Steven Van de Walle CV

Nationality: Belgian
Department of Public Administration
Faculty of Social Sciences
Erasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
[email protected]
+31 (0)10 408 2518
Professor of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam
(August 2011 - present)
Fellow, Public Management Institute, K.U.Leuven (vrijwillig wetenschappelijk medewerker) (2006 – present)
Fellow, Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD), Arizona State University
Associate Professor of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam (2008-2011)
Lecturer in Public Management, Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), School of Public Policy,
the University of Birmingham (2006 - 2008)
Visiting Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public
Affairs, Syracuse University (Nov. 2005 - Mar. 2006)
Postdoctoral Fellow (first K.U.Leuven Research Fund, later FWO-Vlaanderen), hosted by the Public
Management Institute, K.U.Leuven (2005-2006)
Junior Researcher, Public Management Institute, K.U.Leuven (2000-2004)
Doctor in the Social Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2004)
European Master of Public Administration (magna cum laude), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven &
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration (HU) (now Corvinus University)
MA in Political Science (licentiaat, cum laude), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Erasmus exchange student, Århus University (DK)
‘BA’ Political Science (kandidaat), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Steven Van de Walle
VIDI grant, NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls (personal research grant, €800,000)
One of five nominees for the 2011 ‘Arthur’ – best teacher award in the Dept of Public
Administration (based on student evaluations)
Kooiman Award 2009 for the best article published in Public Management Review in 2009
‘International Comparisons of Public Sector Performance: How to Move Ahead?’
ESRC Public Services Programme Fellowship
Recipient of the ‘Frieder Naschold Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Field of Public
Management’ for the best paper at the 2006 International Public Management Network (IPMN)
Honorary Fellowship of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen)
Triennial ‘Joseph Merlot - Joseph Leclercq’ doctoral prize, granted by the Belgian section of
the Centre International de Recherches et d’Information sur l’Economie Publique, Sociale et
Coopérative (CIRIEC), for the best doctoral thesis or equivalent work on a public enterprise or
a group of public enterprises.
Postdoctoral Mandate (PDM), K.U.Leuven Research Fund (competitive 1-year postdoctoral
Research interests
public management, trust in government, quality management in government, government-citizen relations,
customer and satisfaction surveys, public performance, administrative performance, comparative public
administration, governance indicators
Funded research
WODC - Wetenschappelijk
Onderzoek- en
Nationale Politie - Onderzoek
vormgeving evaluatie nationale
€ 83,532.55
(with Gabriele
Jacobs –principal
NWO Onderzoekstalent (406-13041)
Explaining cutback
management strategies in
public sector organisations:
change leadership in times of
€ 171,355
(with S.
Groeneveld, main
VIDI grant, NWO
Vernieuwingsimpuls (452-11011)
The other side of the gap: Do
public officials trust citizens?
€ 800,000
Personal grant
Eerste Kamer enquête naar ‘De
besluitvorming over de
privatisering en verzelfstandiging
van overheidsdiensten
Agencification and
privatisation: International
comparative background study
€ 2,000
(own share)
Research grant,
(with C. Pollitt &
S. van Thiel)
Programma Politie en
‘Vertrouwen van burgers in de
€ 45,000
With Arie van
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Steven Van de Walle
politie in Nederland’
EU 7th Framework Programme
(FP7), Collaborative Project (GA
COCOPS – Coordinating for
Cohesion in the Public Sector
of the Future. Network
consisting of 11 universities,
and approx. 35 researchers
€ 2,698,927
Coordinator and
NWO Programma Omstreden
Democratie, Verkennende Studies
Two-track public services? A
longitudinal empirical
perspective on tensions
between democratic equity and
liberalisation of public services
€ 6,250
Research Development Grant,
Comparative Public Services
Innovation Research Cluster,
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Public service allocation
mechanisms and fairness
€ 4,247.30
Ministerie van Binnenlandse
Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties,
Directie Kennis
Emergence and anticipative
governance, as part of the
project ‘A new synthesis in
public administration’
€ 19,800
ESRC Public Services
Programme Fellowship
Public attitudes towards
services of general interest in
comparative perspective’(not
finalised due to move to
£ 27,630.83
The Hay Consulting Group
Drafting of report on
international public sector
performance indicators
£ 7,500.
Audit Commission - Policy,
Research & Studies Directorate
Making better use of
information to drive
improvement in local public
£ 18,000
Investigator (with
Tony Bovaird),
Department for Constitutional
Affairs (UK), 2006 Research
Programme, P06-02
Drivers of satisfaction with the
justice system’
£ 34,340
Investigator (with
John Raine),
ESRC Knowledge Transfer Team
Empowerment, trust and local
government powers’
£ 5,000
(with K. Baker
and C. Skelcher)
Action in support of the Federal
Authority’s strategic priorities,
Belgian Federal Public Planning
Service Science Policy
Sustainable sustainable
development: Better policy
through participation’, about
citizen participation in policymaking
€ 41,463
Promotor and
Fund for Scientific Research –
Perceptions of public sector
performance: performance
indicators and public opinion’
3 year salary
& 18,000 €
travel grant
Fellowship (not
K.U.Leuven Research Fund
Perceptions of public sector
performance: linking
performance indicators and
public opinion’
1 year salary
OECD Public Governance and
Territorial Development
Drafting a technical
report/statistical appendix for
the OECD meeting of the
Public Governance Committee
at ministerial level, Rotterdam,
27-28 November 2005, on
‘Trust in Government’
€ 5,000.
with Geert
Sluis (PI), and
Arthur Ringeling
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Steven Van de Walle
Erasmus University Rotterdam (from 2008)
International Public Management
Vergelijkende Bestuurskunde
Survey Research Methods
Kernconcepten Organisatie en Management
Inleiding Management
Seminar Research Design & Planning
At the University of Maastricht (visiting lecturer - from 2009-2011)
Public Administration, PhD Programme in Public Policy and Policy Analysis (PPPA), Maastricht
Graduate School of Governance
The University of Birmingham (2006-2008)
Public Policy Research Methods
Making and Managing Public Policy
Marketing, Communication and Consultation
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2006-07)
Bestuurskunde: Relatie Bestuur-Burger (Citizen-Government Relations)
Executive Programmes (TiasNimbas, EIPA, INLOGOV, Hertie School of Governance, HEC/ROI)
Public Policy Research Methods
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Public Management
Member of the Faculty Council (2014-)
Member of the Funding Advisory Board, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2013-)
Member of the Academic Steering Committee, Erasmus Graduate School Humanities, Social & Behavioural
Chair of the Library Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam (since 2011)
Member of the management team of the research group on Comparative Public Services Innovation, Department
of Public Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam (since 2009)
Co-founder and co-chair of the Netherlands Institute of Government Colloquium on Trust and Public
Administration (since 2013)
Co-founder & Study Group Co-Director (since 2011) of the IIAS Study Group on Trust and Public Attitudes
(with prof. Soonhee Kim , Syracuse University & prof. Masao Kikuchi, Meiji University)
Study Group co-Director (since 2005-2011) of the Study Group on Public Sector Performance (previously
‘Productivity and Quality in the Public Sector’), European Group of Public Administration (EGPA)
Local Organiser, International Public Management Network (IPMN) Conference, Rotterdam, 28-30 June 2010
(, ‘New Steering Instruments in Public Management: Working towards Social Integration’.
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Steven Van de Walle
Member steering committee, 2nd NISPAcee-EGPA Trans-European Dialogue ‘The citizen vs. the customer’,
Helsinki, 2009
- Reviewed articles for: Public Administration, Governance, Journal of Public Administration Research and
Theory, Public Performance and Management Review, International Journal of Public Administration,
International Review of Administrative Sciences, American Review of Public Administration, Comparative
Political Studies, Public Money and Management, European Political Science Review, Public Management
Review, Local Government Studies, International Public Management Journal, Journal of Social Policy,
Politics and Policy (Southeastern Political Review), Long Range Planning, The International Journal of
Public Sector Management, Critical Policy Analysis, Government Information Quarterly, Res Publica,
Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, Bestuurskunde, Acta Politica, Business and Politics, Gofs Research Paper
Series, Third World Quarterly, Lex Localis, International Criminal Justice Review, Commonwealth Journal
of Local Governance, Journal of Historical Sociology, European Journal of Criminology, Journal of Trust
Research, BMC Medical Ethics, Journal of Economic Policy Reform
- Reviewed book proposals for: Routledge Books, Oxford University Press, Coutinho
- Reviewed projects for: ESRC, NWO (Veni-commissie 2014, MagW Topsubsidie etc), NSF Law and Social
Sciences Program, Luxembourg National Research Fund, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada
Editorial boards
- Associate Editor, Journal of Trust Research (2013-)
Member editorial board, Public Performance and Management Review (2013-)
Member editorial board, Journal of Economic Policy Reform (2012-)
Member editorial board, American Review of Public Administration (2012-)
Member editorial board (kernredactie), Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement (Flemish Journal of
Public Management) (2010- )
Member, editorial board, book series 'Lokale en Regionale Politiek' (local and regional politics) of the
‘Centrum voor Lokale Politiek’ (Dept. of Political Science, Ghent University) (2005- )
Edited books & booklets
Hammerschmid, G., Van de Walle, S., Andrews, R. & Bezes, P. (under contract). Public administration
reforms in Europe. The views of top public sector executives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Groeneveld, S. & Van de Walle, S. (eds)(2011). New steering concepts in public management.
Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management series, Vol. 19. Bingley: Emerald
Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (eds) (2011). Performance information in the public sector: How
it is used. Houndmills: Palgrave (paperback edition)
Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (eds) (2008). Performance information in the public sector: How
it is used. Houndmills: Palgrave.
Reynaert, H., Van de Walle, S. & Verlet, D. (eds.) (2006). Burgers en hun Overheid: Naar een DJoverheid?. Brugge: Vanden Broele.
Van de Walle, S. (2006). Handleiding klantentevredenheidsmetingen voor de publieke sector. Brussel
& Leuven: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap & Instituut voor de Overheid. (booklet).
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Steven Van de Walle
Edited journal issues and symposia
Van de Walle, S., Proeller, I., Vass, L. (2010). Special issue: Citizen vs. customer. In: NISPAcee
Journal of Public Administration and Public Policy, II(2)
Van de Walle, S. & Van Dooren, W., (2008). Symposium on Measuring and comparing the
performance of public sectors and public institutions’, In: International Review of Administrative
Sciences, 74(4)
Van de Walle, S., Van Dooren, W., (2006). Special issue on ‘The contingencies of performance
measurement’, In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55 (6).
Bouckaert, G., Laegreid, P., & Van de Walle, S. (2005). Symposium on ‘Trust, Quality Measurement
Models, and Value Chain Monitoring’, In: Public Performance and Management Review, 28 (4).
Van de Walle, S. & De Weirdt, W. (2004). Special issue on ‘Integriteit en Betrouwbare Overheid’, In:
Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 9 (4)
Articles in international peer reviewed journals
Van de Walle, S. & van Delft, R. (2014). Publishing in Public Administration: Issues with defining,
comparing and ranking the output of universities. International Public Management Journal,
conditionally accepted
Thomassen, J.-P., Ahaus, K., & Van de Walle, S. (2014). Implementing a service charter for an
integrated regional stroke service: an exploratory case study. BMC Health Services Research, accepted
Andrews, R., Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2014). Economic strain and social cohesion in Europe: Does
institutional trust Matter? European Journal of Political Research, accepted
Van de Walle, S. & Jilke, S.R. (2014). ‘Savings in public services after the crisis: A multilevel analysis
of public preferences in the EU27’, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80(3)
Thomassen, J.P., Ahaus, Van de Walle, S. & Nabitz, U. (2014). An implementation framework for
public service charters: results of a concept mapping study’. Public Management Review. 16(2).
Van de Walle, S. & Six. F. (accepted). ‘Trust and distrust as distinct concepts: Why studying distrust in
institutions is important’. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.
Hammerschmid, G., Van de Walle, S. & Štimac, V. (2013). Internal and external use of performance
information in public organizations: Results from an international executive survey. Public Money and
Management, 33(4): 261-8.
Moldovan, A. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). ‘Gifts or bribes? Attitudes on informal payments in
Romanian Health Care’. Public Integrity, 15(4): 383-399.
Andrews, R. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). ‘New Public management and citizens’ perceptions of local
service efficiency, responsiveness, equity and effectiveness’. Public Management Review, 15(5): 762783.
Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). ‘Two-Track public services? Citizens’ voice behavior towards
liberalized services in the EU15’. Public Management Review, 15(4): 465-476.
Tummers, L. & Van de Walle, S. (2012). ‘Explaining health care professionals’ resistance to implement
Diagnosis Related Groups: (No) benefits for society, patients and professionals’. Health Policy, 108(12): 158-166
Van de Walle, S. & Hammerschmid, G. (2011). ‘The impact of the new public management:
Challenges for coordination and cohesion in European public sectors’ (review essay). Halduskultuur –
Administrative Culture, 12(2): 190-209
Van de Walle, S. & Van Ryzin, G. (2011). ‘The order of questions in a survey on citizen satisfaction
with public services: Lessons from a split-ballot experiment’. Public Administration, 89(4): 1436-1450
Baker, K., Van de Walle, S. & Skelcher, C. (2011). ‘Citizen support for increasing the responsibilities
of local government in European countries: A comparative analysis’. Lex Localis – Journal for Local
Self-Government, 9(1): 1-21.
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Steven Van de Walle
Van de Walle, S. & Scott, Z. (2011). ‘The political role of service delivery in statebuilding: Exploring
the relevance of European history for developing countries'’. Development Policy Review, 29(1): 5-21
Groeneveld, S., & Van de Walle. S. (2010). ‘A contingency approach to representative bureaucracy:
Power, equal opportunities and diversity’. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 76(2): 239258.
Van de Walle, S. (2010). ‘Building local communities: Place-shaping as nation-building’. Lex Localis Journal for Local Self-Government, 8(1): 23-33.
Van de Walle, S. (2009). ‘When is a service an essential public service?’. Annals of Public and
Cooperative Economics, 80(4)
Van de Walle, S. (2009). ‘Confidence in the criminal justice system: Does experience count?’. British
Journal of Criminology, 49(3): 384-398.
Van de Walle, S. (2009). ‘International comparisons of public sector performance: how to move
ahead?’ Public Management Review, 11(1): 39-56
Van Dooren, W., & Van de Walle, S. (2008). Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one:
introduction to the performance measurement symposium, In: International Review of Administrative
Sciences, 74(4): 531-534
Van de Walle, S. (2008). ‘What services are public? What aspects of performance are to be ranked?
The case of “services of general interest”’. International Public Management Journal, 11(3): 256-274
Van Roosbroek, S., & Van de Walle, S. (2008). ‘The relationship between ombudsman, government
and citizens: A survey analysis’. Negotiation Journal, 24 (3): 287-302.
Van de Walle, S. (2008). ‘Comparing the performance of national public sectors: Conceptual
problems’. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 57 (4): 329-338.
Van de Walle, S., Van Roosbroek, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2008). ‘Trust in the public sector: Is there any
evidence for a long-term decline?’, In: International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74 (1): 45-62.
Van de Walle, S. & Bouckaert, G. (2007). ‘Perceptions of productivity and performance in Europe and
the USA’, In: International Journal of Public Administration, 30 (11): 1-18.
Van de Walle, S. (2006). ‘The state of the world’s bureaucracies’. In: Journal of Comparative Policy
Analysis, 8 (4): 439-450.
Maesschalck, J., & Van de Walle, S. (2006). ‘Policy failure and corruption in Belgium: is federalism to
blame?’, In: West European Politics, 29 (5): 999-1017
Van de Walle, S., & Van Dooren, W. (2006). Guest editorial 'The contingencies of performance
measurement in the public sector'. In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance
Management, 55 (6): 445-7.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2006). ‘Assessing the relation between satisfaction
with public service delivery and trust in government: The impact of the predisposition of citizens toward
government on evaluations of its performance’. In: Public Performance and Management Review, 29
(4): 387-404.
Van de Walle, S. (2006). ‘The impact of public service values on services of general interest reform
debates’, In: Public Management Review, 8 (2): 183-205.
Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Peut-on mesurer la qualité des administrations publiques grâce aux
indicateurs de gouvernance?’, In: Revue française d’administration publique, (115): 435-462.
Thijs, N., & Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Administrative reform movements and commissions in Belgium
1848-2004’, In: Public Policy and Administration, 20 (4): 38-54.
Gelders, D. & Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Marketing government reforms’, In: Journal of Nonprofit and
Public Sector Marketing, 14 (1-2): 151-168.
Van de Walle, S., Thijs, N. & Bouckaert, G. (2005). ‘A tale of two charters: Political crisis, political
realignment and administrative reform in Belgium’, In: Public Management Review, 7 (3): 367-390.
Bouckaert, G., Van de Walle, S. & Kampen, J. K. (2005). ‘Potential for comparative public opinion
research in public administration’, In: International Review of Administrative Sciences, 71 (2): 229-240.
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Steven Van de Walle
Also in French as: ‘Les possibilités d’étude comparative de l’opinion publique à l’égard de l’administration publique’.
Reprinted in ‘Public Administration’, journal of the Lithuanian Public Administration Training Association., No. 1 (9), 2006, pp.
Van de Walle S., Kampen, J. K. & Bouckaert, G. (2005). ‘Deep impact for high impact agencies?
Assessing the role of bureaucratic encounters in evaluations of government’, In: Public Performance
and Management Review, 28 (4): 532-549.
Bouckaert, G., Laegreid, P. & Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Trust, quality measurement models, and value
chain monitoring: symposium introduction’. Public Performance and Management Review, 28 (4):
Van de Walle, S. (2004). ‘Context-specific images of the archetypical bureaucrat: persistence and
diffusion of the bureaucracy stereotype’, In: Public Voices, 7 (1): 3-12.
Bouckaert, G. & Van de Walle S. (2003). ‘Comparing measures of citizen trust and user satisfaction as
indicators of ‘good governance’: Difficulties in linking trust and satisfaction indicators’, In:
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69 (3): 329-344.
Also in French as: Van de Walle, S. & Geert Bouckaert (2003). Comparer les niveaux de confiance des citoyens et de satisfaction
des utilisateurs en tant qu'indicateurs de ‘bonne gouvernance’, In: Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 69 (3): 363400.
Van de Walle, S. & Bouckaert, G. (2003), ‘Public service performance and trust in government: the
problem of causality’, In: International Journal of Public Administration, 29 (8 & 9): 891-913.
Articles in Dutch and Belgian peer reviewed journals
Van de Walle, S., Dorsman, S., Homan, T. (2013). 'Hoe beoordelen topambtenaren veranderingen? De
bijzondere positie van de Nederlandse topambtenaar', In: Bestuurskunde, 22(4): 58-70.
Dijkstra, G. & Van de Walle, S. (2011). ‘Good governance en ontwikkelingsbeleid: Spijkerhard of
boterzacht?’, In: Bestuurskunde, 20(2): 23-32.
Van de Walle, S. (2010). ‘Vertrouwen en vertrouwdheid: Waar komen vertrouwen en wantrouwen in
justitie vandaan?’, In: De Orde van de Dag: Criminaliteit en Samenleving, Issue 52, pp.21-6
Van Roosbroek, S., Van de Walle, S., & Maes, R. (2007). ‘De vervormde spiegel van de ombudsman:
Een onderzoek naar de verzoekers bij de Belgische ombudsman’, In: Bestuurskunde, 16 (1): 91-101.
Loyens, K., & Van de Walle, S. (2006). ‘Participatie voor iedereen?’ [Participation for everyone?], In:
Burger, Bestuur & Beleid: Tijdschrift voor Bestuurskunde en Bestuursrecht, 3 (4): 313-328.
Van Roosbroek, S., & Van de Walle, S. (2006). ‘De ombudsman en de klager: tevredenheid en herstel
van het vertrouwen’, In: Burger, Bestuur & Beleid: Tijdschrift voor Bestuurskunde en Bestuursrecht, 3
(2): 105-117.
Thijs, N. & Van de Walle, S. (2005) De Ducpétiaux à Copernic: 150 années de réformes
administratives en Belgique. Administration publique: Revue du droit public et des sciences
administratives, (1): 33-50.
Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Beoordeling van overheidsdienstverlening: individuele evaluatie of sociale
opinie?’ [Assessments of public service delivery: individual evaluations or social opinions?], In: Burger,
Bestuur en Beleid: Tijdschrift voor Bestuurskunde en Bestuursrecht, 2 (2): 130-145.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., Maddens, B. & Bouckaert, G. (2005). ‘Bronnen van ontevredenheid
en wantrouwen in Vlaanderen: een open vraag?’ [Sources of dissatisfaction and distrust in Flanders: an
open question?], In: Burger, Bestuur en Beleid: Tijdschrift voor Bestuurskunde en Bestuursrecht, 2 (1):
Gelders, D. & Van de Walle, S. (2004). ‘Ambtenarij en politie in the picture: overheidshervormingen
en hun actoren in de media’ [Civil servants and police in the picture: public sector reforms and the
actors in reform in the media], In: Tijdschrift voor Beleid, Politiek en Maatschappij, 31 (2): 86-97.
Van de Walle, S. & Kampen, J. K. (2004). ‘Maatschappelijke stemmingen als determinant van
consumentenvertrouwen en politiek vertrouwen’ [Social moods as determinant of consumer confidence
and political trust], In: Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, XLIX (3): 477-490.
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Steven Van de Walle
Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (2004). ‘Zelf-evaluatie vs zelf-promotie? Een onderzoek naar de
motieven voor het gebruik van het Common Assessment Framework (CAF) bij Belgische
overheidsdiensten’ [Self-evaluation or self-promotion? A review of the motives for using the Common
Assessment Framework in Belgian public services], In: Bestuurskunde, 13 (2): 87-98.
Van de Walle, S. & Kampen, J. K. (2003). ‘Ambtenaren zijn lui! Een poging tot verklaring van
stereotype beelden over ambtenaren en overheidsdiensten’ [Bureaucrats are lazy! An attempt at
explaining bureaucratic and public service stereotypes], In: Burger, Bestuur en Beleid: Tijdschrift voor
Bestuurskunde en Bestuursrecht, 1 (0): 23-38.
Van de Walle, S. & Kampen, J. K. (2002). ‘Zijn ontevreden klanten ontevreden: Over zin en onzin van
gebruikersbevragingen bij de overheid’ [Are dissatisfied customers really dissatisfied? Sense and
nonsense in customer surveys in government], In: Tijdschrift voor Politiek, Beleid en Maatschappij, 29
(3): 146-155.
Book chapters
Curry, D., Hammerschmid, G., Jilke, S., Van de Walle, S. (2014). Executive Perceptions of Public
Sector Reform in Europe. In: Miller, K. & Massey, A. (eds), International Handbook of Public
Administration and Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Van de Walle, S. & Cornelissen, F. (2014). Performance reporting. In: Bovens, M., Goodin, Robert E.
& Schillemans, T., Oxford Handbook on Public Accountability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Van de Walle, S. (2013). Comparing the performance of national public sectors: Conceptual problems.
In: Meneguzzo, M. & Cepiku, D. (eds). Government output and productivity measurement: lessons from
the international experience. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. (Reprinted from IJPPM article in
2008, updated version)
Tummers, L., Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). Citizens in Charge? Reviewing the Background and
Value of Introducing Choice and Competition in Public Services. In: Dwivedi, Y.K., Shareef, M.A.,
Pandey, S.K. & Kumar, V. (eds), Public Administration Reformation: Market Demand from Public
Organizations. London: Routledge. pp. 24-42
Van de Walle, S. (2013). The role of trust in public services and public sector reform. In: Madureira, C.
& Asensio, M (eds). Handbook de Administração Pública. Oeiras: Instituto Nacional de Administração, pp. 145158.
Van de Walle, S., Vandenbussche, L. & Groeneveld, S. (2013). Representative bureaucracy in
Belgium: Power-sharing or diversity? In: von Maravić, P., Peters, B.G. & Schröter, E. (eds).
Representative bureaucracy in action: Country profiles from the Americas, Europe, Afrixa, and Asia.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 69-86.
Groeneveld, S.M. & Van de Walle, S. (2011). Introduction. In: Groeneveld, S. & Van de Walle, S.
(eds). New steering concepts in public management. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 1-8
Van de Walle, S. & Groeneveld, S.M. (2011). New steering instruments: Trends in public sector
practice and scholarship. In: Groeneveld, S. & Van de Walle, S. (eds). New steering concepts in public
management. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 205-214
Van de Walle, S. (2010). New Public Management: Restoring the public trust through creating
distrust?. In: Christensen, T. & Lægreid, P. (eds). The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public
Management. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 309-320.
Van de Walle, S. (2010). Moving from Belgium to the UK and the Netherlands. In: Bouckaert, G. &
Van De Donk, W. European Group for Public Administration (1975-2010): perspectives for the future.
Brussel, Bruylant, 256-261.
Van de Walle, S., & Van Dooren, W. (2010). How is information used to improve performance in the
public sector: Exploring the dynamics of performance information. In: Walshe, K., Harvey, G. & Jas, P.
(eds). Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: From knowing to doing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-54.
Van de Walle, S., & van Dooren, W. (2010). How is information used to improve performance in the
public sector: Exploring the dynamics of performance information. In: Walshe, K. et al. (eds.). From
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Steven Van de Walle
knowing to doing: Connecting knowledge and performance in public services. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Maesschalck, J., & Van de Walle, S. (2009). Policy failure and corruption in Belgium: is federalism to
blame? In: Brans, M., De Winter, L., Swenden, W. (eds). The politics of Belgium: Institutions and
policy under bipolar and centrigugal federalism. London: Routlegde (reprinted from article published in 2006 in
Van de Walle, S., & Roberts, A. (2008). Publishing performance information: An illusion of control?
In: Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (eds.). Performance information in the public sector: How it is
used. Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 211-226
Van de Walle, S., & Van Dooren, W. (2008). Introduction: Using public sector performance
information. In: Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (eds.). Performance information in the public
sector: How it is used. Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 1-8
Vandenabeele, W., & Van de Walle, S. (2008). International difference in public service motivation:
Comparing regions across the world. In: Perry, J. L. & Hondeghem A. (eds.). Motivation in public
management: The call of public service. Oxford : Oxford University Press, pp. 223-244.
Van de Walle, S. (2008). Perceptions of corruption as distrust? Cause and effect in attitudes towards
government. In: Huberts, L., Jurkiewicz, C., & Maesschalck, J. (eds.). Ethics and integrity and the
politics of governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 215-236.
Van de Walle, S. (2007). Procedures versus outcomes in quality management. In: Schimanke, D. (ed.).
Qualität und Ergebnis öffentlicher Programme: Ein Werkstattbericht. Münster: Waxmann Verlag
GmbH, pp. 138-154.
Reprinted in Prabhakar, M. (ed.) (2009). Administrative Discretion: Legal Issues. Hyderabad: Amicus Books.
Van de Walle, S. (2007). Confidence in the civil service: An international comparison. In: Schedler, K.
& Proeller, I. (eds.), Cultural aspects of public management reform. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 171-201.
Van de Walle, S. (2006). Zullen beter werkende overheidsdiensten bijdragen tot vertrouwensherstel?
In: Korsten, A. & de Goede, P. (eds.). Bouwen aan vertrouwen in het openbaar bestuur: Diagnoses en
remedies. ’s-Gravenhage: Elsevier Overheid, pp. 125-137.
Gelders, D. & Van de Walle, S. (2005). Marketing government reforms. In: Wymer, W. W. & LeesMarshment, J. (eds.). Current issues in political marketing, Binghamton: The Haworth Press, pp. 151168. (reprinted from JNPSM, 2005) - translated into Korean.
Van de Walle, S. (2004). Belgium. In: Geer, J. G. (ed.). Public opinion and polling around the world: A
historical encyclopedia, Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO, pp. 514-19.
Van de Walle, S., Sterck, M., Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G. & Pommer, E. (2004). Public
administration. In: Social and Cultural Planning Office. Public sector performance: An international
comparison of education, health care, law and order and public administration in 29 Western countries,
The Hague: Social and Cultural Planning Office, pp. 234-270.
Translated into Dutch, French, and Chinese; summaries in German, Polish, Italian, Hungarian and Spanish
Van Dooren, W. & Van de Walle, S. (2004). Why do Belgian public agencies use the Common
Assessment Framework (CAF)? In: Improving the Quality of East and West European Public Services,
eds. Elke Löffler and Mirko Vintar. Hampshire: Ashgate. pp. 157-171.
Kampen, J. K. & Van de Walle, S. (2003). Het vertrouwen van de Vlaming in de overheid opgesplitst
naar dimensies en indicatoren[Indicators and dimensions of the Flemish’ trust in government] . In:
Vlaanderen gepeild. Brussel: Administratie Planning en Statistiek, pp. 177-198.
Bouckaert, G. & Van de Walle, S. (2003). Quality of public service delivery and trust in government.
In: Governing networks: EGPA yearbook. Ed. Ari Salminen. Amsterdam: IOS Press. pp. 299-318.
Research reports and research notes
Variety of research reports for the Audit Commission, Department for Constitutional Affairs, OECD, Ministry of
the Flemish Community, Belgian Federal Planning Service Sustainable Development, and internal
10 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
Andrews, R., Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2014). The impact of public sector reform in Europe on
social cohesion. COCOPS Policy Brief
Curry, D. Van de Walle, S. & Gadellaa, S. (2014). Public Administration as an academic disicpline:
Trends and changes in the COCOPS academic survey. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Andrews, R., Downe, J., Guarneros-Meza, V., Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). Public management
reforms and emerging trends and effects on social cohesion in Europe. COCOPS Research Report 6.1.
Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Hammerschmid, G., Van de Walle, S., Oprisor, A. and Štimac, V. (2013). Trends and Impact of Public
administration Reforms in Europe: Views and Experiences from Senior Public Sector Executives.
COCOPS Policy Brief
Hammerschmid, G., Van de Walle, S., Andrews, R., Bezes, P., Görnitz, A., Oprisor, A., Štimac, V.
(2013). Public Administration Reform in Europe –Views and Experiences from Senior Executives in 10
Countries. COCOPS WP3 Cross-national Report. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Jilke, S., Van de Walle, S. & van Delft, R. (2013) . Public Sector Reform in the Netherlands – Views
and Experiences from Senior Executives: COCOPS National Report for The Netherlands. Rotterdam:
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Clifton, J. Diaz-Fuentes, D., Fernandez-Gutierrez, M., James, O., Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2013).
Satisfaction, Voice and Choice in European Public Services. COCOPS Policy Brief
Van de Walle, S. & Jilke, S. (2012). Savings in Public Services after the Crisis: A Multilevel Analysis
of Public Preferences in the EU27. COCOPS Working Paper No. 8
Andrews, R. & Van de Walle, S. (2012). New Public Management and Citizens’ Perceptions of Local
Service Efficiency, Responsiveness, Equity and Effectiveness. COCOPS Working Paper No. 7
Clifton, J., Diaz Fuentes, D., Fernandez Gutierrez, M., James, O., Jilke, S., Van de Walle, S. (2012).
Regulatory reform for services of general interest and trends in citizen satisfaction. COCOPS Report
4.1, 45 p.
Dan, S., Jilke, S., Pollitt, C., van Delft, R., Van de Walle, S., van Thiel, S. (2012). Effects of
privatization and agencification on citizens and citizenship: an international comparison. Rapport voor
de Eerste Kamer enquête naar ‘De besluitvorming over de privatisering en verzelfstandiging van
overheidsdiensten’. 43 p.
Van de Walle, S. & Hammerschmid, G. (2011). Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the
Future. COCOPS Project Background Paper. COCOPS Working Paper No. 1., 37 p.
Van de Walle, S. & Vogelaar, M. (2010). Emergence and public administration: A literature review for
the project ‘A New Synthesis in Public Administration’. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken
en Koninkrijksrelaties, Directie Kennis
Van de Walle, S., & Raine, J. (2008). Explaining attitudes towards the justice system in the UK and
Europe, Ministry of Justice Research Series 9/08. London: Ministry of Justice.
Van de Walle, S. (2007). A review of international public performance comparators: A report for the
Hay Group. Birmingham: School of Public Policy.
Van de Walle, S., & Bovaird, T. (2007). Making better use of information to drive improvement in local
public services: A report for the Audit Commission. Birmingham: School of Public Policy.
Van Roosbroek, S., Thijs, N., Van de Walle, S. & Bouckaert, G. (2006). Gebruikershandvesten en
charters in internationaal perspectief: aanbevelingen voor een Vlaams dienstverleningscharter. Leuven:
Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. 120 p.
Van Roosbroek, S., & Van de Walle, S. (eds.) (2006). Werken aan de Overheid: De mening van de
burger. Resultaten van de 4de WADO survey. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid. 53 p.
Loyens, K., & Van de Walle, S. (2006). Methoden en technieken van burgerparticipatie: strategieën
voor betrokkenheid van burgers bij het Federaal Plan Duurzame Ontwikkeling.
onderzoeksrapport in het project 'Duurzame ontwikkeling duurzaam ontwikkelen: beter beleid door
participatie'). Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid. 139 p.
Van de Walle, S., Baker, K., & Skelcher, C. (2006). Empowerment, trust and local government powers:
11 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
A report for the ESRC Knowledge Transfer Team. Birmingham: Institute of Local Government Studies,
University of Birmingham. 13 p.
Loyens, K., & Van de Walle, S. (2005). Participatie voor iedereen? Wenselijkheid en haalbaarheid van
gelijke participatie in de consultatie over het Federaal Plan Duurzame Ontwikkeling. (Eerste
onderzoeksrapport in het project 'Duurzame ontwikkeling duurzaam ontwikkelen: beter beleid door
participatie'). Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid. 150 p.
Van Roosbroek, S., Van de Walle, S., Kampen, J. K., & Bouckaert, G. (2005) Invulling Vlaamse
Vertrouwensbarometer. Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. 79 p.
Van de Walle, S., Van Roosbroek, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2005). Strengthening Trust in Government:
What Role for Government in the 21st Century: Annex: Data on trust in the public sector. Analytical
annex prepared for the OECD meeting of the Public Governance Committee at ministerial level,
Rotterdam, 27-28 November 2005. Paris: OECD. (also available in French).
Van Roosbroek, S., Van de Walle, S., Kampen, J. K., & Bouckaert, G. (2005). Een vergelijking van
gevestigde tevredenheids- en vertrouwensmonitoren in binnen- en buitenland [A comparison of
established satisfaction- and trustsurveys in Belgium and abroad]. Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke
Organisatie Vlaanderen. 89 p.
Van de Walle, S., Kampen, J. K., Maddens, B. & Bouckaert, G. (2004). Sourcebook, veldwerkverslag
en materiaal bij de 'Werken aan de Overheid' surveys [Sourcebook, field work report and other material
related to the 'Working on Government' surveys]. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 306 p. + bijlagen.
Van de Walle, S., Sterck, M., Van Dooren, W. & Bouckaert, G. (2004). What you see is not
necessarily what you get: Een verkenning van de mogelijkheden en moeilijkheden van internationale
vergelijkingen van publieke sectoren op basis van indicatoren [What you see is not necessarily what you
get: An exploration of possibilities and difficulties in using indicators for comparing public sectors
internationally]. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 61 p.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., Bouckaert, G. & Maddens, B. (2004). Burgergericht Besturen:
Beleidsaanbevelingen [Citizen governance: policy recommendations]. Leuven: Instituut voor de
Overheid, 32 p.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., Bouckaert, G. & Maddens, B. (2003). Dienstverlening van de
overheid door de Vlaming beoordeeld [The Flemish’ assessment of government’s service delivery].
Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 119 p.
Van de Walle S., Kampen J., Bouckaert G. & Maddens, B. (2003). Stereotype beelden over ambtenaren
en overheidsdiensten [Stereotypes on civil servants and public services]. Leuven: Instituut voor de
Overheid, 68 p.
Kampen J. K., Van de Walle S., Bouckaert G. & Maddens, B. (2003). De effecten van context en
methode op de uitkomsten van survey onderzoek: Een empirisch vergelijk van drie metingen van het
vertrouwen in de overheid [The effect of context and method on survey results]. Leuven: Instituut voor
de Overheid, 66 p. + bijlagen.
Van de Walle, S., Kampen J. K., Bouckaert, G. & Maddens, B. (2003). Een staalkaart van het
vertrouwen: het beeld van de ambtenaar bij de Vlaamse burger en tevredenheid met
overheidsdienstverlening [The state of trust: the image of civil servants among Flemish citizens and
satisfaction with public service delivery]. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 122 p.
Kampen, J. K., Maddens, B., Bouckaert, G., & Van de Walle, S. (2002). Meten en operationaliseren
van de concepten tevredenheid met en vertrouwen in de overheid binnen de context van surveyonderzoek [Measurement and operationalisation of the concepts ‘satisfaction with’ and ‘trust in’
government in a survey-resarch context]. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 61 p.
Bouckaert, G., Van de Walle, S., Maddens, B. & Kampen, J. K. (2002). Identity vs Performance: An
Overview of Theories Explaining Trust in Government. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 113 p.
Bouckaert, G., Kampen, J. K., Maddens, B., Van de Walle, S. (2001). Klantentevredenheidsmetingen
bij de Overheid [Customer satisfaction surveys in government]. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid, 64
12 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
Conference papers (papers with * have later been revised and published as an article or chapter)
James, O., Jilke, S., & Van de Walle, S. (2014). Citizens’ Attitudes towards Public Service Performance and
Contracted Forms of Service Delivery. Paper for the XVIIIth IRSPM Conference, Ottawa, 9-11 April (Panel on
Citizens, Users and Public Services: Performance, information, choice and voice)
Jilke, S., & Van de Walle, S. (2014). Public Management Reform and Citizens Responses to Decline in
Public Services: Evidence from a Population-based Experiment. Paper for the XVIIIth IRSPM
Conference, Ottawa, 9-11 April (Panel on Citizens, Users and Public Services: Performance,
information, choice and voice)
van Sluis, A. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). The significance of police-citizen contacts for citizens’ trust
in the police in the Netherlands. Paper for the NIG Annual Work Conference, Universiteit Twente, 2829 November.
Hammerschmid, G. Štimac, V., Oprisor, A., & Van de Walle, S. (2013). Top officials’ role identities
and the use of performance information: Evidence from a 12-country survey. Paper for the 2013 EGPA
Conference, Edinburgh, 11-13 September
Jilke, S., Meuleman, B. & Van de Walle, S. (2013). We need to compare, but how? Measurement
equivalence in comparative public administration. Paper for the PMRC 2013 Conference, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 20-22 June.
Štimac, V., Van de Walle, S. & Hammerschmid, G. (2013). When does the implementation of
structural public sector reforms lead to more efficiency and service quality? Evidence from 11
European countries. Paper for the XVIIth IRSPM Conference, Prague, 10-12 April (Panel 32 - The
Effects of Public Management Reforms from an International Comparative Perspective).
Van de Walle, S. & Lahat, L. (2012). Do public officials trust citizens? Paper for the IIAS Workshop
on Trust and Public Attitudes: Seoul, 11-12 December 2012
*Van de Walle, S. & van Delft, R. (2012). Who’s publishing in public administration: Publication
output rankings and why definitions of performance matter. Netherlands Institute of Government:
Leuven, 29-30 November 2012
Haverland, H., de Ruijter, M. & Van de Walle, S. (2012). The European Commission’s production of
scientific evidence. Neutral or strategic? Netherlands Institute of Government: Leuven, 29-30
November 2012
*Van de Walle, S. & van Delft, R. (2012). Who’s publishing in public administration: Publication
output rankings and why definitions of performance matter. British Academy of Management
Conference: Cardiff, 11-13 September 2012
Van de Walle, S. & Steijn, B. (2012). Good pay, a secure job and a tad of PSM: A multilevel model of
public sector employment preference in 23 countries. Paper for the EGPA 2012 conference, Bergen, 5-8
September 2012
Haverland, H., de Ruijter, M. & Van de Walle, S. (2012). The European Commission’s production of
scientific evidence. Strategic or neutral? Paper at the 5th Annual Conference of the Comparative
Agendas Project (CAP), Reims, Sciences-Po Campus, France June 14-16.
*Van de Walle, S. & van Delft, R. (2012). Ranking the research output of public administration
departments: Why definitions of performance matter. NISPAcee 2012 conference: Ohrid, 23-26 May
Van de Walle, S. & Marien, S. (2012). Choice in public services: A multilevel analysis of doctor choice
in 23 countries. ECPR Joint Sessions: Antwerpen, 10-15 Apil 2012
*Moldovan, A. & Van de Walle, S. (2011). How acceptable is corruption? A vignette study of informal
payments in Romanian healthcare. Paper for the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) work
conference, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1-2 December 2011
*Van de Walle, S. & Jilke, S. (2011). Europeans and savings in public services: An analysis of drivers
of public preferences in the 27 EU countries. Paper for the EGPA 2011 conference, Bucharest, 7-10
September 2011
13 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
*Van de Walle. S. & Six, F. (2011). Active trust and active distrust: Why studying distrust is important.
Paper for the 8th Annual JCPA/ICPA-Forum Workshop, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore, 27-29 April 2011.
*Jilke, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2011). Equity and citizens´ voice: an empirical perspective on the
liberalization of public services in the EU6. Paper for the IRSPM 2011 conference, Dublin 11-13 April
Korthagen. I., Klijn, E.H., Van de Walle, S. & Edelenbos, J. (2011). The effects of media attention and
political interference on network performance. Paper for the IRSPM 2011 conference, Dublin 11-13
April 2011.
Van de Walle, S. (2010). Public service allocation mechanisms and fairness perceptions. Paper for the
Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) work conference, Universiteit Maastricht, 25-26 November
*Van de Walle, S. & Van Ryzin, G. (2010). The order of questions in a citizen survey: Lessons form a
split-ballot experiment. Paper presented at the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) work
conference, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, 12-13 November 2009.
Dirikx, A., Gelders, D., Parmentier, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2009). Drivers of juveniles’ perceptions of
the performance, and procedural and distributive justice of the police in Belgium: A focus group study.
Paper at the IXth Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12
September 2009
*Van de Walle, S. & Scott, Z. (2009). The role of public services in state- and nation-building:
exploring lessons from European history. Paper presented at the IIAS 2009 conference – ‘History and
future of nation-building, The role of public administrations, civil servants and public finances in nationbuilding’, Helsinki, 7-11 July 2009.
*Groeneveld, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2009). Contingent representativity: Rival views of representatve
bureaucracy and the challenges for nationbuilders. Paper presented at the IIAS 2009 conference –
‘History and future of nation-building, The role of public administrations, civil servants and public
finances in nation-building’, Helsinki, 7-11 July 2009.
*Van de Walle, S. & Scott, Z. (2008). Is good governance effective governance? The role of public
services in state- and nation-building. Paper presented at the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)
work conference, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, 20-21 November 2008.
*Van de Walle, S. (2008). When do public services perform? Changing and contested definitions of
performance in the ‘services of general interests’ debate. Paper presented at the EGPA Annual
Conference, Rotterdam, 3-6 September 2008.
*Van de Walle, S. & Van Dooren, W. (2008). How is information used to improve performance in the
public sector: Exploring the dynamics of performance information. Paper presented at the seminar
“From knowing to doing: Connecting knowledge and performance in public services”. Manchester,
23/24 June 2008.
*Van de Walle, S. (2008). Values and essential public services in comparative perspective. Paper for
the 58th Political Studies Association (PSA) annual conference, Swansea, 1-3 April 2008, and for the
the Public Values and Public Interest workshop, Copenhagen 28-31 May, 2008.
*Van de Walle, S. (2007). Contested definitions of performance: Evaluating the performance of
services of general interest. Paper for the International Public Management Network Workshop (IPMN),
Oxford, 7-9 August 2007.
*Vandenabeele, W. & Van de Walle, S. (2007). International differences in public service motivation.
Paper at the EGPA-ASPA Transatlantic Dialogue pre-conference on Public Service Motivation. USA:
Newark, Delaware. 30 May. 30 p.
*Van de Walle, S. (2007). International comparisons of public sector performance: How to move
ahead? Paper for the Eleventh International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM XI),
Berlin, 2-4 April 2007.
*Van de Walle, S. (2006). Determinants of confidence in the civil service: an international comparison
of 62 societies. Paper for the 2006 IPMN conference on Public Management and Civic Culture, St.
Gallen, Switzerland 28-30 June 2006. 29p. This paper received the Naschold Best Paper Award.
14 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
*Van de Walle, S. (2005). Measuring Bureaucratic Quality in Governance Indicators. Paper presented
at the EGPA annual conference, Bern, Switserland, Study Group II: Productivity and Quality in the
Public Sector, Aug. 31-Sep. 2, and for the 8th Public Management Research Conference, Los Angeles,
Sep 29th - Oct 1st , 2005.
Van de Walle, S. (2005). Making sense of governance: citizens and the evaluation of governance. Paper
presented at the conference on ‘Integrated governance: linking up government, business and civil
society’, Prato, Italy, 26-29 October 2005, organised by the Monash Governance Research Unit.
*Van de Walle, S. (2005). 'Social moods' als determinant van consumentenvertrouwen en politiek
vertrouwen [‘Social moods’ as determinant of consumer confidence and trust in government]. Paper
presented at the ‘politicologenetmaal’, Antwerp, May 19-20.
*Van de Walle, S. (2005). Decontaminating Subjective Corruption Indicators: The Effect of
Predispositions Towards Government on Perceptions of Corruption. Paper presented at the ‘Ethics and
Integrity: A Transatlantic Dialogue’- conference, Leuven, 2-5 June.
*Van de Walle, S. (2005). The impact of public service values on services of general interest reform
debates. Paper presented at the the Ninth International Research Symposium on Public Management,
Milan, 6-8 April
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2004). Interpreting soft indicators of citizens'
attitudes towards government. Paper presented at the EGPA annual conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia),
Study Group II, 10 p.
*Van de Walle, S., Thijs, N., & Bouckaert, G. (2003). A tale of two charters: Political crisis, political
realignment and administrative reform in Belgium. Paper presented at the International Symposium on
Service Charters and Customer Satisfaction in Public Services, 8-9 December 2003, City University of
Hong Kong, 25 p.
*Van de Walle, S., Kampen, J. K., & Bouckaert, G. (2003). Deep impact for high impact agencies?
Assessing the role of bureaucratic encounters in evaluations of government. Paper presented at the
European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Oeiras, Portugal, 21 p.
*Gelders, D., & Van de Walle, S. (2003). Marketing government reforms. Paper presented at the EGPA
annual conference (Oeiras, Portugal), Study Group II, 26 p.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2003). On the relative role of the public
administration, the public services and the political institutions in building trust in government in
Flanders. Paper presented at ASPA’s 64th National conference ‘The Power of Public Service’,
Washington D.C., March 15-18. Session # 237: The Power to Create Trust: The Impact of Public Sector
Reforms on Citizens, 25 p.
Kampen, J. K., Van de Walle, S., Maddens, B., & Bouckaert, G. (2002). Intra and extra governmental
determinants of trust in government. Paper presented at the European Group of Public Administration
(EGPA) Annual Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 25 p.
*Van de Walle, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2002). Public service performance and trust in government: the
problem of causality. Paper presented at the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual
Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 19 p.
*Van Dooren, W., & Van de Walle, S. (2002). Self promotion by self assessment? A study of the
motives underlying the use of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in Belgium. Paper presented
at the Working Group on Better Quality Administration for the Public,10th NISPAcee Annual
Conference: delivering public services in CEE countries: trends and developments, Cracow, Poland,
April 25-25, 23 p.
Van de Walle, S., Kampen, J.K., Bouckaert, G., & Maddens, B. (2002). Service delivery satisfaction
and trust in government: the micro-performance hypothesis. Paper presented at ASPA’s 63rd National
conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 23-26, Public service/public trust, 11 p.
*Van de Walle, S., & Bouckaert, G. (2001). Government performance and trust in government. Paper
presented at the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Vaasa, Finland,
30 p.
15 of 17
Steven Van de Walle
Van de Walle, S. (2004). Perceptions of administrative performance: the key to trust in government?
(diss. doct. Leuven: Instituut voor de Overheid.
Other publications: non-peer reviewed articles, practitioner articles, book reviews, op-eds etc.
van der Voet, J. & Van de Walle, S. (2014). Topambtenaren en de crisis. Openbaar Bestuur, 24(1): pp.
Hammerschmid, G., Van de Walle, S. & Štimac, V. (2013). What determines whether top public sector
executives actually use performance information? In: Grace, C. (ed.). Benchmarking for improvement.
Solace Foundation Imprint pamphlet, pp. 45-47
Van de Walle, S., Hammerschmid, G., Štimac, V., & Oprisor, A. (2013). How do top public sector
executives rate reforms? PUBLIC, ESADE IDGP newsletter, no. 29. (also in Spanish as ‘¿Cómo valoran
las reformas del sector público sus altos directivos?’)
Van de Walle, S. (2012). Bestuurskundigen beperken zich tot navelstaren. Sociale Vraagstukken, 7 aug
Van de Walle, S. (2012). Naar een vergelijkende bestuurskunde van de 27. Rotterdam, Rede
uitgesproken op 28 juni 2012 bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Persoonlijk Hoogleraar
‘Vergelijkende Bestuurskunde’ bij de opleiding Bestuurskunde van de Faculteit der Sociale
Van de Walle, S. (2012). Overheidsmanagement: België–Holland. In: Vlaams Tijdschrift voor
Overheidsmanagement, 1: 4-9
Van de Walle, S. (2012). Wat heeft het New Public Management eigenlijk opgeleverd? In: Virtueel
Bestuur, 2012(2).
Van de Walle, S. (2011). Verambtelijking van maatschappelijke problemen. In: De Groene
Amsterdammer, 135(16): online editie
Van de Walle, S. (2009). Overtolligheid en rommeligheid in publieke organisaties: Het belang van
bricolage en improvisatie in innovatieve en crisisbestendige organisaties. In: Vlaams Tijdschrift voor
Overheidsmanagement, 14(4): 72-80
Van de Walle. S. & Scott, Z. (2009). ‘The role of public services in state- and nation building:
Exploring lessons from European history for fragile states’. Governance and Social Development
Resource Centre (GSDRC) Research Paper, University of Birmingham.
Van de Walle. S. (2009). Book review of 'De staat van de publieke dienst: Het oordeel van de burger
over de kwaliteit van overheidsdiensten' by E. Pommer, H. van Kempen, & E. Eggink. In: Mens en
Maatschappij, 84 (2): 237-238
Van de Walle, S. (2009). ‘Trust in the justice system: A comparative view across Europe’. Prison
Service Journal, no. 183: 22-26.
Van de Walle, S., & Bovaird, T. (2008). ‘In the know or out of the loop?’. In: Public Money and
Management, 28 (4): 196-8.
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Van de Walle, S., Baker, K., & Skelcher, C. (2007). ‘Meer macht voor lokale overheden? Een Europese
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Van de Walle, S. (2007). Tevredenheidsmetingen: technieken en ervaringen. In: Thijs, N. & Bouckaert
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Van Roosbroek, S., Thijs, N. & Van de Walle, S. (2006). Handvesten in de publieke sector in een
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Van Roosbroek, S. & Van de Walle, S. (2006). Dicht bij de burger? Vertrouwen, tevredenheid en
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Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Tevredenheid met lokale dienstverlening’ [Satisfaction with local service
delivery]. In: Praktijkgids Management Lokale Besturen, 255 (Juni): 99-124.
Van Dooren, W., Sterck, M. & Van de Walle, S. (2005). Ver(on)gelijkt? De mogelijkheden en
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Europa: omgaan met de Unie en vergelijkend leren. Brugge: Die Keure, pp. 9-28.
Van de Walle, S. (2005). ‘Percepties over het gerecht: De praktische (on)bruikbaarheid van hitparades’
[Citizens’ perceptions of the courts: are hit parades useful?]. In: Orde van de dag: criminaliteit en
samenleving, (29): 45-48.
Van de Walle, S. (2004). ‘Kan er iets geregeld worden? Corruptie bij de overheid in cijfers’ [Could we
arrange something? Corruption in government in numbers]. In: Vlaams Tijdschrift voor
Overheidsmanagement, 9 (4): 39-45.
Bouckaert, G., Maddens, B., Kampen, J. K. & Van de Walle, S. (2004). Vertrouwen en overheid!
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Van de Walle, S., & Kampen, J. K. (2003). De kloof met de burger: crisis of creatie? [The gap between
citizens and government: Crisis or creation?]. In: Terzake: Tijdschrift voor Lokaal Beleid en
Samenlevingsopbouw. Nr. 10 (december), pp. 8-10.
Van de Walle, S. (05/08/2003). Studie efficiëntie administratie bewijst vooral imagoprobleem [Study
on administrative efficiency shows public sector’s image problem]. De Financieel-Economische Tijd
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Van de Walle, S., Bouckaert, G., & Kampen, J. K. (2001). Klantenmanagement: gebruikersbevragingen
bij de overheid [Customer management: customer surveys in government], In: Nieuwsbrief
Overheidsmanagement, Kluwer, nr. 30, 26 december, pp. 25-29.
Van de Walle, S., Bouckaert, G., & Kampen, J.K. (2001). Gebruikersbevragingen bij de overheid
[Customer surveys in government], In: Newsletter Quality, Kluwer, vol. 9, nr. 78, pp. 10-12.
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