Short CV Casper van Ewijk

Short CV Casper van Ewijk
Casper van Ewijk (1953) is professor in economics at the University of Amsterdam and
director of Netspar, the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement
( Until October 2013 he was deputy director of CPB Netherlands Bureau for
Economic Policy Research.
Research areas
Director Netspar Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and
Retirement, Tilburg, 2013 - present.
Professor in economics, University of Amsterdam, 1992-present
Professor in economics, University of Tilburg, 2013 - present.
Deputy-director CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy
Research, 1998-2013.
Vice-dean, Faculty of Economics, University of Amsterdam,
Macroeconomics, ageing, pensions
Recent professional activities (2013)
Member advisory board Dutch Health Authority (Nederlandse
Zorg Autoriteit, Nza)
Member Social Economic Council (plv. kroonlid SER)
Steering committee, ENEPRI (European Network of Economic
Policy Research Institutes)
Member Advisorary Commissie UFR for Ministry of Social
Affairs, 2013
Editor, De Economist