AIP Belgium and G.D. of Luxembourg GEN 1.1-1 18 SEP 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-10 GEN 1 NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS GEN 1.1 Designated authorities The addresses of the designated authorities concerned with facilitation of international air navigation are as follows: 1 CIVIL AVIATION 1.1 IN BELGIUM 1. Civil Aviation Authority The CAA, which is dependent on the "Service Public Fédéral Mobilité et Transports / Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en Vervoer", is in particular responsible for the elaboration of aeronautical laws and regulations, the delivery of aeronautical licences, the issuance of certificates of airworthiness, the registration of ACFT, the conclusion of international agreements and the study of air law in general. Mail: Civil Aviation Authority ATRIUM 6th floor Rue du Progrès / Vooruitgangstraat 56 B-1210 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 277 43 11 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 277 42 59 Email: [email protected] Telex: Civilair Brussels ← ← 2. Belgocontrol This Autonomous Public Company which possesses legal status is in charge, for the public interest and by means of industrial and commercial methods, of ensuring the safety of air traffic within the Belgian airspace and within other areas placed under its authority. The activities of Belgocontrol are deemed commercial. Mail: Belgocontrol de Meeûssquare 35 B-1000 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 2 206 21 11 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 206 22 88 AFS: EBVAYDYX 3. Brussels Airport Company Public limited company of Private Law, Brussels Airport Company is entitled by license granted by law for building, organizing and operating EBBR and the appurtenances. a. Operations Mail: Brussels Airport Company Brussels Airport B-1930 Zaventem Tel: ++32 (0) 2 753 69 00 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 753 69 09 Email:[email protected] URL: b. Registered offices Mail: Brussels Airport Company Diamant Building Boulevard A. Reyers / A. Reyerslaan, 80 B-1030 Brussels The regional airports are represented and managed by the Services of the Regional Minister who has Transports under his authority: 4. Ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports © BELGOCONTROL AIM, 2014 AMDT 10/2014 GEN 1.1-2 18 SEP 2014 AIP Belgium and G.D. of Luxembourg ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-10 This Ministry is competent for airport inspection and police on airports and ADs of the Walloon Region (EBCI, EBLG, EBSH and EBSP). Moreover, it is responsible for the maintenance, the organization and the management of EBSH and EBSP. Mail: Ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports CA-MET - D323 Boulevard du Nord, 8 B-5000 Namur Tel:++32 (0) 81 77 20 00 Fax: ++32 (0) 81 77 38 66 5. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur, Administratie Wegen en Verkeer, Afdeling Personenvervoer en Luchthavens The "Afdeling Luchthavenbeleid" of the Department Mobility and Public Works of the Flemish Authority is qualified for the management, the equipment, the maintenance and the exploitation of the regional airports of the Flemish Authority (EBAW and EBOS). Mail: Vlaamse Overheid Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Afdeling Luchthavenbeleid Graaf de Ferraris-gebouw Boulevard Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II laan, 20 Box 2 B-1000 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 2 553 78 11 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 553 78 65 1.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Direction de l'Aviation Civile L-2012 Luxembourg Tel: +352 2477 4900 Fax: +352 4677 90 Email:[email protected] 2 METEOROLOGY 2.1 IN BELGIUM Belgocontrol is the Meteorological Authority providing or arranging for the provision of meteorological service for international air navigation on behalf of Belgium. Mail: Belgocontrol Tervuursesteenweg 303 B-1820 Steenokkerzeel Tel:++32 (0) 2 206 20 01 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 206 20 35 AFS: EBVAYMYX 2.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Direction MeteoLux Administration de la navigation aérienne BP 273 L-2012 Luxembourg Tel:+352 4798 2700 1 Fax:+352 4798 2709 1 Email:: [email protected] AFS: ELLXYMYX AMDT 10/2014 © BELGOCONTROL AIM, 2014 AIP Belgium and G.D. of Luxembourg GEN 1.1-3 10 MAR 2011 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AIRAC-2011-02 3 CUSTOMS 3.1 IN BELGIUM Mail: Administration Centrale des Douanes et Accises / Centrale Administratie der Douane en Accijnzen Koning Albert II-laan 33/37 B-1030 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 576 30 19 Fax:++32 (0) 2 579 52 79 Email:[email protected] URL: 3.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Service des Douanes Aéroport de Luxembourg BP 61 L-6905 Niederanven Tel:+352 2464 8800 Fax:+352 2464 8809 4 IMMIGRATION 4.1 IN BELGIUM Mail: Police Fédérale / Federale Politie Immigration et contrôle frontière / Immigratie en grenscontrole Rue F.Toussaint / F.Toussaintstraat, 47 B-1050 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 642 63 21 4.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Police Grand-Ducale Service de Contrôle à l'Aéroport (SCA) BP 1007 L-2957 Luxembourg Tel: +352 2440 8910 Fax:+352 2440 8919 5 HEALTH 5.1 IN BELGIUM Mail: Ministère de la Santé Publique, de l'Environnement et de l'Intégration Sociale / Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Leefmilieu en Sociale Integratie Cité Administrative / Rijksadministratief Centrum Quartier Vésale et Esplanade / Vesalius- en Esplanadegebouw Boulevard Pachéco / Pachecolaan,19 B-1010 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 2 210 45 11 5.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Ministère de la Santé Division de l'Inspection Sanitaire 5a, Rue de Prague L-2348 Luxembourg Tel:++352 478 5650 Fax: ++352 48 03 23 © BELGOCONTROL AIS, 2011 AMDT 03/2011 GEN 1.1-4 18 SEP 2014 AIP Belgium and G.D. of Luxembourg ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-10 6 EN-ROUTE CHARGES Mail: Eurocontrol Agency Rue de la Fusée / Raketstraat, 96 B-1130 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 729 38 45 or 49 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 729 90 93 or 96 Telex: 21173 euroc b 7 AERODROME CHARGES 7.1 IN BELGIUM ← 1. EBBR Mail: Brussels Airport Company / Belgocontrol de Meeûssquare 35 B-1000 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 2 206 21 11 Fax: ++32 (0) 2 206 22 88 AFS: EBVAYDYX ← 2. EBCI, EBLG, EBSH and EBSP Mail: Ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports DGO - O/METCA-MET - D323 Boulevard du Nord, 8 B-5000 Namur Tel:++32 (0) 81 77 20 00 Fax: ++32 (0) 81 77 38 66 3. EBAW and EBOS Mail: Vlaamse Overheid Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Afdeling Openbare Werken Graaf de Ferraris-gebouw Boulevard Roi Albert II / Koning Albert II laan, 20 Box 2 B-1000 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 553 78 11 Fax:++32 (0) 2 553 78 65 7.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Direction du Service AIS Administration de la navigation aérienne BP 273 L-2012 Luxembourg Tel:+352 4798 2300 1 Fax: +352 4798 2309 0 or +352 4798 2309 1 AFS: ELLXZPZX 8 AGRICULTURAL QUARANTINE 8.1 IN BELGIUM • For animals Mail: Ministère de l'Agriculture / Ministerie van Landbouw Administration de l'Elevage et du Service Vétérinaire / Bestuur van Veeteelt en Dierengeneeskundige Inspectie Manhattan Tower Avenue du Boulevard / Bolwerklaan, 21 B-1210 Brussels Tel: ++32 (0) 2 206 72 11 AMDT 10/2014 © BELGOCONTROL AIM, 2014 AIP Belgium and G.D. of Luxembourg GEN 1.1-5 21 AUG 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-09 For plants • Mail: Ministère de l'Agriculture / Ministerie van Landbouw Administration de l'Agriculture et de l'Horticulture / Bestuur van Land- en Tuinbouw Manhattan Tower Avenue du Boulevard / Bolwerklaan, 21 B-1210 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 206 72 11 8.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG For animals • Mail: Administration des Services Vétérinaires BP 1403 L-1014 Luxembourg Tel: ++352 478 2535 Fax: ++352 40 75 45 For plants • Mail: Administration des Services Techniques de l'Agriculture BP 1904 L-1019 Luxembourg Tel: ++352 45 71 72 218 Fax:++352 45 71 72 341 9 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATION 9.1 IN BELGIUM The Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU), which is dependent on the "Service Public Fédéral Mobilité et Transports / Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en Vervoer" and independent from the CAA, is in particular responsible for the investigation of accidents and serious incidents occurring to aircraft in Belgian airspace, regardless of their registration. Mail: Air Accident Investigation Unit (Belgium) ATRIUM 6th floor Rue du Progrès / Vooruitgangstraat 56 B-1210 Brussels Tel:++32 (0) 2 277 44 33 or ++32 (0) 476 76 18 65 Fax:++32 (0) 2 277 42 60 Email:[email protected] 9.2 IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Mail: Administration des Enquêtes Techniques Rue du Fort Wallis 2 L-2714 Luxembourg Tel: +352 2478 4404 Fax:+352 2647 8975 Email: [email protected] Mail: P.O. Box 1388 L-1013 Luxembourg © BELGOCONTROL AIM, 2014 AMDT 09/2014 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK
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