7th Annual CRC ZOO RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Science @ the Zoo | Woensdag 3 december 2014 | Darwinzaal | ZOO Antwerpen | 09:00 Onthaal / Welcome 09:20 Introductie Zjef Pereboom en Francis Vercammen Sessie 1 – Applied Animal Welfare - Diergeneeskunde (chair: Francis Vercammen) ALLE VOORDRACHTEN in het NEDERLANDS / ALL TALKS IN DUTCH 09:30 Geert Janssens (UGent): Diervoedingsleer 09:50 Anne Becker (UGent): Intestinale microbiële ecologie van de cheeta. 10:10 Francis Vercammen (KMDA): Lange-termijn opvolging van glucosurie bij okapi's. 10:30 Bruno Levecke (UGent): Zoönotische transmissie van Entamoeba histolytica in zoos. 10:50 Leslie Bosseler (UGent): Dierpathologie. Pauze: 11h10 – 11:30 11:30 Frank Pasmans (UGent): Inleiding Devriesea agamarum en chytridiomycose. 11:50 Mark Blooi (UGent/KMDA): Infectiedynamiek van de schimmel Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. 12:10 Francis Vercammen (KMDA): Prevalentie van Devriesea agamarum in de KMDA. 12:20 Luc Bauwens (KMDA): Antibioticumresistentie in de KMDA. Lunch 12:30 – 13:30 ALL AFTERNOON TALKS WILL BE IN ENGLISH Session 2 – Basic Zoology, chair: Zjef Pereboom) 13:30 Jeroen Stevens (KMDA) The ape that never grows up: age related variation in bonobo behaviour. 13:45 Nicky Staes (UAntwerpen/KMDA) AVPR1A: the social gene in chimpanzees? 14:00 Sumir Keenan (Université de Neuchâtel / University of St. Andrews) Vocal recognition in bonobos. 14:15 Raf Claes (UAntwerpen) Comparative gait analysis of Przewalski’s horses and grevy’s zebras. 14:30 Cosette Gils (UAntwerpen) Unipedal posture in flamingos: behaviour, biomechanics and anatomy. 14:45 Francois Druelle (UAntwerpen) From the zoo to the field: development of a new method using photogrammetry. Break 15:00 – 15:30 Session 3 Applied Animal Behaviour & Welfare (chair: Zjef Pereboom) 15:30 Glenn Borgmans (UAntwerpen/KMDA) Stressed-out reptiles: a case study of Anolis carolinensis. 15:45 Maaike Voorham (UUtrecht/KMDA) Anticipatory behaviour in Asian elephants in Planckendael. 16:00 Marc Pierard (KULeuven) The relevance of infrared thermography for behaviour and welfare studies of zoo and working elephants. Session 4 – Applied Conservation (chair: Philippe Helsen) 16:15 Zjef Pereboom (KMDA) What’s NEW in the RZSA Conservation projects? 16:30 Lieven Devreese (KMDA) An introduction to bonobo research at the LuiKotale research site, DRC. 16:45 Peter Galbusera (KMDA) Range-wide DNA analysis reveals high genetic variation in wild Okapi. 17:00 Philippe Helsen (KMDA) Inbreeding depression in captive populations: the Congo peafowl case study. 17:15 Bram Vanden Broecke (KMDA/UA): Genetic consequences of captive breeding in Golden headed lion tamarins. Closing remarks and drinks 17:30- 18:30 Het CRC wordt structureel gefinancierd door de Vlaamse Overheid
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