2014 Elections for Algonquin Negotiation Representatives ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 Electors List Ottawa January 24, 2014 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS ELECTORS LISTS THE ATTACHED LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Elections for Algonquin Negotiation Representatives January 24, 2014 EXPLANATORY NOTE There are sixteen ANRs representing ten Algonquin Communities who are responsible for negotiating a Treaty between the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Canada and Ontario. Seven of these ANRs are represented by the Chief and Council of the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation. The regularly scheduled general election for the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation will be held in late March 2014 and the newly elected Chief and Council will serve a three-year term. This election will be held in accordance with their Custom Election Code. The remaining nine ANRs (representing Antoine, Bonnechere, Greater Golden Lake, Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini (Bancroft), Mattawa/North Bay, Ottawa, Shabot Obaadjiwan, Snimikobi and Whitney and Area) are elected pursuant to a separate election process that has been used for ANR elections in 2005, 2008 and 2011. The upcoming election process, updated from 2011, is set out in a document entitled “ANR Election Process 2014”. You may request a printed copy through the Algonquins of Ontario Consultation Office or access this document online at www.tanakiwin.com/2014anrelections. Through the 2014 Elections for ANRs, each of the nine Algonquin Communities will be electing one Algonquin Negotiation Representative. As with the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation, each of these ANRs will serve a three-year term. These elections for the nine Algonquin Communities will be held from April 22 to 27, 2014. Algonquin Electors Algonquin Electors eligible to participate in the 2014 Elections for ANRs will be drawn from the list of Algonquin Voters whose names will be on the Final Voters List for the AIP ratification vote. Algonquin Electors must also have declared to be a member of one of the nine Algonquin Communities (other than Pikwàkanagàn) participating in the treaty negotiation process. These Algonquin Electors are qualified to run for and/or vote for the ANR position within their respective Communities. The 2014 Electors List for each Algonquin Community may be viewed at its designated Polling Station (see attached Election Day Announcement), the office of the respective Algonquin Negotiation Representative, the Algonquins of Ontario Consultation Office, as well as online at www.tanakiwin.com/2014anrelections. Attached you will find an Election Day Announcement, which details the dates and locations of the Polling Stations for each of these Communities. Electors will be required to produce government-issued photo identification in order to vote in person. If you do not have government-issued photo identification, please bring the best alternative identification that you have in order to satisfy the Electoral Officer as to your identity. Electors will also be able to vote by Mail-In Ballot. Mail-In Ballots and the accompanying instructions will be mailed out to Electors on March 14, 2014. Nominations of Candidates If you wish to run as a Candidate for the Algonquin Negotiation Representative position in your Community or know of another Elector who might be interested in that position, Candidate Nomination Forms are available from the Electoral Officer. Nomination Forms must be completed by the Candidate and include ten supporting signatures of Electors from the Community in which the Candidate is seeking nomination. Completed Nomination Forms must be received by the Electoral Officer no later than 4:00 p.m. on February 14, 2014. Each Candidate in this Election will, at their own expense, be able to communicate with Electors in their Community by one mail-out. For this mail-out, the Enrolment Officer will ensure that proper address labels are affixed to stamped envelopes provided by the Candidates. Should more than one Candidate be nominated for a position, Candidates Meetings will be held in those Communities in which the Candidates themselves agree to a mutually agreeable date and time for a Candidates Meeting. Dates and times agreed upon by the Candidates will be subsequently announced by mail-out. To request a Nomination Form, update your mailing address or if you have any questions about the upcoming 2014 Elections for ANRs, contact the Electoral Officer, Vaughn Johnston at: Tel: 1-866-286-7130 Fax: 613-629-8685 E-mail: [email protected] Yours very truly, Vaughn Johnston Electoral Officer 2014 Elections for Algonquin Negotiation Representatives ELECTION DAY ANNOUNCEMENT There are sixteen Algonquin Negotiation Representatives (ANRs) representing ten Algonquin Communities who are responsible for negotiating a Treaty between the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Canada and Ontario. Elections will be held to elect one Algonquin Negotiation Representative for each of the nine Algonquin Communities listed below. This election process is distinct from the general election for Chief and Council of the Algonquins of Pikwàkangàn First Nation which will be held in late March 2014 in accordance with their Custom Election Code. As with the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation, each of these ANRs will serve a threeyear term. The elections will take place between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the following dates: COMMUNITY POLLING STATION DATE Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini (Bancroft) Municipality of Hastings Highlands (Gymnasium) Tuesday, April 22, 2014 33011 Highway 62 North, Maynooth, ON Whitney and Area St. Martin of Tours Church 10 Post Street, Whitney, ON Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Mattawa/North Bay Mattawa Municipal Offices 160 Water Street, Mattawa, ON Thursday, April 24, 2014 Antoine Mattawa Municipal Offices 160 Water Street, Mattawa, ON Thursday, April 24, 2014 Greater Golden Lake Algonquin Consultation Office 31 Riverside Drive, Suite 101, Pembroke, ON Friday, April 25, 2014 Bonnechere Algonquin Consultation Office 31 Riverside Drive, Suite 101, Pembroke, ON Friday, April 25, 2014 Shabot Obaadjiwan United Church Hall 1040 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake, ON Saturday, April 26, 2014 Snimikobi United Church Hall 1040 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake, ON Saturday, April 26, 2014 Ottawa Travelodge Hotel Conference Centre Ottawa 1376 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON Sunday, April 27, 2014 Electors will be required to produce government-issued photo identification in order to vote in person. If you do not have government-issued photo identification, please bring the best alternative identification that you have in order to satisfy the Electoral Officer as to your identity. You may also vote by Mail-In Ballot. Ballots will be mailed to all Electors. Details to follow. Nomination Forms for Candidates in each of these Algonquin Communities are available upon request from the Electoral Officer. The Nomination Period commences January 24, 2014 and the deadline for submitting nominations is 4:00 pm on February 14, 2014. To request a Nomination Form or to ask questions about the 2014 Elections for ANRs, contact the Electoral Officer, Vaughn Johnston at: Tel: 1-866-286-7130 Fax: 613-629-8685 E-mail: [email protected] 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Baptiste, John P. Baxendale, Tasma Lee Baxendale, Thomas Robert Liam Baxendale, William Giles Behnke, Chad Wesley Behnke, Derek Behnke, Jamie B. Behnke, Steffen Behnke, Suzanne Mary Belisle, Geoffrey James Belisle, Gerald Joseph Belisle, John Gordon January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Pikwàkanagàn member Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Jacques Paquette Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Page 1 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Belisle, Marie Edna Bernard, Robert James Biddiscombe, Camilla M. Bilodeau, Howard Blake, Clifford J.J. Blake, Eugene T. Blake, Jean-Paul J. Blau, Nattalie S. Blyth, Janie A. Boulley, Lindsay M. Clouthier, Brendon Clouthier, Bryce Clouthier, Candice Marie January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Joseph Aird Partridge Jean Baptiste Pessendewach Pierre Shawanipinisi Denis Levally Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Theophile Montreuil Anastasia Mary Montreuil Sophie Emilie Carriere Joseph Aird Partridge Joseph Lamure Joseph Lamure Pikwàkanagàn member Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Page 2 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Clouthier, Corey J. Clouthier, Giselle Doris Clouthier, Katrina M. Clouthier, Lyndsay Nadine Clouthier, Lynn Clouthier, R. James Clouthier, Randy E. Clouthier, Roger K. Clouthier, Shawn Curry Doucette, Darren J. Echlin, Wayne Henry Gauthier, Geraldine T. January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Jacques Paquette Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Michel McDonald Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Page 3 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Ghattas, Leanne Louise Greer, Donna A. Grieve, Colleen E. Groulx, Jennifer Hughes, Ryan C. Hundertmark, Daniel J. Irvin, Colleen Anne Jemison, Michele Marie Jessup, Sandra M. Kelly, Gordon J. Kruger, Christopher Kenneth Lacroix, Bruno Lacroix, Nancy January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Mani Marie Montreuil Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Denis Levally John Levally Sophie Emilie Carriere Florence Atkinson Pikwàkanagàn member Marie Olivier Silvestre Manithabehick Roch Silvestre Manithabehick Marie Olivier Silvestre Manithabehick Roch Silvestre Manithabehick Page 4 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Laronde, Curtis C. Laronde, Daniel J. Laronde, David J. Laronde, Dawne V. Laronde, Jordan C. Laronde, Philip D. Laronde, Robert A. Lubimiv, Julien Lubimiv, Natasha Nadina Lubimiv, Nikolas MacLeod, Angela Majaury, Brian G. Majaury, Christa A. Majaury, Heather L. Majaury, Jeff B. Majaury, Robert J. January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Page 5 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Majaury, Vicki F. McDonald, Grant T. McDonald, Trevor E. McNish, Angelina D. McPherson, Natalie Miron, Jeanine Mary Loretta Nelson, Michelle M. O'Dacre, Janice Cecilia Olson, Donna Jean Perry, Daniel Neil Perry, Peter J. Pringle, Diane L. Prudhomme, Erika Ransom Canning, Frances A. Ransom, Hannah L. Ransom, Stephen A. Reinke, Nancy Ann January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Michel McDonald Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Michel McDonald Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Pikwàkanagàn member Joseph Whiteduck Joseph Whiteduck Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Pikwàkanagàn member Pierre Shawanipinisi Vincent Amikons Simon Amikons Pierre Shawanipinisi Vincent Amikons Simon Amikons Pierre Shawanipinisi Vincent Amikons Simon Amikons Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Page 6 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Reinke, Travis Renaud, Daniel E. Renaud, Giselle M. Richer, Alain B Richer, Andre Richer, Lise Ritcey, Melissa Hendrika Sarazin, Charlene M. Sarazin, Marlena C. Swartz, Sean George Swartz, Shane Geoffrey George Tippins, Gloria J. Tippins, Joshua R. Turcotte, Bernard J. January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Theophile Montreuil Anastasia Mary Montreuil Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Theophle Montreuil Anastasia Mary Montreuil Sophie Emilie Carriere Marie Olivier Silvestre Manithabehick Roch Silvestre Manithabehick Marie Olivier Silvestre Manithabehick Roch Silvestre Manithabehick Marie Olivier Manithabehick Silvestre Roch Manithabehick Silvestre Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Joseph Lamure Pikwàkanagàn member Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Marie Kekgicakwoe Toussaint Laronde Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Page 7 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Turcotte, Carole Lesley Turcotte, Cheryl Turcotte, Clint M Turcotte, David Gregory Turcotte, Gregory Clifford Turcotte, Henry Stewart Turcotte, James Andrew Turcotte, Jared Gregory Turcotte, Juliette Enid Turcotte, Kevin Michael Turcotte, Leon James Turcotte, Matthew P.L. January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Page 8 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. 2014 Electors List – Ottawa Full Name Turcotte, Shayla Whitney Christienne Turcotte, Stewart Gemison Kai Turcotte, Terry Francis Vezeau, David J. Vincent, Thomas Hector Williams, Theresa L. January 24, 2014 Root Ancestor Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Sophie Emilie Carriere Thomas St. Jean dit Laguarde Jacques Paquette Sophie Emilie Carriere Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Denis Lavalley Vincent Amikons Simon Amikons Mary Petrin Frederick Ferris Walter Ferris Anne McDonnell Page 9 of 9 THIS LIST IS FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF THE 2014 ELECTIONS FOR ALGONQUIN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WHATSOEVER.
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