CV FRANK VAN TUBERGEN March 2014 Personal details Name Frank van Tubergen Date of birth 18 May 1976 Place of birth Amersfoort, the Netherlands Nationality Dutch Business Address Department of Sociology / ICS Faculty of Social Sciences Utrecht University Padualaan 14 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)30-2533809 E-mail: [email protected] Homepage: Education and Academic positions 2014 (Jan)- Professor of Sociology. Department of Sociology, Utrecht University. Full Professor (1.0 fte). 2009 (Jan)- Professor, Department of Sociology / ICS (0.8 fte) and Professor, Department of Migration and Ethnic Relations / ERCOMER (0.2 fte), Utrecht University 2006-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University (tenured) 2004-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University (tenured) 2005 Ph.D. Sociology, Utrecht University, cum laude (highest distinction) 2000-2004 Ph.D. candidate Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University 1995-2000 MA Philosophy, Nijmegen University 1995-2000 MA Sociology, Nijmegen University, cum laude (highest distinction) PUBLICATIONS International Peer Reviewed Publications Van Tubergen, Frank. 2014. Ethnic Boundaries in Core Discussion Networks: A Multilevel Social Network Study of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, forthcoming. Martinovic, Borja, Frank van Tubergen and Ineke Maas. 2014. “A Longitudinal Study of Interethnic Contacts in Germany: Estimates from a Multilevel Growth Curve Model.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, forthcoming. Schimmers, Paulien and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. ‘Transnationalism and Ethnic Identification among Adolescent Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and Sweden’. International Migration Review, forthcoming. 1 Blommaert, Lieselotte, Marcel Coenders, and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. “Discrimination of Arabic-named applicants in the Netherlands: An internet-based field experiment examining different phases in online recruitment procedures”. Social Forces, 92(3):95782. De Hoon, Sean and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. “The Religiosity of Children of Immigrants and Natives in England, Germany and the Netherlands: The Role of Parents and Peers in Class". European Sociological Review, forthcoming. Spörlein, Christoph, Elmar Schlüter and Frank van Tubergen. 2014 “Immigrant Intermarriage in Longitudinal Perspective: Testing Structural and Cultural Explanations in the United States from 1880 to 2011.” Social Science Research, 43:1-15. De Vroome, Thomas and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. “Settlement Intentions of Recently Arrived Immigrants and Refugees in the Netherlands.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, forthcoming. Van der Pol, Jasper and Frank van Tubergen. 2014 “Inheritance of religiosity among Muslim immigrants in a secular society.” Review of Religious Research, forthcoming. Blommaert, Lieselotte, Marcel Coenders and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. “Ethnic Discrimination in Recruitment and Decision Makers' Features: Evidence from Laboratory Experiment and Survey Data using a Student Sample.” Social Indicators Research, forthcoming. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2014. “Size and Socio-Economic Resources of Core Discussion Networks in the Netherlands: Differences by National Origin Group and Immigrant Generation” Ethnic and Racial Studies, accepted. Van Tubergen, Frank and Milou van Gaans. 2014. Is there an Oppositional Culture among Immigrant Adolescents in the Netherlands?” Youth & Society, forthcoming. Geven, Sara, Jeroen Weesie, and Frank van Tubergen. 2013. “The influence of friends on adolescents’ behavior problems at school: the role of ego, alter and dyadic characteristics.” Social Networks 35: 583-592. Seibel, Verena and Frank van Tubergen. 2013. “Job Search Methods among Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 11(3): 241258. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2013. “Religious Change of New Immigrants in the Netherlands: The Event of Migration.” Social Science Research, 42(3):715-725. Immerzeel, Tim and Frank van Tubergen. 2013. “Religion as Reassurance? Testing the Insecurity Theory in 26 European Countries.” European Sociological Review, 29(2): 359372. Kanas, Agnieszka, Barry Chiswick, Tanja van der Lippe and Frank van Tubergen. 2012. “Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany.” International Migration Review, 46(3): 680-709. Smith, Sanne, Ineke Maas and Frank van Tubergen. 2012. “Irreconcilable differences? Ethnic Intermarriage and Divorce in the Netherlands, 1995-2008.” Social Science Research, 41(5):1126-1137. Blommaert, Lieselotte, Frank van Tubergen, Marcel Coenders. 2012. “Implicit and Explicit Interethnic Attitudes and Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring.” Social Science Research, 41(1):61-73. De Vroome, Thomas, Marcel Coenders, Frank van Tubergen and Maykel Verkuyten. 2011. “Economic Participation and National Self-Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands” International Migration Review, 45:615-638. Van Tubergen, Frank and Menno Wierenga. 2011. “Language Acquisition of Male Immigrants in a Multilingual Destination: Turks and Moroccans in Belgium” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(7) 1039-1057. 2 Martinovic, Borja, Frank van Tubergen and Ineke Maas. 2011. “Acquisition of Cross-Ethnic Friends by Recent Immigrants in Canada: A Longitudinal Approach.” International Migration Review, 45(2): 460-488. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2011. “Job Search Methods of Refugees in the Netherlands: Determinants and Consequences.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 9(2): 179195. Van Tubergen, Frank and Jórunn Iris Sindradóttir. 2011. “The Religiosity of Immigrants in Europe: A Cross-National Study.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(2): 272288. Kanas, Agnieszka, Frank van Tubergen and Tanja van der Lippe. 2011. “The Role of Social Contacts in the Employment Status of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany.” International Sociology, 26(1): 95-122. Van Tubergen, Frank 2010. “Determinants of Second Language Proficiency among Refugees in the Netherlands” Social Forces, 89(2): 515-534. Smits, Fransje, Stijn Ruiter and Frank van Tubergen. 2010. “Religious Practices Among Islamic Immigrants: Moroccan and Turkish Men in Belgium” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 49(2):247-263. De Vroome, Thomas and Frank van Tubergen. 2010. “The Employment Experience of Refugees in the Netherlands.” International Migration Review, 44(2):376-403. Kalmijn, Matthijs and Frank van Tubergen. 2010. “A Comparative Perspective on Intermarriage: Explaining Differences in Marriage Choices among National Origin Groups in the United States.” Demography, 47(2): 459-479. *** IPUMS Research Award, 2010, for best published work *** Van Tubergen, Frank and Anne-Rigt Poortman. 2010. “Adolescent Alcohol Use in the Netherlands: The Role of Ethnicity, Ethnic Intermarriage, and Ethnic School Composition.” Ethnicity and Health, 15(1) 1-13. Stijn Ruiter and Frank van Tubergen. 2009. “Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries.” American Journal of Sociology, 115 (3): 863-895. *** European Academy of Sociology, 2010 prize for best article *** Kanas, Agnieszka and Frank van Tubergen. 2009. “The Impact of Origin- and Host-Country Schooling on the Economic Performance of Immigrants.” Social Forces, 88(2):893-916. Martinovic, Borja, Frank van Tubergen, and Ineke Maas. 2009. “Changes in Immigrants’ Social Integration during the Stay in the Host Country: The Case of Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Social Science Research, 38:870-882. Kanas, Agnieszka, Frank van Tubergen and Tanja van der Lippe. 2009. “Immigrant SelfEmployment: Testing Hypotheses about the Role of Origin- and Host-Country Human Capital and Bonding and Bridging Social Capital.” Work and Occupations, 36:181-208. Martinovic, Borja, Frank van Tubergen and Ineke Maas. 2009 “Dynamics of Interethnic Contact: A Panel Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” European Sociological Review, 25:303-318. Van Tubergen, Frank and Matthijs Kalmijn. 2009. “A Dynamic Approach to the Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency: The United States, 1980-2000.” International Migration Review, 43:519-543. Van Tubergen, Frank and Matthijs Kalmijn. 2009. “Language Use and Proficiency of Immigrants in the Netherlands: Opportunities or Incentives?” European Sociological Review, 25:169-182. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2008. “The Impact of the Partner on the Economic Incorporation of Male and Female Immigrants: Household Specialization or Social Capital?” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial Psychologie (special issue),307-324. 3 Van Tubergen, Frank and Herman van de Werfhorst. 2007. “Postimmigration Investments in Education: A Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Demography, 44: 883-898. Van Tubergen, Frank and Ineke Maas. 2007. “Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants in the Netherlands: An Analysis of Population Data.” Social Science Research, 36: 1065-1086. Van de Werfhorst, Herman and Frank van Tubergen. 2007. “Ethnicity, Schooling and Merit in the Netherlands.” Ethnicities, 7 (3): 416-444. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2007. “Religious Affiliation and Participation among Immigrants in a Secular Society: A Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 33 (5): 747-65. Kalmijn, Matthijs and Frank van Tubergen. 2006. “Ethnic Intermarriage in the Netherlands: Confirmations and Refutations of Accepted Insights.” European Journal of Population, 22:371-97. Van Tubergen, Frank and Wout Ultee. 2006. “Political Incorporation, War and Suicide: The Dutch Paradox?” International Sociology 21:221-36. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “Religious Affiliation and Participation among Immigrants in Eight Western Countries: A Cross-National Study of Individual and Contextual Effects.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45:1-22. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2005. “Self-Employment of Immigrants: A Cross-National Study of 17 Western Societies.” Social Forces 84:709-32. Van Tubergen, Frank, Manfred Te Grotenhuis, and Wout Ultee. 2005. “Denomination, Religious Context, and Suicide: Neo-Durkheimian Multilevel Explanations Tested with Individual and Contextual Data.” American Journal of Sociology 111:797-823. Van Tubergen, Frank and Matthijs Kalmijn. 2005. “Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 110:1412-57. Van Tubergen, Frank, Ineke Maas, and Henk Flap. 2004. “The Economic Incorporation of Immigrants in 18 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects.” American Sociological Review 69:701-24. Dutch Peer Reviewed Publications Van Tubergen, Frank. 2008. “Vooruitgang in de sociologie: regulatieve ideeën en methoden van onderzoek. Sociologie, 4, 437-440. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2007. “Discriminatie allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt: feiten en consequenties.” Migrantenstudies, 23 (1): 51-54. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “De arbeidsmarktpositie van allochtone vrouwen in internationaal vergelijkend perspectief.” Migrantenstudies, 22: 199-218. Van de Werfhorst, Herman and Frank van Tubergen. 2006. “Post-Migratie Scholing van Immigranten in Nederland.” Economisch-Statistische Berichten 91: 208-10. Dolfing, Mirjam and Frank van Tubergen. 2005. “Bensaïdi of Veenstra? Een experimenteel onderzoek naar discriminatie van Marokkanen in Nederland.” Sociologie 1:407-22. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2004. “Grenzen en traagheid: De toekomst van de Nederlandse sociologie ligt elders.” Sociologische Gids 51:545-52. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2003. “Religieuze participatie en geloof van immigranten in Nederland: nieuwe toetsingen van oude theorieën.” Mens & Maatschappij 78: 331-54. Van Tubergen, Frank, and Matthijs Kalmijn. 2002. “Tweede-taalverwerving en taalgebruik onder Turkse en Marokkaanse immigranten in Nederland: investering of gelegenheid?” Migrantenstudies 18: 156-77. Van Tubergen, Frank, Manfred Te Grotenhuis, and Wout Ultee. 2001. “De invloed van religie en godsdienstige samenstelling van gemeenten op de kans op zelfmoord in Nederland.” Mens & Maatschappij 76: 325-41. 4 Van Tubergen, Frank, and Wout Ultee. 2000. “Zelfdodingen onder politieke delinquenten in Nederland 1944-47.” Mens & Maatschappij 75: 176-84. Books / Ph.D. thesis / inaugural lecture Van Tubergen, Frank. 2010. Sociale Netwerken en Integratie. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Inaugural lecture. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. Immigrant Integration: A Cross-National Study. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing. Van Tubergen, Frank and Ineke Maas (eds). 2006. Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2005. The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects. Utrecht: Department of Sociology/ICS (Ph.D. thesis). Contributions to books Muis, Jasper, Jos Philips, Stijn Ruiter, and Frank van Tubergen. 2011. “In hoeverre is ‘naarmate, des te’ nog significant van belang? Een pleidooi voor piketpaaltjes, causaal denken en formalisering in de sociologie.” Pp. 33-48. In: Gerbert Kraaykamp, Mark Levels and Ariana Need (eds.). Problemen en theorieën in onderzoek: Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie. Assen: Van Gorcum. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2011. “Social Stratification, Race and Ethnicity.” In: G. Ritzer, Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Ultee, Wout, Ruud Lijkx, and Frank van Tubergen. 2009. “The Netherlands and World War II, Jews and Suicide.” Pp. 73-92 in: L. Sher and A. Vilens (eds.). War and Suicide. Nova Science Publishers. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “Social Stratification, Race and Ethnicity.” In: G. Ritzer, Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Van Tubergen, Frank and Ineke Maas. 2006. “Inleiding.” Pp. 7-12, in: F. van Tubergen and I. Maas (eds). 2006. Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Maas, Ineke and Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “Jeugdwerkloosheid onder immigranten en autochtonen in vijftien Europese landen, 1992-2001.” Pp. 161-187, in: F. van Tubergen and I. Maas (eds). 2006. Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “Occupational Status of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 17 Western Societies.” Pp. 147-171 in: Immigration and the Transformation of Europe, edited by G. Parsons and T. Smeeding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2006. “Migratiesociologie in Nederland: suggesties voor vooruitgang.” Pp.166-176 in: Balans en toekomst van de sociologie, edited by G. Engbersen en J. de Haan. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications. Ultee, Wout, Frank van Tubergen, and Ruud Luijkx. 2001. “The unwholesome theme of suicide: Forgotten statistics of attempted suicides in Amsterdam and Jewish suicides in the Netherlands for 1936-1943.” Pp. 325-353. In C. Brasz & Y. Kaplan (eds), Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands. Leiden: Brill. Book reviews Sniderman, P.M. & L. Hagendoorn. 2008. “When Ways of Life Collide: Multiculturalism and Its Discontents in the Netherlands.” European Societies, 10: 521-523. 5 Schaafsma, J. 2007. “Ethnic Diversity at Work: Diversity Attitudes and Experiences in Dutch Organisations.” Mens & Maatschappij 82: 305-6. Peeters-Bijlsma, M. 2006. “Duitsers in Nederland: Een onderzoek naar de verandering van de nationale identiteit van Duitse immigranten in Nederland.” Mens & Maatschappij 81:18991. Gijsberts, M. and A. Merens (eds.). 2004. “Emancipatie in estafette.” Mens & Maatschappij 79: 413-15. Kunnen, R. 2002. “Schaken in stijl. De ontwikkeling van schaakstijlen als een proces van sportificatie.” Mens & Maatschappij 77: 384-86. Other publications Van Tubergen, Frank. 2007. “Integratie allochtonen: een kwestie van tijd?” James Coleman Bulletin. Van Tubergen, Frank. 2003. “The Cultural and Economic Position of Immigrants in Comparative Perspective: A Study of Nineteen Western Countries.” Steinmetz Archive Newsletter 20: 10-11. Data collection, data files and codebooks Lubbers, M., M. Gijsberts, M. and F. van Tubergen. (2011). Causes and consequences of early socio-cultural integration processes among new immigrants in Europe (SCIP), wave 1. Kalter, Frank, Anthony F. Heath, Miles Hewstone, Jan O. Jonsson, Matthijs Kalmijn, Irena Kogan, Frank van Tubergen. 2013. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5353 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/cils4eu.5353.1.0.0. Blommaert, L., F. van Tubergen, & M. Coenders. 2010. Laboratory Experiment of Hiring Practices amongst Dutch Students 2010. (Machine readable data set): Utrecht: ICS. Blommaert, L., M. Coenders, & F. van Tubergen. 2011. Internet-based field experiment ethnic discrimination in the Dutch labor market 2011. (Machine readable data set): Utrecht: ICS. Scientific reputation Listed as Highly-Cited Researcher (top 250) worldwide by Thomson Reuters, 2013, in the category “Social Sciences, General”, covering publications from 2001-2010. Preliminary list, final list to appear. INVITED LECTURES AND PRESENTATIONS 2013 “Negative Ties in the Classroom: A Social Network Study of Adolescents in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and England ” KNAW, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 6-7. [invited] 2013 “Negative Ties in the Classroom: A Social Network Study of Adolescents in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and England ” Dag van de Sociologie, Nijmegen, Netherlands, May 30. 2013 “Youth in Europe Survey (YES!)” Conference organized by Nederlandstalig Platform voor Surveyonderzoek, KNAW, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 28. [invited] 2013 “Negative Ties in the Classroom: A Social Network Study of Adolescents in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and England.” Annual meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, May 21-26 2013 in Hamburg, Germany. 6 2012 “Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries: Design and First Results on Social Integration” WZB. 30 May, Berlin, Germany. [invited] 2012 “Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries: Design and First Results on Social Integration” Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory, Higher School of Economics. St. Petersburg, Russia, 5 April. [invited] 2011 “Religious Attendance in 60 Countries: A Multilevel Analysis” European Academy of Sociology, Paris, France, October 21. [invited] 2011 “Inequality in Social Capital in the Netherlands.” Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (CEACS), Juan March Institute, Madrid, June 3 [Invited] 2011 “Ongelijkheid in sociaal kapitaal in Nederland.” IOS Toogdag, Instituties van de Open Samenleving, Utrecht, May 26 [invited]. 2011 “Inequality in Access to Social Capital in the Netherlands.” Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies (AMCIS), Amsterdam, March 3, [invited] 2010 “The Religiosity of Immigrants in Europe: Theory and Findings” International Migration Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 30 June - 3 July [Invited, key note speaker] 2010 “The Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency” Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), Essex, UK, May 10 [Invited]. 2010 “Speaking and Writing Skills of Immigrants in a Multilingual Destination: Turks and Moroccans in Belgium.” Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, March 11 [Invited]. 2008 “Speaking and Writing Skills of Immigrants in a Multilingual Destination: Turks and Moroccans in Belgium.” Department of Sociology, Nijmegen, May 20. [Invited] 2008 “A Dynamic Approach to the Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency: The United States, 1980-2000.” Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany, 6 February. [Invited] 2008 “The Impact of the Partner on the Economic Incorporation of Immigrants: Household Specialization or Social Capital?” Department of Political and Social Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, 14 January. [Invited] 2007 “Alcohol use among second generation immigrants in the Netherlands: The role of social problems and religion” Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 9. 2007 “The Impact of the Partner on the Economic Incorporation of Immigrants: Household Specialization or Social Capital?” Conference on “Migration, Integration and Ethnic Boundaries,” Leipzig, Germany, July 5-8. [Invited] 2007 “Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Test of Rival Theories.” Dag van de Sociologie. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 31. 2007 “A Dynamic Approach to the Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency: The United States, 1980-2000.” Conference on “Immigrants, Language and Education”, University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute. Phoenix, Arizona, US, May 3-5. [Invited] 2006 “Immigrant Integration: Theoretical Progress and Current Controversies.” ICS lustrum symposium. Groningen, The Netherlands, November 10-11. [Invited] 2006 “Post-Immigration Investments in Education” Dag van de Sociologie. Tilburg, The Netherlands, June 8. 2006 “Post-Immigration Investments in Education” Spring meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 11-14. 2006 “Immigrants’ Language Proficiency.” Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Department of Economics, Maastricht University. Maastricht, The Netherlands, March 9. [Invited] 7 2005 “Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries.” Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 18. [Invited] 2005 “Ethnic Intermarriage in the Netherlands: Confirmations and Refutations of Accepted Insights.” Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 6. 2005 “Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries.” Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, Universität Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany, May 31. [Invited] 2005 “Migration and Intermarriage in the Netherlands: An Analysis of Census Data.” Spring meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Oslo, Norway, May 6-8. 2005 “The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects.” Department of Sociology, Utrecht University. Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 26. [Invited] 2005 “The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects.” Department of Sociology, Groningen University. Groningen, The Netherlands, January 20. [Invited] 2004 “Women Migrants in the European Union: A Demographic and Socioeconomic Profile.” EU Ministerial Conference “Diversity and Participation: The Gender Perspective.” Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 5. [Invited] 2004 “Occupational Status of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 17 Western Societies.” Luxembourg Income Study/Syracuse University Conference “Immigration in a Cross-National Perspective: What are the Implications for Europe?”, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 19-23. 2004 “Self-Employment of Immigrants: A Cross-National Study of 17 Western Societies.” Spring meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, May 7-9. 2004 “Self-Employment of Immigrants: A Cross-National Study of 17 Western Societies.” Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 22-23. 2004 “Een landenvergelijkende studie naar de sociaal-culturele en sociaal-economische positie van immigranten: De invloed van herkomst, bestemming en setting” Verkenningscommissie Toekomst Sociologie. The Hague, Netherlands, March 18. [Invited] 2003 “The Economic Performance of Immigrants in 19 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Setting Effects.” Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC), Dutch Ministry of Justice. The Hague, The Netherlands, December 3. [Invited] 2003 “The Economic Performance of Immigrants in 19 Western Societies: Origin, Destination and Setting Effects.” SISWO working group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25. 2003 “Religieuze participatie en geloof van immigranten in Nederland: nieuwe toetsingen van oude theorieën.” Marktdag Sociologie, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 22. 2003 “The Economic Performance of Immigrants in 19 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Setting Effects.” European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER). Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 3. [Invited] 2001 “Een neo-Durkheimiaanse multiniveau programma: de invloed van religie en godsdienstige samenstelling gemeenten op de kans op zelfmoord in Nederland, 193673.” Marktdag Sociologie, Antwerpen, Belgium, May 18. 8 GRANTS 2014 Utrecht University, strategic theme Youth & Identity. Seed money for the project “Show (off) yourself: inter-ethnic relations and ethnic identity of Dutch adolescents in offline and online networks”. (Co-applicant. Principal Investigator: Dr. Rense Corten). Project period: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014. 2013 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Humanities. Funding for project “Immigration and religion in the Netherlands: A dynamic approach to religion in a multi-ethnic society”. One PhD and one Postdoctoral researcher, 5-year period. Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: 1 December 2013 – September 2018. Budget: € 400,000. (Principal Investigator, Coapplicant: Fenella Fleischmann) 2013 King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Funding for research project “Understanding the Factors affecting the lives of Adolescents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Study on Adolescents in the Jeddah Region.” Project period: 2013-2014. (Principal Investigator) 2013 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Longitudinal Studies in Social and Behavioural Sciences. Funding for follow-up waves of the study “The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in the Netherlands.” Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: 2014-2017. (Principal Investigator, Co-Applicant: Dr. Eva Jaspers). Budget: € 245,000. 2013 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Talent Grant (Fully funded PhD project). PhD project “Ethnic segregation of on-line social networks and its relationship to off-line networks and prejudice”. Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: September 2013 - September 2016. Budget: € 168,735. (Principal Investigator) 2013 K.F. Heinfonds. “The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in the Netherlands / Youth In Europe, Wave 3, additional funding”. Project period: January 2013-June 2013. (Principal Investigator, Co-Applicant: Eva Jaspers). Budget: €10,000. 2012 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Medium Investment Subsidy. Project: “The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in the Netherlands, Waves 4 – 6.” Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: 2013-2016. (Principal Investigator, Co-Applicant: Dr. Eva Jaspers). Budget: € 309,000. 2010 DANS KDP (Data Archiving and Networked Services, Small Data Project). Project: “The International File of Immigration Surveys.” Funded by: DANS. Project period: 2010, to be determined. Budget: To be determined. (Principal Investigator) 2009 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), VIDI Vernieuwingsimpuls (Innovational Research Incentives). Project: “Immigrants, Natives and the Occupational Career: Do Social Contacts Matter?” Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: June 2010 – June 2015. Budget: € 800,000. (Principal Investigator) 2009 European Commission, 6th Framework Programme (call NORFACE Transnational Research Programme). “Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in Four European Countries.” (also known as “Youth in Europe Survey”, YES!) Period: September 2009- September 2013. Budget: € 3,800,000. (Co-investigator) 2009 European Commission, 6th Framework Programme (call NORFACE Transnational Research Programme). “Causes and consequences of early socio-cultural integration processes among new immigrants in Europe.” Period: September 2009- September 2013. Budget: € 2,800,000. (Co-investigator) 9 2008 Municipality of Utrecht: Report on Multilingualism in the city of Utrecht. Project period: December 2008 – April 2009. Budget: € 30,979. (Co-investigator) 2005 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), VENI Vernieuwingsimpuls (Innovational Research Incentives). Project: “Immigration and Gender Inequality in the Labour Market.” Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: August 2006 - August 2009. Budget: € 199,945. (Principal Investigator) 2005 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Open Competition MaGW (Fully funded PhD project). Project: “The Social Integration of Immigrants in Western Countries: A Dynamic Perspective.” Funded by: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Project period: February 2006 - February 2010. Budget: € 176,714. (Principal Investigator) 2004 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Travel grant for research visit Nuffield College, University of Oxford. February-March 2004. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Budget: € 1,725. 2004 Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, January 2004 – May 2004 (Principal Investigator). Report on Women Migrants in the European Union. Budget: € 64,465. AWARDS AND HONORS 2011 The Young Academy, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (De Jonge Akademie, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, KNAW)), 20112015. Elected member. 2011 European Academy of Sociology (EAS), 2011-. Elected fellow. 2010 IPUMS-USA Research Award of the Minnesota Population Center, 2010, for best published work (A Comparative Perspective on Intermarriage: Explaining Differences Among National-Origin Groups in the United States, Demography, 2010, 47(2): 459479, with Matthijs Kalmijn). 2010 European Academy of Sociology, 2010 prize for best article. (“Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries”, American Journal of Sociology, 2009, 115(3) 863-895, with Stijn Ruiter) 2007 PhD Thesis Award Dutch Sociological Association, 2007. Two-yearly award in Dutch Sociology (Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging) for the best PhD thesis. 2006 Johannes Cornelis Ruigrok Award 2006. Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities). Best innovative research in Dutch Social Sciences (< five years after PhD); awarded once in four year to social scientist. € 12,000. EDITORIAL AND REVIEWER ACTIVITIES Editorial Activities Editorial board, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (2012-2013) Advisory editor, Social Problems (2011 - 2013) Consulting editor, American Journal of Sociology (2009 - 2011) Editorial board Migrantenstudies (2006 - 2007) 10 Peer reviewer scientific journals American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, British Journal of Social Psychology, European Sociological Review, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Regional Studies, Migrantenstudies, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial Psychologie, Regional Studies, Social Forces, Social Problems, Social Science and Medicine, Social Science Quarterly, Social Science Research, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Religion, The Sociological Quarterly, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, Youth & Society. Peer reviewer international: recruitments, projects and book proposals Czech Science Foundation. Evaluation of Project Proposal, 2012. Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Review of a recruitment of Assistant Professor, Institute of European and American Studies, 2012. British Academy, British Academy Research Development Awards, 2010 Routledge, reviewer Book Proposal, 2008. UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Research Grants, 2007. Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Individual Research Grants, 2007 Peer reviewer national: recruitment, project and book proposals Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Science (NIAS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2012. NIAS Fellowship, 2012-2014. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), VIDI Innovative Research Incentives, MaGW, 2008. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Open Programme, MaGW, 2007. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Medium Sized Investments, Council of the Humanities, 2007. Ph.D. Dissertation defenses / manuscript committee Roza Meuleman (Utrecht, 2014), Dominik Morbitzer (Utrecht, 2013), Anke Munniksma (Groningen, 2012), Mieke Maliepaard (Utrecht, 2012, chair committee), Doreen Huschek (Amsterdam, 2011), Tobias Stark (Groningen, 2011), Miranda Vervoort (Utrecht, 2011), Fenella Fleischmann (Utrecht, 2011), Willem Huijnk (Utrecht, 2011), Richard Zijdeman (Utrecht, 2010), Jochem Tolsma (Nijmegen, 2009) ADVISORY ACTIVITIES International Scientific evaluation of the “Policy Research Center Equal Opportunities (PRCEO)” for the Flemish Government, Department of Economy, Science and Innovation, Belgium, 2011. National: Utrecht University 11 Chair selection committee for the position as “Assistant Professor”, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, 2013. Member selection committee for the position as “Professor of Sociology and Institutions”, Strategic Theme ‘Institutions’, Utrecht University, 2013. Management Team, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, 2013-. Member Board of Studies Graduate School, Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, 2013Member committee on advice for research funding of the departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, 2011-2012. Member selection committee for the position as “Full Professor of Theoretical Sociology” at the Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, 2011. Member examination committee Bachelor Degree, Department of Sociology, 2008Member educational committee, Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, 2008Member selection committee for two positions as “Associate Professor” at the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences/ERCOMER, Utrecht University, 2008. National: other Member of Jury KNAW [Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences] Merian Award 2013, for best female professor in the Netherlands. Chair of the James Coleman Association (ICS graduate school), 2013-. Member of the board of the James Coleman Association (ICS), 2012-2013. Chair advisory board research on “Integration of Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands,” Ministry of Justice and WODC, 2012-2013. Chair advisory board research on “Return migrations refugees,” Ministry of Justice and WODC, 2011-2012. Member of Jury KNAW [Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences] Onderwijsprijs [award for best thesis high school pupils] 2012. Member of advisory board “Determinanten van sociaal vertrouwen [determinants of social trust].” Ministry of internal affairs, 2011-2012. Member of advisory board “Review Open Programme, MaGW, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)”, 2008. Member of advisory board “Netherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Survey (NELLS)” 20072011. Member of advisory board “Longitudinal research on the social and economic incorporation of invited refugees in the Netherlands”, Ministry of Justice and WODC, 2006-2008. ORGANISATIONAL ACTIVITIES Ambassador Youth & Identity, Strategic Theme Utrecht University. 2012Chair and Organizer James Coleman Symposium “Internet, Big Data and Computational Social Science”, Utrecht, April 13, 2013 (with Ronald Batenburg). Chair session Migration and Integration, Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht, November 9, 2011. Co-organizer and chair seminar Migration and Social Stratification, Department of Sociology (with Ineke Maas), 2008-. Organizer and chair sessions on “Migration,” Dag van de Sociologie, Groningen, June 10, 2010. 12 Organizer and chair sessions on “Migration,” Dag van de Sociologie, Amsterdam, June 11, 2009. Co-organizer and chair session on “Cohortstudies”, CBS/WODC conference on “Immigrants and Integration,” Leiden, The Netherlands, May 24, 2009. Co-organizer and chair session on “Geographical mobility”, Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 9, 2007. Co-organizer and chair session on “Migrants and Ethnicity”, Spring meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 11-14, 2006. Co-organizer Ercomer lectures on Migration and Ethnic Relations, 2005-2007. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION International Cooperation Collaboration with Dr. Nazmun Ratna, Lecturer in Economics, Lincoln University, New Zealand. Research on adolescents and social networks. 2013-. Collaboration with Prof. Al-Ghamdi, Prof. Al-Modaf and Dr. Kobeisy, Center of Social and Humanities Research, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia. March 2013-. Research on adolescents and social networks. NORFACE Transnational Research Programme. Data collection “Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in Four European Countries.” Period: September 2009- September 2013. Co-investigators: Prof. Kalter, Prof. Kogan, Prof. Kronenberg (Germany), Prof. Heath, Prof. Hewstone (UK), Prof. Jonnson, Dr. Rudolphi (Sweden), Prof. Kalmijn, DFr. Jaspers (Netherlands). Research on the life-courses of adolescents. NORFACE Transnational Research Programme. Data collection “Causes and consequences of early socio-cultural integration processes among new immigrants in Europe.” Period: September 2009- September 2013. Co-investigators: Prof. Diehl, Prof. Koenig, Prof. Kristen (Germany), Prof. Platt, Dr. Luthra, Dr. Güveli, (UK), Dr. Muhlau, Dr. McGinnity (Ireland), Dr. Lubbers, Dr. Gijsberts (Netherlands). Research on recently arrived immigrants. Member international research team on “Ethnic educational inequality in a comparative perspective,” EQUALSOC Network, coordinated by Prof. A. Heath and Dr. Y. Brinbaum (2006-2010). Member of “Trans-Atlantic Graduate Exchange Program: Race, Ethnicity and Migration Studies” (REMS), 2006-2009. Visiting and Adjunct Positions Distinguished Adjunct Professor, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), 2013 -. Collaboration with the Center of Social and Humanities Research, KAU. Research visits abroad Nuffield College, Oxford University, United Kingdom. February-March 2004. Host: Prof. dr. A. Heath. Host guests from the Netherlands and abroad 2013 Hanno Kruse (PhD student, MZES, Mannheim University, Germany), 1 – 10 April. 2013 Nazmun Ratna (Lecturer in Economics, Lincoln University, New Zealand), 1 - 30 April. 2010 Elisa Martini (Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Bologna, Italy), March – June. 13 2009 Ted Mouw (Associate Professor of Sociology, University of North-Carolina, ChapelHill, United States), August - December. 2008 Menno Wierenga (BA student), Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands. 11 February – 1 July. 2007 Alberto Alvarez de Sotomayor (PhD candidate in Sociology), Institute for Advanced Social Studies of Andalusia, Cordoba, Spain. 1 September – 31 October. Membership / fellowship De Jonge Akademie, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) (The Young Academy, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), 2011-2015. (elected) European Academy of Sociology (EAS), 2011-. (elected) Interuniversity Center for Social Sciency Theory and Methodology (ICS), 2000European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER), 2005International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), 2011Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), 2010Netherlands Sociological Association (NSV) Research group Social Inequality and the Life Course (ISOL) James Coleman Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility of the International Sociological Association (RC-28) Population Association of America (PAA) American Sociological Association (ASA) SUPERVISION OF Ph.D., MASTER AND BACHELOR THESES Ph.D. projects, completed Thomas de Vroome, “Labor Market Participation and Ethnic Identity” (2009-2013) supervised with dr. M. Coenders and Prof. dr. M. Verkuyten. Funded by Gak. Thesis defence: 13 September 2013. Currently employed as: Assistant Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium. Lieselotte Blommaert, “Are Joris en Renske more employable than Rashid and Samira? A study on the prevalence and sources of ethnic discrimination in recruitment in the Netherlands using experimental and survey data.” (2008-2013) supervised with dr. M. Coenders. Daily supervisor. Thesis defence: 10 June 2013. Currently employed as: Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands. Agnieszka Kanas, “The Economic Performance of Immigrants: The Role of Human and Social Capital” (2006-2010), supervised with Prof. dr. ir. T. van der Lippe. Daily supervisor. Thesis defended: 28 June 2011. Currently employed as: Assistant Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands. Borja Martinovic, “Interethnic Contacts: A Dynamic Analysis of Interaction between Immigrants and Natives in Western Countries.” (2005-2010), supervised with dr. I. Maas and Prof. dr. H. Flap. Funded by NWO. Daily supervisor. Thesis defended: 10 September 2010. Currently employed as: Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands. Ph.D. projects, running Bas Hofstra, “On-line and off-line social networks” (2013-2016). Funded by NWO (Talent Grant). Daily supervisor. Manja Coopmans. (2013-2016). “National Commemoration and Celebration.” Funded by Committee 4/5 May. 14 Sara Geven, “Social Networks and Ethnic Inequality” (2011-2015). Funded by NWO (VIDI). Daily supervisor. Christoph Spörlein. “Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: From the Choice of Destination to Economic and Social Integration” (2011-2014) with Prof. dr. E. Schlüter. Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Science, Cologne, Germany. External supervisor. Sanne Smith, “A Cross-National Study of Interethnic Contacts: Multiple Groups in Multiple Contexts.” (2010-2014) with prof. dr. I. Maas. Funded by NWO (VIDI). Daily supervisor. M.A. Theses Research Master “Sociology and Social Research” Jasper van de Pol (2012) “Religious transmission among Muslims.” Review of Religious Research, accepted. Tessel Mentjox (2012) "Minority Language Proficiency of Adolescent Immigrant Children in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden" Under review. Verena Seibel (2011). “Determinants of job search methods among immigrants in the Netherlands.” Published in Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. Christoph Spörlein (2011). “The economic incorporation of immigrants in Western and nonWestern societies.” *** Vliegenthart best master thesis Utrecht University, honorary citation. *** Under review. Tim Immerzeel (2010). “Religion as reassurance? Testing the insecurity theory in 29 European countries” Published in European Sociological Review. Sanne Smith (2010). “Irreconcilable differences? Ethnic intermarriage and divorce in the Netherlands, 1995-2008” Published in Social Science Research.. Jolanda Asmoredjo (2008). “Educational sibling similarities across ethnic groups: the importance of family in the education of immigrant children.” Agnieszka Kanas (2006). “Social capital and economic performance of immigrants” Published in Social Forces. M.A. Theses Research Master “Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism” Sean de Hoon (2012) "The Religiosity of Immigrant and Native Adolescents in England, Germany and the Netherlands: The Role of Parents and Peers in Class" Published in European Sociological Review. Paulien Schimmer (2012) “Transnationalism and Ethnic Identification among Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and Sweden”. Published in International Migration Review. Viktor Emonds (2011). “Mixed parents, mixed results: Testing the effects of cross-nativity partnership on children’s educational attainment.” Under review. Hannah de Klerk (2011). “Depression and anxiety among refugees in the Netherlands: How can we explain the high prevalence rates? Jórunn Sindradóttir (2010). “The religiosity of immigrants in Europe: A cross-national study.” Published in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Milou van Gaans (2010). “Testing and extending the oppositional culture theory in the Netherlands.” Published in Youth & Society. Özge Bilgili (2009). “The educational achievement of immigrant children: does parents’ relative education play a role?” Thomas de Vroome (2009). “The employment experience of refugees in the Netherlands.” Published in International Migration Review. M.A. Theses Academic Master 15 Jauke Lodder (2011), Hanane El Akili (2008), Franciska Bronkhof (2005), Jessica de Koning (2005), Mirjam Dolfing (2005, published in Sociologie), Dorien de Graaf (2005), Luzmary Eleneora (2004), Marieke Kattier (2003). Bachelor Theses Marieke Bos (2008), Thomas Klijnstra (2007), David Romijn (2007), Jennike Koorn (2006), Franciska Bronkhof (2004), Luzmary Eleneora (2003), Marieke Kattier (2002) TEACHING * Nominated as top-3 best teacher, Department of Sociology (elected by sociology students, 2013) * Senior qualification teaching (2011) * Best young teacher of the Department of Sociology (elected by sociology students, 2007) PhD level ICS course on the integration of theory and empirical research ‘Starting the Project: The First Paper’ (coordinator and lecturer). 2008Research Master “Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism” (MERM) MERM 1: International Migration & Immigrant Incorporation (coordinator and lecturer). 2005-2008 MERM 4: Research Practicum 1 (coordinator and lecturer). 2005-2008 MERM 6: Immigrant Integration: Inequality and Cohesion (coordinator and lecturer). 2008Research Master “Sociology and Social Research” (SASR) SASR 2: Applications of Social Theory: Stratification and Households (lecturer). 2004SASR 4: Research Practicum 1 (lecturer). 2004-2010 SASR 5: Social Networks and Social Capital (coordinator and lecturer). 2012SASR 6: Field orientation and Skills (coordinator and lecturer). 2007-2011 SASR 12: Master’s Thesis Sociology and Social Research (coordinator). 2007-2009 SASR: Tutorship (coordinator). 2004-2005, 2009-2010 Academic Master “Vraagstukken van Beleid en Organisatie” Coordinator Master Social Policy and Organisations (2013-) Bachelor Sociology Introduction to Sociology (coordinator and lecturer). 2001-2005, 2010Migration & Integration (lecturer). 2006-2008 Societal Problems and Sociological Questions (coordinator and lecturer). 2004-2006 Summer School / workshops / guest lectures Workshop for PhD students “Migration and Inequality”, Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology, Vienna, Austria 8-12 July 2013. Workshop for PhD students “Ethnic inequalities in comparative perspective,” International Summer School “Global Crisis, Welfare Responses and Social Inequalities,” Department of Sociology and Political Science, Turin (Italy), September 13, 2010. 16 Coordinator and lecturer of two-week summer programme “Migration, Integration and Ethnic Relations.” (with Marcel Coenders, Marcel Lubbers and Edwin Poppe). Utrecht Summer School, 2007-2013. Workshop on Advanced Multilevel Modelling. ESCR Oxford Spring School in Quantitative Methods for Social Research. Oxford, United Kingdom, 30 March, 2007. Guest lectures on Ethnic prejudice & discrimination, Bachelor Sociology, Nijmegen University, 2008, 2009. Guest lecture on Social Networks, Leerkring Publiek Management: Managen van Publieke Samenwerking (Public Management Research), 2012. MEDIA PRESENCE (INTERVIEWS OR CITED IN MEDIA), PUBLIC OUTREACH, PUBLIC LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS FOR GENERAL PUBLIC Public lecture 2014. “De Angstmens en zijn Vijanden: Feiten en Fabels over de Integratie van Allochtonen in Nederland.” Alumni netwerk Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht. Utrecht, 16-12014. Kennislink. 2013. “Als socioloog kijk ik heel nuchter naar feiten en oorzaken.” Kenniscolumn, 17 December 2013. Universiteit Utrecht. 2013. Filmpje Speerpunt Youth & Identity. Publication for general public “De angstmens en zijn vijanden: Feiten en fabels over de integratie in Nederland.” Frank van Tubergen. In: Gerard van Stralen en René Gude (ed.). … En denken! Bildung voor leraren. 2012. ISVW Uitgevers, Leusden. p.187-194. Publication for general public “Waarom zijn Amerikanen zo religieus? Over religie en onzekerheid.”, 14 May, 2012. Public lecture “De Angstmens en zijn Vijanden: Feiten en Fabels over Integratie.” Dominicuskerk, 13 May, 2012, Utrecht. Public lecture “Sociologie, data en replicatie.” KNAW Seminar “Praktijken omtrent het delen van onderzoeksgegevens.” KNAW, Amsterdam, 12 December, 2011. NRC Handelsblad, 5/6-2-2011, “Doctorandus maar ook haji.” Interview/research cited. De Jonge Akademie (KNAW) “Brief introduction to research”, March 17, 2011 []. Public lecture “Sociale Netwerken en Integratie.” Inaugural lecture, Utrecht, June 11, 2010. Kennislink, 2010, “cultuur groter obstakel voor interetnisch contact dan ras.” Interview/research cited. De Volkskrant, 11-06-2010, “Allochtoon heeft slechtere baan en slechter salaris” Interview/research cited. De Telegraaf, De Pers, De Gelderlander, Leeuwarder Courant, Brabants Dagblad, De Twentse Courant Tubantia, 11-06-2010, “Netwerken verklaren achterstand minderheden” Interview/research cited. Het Financieele Dagblad, 10-06-2010, “Allochtone carrièremakers slachtoffer van discriminatie en gebrek aan vaardigheden.” Interview/research cited. NRC Handelsblad, 22-10-2009, “Onzekere tijden maken de mensen kerkelijker.” Interview/research cited. NRC Next, 28-9-2009, “Gemengd huwelijk moet van twee kanten komen” Interview/research cited. Kennislink, 30-6-2009, “Immigrant verzamelt autochtone vriend (maar heel langzaam)” Interview/research cited. Sociologie Magazine, 2009. Interview/research cited. NRC Handelsblad, 29/30-3-2008, “Denkend aan Holland” Interview/research cited. 17 Facta, 14, December 2008, “Sociologie in de Domstad” Interview/research cited. Public lecture “Integratie allochtonen: Vragen, Theorieën, Bevindingen”. Docentendag Maatschappijleer. Zwolle, 15 February. Public lecture “Integratie allochtonen in landenvergelijkend perspectief.” Lecture Studium Generale. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 28 November, 2007. NRC Handelsblad, 23-10-2007, “Laag drankgebruik op zwarte school” Interview/research cited. Public lecture “Sociologie en integratie: Vragen, uitspraken en bevindingen.” Reünistenvereniging Sociologie. Nijmegen, The Netherlands, October 7, 2006. Elsevier, 19-3-2005, “Somber migratiesaldo.” Interview/research cited. Kamerkrant: voor ondernemend Utrecht, 2-3-2005, “Liever christelijke werknemers” Interview/research cited Trouw, 14-2-2005, “Werkgevers, help allochtonen aan het werk” Interview/research cited. De Gelderlander, 12-2-2005, “Migranten.” Interview/research cited. Het Financieele Dagblad, 11-2-2005, “Ondernemers: liefst blanke werknemers.” Interview/research cited. De Wereldomroep, 13-3-2005, radio interview. Utrechts Nieuwsblad/Amersfoortse Courant, 12-2-2005, “Discriminatie bestaat” Interview/research cited. Trouw, 9-2-2005, “Verdonk op matje na bewijs discriminatie.” Interview/research cited. Trouw, 8-2-2005, “Voorkeur voor christelijke werknemers”. Interview/research cited. De Volkskrant, 5-2-2005, “Allochtonen doen het overal ongeveer hetzelfde” Interview/research cited. Publication for general public: Women Migrants in the European Union: A Demographic and Socioeconomic Profile. 2004. Frank van Tubergen and Ineke Maas. Report. The Hague: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Trouw, 8-3-2002, “De eeuwige angst voor uitsluiting.” Interview/research cited. Trouw, 16-2-2002, “De gevaarlijke verleiding van de zelfgekozen dood.” Interview/research cited. De Gelderlander, 30-1-2002, “Fascinatie voor zelfmoord.” Interview/research cited. Leeuwarder Courant, 18-1-2002, “Kerkse regio drukt aantal zelfdodingen.” Interview/research cited. De Gelderlander, 17-1-2002, “De vrees die joden en NSB’ers deelden.” Interview/research cited. 18
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