www.labomat.eu PFUND CRYPTOMETER PFUND CRYPTOMETER 20/60° 20/60° ••20/60/85° 20/60/85° BRILLANCEMETRE GLOSSMETER MESURE DOI METERDU DOI HAZEMETRE HAZE METER WetDekkracht film hidingnatte powerfilm GONIOPHOTOMETER GONIOPHOTOMETRE WetSpreidingskracht film spreading power natte film RhopointRhopoint Instruments Limited Limited Instruments is a member of the of the is a member Rhopoint GroupGroup Rhopoint PFUND CRYPTOMETER De PAINTLAB+ Cryptometer van Rhopoint Instruments werd ontworpen om een eenvoudige en snelle subjectieve testmethode uit te voeren voor het bepalen van opaciteit in termen van dek- en spreidingskracht. Dit is vereist door sommige productspecificaties en nationale testmethoden die de beperkingen aanvaarden dat het de natte film, en niet de droge coating, is die gemeten wordt. De dek- en spreidingskracht van gepigmenteerde coatings zijn van fundamenteel belang en er zijn veel methoden om de opaciteit van een coating te meten. EIGENSCHAPPEN De Rhopoint PAINTLAB+ Cryptometer is een wig type filmapplicator die de natte dekkracht van een coating in een paar minuten bepaalt. Eenvoudig en nauwkeurig testen van natte film dekkracht Bepaalt de nodige dikte voor complete opaciteit Geeft een schatting van dekking in m² per liter Geschikt voor gebruik met coatings die pigmenten bevatten Ideale keuze voor kwaliteitscontrole Wanneer een donker gekleurde verf getest moet worden, wordt de bovenplaat (bv. K= .004) gebruikt en wordt de schaal op het witte vlak afgelezen. De verfdikte in mm over de zwart en witte scheiding wordt bekomen door de schaallezing te vermenigvuldigen met het aantal keren dat de wig constante K van de bovenplaat gebruikt is. Dit cijfer registreert de minimale laagdikte die nodig is om het zwart en wit te verdoezelen. De dekking of spreidingskracht voor deze dikte kan rechtstreeks bekomen worden via onderstaande conversietabellen voor elk van de bovenplaten. CONVERSIETABELLEN D E S I G N V/H T O E S T E L Het toestel bestaat uit een glasplaat, half zwart, half wit, zoals de basis. Iedere helft van deze basis heeft een gegraveerde schaal van 0-50 mm aan één zijde, te beginnen aan de verdeling in het midden. Bij elk toestel zijn er twee glazen bovenplaten inbegrepen en deze hebben twee metalen houders aan één uiteinde zodat deze transparante bovenplaten op een hoek rusten wanneer deze op het zwarte en witte vlak van de basisplaat geplaatst worden. Dekking in m²/l K = .004 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 2 3 4 25 12.5 8.33 6.24 22.7 11.9 8.05 6.08 20.6 11.3 7.8 5.94 19.2 10.9 7.55 5.8 17.8 10.4 7.3 5.66 5 50.0 16.6 10.0 6 41.6 15.6 9.6 7 8 35.6 31.6 14.7 13.9 9.25 8.9 9 27.7 13.1 8.6 7.1 5.55 6.92 5.42 6.74 6.66 5.3 5.2 6.4 5.1 K = .008 De bovenplaten verschillen in de lengte van hun kleine houders zodat er verschillende hoeken gevormd worden tussen de bovenplaten en de basisplaat. Er wordt aan iedere bovenplaat een wig hoek constante (K) gegeven. De hoeken variëren van K= .002, naar K= .0035, K= .004, K= .007 tot de grootste hoek K=.008. De meest populaire constanten zijn : K= .004 en K= .008. 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12.5 6.24 4.16 3.12 11.3 5.94 4.02 3.04 10.4 5.66 3.9 2.96 9.6 5.42 3.77 2.9 8.9 5.2 3.65 2.84 25.0 8.33 5.0 3.55 2.78 20.6 7.8 4.8 3.45 2.71 17.8 7.3 4.63 3.36 2.65 15.6 6.92 4.47 3.28 2.59 13.9 6.66 4.3 3.2 2.55 0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 45.3 23.8 16.1 12.2 2 41.6 22.7 15.6 11.9 3 49.9 25.0 16.7 12.5 38.4 21.7 15.1 11.6 35.6 20.8 14.7 11.4 33.3 19.9 14.2 11.1 31.9 19.2 13.8 10.9 29.3 18.4 13.5 10.6 27.7 17.8 13.1 10.4 26.3 17.2 12.8 10.2 4 5 K = .002 GEBRUIKSWIJZE U kiest de geschikte bovenplaat voor de te testen verf, gewoonlijk K=.008 voor licht gekleurde verf en K= .004 voor donker gekleurde verf. (Ofwel, K= 0.002 voor hogere opaciteitscoatings en K= 0.007 voor minder opaque coatings). Er wordt zo’n 3-5 ml verf in het midden van de basisplaat geplaatst, dicht bij de zwart/wit verdeling. Voor lichte kleuren wordt de bovenplaat (bv. K= .008) over de verf geplaatst met de houders op het witte vlak van de tegel. De bovenplaat wordt stevig naar beneden gedrukt zodat de verf zich zonder luchtbellen verspreidt om een ondiepe wig tussen de platen te vormen. Deze wig zal meebewegen met de bovenplaat, waarvan de positie wordt aangepast tot het moment dat de zwart/witte scheiding verdwijnt. U noteert de schaallezing van de zwarte schaal waar de rand van de bovenplaat contact maakt met de basisplaat. 0 10 20 30 40 K = .0035 1 0 2 3 0 - - - - 10 20 30 40 28.6 14.3 9.5 7.1 25.9 13.6 9.2 6.9 23.8 12.9 8.9 6.8 21.9 12.4 8.7 6.6 - 57.1 20.4 19.0 11.9 11.4 8.4 8.1 6.5 6 7 8 9 47.4 17.8 11.0 7.9 40.8 16.7 10.6 7.7 35.6 15.8 10.2 7.5 31.6 15.0 9.9 7.3 PFUND CRYPTOMETER PFUND CRYPTOMETER PFUND CRYPTOMETERII NN SSIITTNNRRSSUUTTMMRR UUEE NNMMTTEE NNSS PPTT EESSCCPPII EEFF CCII CCII FFAAIITTCCII AAOOTTNNII OO NN PFUND CRYPTOMETER I I Operation Operation y Operation y Full easy colour easy to read screen Operation yy PS E C I F I C A T I E Sy Full A C C E S S O I R E S colour to read screen S P E C I F I C A TSI E A C C E S S O I R E S Full easy colour read screen Adjustable brightness y Adjustable Full yycolour toeasy readto screen yy y brightness yy Adjustable brightness SPECIFICATIES C E Ssensitive SO I R interface ES 6Cbutton touch sensitive yy A Adjustable brightness 6 button touch interface y yOperation 6 button touch sensitiveInbegrepen interface : yOperation 6 button touch Bestelinformatie : y Bestelinformatie : Inbegrepen : sensitive interface Construction yConstruction Full easy colour easy to read screen Construction y Full colour to read screen y Operation y Calibration tile with certificate yy Adjustable All construction – enclosure, Included: Bestelinformatie : Inbegrepen :with Ordering information: Operation brightness y Calibration tilealuminium certificate yyConstruction All aluminium construction – enclosure, optics, optics, Adjustable brightness y standard All aluminium construction – enclosure, optics, Conformiteitscertificaat Artikel Omschrijving y Full colour easy to read screen Conformiteitscertificaat holder y y All aluminium construction – enclosure, optics, Artikel Omschrijving y USB data cable y Full colour easy to read screen y cable 6 button touch sensitive interface holdersensitive y USB y y standard 6data button touch interface standard holder y yArtikel Adjustable brightness y Integrated calibration holder with in position detector for Certificate of conformity standard holder y Adjustable brightness y Mini CD y Conformiteitscertificaat Integrated calibration holder holder with inwith position detector for Part No. Description Omschrijving y y Mini CD y Integrated calibration in position detector for Construction RL-A-M50-CRYPTO4/8 Cryptometer en Slide 4 en 8 y 6 button touch sensitive interface error free calibration RL-A-M50-CRYPTO4/8 Cryptometer en Slide 4 en 8 yConstruction Integrated calibration manual holder with in position detector for y 6 button touch sensitive interface error free calibration y Instruction error free calibration y Instruction manual y free All calibration aluminium construction y error All aluminium construction –E enclosure, O P T IROoptics, NELE EXTR RL-A-M50-CRYPTO4/8 Cryptometer Slide RL-A-M50-CRYPTO4/8 Cryptometer enand Slide 4 en48and 8 OenBluetooth P TBluetooth O Napp E Lapp E– enclosure, X optics, A’S Construction Measurement ystandard data RL-A-M50-CRYPTO2/7 Slide 2I en 7holder Construction Measurement RL-A-M50-CRYPTO2/7 Cryptometer en Slide 2 en 7 Cryptometer y data standard holder Measurement y All aluminium construction – enclosure, yy button button push toEholder measure allTparameters y O P TExample Icalibration O Ncalibration Lspreadsheets Xposition A’Sdetector ySingle Excel y All aluminium construction – enclosure, optics, optics, Integrated inR position for yyMeasurement push toE measure allEparameters RL-A-M50-CRYPTO2/7 Cryptometer Slide ySingle Example Excel spreadsheets Integrated holder inwith detector for RL-A-M50-CRYPTO2/7 Cryptometer enand Slide 2 en27and 7 y button Single button push to with measure all parameters standard holder y Fast measurement y Single push to measure all parameters standard holder error free calibration y Fast measurement y Instructional videos RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE2 Slidey 2 Instructional UKAS / ISO 17025 calibratiecertificaat Slidein2position detector for erroryy free calibration / ISO 17025 calibratiecertificaat Fast measurement videos yRL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE2 Integrated calibration Results batching with user definable yy UKAS Fast measurement y Integrated calibration holder holder with inwith position detector for Results batching with user definable names names y Results batching with user definable FRE RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE2 Slide 2 Measurement y UKAS / ISO 17025 calibration certificate RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE2 Slide 2 error free calibration UKAS / ISO 17025 calibratiecertificaat y Results batching with user definable names names Measurement RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE3.5 Slide 3.5 errorRL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE3.5 free calibration Slide 3.5 FRE Statistical Analysis y Single button push to measure all parameters Statistical Analysis yStatistical Single button push to measure all parameters Statistical Analysis FRE Measurement RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE3.5 RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE4 Slide3.5 3.5 y Max, min, mean, SD Analysis RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE3.5 Slide Measurement y Fast measurement y Max, min, mean, SD Slide 4 y Fastymeasurement RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE4 Slide 4 FRE Max, min, SD mean, SD y Single button push to measure all parameters y All measured parameters y Max, min, mean, y SingleRL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE4 button push to measure all parameters yy Results batching with user definable names yy All measured parameters Gu Results batching with user definable names Slide 4 All measured parameters Slide 4 yRL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE7 Fast measurement parameters FRE RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE7 Slide 7 y All measured y FastRL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE4 measurement Gu Slide 7 Graphical Analysis Statistical Analysis Graphical Analysis y Results batching with user definable names Statistical Analysis y Results batching with user definable names Graphical Analysis RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE7 Slide 7 FREE EXTENDED WARRANTY y On board trend analysis Graphical Analysis CA RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE7 RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE8 Slide 7 FREE EXTENDED WARRANTY FRE yy min, Max, min,analysis mean, SD On board Slide 8 yy Max, RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE8 Slide 8 mean, SD On trend board trend analysis CA Statistical Analysis yy and Gloss and IQ values y On board trend analysis Statistical Analysis All measured parameters y Gloss IQ values FREE SOURCE WARRANTY RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE8 Slide88 yy LIGHT All measured parameters y LIGHT Gloss and IQ values Fas FREE SOURCE WARRANTY Gu RL-A-M50-CRYPTOSLIDE8 Slide y Max, min, mean, SD Gloss and IQ values y Max, min, mean, SD Power Fas Graphical Analysis Power y All measured parameters acc Guaranteed for the life of the instrument Graphical Analysis y All Afmetingen measured parameters Power : x 20 mm101 mm xGuaranteed 170 mm x 20 mm for the life of the instrument y Rechargeable lithium ion : 101Afmetingen mm x 170 mm Power acc yy On board trendion analysis yy Rechargeable lithium CA On board trend analysis Rechargeable lithium ion ww Dimensions: 101mm x 170mm x 20mm Graphical Analysis y 17+ hours operation Rechargeable lithium ion Graphical Analysis: yy hours Gloss and IQ values yyy CALIBRATION 17+ operation Afmetingen 101 mm x 170 mm x 20 mm ww Gloss and IQ values AND SERVICE 17+ hours operation Gewicht : 1 kg y On board trend analysis y 20,000+ readings per charge for CALIBRATION AND SERVICE y 17+ hours operation Gewicht : 1 kg Fas y On board trend analysis y 20,000+ readings per charge y 20,000+ readings per charge for Power Weight: 1kg y Gloss and IQ values y 20,000+ readings per charge Power y Gloss and IQ values acc Fasteconomical and economical service via our global network of Gewicht : 1 kg Operate from Fast and service via our global network of y Rechargeable lithium ion Operate from Verpakt gewicht : 1.5 kg Verpakt : 1.5 kg yOperate Rechargeable lithium ion Operate from Power gewicht y Internal battery/USB/mains charger ww from accredited calibration and service centres, please visit Power Packed weight: 1.5kg y 17+ hours operation y Internal battery/USB/mains charger accredited and service centres, please visit yy 17+ hours operation ycalibration Internal battery/USB/mains charger y Rechargeable lithium ion Verpakt gewicht : 1.5 kg Internal battery/USB/mains charger y Rechargeable lithium ion y 20,000+ readings per charge for www.rhopointinstruments.com/support Verpakte afmetingen : 28 cm x 22 cm x 11 cm Recharge Timeper charge yRecharge 20,000+ readings Verpakte afmetingen 28 cm x 22 cm x 11 cm www.rhopointinstruments.com/support Time y hours 17+operation hours operation: 28cm y 17+Packed dimensions: x 22cm x 11cm Recharge Time 4hrs y Mains charger: for detailed information. Recharge Time from y Mains charger: 4hrs 4hrs y 20,000+ readings per for detailed information. Verpakte afmetingen : charge 28 cm x 22 cm x 11 cm from y 20,000+ readings per: charge yOperate Mains charger: Goederencode : 9027 8099 yOperate Mains charger: 4hrs Goederencode 9027 8099 y Internal battery/USB/mains Memory y Internal battery/USB/mains chargercharger Commodity 9027 8099 Memory Operate from code: Operate from Memory Goederencode : 9027 8099 y 8 MB = 999 readings Memory Recharge Time yRecharge 8 MB =8Time 999 readings y Internal battery/USB/mains y Internal battery/USB/mains chargercharger MBdefinable = 999 readings yyy definable alphanumeric batching 8 MB =User 999 readings Mains charger: 4hrs batching yyy User alphanumeric Mains charger: 4hrs alphanumeric y User definable batching Recharge Time y User definable alphanumeric batching Recharge Time Data Transfer Memory Data Transfer y Mains charger: 4hrs Memory y Mains charger: 4hrs Transfer yyData Bluetooth Transfer MB readings = 999 readings yyData Bluetooth 8 MB =8 999 y Bluetooth Memory y PC compatible Bluetooth Memory yy definable User definable alphanumeric batching yyy PC compatible User alphanumeric batching PC compatible MB readings = 999 readings yconnection, USB connection, no software install required yy PC y 8 MBy =8999 USBcompatible no software install required yData USB connection, no software install required Transfer User definable alphanumeric batching yData USB connection, no software install required Transfer y Usery definable alphanumeric batching Measurement Area y Bluetooth Measurement Area yMeasurement Bluetooth Area Data Transfer yyMeasurement 20°:compatible 6mm Area x 6.4mm Data Transfer PC yy 20°: 6.4mm PC compatible y6mm 20°:xx 6mm 6mm x 12mm 6.4mm y Bluetooth y 60°: x y 20°: 6mm 6.4mm y Bluetooth yy6mm USBx connection, no software install required yy 60°: 12mm connection, no software install required 60°: xx 12mm y PC compatible 85°:xx 6mm 4mm 45.9mm yy USB 60°: 12mm y PC compatible 85°:yy6mm 4mm 45.9mm 85°:x 4mm x 45.9mm Areano: FM 29741 USB connection, no software install required Certificate no: FM 29741 yMeasurement 85°:Measurement 45.9mm AreaCertificate y USByconnection, no software install required Certificate no: FM 29741 yy4mm Operating temperature: 40°- C104° (60 F) - 104°ISO F)9001:2008 20°: 6mm x 6.4mm y 20°: Operating temperature: 15FM- 29741 40°15C -(60 Certificate no: ISO 9001:2008 y 6mm x 6.4mm ISO29741 9001:2008 15 - 40° C (60 - 104° F) Certificate no: FM y Operating temperature: Measurement Area y Humidity: up to 85%, non condensing Certificate no: FM 29741 ISO 9001:2008 Operating temperature: 15condensing - 40° C (60 - 104° F) Measurement Area y 60°: 6mm x 12mm yyy Humidity: up to 85%, non ISO 9001:2008 x 12mmup ISOto 9001:2008 y6mm Humidity: 85%, non condensing 20°:x 6mm x 6.4mm y 60°: Humidity: to 85%, non condensing y 20°:y6mm 6.4mm 85°:up &x 45.9mm Weight yDimensions 85°:yDimensions 4mm x 4mm 45.9mm & Weight y 60°: 6mm x 12mm y 60°: 6mm x 12mm & Weight yyDimensions 65mm x 140mm (H x40° W Cx (60 D) - 104° F) & Weight Operating yyDimensions 65mm x 140mm xtemperature: 50mmxx1550mm (H- x40° W15C x -(60 D) 85°:x 4mm x 45.9mm Operating temperature: y 85°:y4mm 45.9mm y 65mm x 140mm 50mm x W- 104° x D) F) y 790g 65mm x 140mm xup50mm (H xnon W (H xcondensing D) y Humidity: to 85%, yyy 790g up to 85%, non condensing yy 790g y Operating temperature: 40°- C104° (60 F) - 104° F) Packed yy Humidity: 790g y Operating temperature: 15 - 40°15C -(60 Packed weight:weight: 1.75kg 1.75kg y Packed weight: 1.75kg Dimensions & Weight y Humidity: up to 85%, non condensing y Commodity code:8098 9031 8098 Packed weight: 1.75kg & Weight y Humidity: up to 85%, non condensing yyDimensions Commodity code: 9031 y Commodity code:8098 8098x W x D) 65mm x 140mm x 9031 50mm y Commodity code: 9031 65mm x 140mm x 50mm (H x W (H x D) Dimensions & Weight Dimensions & Weight yLanguages 790g Languages y 790g Languages Labomat Essor Labomat Essor y 65mm x 140mm x 50mm (H x W x D) Languages Labomat Essor Labomat Essor y 65mm x 140mm x 50mm (H x W x D) y Packed 37 Bld Anatole Vlamingstraat 4 Labomat EssorFrance Labomat Essor y Packed weight:weight: 1.75kg 1.75kg 37 Bld Anatole France Vlamingstraat 4 Wevelgem Labomat Essor F - Bld 93287 SaintFrance Denis Cedex Labomat BEssor - 8560 37 Anatole Vlamingstraat 4 y 790gy 790g y Commodity code:8098 8098 F9031 - Bld 93287 Saint Denis Cedex B - 8560 Wevelgem Labomat Essorcode: 9031 Labomat Essor 37 Anatole France Vlamingstraat 4 Tel.: +33 1 48 09 66 11 Tel.: +32 56 43 28 13 y Commodity F -09 93287 Saint Denis Cedex B -28 8560 Wevelgem Labomat Essor Labomat Essor Tel.: +33 1Saint 48 66 11 Tel.: 43 13 56 y Packed Labomat EssorFrance Labomat Essor 37 Bld Anatole Vlamingstraat 4 F - 93287 B - +32 856056 Wevelgem Fax:Denis +33 1Cedex 48 09 09 66 98 11 65 Fax: +32 43 28 14 y Packed weight:weight: 1.75kg 1.75kg Tel.: +33 1 48 Tel.: +32 56 43 28 13 Labomat Essor Labomat Essor 37 Bld Anatole France Vlamingstraat 4 Fax: +33 48 09 66 98: [email protected] 65 Fax: +32 56 43 43 28 13 14 37- Bld Anatole Vlamingstraat 4 F 93287 SaintFrance Denis Cedex B +33 - 8560 Wevelgem Tel.: 11 48 09 11 Tel.: +32 56 28 E-mail : [email protected] Fax: +33 1 48 09 98 65 Fax: +32 56 43 28 14 Languages 37- Bld Anatole Vlamingstraat 4 E-mail y Commodity code:8098 9031 8098 F 93287 Saint Denis Cedex Wevelgem E-mail : [email protected] E-mailFax: : [email protected] F - France 93287 B +33 - +32 8560 Wevelgem Tel.: +33 1Saint 48 09Denis 66 11CedexB - 8560 Fax: Tel.: 43 156 48 0928 9813 65 +32 56 43 28 14 Languages www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu y Commodity code: 9031 RU MTE N I N SITNRSUTM EN S PT ESCPI EF C I CI FAITCI A OTNI O N RU MTE N I N SITNRSUTM EN S PT ESCPI EF C I CI FAITCI A OTNI O N CUCDELESUD SDOEARDCI ECASECSCSEOSRSIOE RS I E S I N CAILN I E E OPTIONAL EXTRAS E E X TERXATSR A S E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] F - 93287 B - +32 856056 Wevelgem Tel.: +33 1Saint 48 09Denis 66 11 Tel.: 43 28 www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu Tel.: +33 11Cedex 48 Tel.: 13 Fax: +33 48 09 09 66 98 11 65 Fax: +32 56 43 28 14 E-mail : 13 [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] eeeee www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu Tel.: +33 09 66 11 Tel.: +32 56 13 56 Fax: +33 11 48 48 09+33 98: [email protected] 65 43 28 14 eeeee Fax: 1 48 09 98 65 Fax: Fax: +32 43 28 14 E-mail E-mail : [email protected] www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu eeeee Fax: +33 1 48 09 98 65 Fax: +32 56 43 28 14 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu eeeee E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu eeeee www.labomat.eu www.labomat.eu eeeee eeeee eeeee 00312/03/14 Rhopoint Instruments Limited Rhopoint House Rhopoint Instruments ••Rhopoint Rhopoint Instruments LimitedLimited • Rhopoint House House Enviro 21 Park • Queensway Avenue South •StStLeonards-on-Sea Leonards-on-Sea Enviro 21 Park • Queensway Avenue South • Enviro 21 Park • Queensway Avenue South • St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex • TN38 9AG • UK • Tel: +44 (0) 1424 739622 East Sussex TN38• 9AG Tel:(0) +44 (0)739622 1424 739622 East Sussex • TN38•9AG UK •• UKTel:•+44 1424 [email protected] • www.rhopointinstruments.com [email protected] • www.rhopointinstruments.com [email protected] • www.rhopointinstruments.com Rho Rho Envi Envi East East sale Rho sale Envi East sale 00107 00107/12 00107/12 L.E Solutions L.E Solutions 6 lmm B Résidence lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52 22 41 714 L.E Solutions 6 lmm B Résidence lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52 22 41 714 L.E Solutions Place Prince Sidi Mohammed Fax: +212 +212 52 52 22 42 751 6Sidi lmmMohammed B Résidence lbn Batoua Place Fax: [email protected] 52Tel.: 22 41 42 714 751 22 41 714 L.E Solutions 6 lmm Prince B Résidence lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52 22 Belvedère Place Prince Sidi Mohammed Fax: +212 52 22 42 751 L.E Solutions L.E Solutions Belvedère [email protected] 6 lmm B Résidence lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52 MA 22 41 714 Casablanca Place Prince Sidi Mohammed Fax: [email protected] 52 22 42www.labomat.eu 751 - 20300 L.E Solutions Belvedère 6 lmm B Résidence Batoua lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52Tel.: 22 41 714 MA - 20300 Casablanca www.labomat.eu 6 lmm Prince Blbn Résidence +212 52 22 714 Place Sidi Mohammed Fax: +212 52 MA 22 41 42 751 Casablanca Belvedère [email protected] - 20300 www.labomat.eu 6 lmm Prince B Résidence lbn Batoua Tel.: +212 52 22 714 Place Sidi Mohammed Fax: [email protected] 52 22 41 42 751 Fax: +212 52 Casablanca 22 42 751 Place Prince Sidi Mohammed Belvedère MA - 20300 www.labomat.eu Fax: [email protected] 52 22 42 751 Place PrinceBelvedère Sidi Mohammed Belvedère [email protected] 00351/02/14 00312/03/14 MA - 20300 Casablanca www.labomat.eu 00351/02/14 00312/03/14 Belvedère [email protected] MA - 20300 MA Casablanca www.labomat.eu - 20300 Casablanca www.labomat.eu MA - 20300 Casablanca www.labomat.eu 00107/12 Languages Languages 00107/
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