CRELAN N.V. - CRELAN S.A. Sylvain Dupuislaan 251 - 1070 BRUSSEL 24/10/2014 28/10/2014 VOOR DE BLAUWE LIJNEN, CONTACTEER DE MARKTENZAAL POUR LES LIGNES BLEUES, CONTACTEZ LA SALLE DES MARCHES (+32 2 558)7683/7028/7938 Front-office Frédérique Calberg (+32 2 558)7683 / 7469 Marc Vermunicht (+32 2 558)7028 / 7797 Emmanuel Ernotte (+32 2 558)7938 / 7882 [email protected] Natacha Hernalsteen (+32 2 558)7019 PRIMARY MARKET EUROBONDS Isin Issuer Transaction minimum: 5.000 EUR ou contre-valeur en devises étrangères Minimum transactie: 5.000 EUR of tegenwaarde in vreemde munten Back-office Rating Rating Moody S&P SUB Rating Moody Rating S&P Coupon ACC. DAIMLER AG (x1000) GE CAPITAL EURO FUNDING (x1000) UNIBAIL-RODAMCO SE (x100000) CREDIT AGRICOLE LONDON (x100000) SANOFI (x1000) VOLKSWAGEN BANK GMBH (x1000) BMW FINANCE NV (x1000) DAIMLER AG (x1000) VOLKSWAGEN BANK GMBH (x1000) BMW FINANCE NV (x1000) VOLKSWAGEN INTL FIN NV (x1000) LVMH MOET HENNESSY LOUIS (x1000) TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP (x1000) LVMH MOET HENNESSY LOUIS (x1000) DAIMLER AG (x1000) BMW FINANCE NV (x1000) LINDE AG (x1000) DAIMLER AG (x1000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x1000) COCA-COLA CO/THE (x100000) - A3 A1 AAA+ A A AA A A+ AA A+ A A+ AAA+ AA+ A+ AAA+ AA 1.000% 1.000% 1.625% 1.875% 1.000% 1.125% 0.500% 1.500% 1.500% 1.625% 2.000% 1.750% 1.000% 1.000% 2.250% 1.250% 2.000% 1.875% 1.125% 1.875% BHP BILLITON FINANCE LTD (x10000) KFW (x1000) WESTPAC BANKING CORP (x2000) ABN AMRO BANK NV (x2000) TOTAL CAPITAL CANADA LTD (x2000) BNP PARIBAS (x2000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x1000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x1000) ABN AMRO BANK NV (x2000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x1000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x2000) - A+ AAA AA- 3.750% 3.750% 4.500% 4.625% 3.750% 5.000% 4.500% 4.250% 5.250% 4.125% 4.250% SECONDARY MARKET EUROBONDS Isin Issuer SUB Coupon ACC. Mat. date Issue Clean Price** Price*** Yield to YtM incl.* maturity Mat. date Issue Price** Clean Price*** Yield to YtM incl.* maturity 112 179 124 10 348 262 53 343 257 103 287 349 48 34 277 53 193 112 54 36 08/07/2016 02/05/2017 26/06/2017 18/10/2017 14/11/2017 08/02/2018 05/09/2018 19/11/2018 13/02/2019 17/07/2019 14/01/2020 13/11/2020 10/09/2021 24/09/2021 24/01/2022 05/09/2022 18/04/2023 08/07/2024 04/09/2024 22/09/2026 99.98 99.55 99.49 99.65 99.76 99.48 99.45 99.76 99.54 99.32 99.69 99.39 99.47 99.46 99.41 99.63 99.30 99.07 99.48 99.70 102.17 102.36 104.09 105.15 103.05 102.92 100.99 104.85 104.73 105.96 107.35 106.54 101.38 101.12 109.14 102.25 107.99 104.72 100.63 102.72 -0.28% 0.06% 0.08% 0.14% 0.00% 0.23% 0.24% 0.30% 0.39% 0.35% 0.56% 0.64% 0.79% 0.83% 0.94% 0.95% 1.01% 1.35% 1.06% 1.62% -0.74% -0.26% -0.22% -0.13% -0.27% -0.01% 0.04% 0.09% 0.20% 0.18% 0.40% 0.50% 0.67% 0.71% 0.82% 0.85% 0.91% 1.26% 0.97% 1.55% 11 103 54 195 35 280 182 97 225 113 76 18/10/2017 18/07/2018 04/09/2018 16/04/2019 23/09/2019 21/01/2020 29/04/2020 23/11/2020 17/03/2021 07/07/2021 13/10/2021 99.06 99.35 101.34 100.78 101.31 99.66 101.16 101.61 100.98 101.56 100.77 102.14 103.02 103.79 103.24 101.55 104.82 103.52 101.84 106.04 101.94 102.08 2.99% 2.89% 3.43% 3.82% 3.40% 3.96% 3.77% 3.90% 4.15% 3.79% 3.90% 2.71% 2.66% 3.20% 3.61% 3.22% 3.78% 3.61% 3.75% 4.00% 3.65% 3.77% EUR DE000A1R0683 XS0925519380 XS0850006593 XS0844529049 FR0011355791 XS0927639780 XS1105264821 DE000A1X3GC3 XS1031018911 XS1015212811 XS0873793375 FR0011625441 XS1107890763 FR0012173706 DE000A1R04X6 XS1105276759 DE000A1R07P5 DE000A11QSB8 XS1105954256 XS1112678989 A2 A1 A3 A2 A3 A3 A2 A3 Aa3e A3 A2 A2 A3 Aaa Aa3 AUD AU3CB0200590 AU0000KFWHW2 XS0965498651 XS1055206038 XS1112845638 XS1019354007 XS1061545114 XS1088278400 XS1040431519 XS1083718624 XS1095588932 A1 Aaa Aa2 A2 Aa1 A1 Aa2 Aa2 A2 Aaa Aa2 AAA+ AAAAAA+ AA- * YtM incl.= Yield to maturity incl. beurstaks (0.09%) en makelaarsloon (0.7%)/ Yield to maturity taxe de bourse (0.09%) et frais de courtage (0.7%) incl. ** Issue price = Prijs bij uitgifte van de obligatie/ Prix au moment de l'émission de l'obligation *** Clean price = Aankoopprijs klant excl. Verlopen interesten, belastingen en kosten/ Prix d'achat client sans intérêts courus, taxes et frais Sub= Subordinated if 'Y!' ACC.= Days accrued interest Isin Issuer SUB Rating Rating Moody S&P Coupon ACC. Mat. date Yield to YtM incl.* maturity Issue Clean Price** Price*** 101.54 101.14 101.37 101.21 99.56 102.88 102.42 101.15 101.57 100.62 1.89% 1.80% 1.99% 2.00% 2.27% 1.68% 1.61% 1.82% 1.87% 2.17% 12/09/2022 100.29 108.24 0.79% 0.68% 15/12/2016 30/10/2017 01/11/2017 07/12/2017 07/12/2018 20/11/2019 31/10/2022 30/11/2023 CAD XS0999631079 XS1046554835 XS1090369353 XS1089927781 CA13509PDV28 AUST & NZ BANKING GROUP (x1000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x1000) WESTPAC BANKING CORP (x2000) LANDWIRTSCH. RENTENBANK (x1000) CANADA HOUSING TRUST (x5000) - Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aaa Aaa AAAAAAA AAA 2.625% 2.375% 2.250% 2.250% 2.350% 322 217 89 97 44 10/12/2018 25/03/2019 31/07/2019 23/07/2021 15/09/2023 BNP PARIBAS (x5000) - A1 A+ 1.875% 46 VOLKSWAGEN FIN SERV NV (x1000) DEUTSCHE BAHN FINANCE BV (x1000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x1000) KFW (x1000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x1000) BNP PARIBAS (x1000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x100) NESTLE FINANCE INTL LTD (x1000) - A3 Aa1 Aa2 Aaa Aaa A1 Aaa Aa2 A AA AAAAA AA+ A+ AAA 1.250% 1.375% 3.250% 1.000% 1.875% 2.375% 2.500% 2.250% 135 363 361 325 325 342 362 332 99.78 99.86 99.88 99.66 99.63 99.93 99.38 99.42 100.75 101.17 105.83 100.04 102.06 102.17 103.27 100.02 0.89% 0.98% 1.26% 0.99% 1.36% 1.92% 2.05% 2.25% 0.52% 0.71% 0.98% 0.73% 1.15% 1.75% 1.94% 2.15% INTL BK RECON & DEVELOP (x1000000) - Aaa AAA 5.500% 159 19/05/2017 99.56 110.29 1.37% 1.04% VOLKSWAGEN FIN SERV NV (x10000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x10000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x10000) - A3 Aa2 Aa2 A AAAA- 2.250% 2.625% 2.500% 166 15/05/2017 101.24 148 02/09/2019 101.12 54 04/09/2020 101.52 101.99 104.44 101.94 1.45% 1.66% 2.14% 1.12% 1.49% 2.00% RABOBANK NEDERLAND AU (x1000) KFW (x1000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x1000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x1000) WESTPAC SECURITIES NZ LT (x2000) NEDER FINANCIERINGS-MAAT (x2000) TOTAL CAPITAL INTL SA (x2000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x2000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x1000) - Aa2 Aaa Aa2 Aaa Aa3 Aa1 Aa2 Aaa AAAAA AAAA+ AAAA+ AAAAAA+ 4.125% 3.750% 5.000% 4.750% 5.125% 4.750% 5.000% 5.125% 5.000% 347 137 85 82 26 13 57 42 43 16/11/2017 14/06/2018 05/08/2018 08/08/2019 03/10/2019 16/10/2019 02/09/2020 17/04/2020 16/09/2020 101.22 101.47 100.00 101.47 99.89 100.93 101.39 101.27 101.52 100.13 99.69 102.06 102.04 101.65 100.81 102.09 101.51 102.15 4.08% 3.84% 4.39% 4.26% 4.74% 4.56% 4.58% 4.80% 4.57% 3.79% 3.60% 4.15% 4.08% 4.56% 4.38% 4.42% 4.63% 4.42% EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x1000) GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP (x1000) LANDWIRTSCH. RENTENBANK (x1000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x1000) BK NEDERLANDSE GEMEENTEN (x2000) KFW (x1000) GDF SUEZ (x2000) BNP PARIBAS (x1000) APPLE INC (x2000) - Aaa A1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa A1 A1 Aa1 AA+ AAA AAA AA+ AAA A A+ AA+ 2.000% 1.625% 1.000% 1.625% 2.625% 2.375% 2.875% 3.250% 2.400% 133 27 25 42 0 64 19 56 176 15/12/2017 02/04/2018 04/04/2018 16/03/2020 28/04/2021 25/08/2021 10/10/2022 03/03/2023 03/05/2023 99.63 99.71 99.55 99.20 99.53 99.74 98.80 99.29 99.87 103.85 101.78 100.33 100.33 104.07 103.06 101.19 101.95 97.68 0.75% 1.09% 0.90% 1.56% 1.95% 1.89% 2.71% 2.98% 2.71% 0.49% 0.86% 0.67% 1.41% 1.82% 1.77% 2.60% 2.88% 2.60% KFW (x1000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x1000) KFW (x1000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x1000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x1000) - Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA 5.000% 5.375% 5.750% 5.250% 8.750% 85 278 220 55 40 04/08/2016 23/01/2017 22/03/2018 03/09/2018 18/09/2021 100.92 101.01 101.41 100.56 99.82 95.53 95.25 92.90 90.94 101.31 7.79% 7.75% 8.21% 8.07% 8.48% 7.29% 7.35% 7.93% 7.84% 8.33% EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x10000) KFW (x5000) RABOBANK NEDERLAND (x5000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x5000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x5000) EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (x5000) LANDWIRTSCH. RENTENBANK (x5000) - Aaa Aaa Aa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa AAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAA 5.750% 7.000% 6.000% 6.000% 7.500% 8.250% 8.250% 311 202 285 7 286 45 160 21/12/2017 09/04/2018 16/01/2019 21/10/2019 15/01/2020 13/09/2021 23/05/2022 101.43 100.98 99.82 100.22 101.17 101.07 100.36 97.36 101.35 95.19 96.43 101.42 102.78 101.89 6.70% 6.53% 7.36% 6.87% 7.15% 7.71% 7.89% 6.40% 6.26% 7.13% 6.68% 6.96% 7.55% 7.75% CHF CH0193040604 GBP XS0910489904 XS0849509392 XS0554658947 XS0844692201 XS0809685158 XS0856595961 XS0849420905 XS0860561942 HUF XS0490633939 NOK XS1066883205 XS1072761148 XS1105478389 NZD XS0853807377 XS0943420231 XS1092288262 XS1094677587 XS1114720680 XS1121265117 XS1102735179 XS1109354982 XS1110296016 SEK USD XS0558939269 US36962G6W94 US515110BJ28 XS0888089082 XS1061386642 US500769EQ30 USF42768GM14 US05574LFY92 US037833AK68 TRY XS0864257349 XS0875891615 XS0907335599 XS0935881853 XS1075219763 ZAR XS0875343591 XS0979312914 XS0875328790 XS0848049838 XS0984173624 XS1072624072 XS1069178173 * YtM incl.= Yield to maturity incl. beurstaks (0.09%) en makelaarsloon (0.7%)/ Yield to maturity taxe de bourse (0.09%) et frais de courtage (0.7%) incl. ** Issue price = Prijs bij uitgifte van de obligatie/ Prix au moment de l'émission de l'obligation *** Clean price = Aankoopprijs klant excl. Verlopen interesten, belastingen en kosten/ Prix d'achat client sans intérêts courus, taxes et frais Sub= Subordinated if 'Y!' ACC.= Days accrued interest Le présent document a été établi suite à votre demande et pour votre information. Il ne s'agit ni d'une recommendation à l'achat ou à la vente, ni d'une confirmation officielle des modalités. Il est basé sur des informations généralement accessibles au public, à partir de sources supposées fiables. Dit document werd opgesteld ten gevolge uw aanvraag en ter uwer informatie. Het betreft in geen geval een aanbeveling tot aankoop of verkoop, noch een officiële bevestiging van de modaliteiten. Het werd gebaseerd op informatie toegankelijk voor het publiek vanuit bronnen die verondersteld worden betrouwbaar te zijn. KORTE BESCHRIJVING VAN DE UITGEVERS / BREVE DESCRIPTION DES EMETTEURS (Bloomberg) ANZ Bank: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited is an international bank with activities in general banking, mortgage and installment lending, life insurance, leasing, hire purchase and general finance. ANZ also provides international and investment banking, investment and portfolio management and advisory services, nominee and custodian services, stock broking and executor and trustee services. BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) AG: manufactures and sells luxury cars and motorcycles worldwide. The Company produces everything from convertible sports cars to luxury sedans to touring motorcycles with large displacement engines. BNG (Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten): BNG NV is a bank for local authorities and public sector institutions. The Bank specializes in providing medium- and long-term lending to municipal authorities and their agencies in the Netherlands. The Bank is owned by the Netherlands government and also by the country's municipalities. BNP Paribas: BNP Paribas S.A. attracts deposits and offers commercial, retail, investment, private and corporate banking services. The Bank also provides asset management and investment advisory services to institutions and individuals in Europe, the United States, Asia and the Emerging Markets. Canada Housing Trust: Canada Housing Trust No 1 is a special purpose company formed in order to provide funds for the acquisition of mortgage-backed securities. Government agency. Carrefour SA: operates chains of supermarkets, hypermarkets, discount, cash and carry, and frozen food stores in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Credit Agricole S.A.: is the lead bank of the Credit Agricole Group. The Company acts as the central bank of the Group, coordinates its sales and marketing strategy and ensures the liquidity & solvency of each of the Caisses Regionales. Credit Agricole S.A., through its subsidiaries, designs and manages specialized financial products that are distributed primarily by the Caisses Regionales. EDF SA (Electricite de France): produces, transmits, distributes, imports and exports electricity. The Company, using nuclear power, coal and gas, provides electricity for French energy consumers. GDF Suez: offers a full range of electricity, gas and associated energy and environment services throughout the world. The Company produces, trades, transports, stores and distributes natural gas, and offers energy management and climatic and thermal engineering services. GE (General Electric): General Electric Company is a diversified technology, media and financial services company. The Company offers products and services ranging from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing and security technology to medical imaging, business and consumer financing, media content and industrial products. IBRD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) lends loans to middle-income developing and low-income countries. The Bank offers poverty assessment, social and structural reviews, public expenditure review, sector reports, country economic memoranda, and knowledge sharing. Inter American Development Corp: Inter-American Development Bank is a multilateral development institution designed to help accelerate economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. KFW: KFW operates as a promotional bank. The Bank provides finance for investments, projects of German and European companies, and economic and social progress in developing countries. KFW offers customers with advisory services throughout Germany. Koninklijke (Royal) KPN NV: provides telecommunications services throughout the Netherlands. The Company provides local, long distance, international, and mobile telecommunications services, voice-mail, call forwarding, ISDN Internet lines, faxing, and communications services for businesses and individuals. KPN offers mobile telecommunications through E-Plus in Germany and BASE in Belgium. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank is a Germany's central refinancing agency for banks which give loans to the agriculture and the food industries. The Federal Republic of Germany has a maintenance obligation for Rentenbank. Linde: Linde AG is a gases and engineering company. The Gases Division offers a wide range of industrial and medical gases mainly used in energy sector, steel production, chemical processing, as well as in food processing. The Engineering Division develops olefin plants, natural gas plants and air separation plants, as well as hydrogen and synthesis gas plants. National Australia Bank Ltd: National Australia Bank Limited is an international banking group which operates in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Asia and the United States. The Group offers banking services, credit and access card facilities, leasing, housing and general finance, international and investment banking, wealth and funds management, life insurance and custodian, trustee and nominee services. Nederlandse Financieringsmaatschappij voor ontwikkelingslanden: Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV (FMO) is the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank. The bank invests in companies in the housing, energy and finance sectors. FMO manages funds for the Dutch government that cover financial risks that FMO can't take. The bank was founded by the Dutch government, private sector, and employer and employee groups. Pernod Ricard SA: produces wines and spirits. The Company produces wines, bitters, whiskies, anis-based spirits, liqueurs, cognacs and brandies, and white spirits and rums. Pernod Ricard markets its products worldwide. Rabobank: provides financial services. The Bank offers asset management, insurance, lease financing, private banking, corporate and investment banking, wholesale banking, and real estate services. Royal Dutch Shell PLC: through subsidiaries, explores for, produces, and refines petroleum. The Company produces fuels, chemicals, and lubricants. Shell owns and operates gasoline filling stations worldwide. Sanofi: is a global pharmaceutical company that researches, develops and manufactures prescription pharmaceuticals and vaccines. The Company develops cardiovascular, thrombosis, metabolic disorder, central nervous system, internal medicine and oncology drugs, and vaccines. Telefonica S.A.: provides telecommunications services mainly to countries in Europe and Latin America. The Company offers fixed-line and mobile telephone, Internet, and data transmission services to residential and corporate customers. Texas Instruments Inc.: Texas Instruments Incorporated operates as a semiconductor design and manufacturing company. The Company develops analog ICs and embedded processors. Texas Instruments has manufacturing or sales operations worldwide. Total SA: explores for, produces, refines, transports, and markets oil and natural gas. The Company also operates a chemical division which produces polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, rubber, paint, ink, adhesives, and resins. Total operates gasoline filling stations in Europe, the United States, and Africa. Unibail-Rodamco: leases and rents building space, finances real estate investments, and renovates real estate for sale. The Company's properties, mainly shopping centers, office buildings, and convention-exhibition centers, are primarily located in city centers or near major access routes. The Company opted for the SIIC legal status in 2003. Vivendi: through its subsidiaries, conducts operations ranging from music, games and television to film and telecommunications. The Company provides digital and pay television services, sells music compact discs (CDs), develops and distributes interactive entertainment, and operates mobile and fixed-line telecommunications. Westpac: Westpac Banking Corporation offers general and savings banking services. The Company provides investment portfolio management and advice, insurance services, consumer finance, and money market services among other services. Westpac Banking Corp. serves individuals, businesses, and corporations worldwide. Procédure / Procedure Achat Eurobond Pas sur la liste = Portefeuille > 100.000 EUR? Sur la liste Souscription directe via Kyudo Prendre contact avec la salle des marchés: 7683/ 7028/ 7938 Aankoop Eurobond Niet op de lijst = Portefeuille > 100.000 EUR? Op de lijst Rechtstreeks intekenen via Kyudo Contact opnemen met marktenzaal: 7683/ 7028/ 7938 Vente Eurobond Verkoop Eurobond Contacter la salle des marchés: 7683/ 7028/ 7938 Mentionner le prix de vente en commentaire Contact opnemen met de marktenzaal: 7683/ 7028/ 7938 In commentaar verkoopprijs melden
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