Ecosystem-based assessment o f the Malindi-Ungwana Bay prawn fishery using ecological indicators Swaleh Khyria1 2, Boaz Kaunda-Arara 2, Renison Ruwa1and Philip Raburu2 1 Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 81651 Mombasa, Kenya E-mail: khvriask@ qm , reniruwa@ 2 D epartm ent o f Fisheries and A quatic Sciences, U niversity o f Eldoret, PO Box 11 25 Eldoret, Kenya The study aimed to describe indicators th a t w ill co ntribu te to developm ent o f an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries m anagem ent (EAFM) o f prawn resources in the M alindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya. A comprehensive EAFM is required to h oiistically assess and manage fisheries resources and th e ir associated habitats. The project identified and assessed ecological indicators based on the objectives o f su stain ab ility o f harvests, b io dive rsity conservation, and maintenance o f habitat quality. A desktop analysis was perform ed on data sourced from ; the State D epartm ent o f Fisheries, Research vessels, KMFRI, and on-project fie ld w ork. Trends in historical landings (1985-2010) o f the prawns fro m the M alindi-Ungwana Bay were analysed using LOWESS. Num ber-size spectra analysis was used to assess the ecological state o f the bay w hile, Biomass T ro p hic Level spectra (BTLS) analysis was applied as a potential to o l fo r analysing m u lti-fa cto r effects on the bay. Indiseas based ecosystem indicators were used to q u a n tify the im pact o f prawn fis h e ry on the bio dive rsity o f the bay. Results indicate a long-term series w ith tw o peaks (in 1997 and 2000) in historical landings o f penaeid shrim ps w ith a m onotonous decline in catches fro m 2002. Num ber -size spectra analysis made from artisanal landings (2008-2012) indicated effects o f fish in g on the ecosystem. The num ber-size spectra results showed increased fish in g m o rta lity w ith tim e (2008-2012) and a general increase in fisheries p ro d u ctivity o f the bay. BTLS analysis using the fish by-catch data indicated reduced levels o f biomass across tro p h ic levels and a decline in tro p h ic levels o f the fish species caught, indicating a fishing - down o f the food web. Biodiversity and conservation based indicators adopted fro m the Indiseas program showed the M alindi-Ungwana Bay ecosystem is ecologically degraded in term s o ffis h sizes, tro p h ic characteristics and pro po rtio n o f predators. The study recomm ended adoption o f the described ecological indicators and tools as means fo r evaluating and m o n itoring the M alindi-Ungwana Bay resources and ecosystem status. However, there is need to initiate more long-term m on itoring program s in order to strengthen the tem poral scale o f analysis. 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