TELEVISION Redakteur: Gösta vd Linden (1402 GLi) Rotterdam Gast red./Guest Ed.: Pascal Colaers Beste lezers, TV-DX-ers, In deze aflevering hebben we weer een TV Logboek met ontvangsten van GVs, LET en HCO. Laatstgenoemde heeft ons het een en ander opgestuurd over twee recente én wel heel bijzondere F2/TEP ontvangsten op kanaal A2. De door hem ontvangen "veegbeelden" zijn namelijk al snel geïdentificeerd als zijnde beeldfragmenten van zenders in Zuid Amerika en wel nader bepaald uit Argentinië én Braz ilië of Chili ! Begin deze maand hoopt onze huidige gastredacteur Pascal af te studeren aan de universiteit in San Diego. Hij heeft in ieder geval al een vooruitzicht op een goed betaalde baan, niet ver van zijn woonplaats, Imperial Beach, in het zuiden van Californië. De tijd gaat wel ontzettend snel, hi ! Want dat manneke woont nu al weer bijna drie jaar in de VS. Hij heeft onlangs veel informatie verzameld en opgestuurd over de digitale TV in Denemarken. Zijn copij is gepland voor komende BDXC Bulletins. De Telenet MUXen 1, 2 en 3 in Vlaanderen zijn alweer enkele maanden geleden aan de deur gezet. Het vreemde is echter, dat op de betreffende kanalen toch nog "lege" signalen aanwezig zijn... Het nieuws wordt hiermee geopend. **** JACHTSCHOTEL **** BELGIË Telenet heeft op 31 maart 2014 de stekker uit Teletenne getrokken omdat het commerciële succes naar eigen zeggen beperkt was, door een gebrek aan interesse. Teletenne was de merknaam voor het aanbod van digitale televisie via de ether in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Telenet maakte daarvoor gebruik van de DVB-T(2) standaard en bood langs deze weg 18 zenders aan via een speciale settopbox en antenne. Telenet ging in de zomer van 2012 van start met het aanbieden van digitale televisie via de ether, maar heeft amper anderhalf jaar na de lancering alweer een punt achter de dienst gezet. Als alternatief biedt de operator aan zijn Teletenne-klanten aan om over te schakelen naar Yelo TV om via het internet tv te kijken op een smartphone, tablet of computer. (ZDNB, via PCO, Gli) GROOT - BRITTANNIË DVB-T zenders, [deel 4]. Ná alle kanaalwisselingen en verdere aanpassingen volgt hieronder de 4e aflevering van een overzicht met bijna alle digitale TV zenders (³ 1 kW. ERP) in dit land. Gedurende troposferische openingen kunnen vooral de zogenaamde "kustzenders" in onze regionen gecapteerd worden, want er zitten namelijk relatief sterke exemplaren bij ! Foto 1 Foto 2 Foto 3 I) Zenderlijst: kanalen Zender PBS1 PBS2 PBS3 COM4 COM5 11B) ITV regio: STV North (North) / BBC regio: Scotland Bressay D28 D25 D22+ D27 Bressay D24 Durris D28 D25 D22 Durris D23 D26 Eitshal D26 D23 D29 Eitshal D25 D22 Keelylang Hill D46 D43 D40+ Keelylang Hill D42 D45 Knockmore D26 D23 D29 Knockmore D53 D57 Rosemarkie D45 D39+ D42 Rosemarkie D43 D46 Rumster Forest D27 D24 D21+ Rumster Forest D30D59 11C) ITV regio: STV North (South) / BBC regio: Scotland Angus D60- D53 D57 Angus D54 D58 11D) ITV regio: STV Central (West) / BBC regio: Scotland Black Hill D46 D43 D40 D41+ D44 Darvel D22- D25 D28 Darvel D23 D26 Rosneath VP D49 D58 D54 D53 D57 Torosay D28 D25 D22 Torosay D23 D26 kW. COM6 pol. ERP D55 V V H H H H H H H H H H H H 2 1 100 50 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 D49 H H 20 10 H H H V V V 100 20 10 2 4 2 D21+ D29 D28 D39+ D60D40+ D47 D29 D60D29 opm. Foto 4 Foto 5 juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 26 12) ITV regio: Tyne Tees / BBC regio: North East and Cumbria Bilsdale D26 D29 D23 H 100 Bilsdale D43 D46 D40 H 50 Chatton D45 D42 D39+ H 20 Chatton D41 D44 D47 H 10 Pontop Pike D58 D54 D49 H 100 Pontop Pike D50 D59 D55 H 50 13) ITV regio: Ulster TV / BBC regio: BBC Northern Ireland Brougher Mountain D28 D22+ D25 H 20 Brougher Mountain D21+ D24 D27 H 2 Divis D27 D21+ D24 H 100 Divis D23 D26 D29 H 50 Limavady D50 D59 D55 H 20 Limavady D54 D58 D49 H 10 Londonderry (R) D44 D41 D47 V 2 14) ITV regio: Wales / BBC regio: Wales Blaen-Plwyf D27 D24 D21+ H 40 Blaen-Plwyf D25 D22+ D28 H 10 Carmel D60- D53 D57 H 2 Carmel D54 D58 D49 H 10 Kilvey Hill D23 D26 D29 D25 D22 D28 V 2 Llanddona D57 D60- D53 H 20 Llanddona D43 D46 D40 H 10 Arfon (R) D41+ D44 D47 V 2 Moel-y-Parc D45 D39+ D42 H 20 Moel-y-Parc D51D52+ D48H 10 Storeton Wales (R) D57 D53 D60H 2 Presely D43+ D46+ D40+ H 20 Presely D42D45D39+ H 10 Wenvoe D41+ D44 D47 H 100 Wenvoe D42+ D45+ D39+ H 50 Rhondda VP (R) D23 D26 D29 V 1 15A) ITV regio: Westcountry (East) / BBC regio: West. Mendip D49 D54 D58 D48 D56 D52 H 100 Ridge Hill West (R) D29 H 20 15B) ITV regio: Westcountry (West) / BBC regio: South W est Beacon Hill D60- D53+ D57+ H 20 Beacon Hill D42 D45 D51 H 10 Caradon Hill D28+ D25+ D22+ H 100 Caradon Hill D21+ D24D27H 50 Huntshaw Cross D50 D59- D55H 20 Huntshaw Cross D48 D52 D56+ H 10 Redruth D44+ D41+ D47 H 20 Redruth D48 D52 D51 H 10 Stockland Hill D26+ D23+ D29+ H 50 Stockland Hill D25D22D28H 25 Budleigh Satterton ® D60- D53+ D57+ V 1 16A) ITV regio: Yorkshire (North) / BBC regio: North Emley Moor D47 D44 D41 D51 D52 D48 H 174 Keighley (R) D49 D58 D54 D57 D53 D60V 2 Skipton (R) D39+ D45 D42 V 2 Olivers Mount D57 D60- D53 V 2 Olivers Mount D54 D58 D49 V 1 16B) ITV regio: Yorkshire (South) / BBC regio: North (Lincolnshire & Humber) Belmont D22 D25 D28 H 150 Belmont D30H 50 Belmont D53 D60H 100 16C) ITV regio: Yorkshire (South) / BBC regio: North Sheffield D27 D24 D21+ D42 D45 D39+ V 1 Foto 6 0 Foto 7 a Foto 8 b Foto 9 II) Opmerkingen: R) relaiszender. Kanaal: De middenfrekwentie, Fc (in MHz.) van de Mux kan worden berekend met de formule: Fc = 8n+306, waarbij n het UHF kanaal is. Offset: + of - geeft aan: +0,167 MHz of -0,167MHz t.o.v. de middenfrekwentie. III) Muxen: Landelijke Muxen: PSB = Public Service Broadcasting COM = Commercial Broadcasting KOverzicht landelijke Muxen: Foto 10 juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 27 multiplex organisatie parameters PSB1 BBC A PSB2 D3&4 PSB3 BBC B COM4 SDN COM5 Arqiva A COM6 Arqiva B BBC Digital 3 & 4 BBC SDN Arqiva Arqiva DVB-T: DVB-T: DVB-T2: DVB-T: DVB-T: DVB-T: 64 QAM, code rate 2/3, 8K FFT 64 QAM, code rate 2/3, 8K FFT 256 QAM, code rate 2/3, 32K FFT 64 QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT 64-QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT 64-QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT IV): De ITV regio's: >slot< (BBC, Ukfree, Ofcom, via NLS, GLi) Foto 11 Foto 12 **** MISCELLANEOUS **** ROUMANIA L Romania Switching to DVB-T2. Romania will switch off the analog terrestrial signal and will pass to digital terrestrial tele-vision on 17th June 2015, announced Catalin Marinescu, president of telecom watchdog ANCOM. The telecom authority will allocate 5 national digital multiplexes in DVB-T2 standard, four national digital multiplexes in UHF band and one national digital multiplex in VHF band. ANCOM will also allocate regional digital multiplexes. The number remains to be decided, depending on the need, after the national ones are allocated. One of the four multiplexes in UHF band will be allocated in certain conditions: it can broadcast public and private stations after 17th June 2015, provided it ensures fixed emission coverage of 90% of the population and 80% of the territory by 31st December 2016. (DVB Worldwide, via GLi, PCO) FRANCE Mux 7 and Mux 8 [part 8]: The new Muxes 7 and 8 (Reseaux 7 et 8) will be taken into service between 12th December 2012 and 2nd June 2015 in 13 phases. They will offer in total 6 new HD programmes: HD 1, l'Équipe 21, 6ter, Numéro 23, RMC Découverte and Chérie 25 (all MPEG-4). Télévision Numérique Terrestre is the national digital terrestrial service for France. It for-mally arrived on 31st March 2005 after a short testing period. Like Freeview in the United Kingdom it will support many new channels as well as the current terrestrial television stations. Pay TV channels were launched in September 2005 using the MPEG4 format, unlike most of Europe which currently uses MPEG2. Pay per view terrestrial channels use H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC. The analogue switch off has been completed on 30th Novem-ber 2011. TNT is the first service to implement Dolby Digital Plus as one possible audio codec. France is also the first European country and the third in the world to propose the HDTV on its DTT after USA and Japan. L Phase 9: 10th June 2014. Nine main transmitters and 122 low power outlets will be taken into service for serving the following regions / departments: Bourgogne (except the department Yonne, which is already served since 12th December 2012), Franche-Comté, Haute Marne (already partly served since 12th December 2012), l'Ain and Haute Savoie (partly). Foto 13 Foto 14 Foto 15 juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 28 The nine main transmitters and channels are: transmitter Autun / Bois de Roi Besançon / Lomont Besançon / Montfaucon Champagnole / Le Bulay Chaumont / Chalindrey Dijon / Nuits Saint Georges Gex / Montrond Le Creusot / Mont Saint Vincent Morteau / Montlebon >to be continued < channels Mux7 Mux8 D53 D39 D26 D41 D26 D41 D53 D39 D55 D39 D53 D39 D53 D39 D53 D39 D26 D41 kW. dept. ERP department number 50 Saône et Loire 71 45 Doubs 25 20 Doubs 25 5 Jura 39 10 Haute-Marne 52 35 Côte d'Or 21 65 Ain 01 2 Saône et Loire 71 10 Doubs 25 (CSA, Toute de la TNT, via NLS) POLAND L Demand high for fifth multiplex: The demand for a license to operate a fifth multiplex on the DTT platform is high. Earlier, the communications regulator UKE opened a consultation to determine the interest for the use of the frequencies 170 - 234 MHz. for a new DTT multiplex. These frequencies have become available following the completion of analogue switch-off last July. (DigiTag, via GLi) BELGIUM L Norkring switches off DVB-T2 network: The broadcast network operator Norkring has officially switched off its DVB-T2 network in the Flemish speaking community of the country. These multiplexes were switched off following the decision by the pay-DTT service provider, Telenet, to stop offering its pay-DTT package. Its pay-DTT package, Teletenne, had launched in June 2012 but failed to become financially viable. Telenet has suggested that existing Teletenne subscribers switch to its Yelo TV service. However, viewers can continue to access the free-to-air DTT platform which uses the DVB-T standard. Television services are provided by the public service broadcasters VRT and RTBF. (DigiTag, via GLi) Foto 16 Foto 17 UGANDA L ASO to be completed by the end of the year. The Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) has announced that digital switchover will be completed by December 2014. By this date, the roll out of the DTT platform will be completed and broadcasters will be required to switch-off their analogue terrestrial tele-vision services. Viewers are encouraged to purchase DTT receivers although digital tele-vision sets are currently not available on the market. The UCC is planning to conduct testing of DTT receivers to ensure conformity with the national DTT specification. (DigiTag, via NLS, GLi) Foto 18 Tot zover dan het nieuws. Deze maand hebben we weer eens een: TV-LOGBOEK Red. / Ed.: Gösta van der Linden (1402 GLi) R’dam Gast red. / Guest Ed.: Pascal Colaers Beste lezers, TV-DX-ers, Deze keer ontvingen we enkele bijdragen van GVs, LET en HCO, tnx ! **** DVB-T DX - GVs, Breda, NLD. **** Foto 19 Een ARD Mux op kanaal D46 op 30 maart 2014 tussen 1100 en 1105 LT. Signaalsterkte 16% en signaalkwaliteit 36%, vóór die tijd resp. 43% en 0%. **** Sp. E DX, LET, Zaandam, NLD. **** kan. ITU 11 mei 2014 R01 RUS R01 RUS R01 UKR R01 BLR R01 UKR 12 mei 2014 R01 RUS programma zender tijd (UTC) opmerking(en) 1TV Rossija1 INTER Belarus1 1+1 many tx listed Globokoye Simferopol Minsk L'viv (?) 1110 1130 1330 1340 1355 tx = Moskou ? РОССИЯ 1 IHTEP a, Беларусь 1 Rossija1 Globokoye 1400 РОССИЯ 1 Foto 20 juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 29 13 mei 2014 R01 RUS Rossija1 R01 RUS 1TV R02 RUS Rossija1 R02 MDA TV M1 R02 UKR INTER R01 UKR INTER R03 MDA TV M1 R02 UKR 1+1 16 mei 2014 R01 RUS 1TV R01 RUS Rossija1 a): nog steeds in de lucht ! Globokoye 1030 many tx listed 1030 Proletarly 1045 Mindrestii Noi 1050 Lugansk (?) 1055 Simferopol 1105 Straseni 1125 Yarok / Uzhgorod РОССИЯ 1 tx = Moskou ? РОССИЯ 1 many tx listed Globokoye tx = Moskou ? РОССИЯ 1 1425 1515 IHTEP IHTEP 1150 Foto 21 **** F2 / TEP DX in Portugal - HCO, Algarve, PRT **** 1) Channel A2, Argentina, 625 lines He has received this on 18th April at 20.00 UTC in Portugal in 625 lines, with 55.251 MHz. offset; see the Youtube video links below: At times a "2" can be seen in the video. He has slowed down the second one, and it ap-pears at the middle top (though should be on the top right of the normal picture. In the end it was identified as Canal 2 Posada (Misiones Province) - Argentina by someone commenting on the youtube video. Usually you can see the "2" on the live stream.... ….Except during the long break for commercials; the website is here: See photos 11 - 13. There have been quite a lot of 625 signals from S. America in the past two weeks, but this is the only time 55.251 MHz. has been strong enough for an image, then there is often a pileup of signals. 2) Channel A2, Brazil and/or Chile, 525 lines: On 1st May 2014 at 2000 UTC he has received a TV programme from Brazil on channel A2, see the two links below: The second video was recorded just before the first one, the Brazilian clip, a soap opera and football commentary from the sound of it on Channel A2. All video was in 525 lines, so it rules out Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, who use 625 lines. Jose EA7KW in Spain just listened to it: "It's an interview with a writer, the lady talking at the begining sounds like argentinian accent but the writer sounds Chilean to me. The football match speaker mixed with the interview sounds Chilean too". Anyway, the MUF reached channel A3 video just with a weak 625 line signal. Earlier on the same day around 1200 UTC Jordan channel E3 was in and out so the sporadic E season is starting up ! Foto 22 Foto 23 Goede DX en tot de volgende maand ! / Good DX and until next month ! Gösta & Pascal **** FOTO'S / PHOTOS **** 5) Photos 1 - 5: SRO @ Some receptions from 2012. As received via the satellite Thor 2. 1) RÚV Iceland with the weather and logo at the right top of the s creen. 2) RÚV Iceland with the ID. slide and logo at the right top of the sc reen. Here is a link to the RÚV with a live coverage of the programme: Instead a test card programme information is being aired. Sometimes there is a live coverage from the Parliament [Alþing]. For the TV programme schedule, see: L As received via the satellite Sirius, 4.8° East. 3) The opening of the Jewish News One. 4) The ID. slide of Jewish News One. Jewish News One, or JN1, is an international news network, which started on 21 st September 2011. It covers world news with a focus on Judaism-related events and this news channel is of Ukrainian origin. The website of JN1 is: L As received via the satellite Astra, 19.2° East. An ID. slide of the RIC programme for children, which started in 2012. More detailed information about this programme is available in a PDF file: Photos 6 - 10: RCO @ Some receptions from the past. L Amateur TV [part 3]. The furthest ATV reception here that I have seen was VK3DUS Geelong Vic. (direct transmission), which is about 40 miles west of here, see photo 11 in the BDXC Bulletin juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 30 Foto 24 Foto 25 of April 2014. Considering the low power used, I was very lucky to see it. Here are some more ATV received as received via VK3RTV analogue repeater from Mt. Olinda Vic. on Channel 35 UHF in 1982. 6) VK3AWL, 08/03/1982. 7) VK3ZT, 23/04/1982. 8) VK3YIV, 01/08/1982. L A local reception [part 1]. Here are the first two photos taken locally of CWN 9 Mudgee NSW displaying the "6, 8, 9" logo back in 1980. (CWN 6 Dubbo NSW, CBN 8 Orange NSW & MTN 9 Griffith NSW). CWN 9 was a translator of CWN 6 Dubbo NSW. All all the networks and analogue TV have since disappeared. 9) CWN 9 Mudgee NSW with the Haystack Slide, 06/12/1980. 10) CWN 9 Mudgee NSW with the Storm Cloud Slide, 07/12/1980. Photos 11 - 13: HCO @ A reception via F2 / TEP DX on 18th April 2014. 11) Channel A2 with an ID. slide "2", 2000 UTC. 12) The Radio Noticias ID. slide as received via F2 / TEP DX by HCO. 13) The Radio Noticias ID. slide as showed via life stream. Photos 14 & 15: HSZ @ Some recent receptions. L Tropospheric receptions of digital TV stations on 26th October 2013, [part 4]. D46H MUX-1 Opole / Chrzelice, Poland [100 kW.ERP], distance about 310 km. 14) TVP 2 with the ID. Slide "2". 15) TVP 2 with the px and logo "TVP 2" and "Premiera" at the right top of the screen. Foto's 16 - 18: RMu @ Uit de hoogtijdagen van de analoge TV-DX [Aflevering 26]. 16) E25 MDR Gera, DEU [20 kW. ERP], met de identificatie "MDR Dresden", gezien op 25/12/1992. 17) E25 ZDF Verden, DEU [66 kW. ERP], met zenderdia, ontvangen in het begin van de 70er jaren van de vorige eeuw. 18) E26 SR TV2 Karlshamn met het PM5544 testbeeld en de identificaties "TV2" (boven) en "SVERIGE" (beneden, SW E [1000 kW. ERP], zomer 1973. Photos 19 - 23: RBY @ Some (news-)feeds. L As received via the satellite Intelsat 905, 24.5° East. 19) A test card, followed by a coverage from the Scottish Parliament. L As received via the satellite Eutelsat 10A, 10° East. 20) A promote caption for the 2014 Dakar Rally. L As received via the satellite Eutelsat 7A, 7° East. 21) A test card from the Eurovision in Montreux. 22) A message re. the conference in Montreux. L As received via the satellite Eutelsat 16A, 16° East. 23) An Italian SNG truck playout. Foto's 24 - 28: RdW @ Enige (news-)feeds. L Ontvangen via de satelliet Eutelsat 10A, 10° oost. 24) Op 16 april 2013 om 1337. Een verslag van een reporter over de bomaanslag in Boston. Meer details: 10.975 GHz., (V) SR=4167, QPSK, @ UP4 W2a B2 Charlie (AP London), >4:2:0. 25) Op 16 april 2013 om 2317. Een testbeeld met de identificatie "UNTV". Meer details: 11,305 GHz., (V), SR=30000, QPSK, @ Service-8 (EBU), >4:2:2. 26) Op 20 april 2013 om 0004. Een identificatieplaatje van EFC Africa. Meer details: 10,921 GHz., (V), SR=6111, QPSK, @ GLOBECAST (TandbergTV), >4:2:0. 27) Op 23 april 2013 om 0001. Een identificatieplaatje van Unifeed. Meer details: 10,980 GHz., (V), Sr=4166, QPSK, FEC=5/6, @ UP8Echo (AP London), >4:2:0. L Ontvangen via de satelliet Eutelsat 16A, 16° oost. 28) Op 17 april 2013 om 2157. Het testbeeld van TVR Cultural tijdens een storing. Meer details: 11,471 GHz., (V), SR=29950, QPSK, @ TVR Cultural, >4:2:0. Photo 29: SRO @ New logo M 1 Hungary. 29) M1, HUN, with the new logo at the left top of the screen. Foto 30: GLi @ Uit lang vervlogen tijden... 30) L21 ORTF-2 Lille, FRA [1000 kW ERP] met het PM5544 testbeeld zonder "haken" maar mét de identificatie "ORTF" (boven), 1971. **** MEDEWERKERS / CONTRIBUTORS **** LEDEN / MEMBERS: RdW - Rini de Weijze, Monnickendam, NLD. * RMu - Rijn Muntjewerff, Midden-Beemster, NLD. * LET - Eric van der Let, Zaandam, NLD. * GLi - Gösta van der Linden, Rotterdam, NLD. OUTSIDE THE BDXC: RBY - Roger Bunney, Romsey, GBR. * HCO - Hugh Cocks, Algarve, PRT. * SRO - Sándor Rottenbacher, Göd-Felsö, HUN. * HSZ - Szilárd Horváth, Öttevény, HUN. * RCO - Robert Copeman, Mt. Waverley, VIC., AUS. * GVs - Ger Vissers, Breda, NLD. * NLS Niels van der Linden, Mol, BEL. * PCO - Pascal Colaers, Imperial Beach, CA, USA * DigiTag & DVB Worldwide, Geneve, CHE. * BBC & Ofcom, London, GBR. * UKfree TV, GBR. * ZDNB - ZDNet België, Turnhout, BEL. * Toute de la TNT, FRA. * CSA - Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel, Paris, FRA. * Goede DX en tot de volgende maand ! / Good DX and until next month ! Gösta & Pascal juni 2014 - Benelux DX-Club - 31 Foto 26 Foto 27 Foto 28 Foto 29 Foto 30
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