PhD Organisation Nijmegen (PON) Newsletter September-October 2014 Dear PhD Candidate, In this issue of the PON Newsletter we share with you the latest news concerning PhD candidates at the Radboud University (RU) and the Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc). Newsletter Topics: 1. PON Activities in the upcoming months Thesis Printing Market 2. RU & Radboudumc News The new employees square 3. PNN News Two vacancies for PhD candidates in Law and Economics 4. PV News Meditatie cursus 5. Editing desk – Radboud in’to Languages 6. PCDI Retreat 2014 STEM 7. Gewetenschap: theater- en discussieprogramma over wetenschappelijke integriteit 8. Masterclass ‘Italië op Drift” 9. New Russian Scholarship programme “Global Education” 1. PON Activities in the upcoming months Thesis Printing Market This year’s Thesis Printing Market will be held on the 4th of December. PON organizes the Thesis Printing Market annually for PhD candidates to meet the representatives of several printing companies and graphic designers. This is a great opportunity to gain knowledge about designing and printing your PhD thesis. The companies represented at the Thesis Printing Market present their offers and are willing to answer all of your questions. All PhD candidates are cordially invited. For more information: 1 2. RU & Radboudumc news “Employees Square” of the Radboudumc Starting from September 1, the new “Employees Square” (route 528) will provide information regarding the Radboudumc badge, medical insurance, ICT, HR and many other practical issues for all the new and current Dutch and international staff. 3. PNN News Professional PhD Program: 2 vacancies for PhD candidates in Law and Economics at the NWO Currently the PhD track fully focuses on an academic career, while around 80% of PhDs will continue their career outside the academia. Therefore, PNN’s offers PhD candidates an internship outside the academia, i.e. at a company or a public organization within the Professionals PhD Program (PPP). A PhD candidate accepted to the PPP works on an intellectually challenging case brought forward by the organization, while the companies and public organizations experience the added value of a PhD candidate. Moreover, the PPP contributes to the collaboration between universities and non-academic organizations. PNN facilitates the contacts, conducts acquisition for vacancies, and provides a general detachment contract, but is no party in the formal detachment contract. PhD candidates can apply for this program on this website: It can differ per vacancy whether speaking Dutch is a prerequisite. For these particular vacancies Dutch is a prerequisite. For more information, see the link below: 4. PV News Meditatie cursus De personeelsvereniging (PV) Radboud organiseert meditatie cursus voor de medewerkers van de RU en het Radboudumc. Je kunt zo veel meer uit je leven en werk halen met behulp van meditatie. Door meditatie vergroot je de stille ruimte in jezelf en kom je tot rust door de ontspanning van geest en lichaam. Je ervaart minder stress en vermoeidheid waardoor je meer gefocust in de dag staat. De ervaring leert dat meditatie je draagt door de dag heen en je inspiratie, concentratie en creativiteit op een nieuw niveau brengt. Voor meer informatie en aanmelden ga naar: 2 5. “Let’s check your thesis” Manuscript Editing Desk – Radboud in’to Languages Your thesis is, probably, the most important document you have ever written. Therefore, it makes sense to have a professional editor and dissertation specialist thoroughly review, edit, proofread and correct the errors in your dissertation. The manuscript editing desk at the Radboud in’to Languages can help you out when you need your dissertation to be flawless, or sound as if English is your first language, or when you want to be sure that your APA, MLA or other citation style is error-free on every page What do you get? 100% customised service Editing by native speakers Expertise in all possible fields For more information, please contact our translation coordinator, Bert Keurentjes via +31 24 361 14 25 or [email protected] 6. PCDI Retreat 2014 STEM The Postdoc Career Development Initiative (PCDI) organises the 12th edition of the PCDI Retreat for last year PhDs (and postdocs) on broad professional and career development on 29-31 October 2014. This edition specifically targets early career researchers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). Just like in previous editions, the PCDI Retreat combines inspiring lectures and interactive workshops with a forum discussion, networking, and developing a vision on your role as a scientist in a changing society. Goal of the course is to give early career researchers the tools and insights to not only excel in their work as researchers, but also as scientists , in order to take their PhD to the next dimension! PhD students who are interested to participate in this course are advised to contact their group leader or institute manager to make their interest clear. For more information about the PCDI Retreat, you can consult our website: 7. Gewetenschap. Theater- en discussieprogramma over wetenschappelijke integriteit door De Jonge Academie, KNAW 28 oktober 2014, Aula Op een Nederlandse universiteit werkt de veelbelovende onderzoeker Jeroen Dreef aan baanbrekend onderzoek. Worstelend met een teleurstellende promovendus en tegenvallende 3 data begint hij aan een race tegen de klok om zijn internationale concurrenten te snel af te zijn en zijn positie op de universiteit veilig te stellen… Voor meer informatie en aanmelden ga naar: 8. Masterclass ‘Italië op Drift’ Het Koninklijk Instituut in Rome biedt a.s. november een masterclass aan over “de achtergronden van het historische mechanisme dat zich in Italië voltrekt”: ‘Italië op Drift’. Deze masterclass is geschikt voor gevorderde en uitblinkende BA, MA, en PhD studenten in de geesteswetenschappen, sociale wetenschappen, journalistiek en aanverwante disciplines en toegankelijk voor Radboud studenten. Kennis van het Italiaans is niet nodig maar biedt studenten wel meer opties. De masterclass wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met diverse (oud) correspondenten in Rome, de Nederlandse Ambassade in Rome en de redactie van NRC Handelsblad. Meer informatie over het inhoudelijke programma, deelname (kosteloos, behalve voor wat betreft de aanschaf van benodigde boeken), aanmelden is te vinden op de website van het KNIR via onderstaande link. Deadline aanmelding is 18 september a.s. 9. New Russian Scholarship programme “Global Education” The Russian government has adapted a new scholarship programme to support Russian citizens studying abroad, the Global Education Programme (GEP). It will open already this September (2014) for Russian students studying abroad on Masters and PhD programmes. Students at Radboud University may qualify for the grant in the following disciplines: Health Science and Preventive Medicine Fundamental Medicine Clinical Medicine Pharmacy To be eligible for a scholarship the candidate should match the following conditions: Russian citizenship Admitted at Radboud University (or another university from the list) in one of the selected disciplines Study full time at Master or PhD level Return to Russia to work there or at least 3 years upon graduation (at an employer approved by the programme; the list is yet to be published) 4 The scholarship covers the following costs up to 1.381.000 roubles/year (ca. 29.000 EUR) Tuition fee Living expenses Books Health Insurance Travel costs Students may apply for max. 2 years of scholarship. The Global Education Programme (GEP) will last for 3 years (2014-2016). A total amount of 4.41 billion roubles is available for this period, or 1.47 billion per year. Assumed total of grantees at least 1500. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are available at the following Facebook pages: (in Russian) (in English) Awaiting the official website of the programme, other questions from students can be forwarded directly to the Program manager Ksenia Ivanenko, ASI agency, [email protected] or [email protected] Dear PhD candidates, PON regularly organizes social and educational activities for you. If you want to receive the PON newsletter and to stay informed about the upcoming events, subscribe to the PON mailing list via Please note that you can subscribe to the mailing list only with your RU or Radboudumc account. Also do not forget to like PON on Facebook and to connect on LinkedIn. Note: We are looking for enthusiastic and active PhD candidates to join the PON board. If you are not only passionate about your research, but also about bringing people together, making policy, spending time “behind the scenes” and having fun, then we are looking for you! Send an e-mail to [email protected] if you are interested. Kind regards, PhD Organisation Nijmegen E-mail: [email protected] Web: 5
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