Engelenhoven, in: Stephen A. Wurm, Peter MiSilhausler and Darrell T. Tryon (eds), Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia and the Americas, pp 673-693. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [Trends in Linguistics, Documentation 13, Volume 11.1 Texts.] 'Masalah asal usu1 bahasa Betawi; Tinjauan berbagai-bagai pendekatan dilihat dari segi sejarah sosial'. Kertas kerja, Persidangan Antarabangsa Pengajian Melayu, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 20-24 May. Bibliogaphy of C.D. Grijns 737 1998 'Notes on borrowed word beginnings in Indonesian', in: Sitti Faizah Soenoto Rivai (ed.), Persembahan; Studi in onore di Luigi Santa Maria, pp. 79-93. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale. [Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 53.1 'Between brackets; On "vocabulary building" in Batavia ca. 1930', in: Mark Janse (ed.), Productiuity and creativity; Studies i n genera1 and descriptiue linguistics i n honor of E.M. Uhlenbeck, pp. 297-315. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs 116.1 1999 'Indonesian terminology and globalism', Archipel 58:47-71. Review of: 'William A. Smalley, Linguistic diuersity and national unity; Language ecology i n Thailand (Chicago, 1994)',Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 155:154-157. 2000 Jakarta-Batauia; Socio-cultural essays. Edited by Kees Grijns and Peter J.M. Nas. Leiden: KITLV Press, vi + 349 pp. [Verhandelingen 187.1 'JABOTABEK place names', in: Kees Grijns and Peter J.M. Nas (eds), JakartaBatauia; Socio-cultural essays, pp. 211-227. Leiden: KITLV Press. [Verhandelingen 187; Paper read at the Ninth European Colloquium on Indonesian and Malay Studies, Hull, 5-9 July 1993.1 More information on the scholarly work of C.D. Grijns, including unpublished papers and research notes, may be found in the Collection Grijns (Or 574) in the Hisdoc department of KITLV.
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