
Symposium on Stochastic Processes
Friday September 26th 2014, University of Twente
at the occasion of the retirement of
Erik van Doorn
Some of Eriks starting dates
Gymnasium Zeist
TH Eindhoven (Mathematics student)
TH Twente (Wetenschapp. ambtenaar in tijdelijke dienst)
PTT dr Neherlab
Mathematisch centrum
TH Twente
A few of Eriks papers (random selection)
• Birth-death processes and associated polynomials
• Survival in a quasi-death process
• Extinction probability in a birth-death process with
• Traffic modeling in a reconfigurable broadband
nomadic computing environment
• … and 50+ more
PhD-family tree
Erik van Doorn (1979)
Bart van Arem (1990)
Cornelie van Driel
Thijs Muizelaar
Leonie Walta
Mohamed Mahmod (2011)
Nina Schaap
Raymond Hoogendoorn (2012)
Pauline (Coolen-)Schrijner (1995) Maha Rahrouh
Richard Crossmann
Rebecca Baker
Tahani Maturi
Werner Scheinhardt (1998)
Nicky van Foreest
Denis Miretskiy
Daniel Reijsbergen
Symposium on Stochastic Processes
Friday September 26th 2014, University of Twente
at the occasion of the retirement of
Erik van Doorn
10.45 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
Phil Pollett
Frank Coolen
Quasi-stationary distributions: then and now
Discrete-time Markov chains - the work of
Pauline (Coolen-) Schrijner
12.00 – 13.15
Lunch in the Waaier-building (‘bovenring’)
13.15 – 13.45
13.45 – 14.15
14.15 – 14.45
Guy Latouche
Bart van Arem
Rein Nobel
14.45 – 15.15
Coffee and Tea
15.15 – 15.45
15.45 – 16.15
Werner Scheinhardt Random walks in dependent random environments
Erik van Doorn
To be announced
16.15 – 18.00
Reception in the Waaier-building (‘bovenring’)
The deviation matrix, Poisson's equation, and QBDs
Reducing randomness: the advent of self-driving cars
The Downs-Thomson paradox revisited