Peter Caspers - European Medicines Agency

Curriculum Vitae
Peter Caspers
June 1988–March 1991
Apotheek Lamberts IJsselstein, (Netherlands)
Managing a local, public pharmacy
April 1991–October 1999
Apotheek Montfoort, Montfoort, (Netherlands)
Managing a local, public pharmacy
October 1999–May 2011
Pharmaceutical assessor
RIVM, Bilthoven, (Netherlands)
Assessment of the chemical-pharmaceutical sections of drug product application dossiers,
Research on behalf of the Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate
June 2011–Present
Pharmaceutical assessor
Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board, (Netherlands)
Assessment of the chemical-pharmaceutical sections of drug product application dossiers
September 1980–May 1988
Msc Mathematics and Physics, Pharmacy; pharmacist
University of Utrecht, (Netherlands)
Pharmaceutics, pharmacotherapeutics
Multivariate data analysis
Near-Infrared spectroscopy
Process analytical technology
Therapeutical equivalence
Inhalation products
Specific dosage forms
Public pharmacy
Drug eluting stents and ballooncatheters
Vredenbregt MJ, Caspers PWJ, Hoogerbrugge R, Barends D; Choice and validation of a near infrared
spectroscopic application for the identity control of starting materials; practical experience with the EU
draft Note for Guidance on the use of near infrared spectroscopy by the pharmaceutical industry an
the data to be forwarded in part II of the dossier for a marketing authorization, European Journal of
Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 56 (2003) 489-499.
Caspers PWJ, E.K. de Rooij-Lamme, D de Kaste. Semi-industrial manufacture of drug products in
Dutch pharmacies. Quality and legitimacy. RIVM rapport 267021001/2005
Matthijs L. Becker, Peter W. J. Caspers, Marjon Kallewaard, Riekert J. Bruinink, Nico B. Kylstra, Siem
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Curriculum Vitae
Peter Caspers
Heisterkamp, Vincent de Valk, Andre´ A. van der Veen, Bruno H. Ch. Stricker.. Determinants of
potential drug-drug interaction associated dispensing in community pharmacies in the Netherlands.
Pharm World Sci (2007) 29:51-57
Hadassa Jochemsen, Ronald Gijsen, Peter Caspers. Off-label voorschrijven: medisch handelen en
motieven van huisartsen. Huisarts en Wetenschap 50(5) mei 2007.
R Gijsen, H Jochemsen, L van Dijk, P Caspers. Frequency of ill-founded off-label prescribing in Dutch
general practice. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2008;17:1-8
Caspers PWJ, Gijsen R, Blokstra A. Off-label gebruik van geneesmiddelen. RIVM rapport
OMCL Annual meeting 13 – 17 May 2002, Bilthoven, the Netherlands :’Verification of the identity of
pharmaceutical substances with near-infrared spectroscopy’.
VfA Workshop Process Analytical Technologies, ACHEMA – Frankfurt a/M 19 May 2003:
‘CPMP/QWP Note for Guidance on NIRS’
Process Analytical Technology, IQPC Conference, 23-24 June 2004, London,” Understanding the
implications and future direction of the EMEA/CPMP Note for Guidance on NIRS”.
Stability Testing Summit, Vision in Business, London 29-30 November 2004: ‘Developing ICH
compliant stability protocols: a national authorities perspective’.
European Registration Authorities Requirements for NIR Applications, Concept Heidelberg, 13-14
September 2005.
PAT and the regulatory authorities. PAT Seminar. NL/BE Pat Forum. Oss, 29th September 2006
Biowaivers and dissolution testing for specific product types. HMA Assessor’s training Prague 19-20
April 2012
Other Relevant Information
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