www.igz.nl The Health Care Inspectorate and risk analysis The Health Care Inspectorate and risk analysis The Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ) is the official regulatory body charged with safeguarding the quality of care services, prevention activities and medical products. The Inspectorate will take action against any care provider or manufacturer who fails to comply with current legislation. Its approach is ‘risk-led’, i.e. the Inspectorate focuses on sectors and activities in which the risks are greatest, as identified by a system of risk analysis. This brochure provides further information about the various risk analyses conducted by the Health Care Inspectorate. General information about the Inspectorate and its work can be found at www.igz.nl. Risk-led regulation The Health Care Inspectorate is responsible for overseeing some 40,000 health care institutions and private-sector companies, and approximately 800,000 individual health care professionals. It applies a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, the Inspectorate works proactively based on its own analysis of information provided by the field. On the other, it works reactively in response to incoming incident reports and information from various sources. In the Inspectorate’s proactive risk-led activities, the focus is on those sectors, health care providers and manufacturers whose activities are seem to represent a high (or higher than average) level of risk to patient safety. Alongside specific health-related indicators such as patient outcomes, the Inspectorate gathers information relating to operational and commercial aspects. In the reactive incident-led approach, the Inspectorate’s activities are prompted and guided by reports, complaints and other indications of shortcomings in professional performance. Five main types of information The data gathered to support the Inspectorate’s risk analyses falls within five main categories: 1 Care-related indicators. 2 Corporate information. 3 Incident reports. 4 External signals. 5 The Inspectorate’s own observations and information received from other regulatory bodies. Care-related indicators Performance indicators offer an impression of the quality and safety of the care services provided. The indicators relate to various aspects, including organizational structure, procedures and patient outcomes. The combined information is used to determine whether the care process is organized in an effective and efficient manner, and whether the care itself is of adequate quality. Care-related performance indicators vary from one sector to another. Corporate information Much of this type of information is gleaned from the annual ‘Social Responsibility Report’ of the organization concerned. All care providers who fall within the scope of the Health Care Institutions Accreditation Act (Wet toelating zorginstellingen, WTZi) are required to produce this report, in which they account for their health care activities. The report also provides insight into the financial position of the organization, its personnel turnover and the rate of staff absenteeism due to illness. All this ‘contextual information’ can have a great predictive value with regard to current or potential risks within the care process itself. Where a residential care home has a high rate of staff absenteeism, for example, the risk of there being insufficient staff on duty to provide good, responsible care is that much greater. Risk analyses The Inspectorate conducts various risk analyses based on the information it receives both directly from a care provider or manufacturer, and that which it receives from other sources (such as incident reports and complaints). The results of the analyses are collated to form performance ‘dashboards’. If the results of a risk analysis suggest a higher-than-average level of risk, the Inspectorate will visit the care provider or manufacturer concerned. Based on all available information and its own findings, it will determine whether the standard of care provided can be termed ‘responsible’. The risk analyses and dashboards are subject to ongoing development and refinement. Financial information is included so as to identify any risks affecting quality of care which may result from the operational and commercial management of an organization. This will enhance the predictive value of the risk analyses, providing a more rounded impression of any situations in which there are unacceptable risks to patient safety. Incident reports Each year, the Inspectorate receives some ten thousand reports of incidents and ‘nearmisses’, both from care providers and from members of the public. Care providers are required by law to report certain types of incident, which the Inspectorate will always investigate. The Inspectorate will also launch an investigation if it receives an unusually high number of reports relating to a particular care provider or manufacturer, or if those reports allege especially serious shortcomings. This ‘incident-led regulation’ is subject to set procedures and guidelines (see www.igz.nl/leidraad). The Inspectorate also uses information from the reports for the purposes of risk-led regulation. It assesses the degree to which institutions learn from incident reports and take appropriate remedial action, and it identifies any common features within the reports which may suggest a general trend. 2 Health Care Inspectorate The Health Care Inspectorate and risk analysis 3 External signals The Inspectorate’s risk analyses also draw on the results of various patient satisfaction surveys and the comments left on public review sites. A pilot project has recently been launched in which information is also drawn from the social media. Observations and information received from other regulatory bodies The findings of inspectors who have visited a location, as well as information (‘tip-offs’) from other regulatory bodies are included in the dashboards. In certain cases, a (further) inspection may be scheduled as a matter of priority. Ongoing improvement The Health Care Inspectorate is constantly striving to improve its risk analyses by combining and collating the various types of information. Doing so provides an even more accurate indication of situations which pose a risk to patient safety. For example, it can be useful to set the patient outcomes of a care provider, especially one already under ‘special measures’, alongside financial information. The Inspectorate has formulated a set of financial indicators which have a high predictive value in terms of risks to the quality and safety of care services. IRIS The computer system in which the Inspectorate collates all information for risk analysis purposes is known as IRIS. All data with predictive value is entered into the system, which then produces the ‘dashboards’. IRIS reveals trends in the quality of health care services. It generates a ‘league table’ in which health care providers and manufacturers are ranked according to the degree of risk represented by their activities, whereby the Inspectorate can prioritize its inspection visits accordingly. The system output also includes individual scores for each of the performance indicators relating to safe and responsible care, together with a list of any aspects which have been the subject of several reports and which therefore warrant closer scrutiny during an inspection visit. Development IRIS is still in development. The system now includes information relating to hospitals, pharmacies, ambulatory mental health departments, psychiatric services within the judicial system, residential care facilities and domiciliary care services. Information relating to private clinics is to be added shortly. In time, IRIS will be expanded to include all health care segments, institutions, organizations and individual care providers which fall under the regulatory responsibility of the Health Care Inspectorate. 4 Health Care Inspectorate
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