User Manual adding a functional mailbox in Windows 7 How to add

User Manual adding a functional mailbox in Windows 7
How to add a functional mailbox in Outlook:
First close Outlook to avoid the following error message:
Go to Start and choose Control Panel
Then choose User Accounts
Go to Email (32 bits)
The next screen will appear:
Choose E-mail Accounts…
The next screen will appear:
Choose New…
Select E-mailaccount and click Volgende (Next)
Select Serverinstellingen of extra servertypen handmatig configureren and click
Volgende (Next)
Select Microsoft Exchange or compatible service and click Next
At Server always fill out At Gebruikersnaam you fill out the name of the
functional mailbox, for example ubd.its.nieuwsbrief and click naam controleren. Is the
name correct? Click volgende (Next). The following screen appears:
Click Finish. The functional mailbox has been added to your account: