CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Global Investors Sustainable investments Martijn Vlasveld Colinda Hendrikx Presented by: JAAP DEMOED MARTIJN VLASVELD CBRE DUTCH RETAIL FUND Presented to: Seminar: ‘De meerwaarde van energiezuinige huurwoningen’ Contents of this presentation Why do we invest in sustainability Our sustainability strategy in an European perspective The Dutch approach of investing in sustainability Clear examples in our Dutch residential portfolio CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Why do we invest in sustainability? Our investment philosophy CBRE Global Investors aims to be the leading provider of sustainable real estate products, providing our tenants with sustainable real estate units with which they are highly satisfied, and offering the most sustainable funds with an above average return to our investors. The strategy of CBRE Global Investors is dedicated to investing in sustainable real estate, but also to achieving satisfied customers and an above average return for our shareholders. This is our version of the well known „people, planet and profit‟. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Investors | The investment rationale for our shareholders Sustainable properties are more attractive Sustainable buildings generally have a better quality Sustainable building are often located in better locations Governments and corporates tend to prefer green properties Inefficient properties experience less demand Higher energy costs are expected to be compensated in the rent Vacant properties with a non-green label are less appealing to tenants Inefficient buildings have the risk of necessary upgrading costs Sustainable properties are likely outperform inefficient ones Transparency and knowledge sharing creates value In June 2014 we have published our fifth sustainability report. Together with the other CBRE Dutch funds we launched: CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Investment Rationale | Residential The sustainability premium for residential properties is still in its early stages There is an indication of a premium regarding value in Dutch and US studies We don‟t see these indications so clearly in the daily Dutch residential valuations and market prices However, we do see positive signs regarding sustainability within the Dutch Residential Fund Influence of sustainability on residential investments is currently mainly noticed in regulated segment. – Energy label is part of WWS and influences the maximum rental levels for regulated houses – The height of service costs can influence the selection process of (potential) tenants and therefore financial return With private sales the buyer takes into account aspects that are related to sustainability (double glazing, age of heating system, etc.) Investments assigned to bring sustainability to an „average‟ level we see, that buyers calculate a (brown) discount. In a oversupplied market we see that sustainable dwellings provide a competitive advantage The added value of sustainability is highly dependent on the market situation (a “buyers –or sellersmarket”) CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments The sustainability strategy in European perspective The three main pillars of our sustainability strategy Global scale GRESB, BREEAM Sustainable renovations Define the best strategy Analyze and optimize Analyze optimize our portfolio our portfolio Improve our our assets Improve assets at natural moments at natural moments Local expertise Energy labels & energy consumption Sustainable maintenance Define the best strategy CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Sustainability organization Global analysis and CSR policy Local Fund Fund‟s Sustainability Team Global Green Team Global initiatives CBRE Dutch Office Fund CBRE Dutch Retail Fund CBRE Dutch Residential Fund Sustainability Team: 1 Asset Manager 1 Technical Manager 1 Trainee Sustainability Team: 1 Asset Manager 1 Transaction Manager 2 Technical Managers Sustainability Team: 2 Asset Managers 1 Technical Manager 1 Commercial Analyst Local Fund Fund‟s Sustainability Team All team members work closely with the assets and/or investors, next to their CSR reponsibility CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments The sustainability strategy setting process Translation of CSR Strategy Yearly Green Action Plan Fund‟s CSR Strategy, ambition and goals Development of CSR Strategy and policies CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Executing the Green Action Plan GRESB Survey Global performance analysis and local improvement analysis analyzing with peers CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments The Dutch approach of investing in sustainability Green Action Plan 2014 | 5-layer strategy for implementation 1. SHAREHOLDERS 2. THE PROPERTIES 3. CBRE GLOBAL INVESTORS NETHERLANDS 4. SUPPLIERS 5. TENANTS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY • Inventory the information need of shareholders regarding sustainability • Further improve the reporting regarding sustainability • Continue labeling core properties of CBRE with BREEAM-In-Use • Improve the data collection for INREV reporting and GRESB • Support CBRE Global Investors Netherlands in their sustainability performance • Provide insight in the sustainability performance of CBRE Global Investors Netherlands • Provide insight in the most sustainable suppliers • Further implement the sustainability requirement for new projects • Deliver insight for Individual tenants on their energy consumption • Further develop active monitoring of building installations CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments CBRE Global Investors direct funds 2013 rankings Our European funds lead globally, followed by our American funds and then the Asian funds CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments GRESB score history CBRE Dutch Residential Fund 100 GRESB 91 90 80 68 70 61 64 Score 60 58 46 50 40 31 39 30 Overall Management & Policy 20 Implementation & Measurement 17 10 0 2011 2012 2013 Year CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments GRESB score CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Performance monitoring – Energy - BEFORE CBRE Dutch Residential Fund CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Performance monitoring – Energy - AFTER CBRE Dutch Residential Fund CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Sharp decrease in average energy label CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Performance monitoring A noticeable achievement past year is the introduction of smart metering and extensive performance monitoring. Gathering energy consumption data was professionalized in 2012/2013 by the introduction of an Energy Monitoring System. All data relevant to the various connections (over 300) will be recorded in this database and can be used by both the Fund as the property manager. Semi-annually, the consumption data will be registered which leads to an overview of consumption. Resource consumption 2011 vs. 2012 Energy Emissions Water 0% % Change -25% -12,6% -18,4% -50% -75% CBRE Dutch Residential Fund Peer average Global average -100% -100,0% Consumption categories Equivalent of: Pools CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY 220 homes 510 automobiles 6 Olympic Swimming CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Less energy usage Improved overview of connections Improved data quality by more smart metering and far less estimates (mid 2013, 61% of all connections – which are over 300 – are equipped with smart meters). This leads to better data, but also more awareness, and updates on usages throughout the year. Efficient use of existing lighting (movement sensor or decrease of fixtures is use), new programming for elevators, etc. The Fund will reduce the amount of energy consumption in the properties‟ landlord controlled areas between 2012 and 2014 by 2% a year on average. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Sharp decrease in CO2 emissions Purchase of green energy (via property managers). What is green energy? How to deal with certificates? Can you actually purchase green gas? CO2 emission is 0, as we compensatied our remaining emission (being emissions from non-green or not 100% confirmed green energy). This compensation costs are included in the energy expeditures. Compensation is organized via Climate Neutral Group and money spent is „additional investment‟ in environment. As from 2014 all energy purchased for the properties‟ landlord controlled areas will be green energy, thereby reducing the carbon emission, related to the energy consumption in the properties‟ landlord, to almost zero. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Encouraging tenants | the WIN-HUIS Tenant engagement program is to stimulate and motivate tenants to reduce energy usage, water usage and waste disposal. – Responsible energy consumption by tenants. – Easy savings through simple tricks from charging electronic devices to an ideal position of the refrigerator. – Visitors of the website WIN-HUIS have a chance to win the energy savings box. URL: CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Duurzame verbeteringen van de objecten CBRE Dutch Residential Fund | Voorbeelden Kluizeweg, Arnhem Uitgebreide renovatie – Van energielabel F en G naar D – Huurverhoging van gemiddeld EUR 620 naar EUR 713 per maand – 3-kamerwoningen naar geliberaliseerde markthuur = geen verhuurderheffing CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Snellenshof, Breda Installatie van zonnepanelen – Multifunctioneel gebruik, zoals verwarming, liften en verlichting – Via annuïteit in de servicekosten – Indien goedkeuring door huurders CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Kluizeweg te Arnhem Property Location Kluizeweg Arnhem Year of Completion Voor Number of Number of apartments garages 2014 TOTAL 132 27 132 27 Na Twee gebouwen zijn gebouwd in 1966 en bevatten 132 appartementen Succesvolle verhuur met beperkte leegstand Renovatie is gericht op verbeteren van duurzaamheid en verlenging van de levenscyclus Kluizeweg Arnhem CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 24 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Kluizeweg te Arnhem Buitenrenovatie gericht op verbetering van de duurzaamheid: Binnenrenovatie gericht op verbetering van wooncomfort – Isoleren spouwmuren; – Keukenrenovatie (met alle inbouwapparatuur) – Isoleren borstweringspanelen; – Badkamer renovatie (luxe afwerking-inloopdouche i.p.v. bad, designradiator) – Isoleren bergingsplafonds – Toiletrenovatie – HR ++ beglazing Huurverhoging: – HR107 cv ketel – van één ketelhuis naar twee ketelhuizen per gebouw. Verplichte deelname van 100% (na goedkeuring van 70% van alle huurders) Huurverhoging € 27,50 maand voor de 3kamerappartementen en € 20,00 voor de 2kamerappartementen Verlaging van het voorschot servicekosten met het gelijke bedrag, dus woonlasten blijven gelijk (gegarandeerd voor 2 jaar) Appartementen naar label D (verbetering 2 en 3 labelstappen) CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY – Keuken € 20,00, – Badkamer + toilet € 20,00 – Combi-aanbieding totaalpakket € 30,00. Optioneel inbouwkoelkast voor € 5,00 per maand. Binnenrenovatie naar keuze van individuele huurder Bij mutatie wordt renovatie altijd uitgevoerd FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 25 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Kluizeweg te Arnhem: Win -Win Win-situatie voor belegger: Win-situatie voor de huurder – Er wordt een beter wooncomfort geboden tegen een gelijke maandlast ( de huurverhoging wordt geneutraliseerd door de evenredige verlaging van de servicekosten) – Huurgroei bij zittende huurders, maar vooral van de markthuur: 2-kamerwoning: € 569 + € 20; MH € 649 3-kamerwoning: € 633 + € 27,50; MH € 735 – Naar verwachting zal de besparing op de energielasten de huurverhoging van € 20 danwel € 27,50 overtreffen – Verbetering label van F/G naar D – De puntengroei geeft ruimte voor de binnenrenovatie tegen huurverhoging en tegen gewenst rendement – De levenscyclus van het gebouw wordt hiermee verlengd – Veel huurders zijn 70+. Zij wensen het bad te vervangen door een ruime inloopdouche. Door de puntengroei ontstaat de ruimte om die investering te doen en de huurder deze mogelijkheid te bieden – Voldoening dat een gebouw van F/G label tegen een acceptabel rendement verbeterd kan worden naar een D label – De huurverhoging van de buitenrenovatie brengt de huursubsidie niet in gevaar – De puntengroei geeft ruimte voor geliberaliseerde verhuur bij de 3-kamerappartementen CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 26 Rendement op deze investering Direct rendement: – Hogere huren – Minder kans op servicekosten rekening eigenaar bij leegstand – Lagere toekomstige onderhoudskosten (bv. schilderwerk) Indirect rendement door: – Hogere huren hogere waarde – Stijging leegwaarde hogere waarde CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 27 IRR model gemiddeld rendement over looptijd van investering Aankoop Inkomsten Uitgaven Verkoop Cash-flow 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1 Boekwaarde + investering 2 Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur Huur 3 Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud Onderhoud 4 Boekwaarde (1) + (2) + (3) CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY (2) + (3) (2) + (3) (2) + (3) (2) + (3) (2) + (3) FINANCE IDEAS (2) + (3) (2) + (3) (2) + (3) (2) + (3) + (4) CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 28 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Snellenshof te Breda Property Snellenshof TOTAL Location Breda Year of Completion 2005 Number of Number of apartments garages 44 44 0 0 Relatief nieuw gebouw uit 2005, bevat 44 appartementen Huidig label A en B Mooie locatie grenzend aan centrum van Breda Succesvolle verhuur met enige frictieleegstand Investering is gericht op verkrijgen van duurzame energie en het terugdringen van energiekosten CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 29 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Snellenshof Breda Investering: Opbrengst o 214 zonnepanelen, vermogen 55640 Wp €38.142 o Omvormers 3 stuks € 7.696 o Installatie, montage € 15.137 o Overige (extra groep, kraan, balast ed) € 3.812 Totale investering excl btw € 64.787 Opgewekte elektriciteit (kWh) 591.733 Besparing op de elektra over 15 jaar € 70.576 Subsidie SDE over 15 jaar verspreid: Opbrengsten: € 78.120 € 148.696 Over 15 jaar berekend: o Eenmalige investering € 64.787 o 1ste vervanging omvormers € 8.000,- Totale investering excl btw € 72.787 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 30 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Snellenshof te Breda Subsidiemogelijkheden o Voor CBRE Global investors (investment management organisatie en geen ontwikkelaar). Onze fiscale status is zodanig dat er geen (vennootschaps)belasting wordt afgedragen; o KIA: Kleinschaligheids Investerings Aftrek - aftrekpost op belasting – dus niet voor CBRE Global investors interessant – kan wel voor corporaties interessante aftrekpost zijn; o EIA: Energie Investerings Aftrek - aftrekpost op belasting – dus niet voor CBRE Global investors interessant – kan wel voor corporaties interessante aftrekpost zijn o SDE: Stimulering Duurzame Energie – subsidie op de productie van energie (over 15 jaar gespreid) – moet worden aangevraagd en toegekend – is ook voor CBRE Global investors interessant; o Voor corporaties kan dus zowel de SDE, als de KIA, als de EIA interessant zijn, waardoor de rentabiliteit toeneemt en terugverdientijd afneemt. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 31 Praktijkvoorbeeld uitgelicht: Snellenshof te Breda Management beslissing o Voor CBRE Global Investors is het toepassen in Breda een serieuze optie en we zullen dit bespreken met de huurders; o De zonnepanelen zullen dienen voor het algemene electraverbruik en de servicekosten afrekening verlagen; o De investering zal ten laste kunnen worden gebracht in de servicekostenafrekening, bv als annuïteit over bv 5 jaar (afhankelijk van terugverdientijd); o Omdat de opgewekte elektra gebruikt wordt voor het algemeen gebruik zal dit niet leiden tot verbetering van het energielabel per appartement; o Om dit mogelijk te maken is 70 % van de stemmen nodig van de huurders. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY FINANCE IDEAS CBRE DUTCH RESIDENTIAL FUND | 32 Verdere overwegingen Verdere overwegingen Duurzame objecten van hoge kwaliteit hebben een lager risicoprofiel en een meer stabiel rendement Verwacht wordt dat duurzame eigenschappen zorgen voor een meer zekere toekomst tegenover inefficiënte eigenschappen Waargenomen kwaliteit wordt vaak geassocieerd met duurzaamheid en de voorgestelde toegevoegde waarde Locatie blijft de belangrijkste indicator voor de huur-en waardestijgingen Hogere duurzaamheidsprestaties corresponderen meestal met een hoge kwaliteit van portefeuille en beheer Monitoring en benchmarking van duurzaamheid kan leiden tot een toename van de operationele prestaties Collectieve bewustzijn zou kunnen resulteren in een verminderde ecologische voetafdruk Duurzaamheid wordt de nieuwe norm CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments Disclaimer This presentation ( the “Presentation”) is being furnished on a confidential basis to a limited number of accredited investors on a “one-on-one” basis for information and discussion purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any security. Any such offer or solicitation shall be made only pursuant to a confidential private placement memorandum (as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Memorandum”) of the corresponding fund or program, which describes risks related to an investment in such fund or program as well as other important information about the fund or program and its sponsor. Offers and sales of interests in any fund or program may not be registered under the laws of any jurisdiction and will be made solely to qualified investors under all applicable laws. By accepting the Presentation, you agree to keep it confidential and to not disclose it to anyone except to (i) your legal, tax and financial advisors who agree to maintain these materials in confidence, or (ii) a governmental official upon request, if entitled to such information pursuant to a judicial or governmental order. The information set forth herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to change. This Presentation is qualified in its entirety by all of the information set forth in a Memorandum, including, without limitation, all disclaimers, risk factors and conflicts of interest. A Memorandum and a partnership agreement and subscription documents of a fund or program must be read carefully in their entirety prior to investing in a fund or program. This Presentation does not constitute a part of a Memorandum. The information contained herein is given as of the date of this Presentation and must be treated in a confidential manner and may not be reproduced, used or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CBRE Global Investors. Past performance of the prior funds‟ or programs‟ investments is not necessarily indicative of the future returns of any current or future fund or program. There can be no assurance that any fund or program will be able to make investments similar to those made in the prior funs or programs. The ultimate returns realized by any fund or program will depend on numerous factors that are subject to uncertainty. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that any return objectives will actually be realized. Targeted and forecasted returns are derived from analysis based upon both quantitative and qualitative factors, including market experience and historical and expected averages related to the risk/return profile and criteria for investments (the “Investment Targets”) of the fund or program. The Investment Targets are based on the expected cumulative internal rates of return generated by the expected investments across a multi-year period. After synthesizing this information, CBRE Global Investors has arrived at what it believes are realistic target returns for the fund or program. Any target data or other forecasts contained herein are based upon subjective estimates and assumptions about circumstances and events that may not yet have taken place and may never do so. If any of the assumptions used do not prove to be true, results may vary substantially. Actual individual investment performance may not achieve the Investment Targets upon realization/liquidation as initially expected, which may have a material effect on overall realized portfolio performance over the life of the fund or program and the ability to achieve targets. The ability to achieve a given Investment Target may be affected by numerous factors including, but not limited to, investment values, cash flow, environmental and structural factors, ratings and market CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY conditions. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and changes in response to other economic, political or financial developments. The target returns are pre-tax and represent possible returns that may be achieved, but are in no way guaranteed. The target returns are subject to change at any time and are current as of the date hereof only. In any given year, there may be significant variation from these targets, and there is no guarantee that the fund or program will be able to achieve the Investment Targets in the long term. Assets under management (AUM) refers to current fair market value of real estate-related assets with respect to which CBRE Global Investors provides, on a global basis, oversight, investment management services and other advice, and which generally consist of properties and real estaterelated loans; securities portfolios; and investments in operating companies, joint ventures and in private real estate funds under its fund of funds program. CBRE Global Investors' calculation of AUM may differ from the calculations of other asset managers. CBRE Global Investors changed its calculation of AUM with the ING REIM acquisition. The change in methodology has not had a material impact on its AUM calculation. The new methodology has been used to derive pro forma combined AUM as of September 30, 2011. Statements contained in this Presentation that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of the fund or program‟s sponsor. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon. Additionally, this Presentation contains “forward looking statements.” Actual events or results or the actual performance of any fund or program may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. Certain economic and market information contained herein has been obtained from published sources prepared by third parties and in certain cases has not been updated through the date hereof. Neither CBRE Global Investors, any fund or program or its general partner, nor their respective affiliates nor any of their respective employees or agents assume any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information. All target or projected gross internal rates of return (IRRs) do not reflect any management fees, acquisition fees, reserves, carried interest, taxes, transaction costs and other expenses to be borne by certain and/or all investors, which will reduce returns. Gross IRR or Gross Return shall mean an aggregate, compound, annual, gross internal rate of return on investments. CBRE Global Investors has not made any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of any of the information contained herein (including but not limited to information obtained from third parties), and they expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability therefore. CBRE Global Investors does not have any responsibility to update or correct any of the information provided in this Presentation. Prior to investing in a fund or program, prospective investors should consult with their own investment, accounting, regulatory, tax and other advisors as to the consequences of an investment in the fund or program. CBRE Dutch Funds – Sustainable Investments
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