Using TIGGE data to diagnose initial perturbations and their growth for tropical cyclone ensemble forecasts Seminar at Naval Postgraduate School 22 Sep. 2008 Munehiko Yamaguchi1, Sharanya S. Majumdar1, Melinda S. Peng2, Carolyn A. Reynolds2, David S. Nolan1 1. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami 2. Marine Meteorology Division, Naval Research Laboratory Progress of TC track forecasts Time series of annual average position errors in Tropical Cyclone (TC) Track Forecasts by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Global Spectral Model - Western North Pacific from 1997 to 2007 (three-year running mean) - The position error of 5 day forecasts in 2007 is smaller than that of 3 day forecasts in 1997. Enough room to improve TC track forecasts Position errors of each TC Track Forecast by JMA/GSM in 2007 Position errors are sorted in ascending order Forecast time: 72 hours Total number of forecast events: 102 Position error (km) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 average Various approach to improve forecasts Current system Observation Data assimilation Numerical weather prediction User •Reducing the errors of deterministic track forecasts is not only the approach. •Providing confidence information based on ensemble forecasts is also one way to improve TC track forecasts. •Yamaguchi et. al (2009) developed the Typhoon Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) at the Japan Meteorological Agency and demonstrated that the ensemble spread is an indicator of confidence of TC track forecasts. Confidence information provided by ensemble forecasts Position Errors of Ensemble Mean at 5-day forecasts (km) Strong relationship between ensemble spread and position error of ensemble mean track forecasts 3000 Number of sample1: 149 2500 2000 1.The TC strength of L is included in this verification 2. Ensemble mean tracks are defined using more than 1 ensemble member 1500 1000 500 0 0 4000 8000 12000 Ensemble spread of TC positions2 (ensemble spread accumulated from 0 to 120 hour forecasts every 6 hours) How to bring out forecast uncertainties Ensemble spread is a variability (standard deviation) between the members in the ensemble forecast. Ensemble spread can be used as an indicator of confidence of forecast. Dramatis Personae Analysis field Uncertainty of Analysis field Deterministic forecast Forecast Uncertainty Ensemble member T=t0 T=t1 Some contradictions as seen among various EPSs ECMWF NCEP Dolphin initiated at 00UTC 13 Dec. 2008 Sinlaku initiated at 12UTC 10 Sep. 2008 The recently established The Observing System Research The grey lines are ensemble and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX)track Interactive predictions. black line Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) databaseThemakes it is the best track. possible to conduct a systematic inter-comparison of black triangles are the global model ensembles and investigate theThe reason whyat 120-h. the forecast positions ensemble spread changes from one EPS to another. Japan Philippines Taiwan Specifications of ECMWF, NCEP and JMA EPS Note that The verifications in this study are based on initial time 0000 UTC unless otherwise noted because the most of the airborne observations were conducted centered on 0000 UTC. Verification results of JMA are based on 1200 UTC because JMA’s EPS is initiated only at 1200 UTC. JMA’s EPS is the Medium-range EPS, not the Typhoon EPS. What I did I compared the kinetic energy of ensemble initial perturbations for Typhoon Sinlaku, using TIGGE data from ECMWF, NCEP and JMA* (Medium range EPS, not Typhoon EPS). I calculated the following two elements through 10th to 19th of September 2008. 1. Vertical profile of the kinetic energy 2. Horizontal distribution of the kinetic energy Calculation procedures: 1. Download u and v of initial ensemble fields at 1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 300, 250 and 200 hPa through ECMWF’s TIGGE site. 2. Convert the latitude-longitude coordinate into the x-y coordinate centered on the central position of Sinlaku. 3. Calculate ensemble perturbations (u’ and v’) of all ensemble members at each vertical level. 4. Calculate kinetic energy defined as u’^2+v’^2 from the results of 3. 5. Calculate grid- and ensemble-averaged kinetic energy at each vertical level over the 2000km x 2000km domain and draw the vertical profile. 6. Calculate vertically- and ensemble-averaged kinetic energy over the 2000km x 2000km domain and draw the horizontal distribution. Best track and intensity of Typhoon Sinlaku Synopsis in a before-recurvature stage Geopotential height (solid line) and stream function (dash line) 500 hPa 250 hPa Sinlaku was located west of the Pacific High. The High is not strong enough to interact with the typhoon, so the steering caused by the Pacific High is weak. Sinlaku moved very slowly at that time; less than 10 km h-1. Synopsis in a during-recurvature stage Geopotential height (solid line) and stream function (dash line) 500 hPa 250 hPa Sinlaku was located in a confluent area induced by the westerly jet and the southerly flow at the west edge of the Pacific Synopsis in a after-recurvature stage Geopotential height (solid line) and stream function (dash line) 500 hPa 250 hPa Sinlaku was sandwiched by both features; it was located north of the Pacific High and south of the westerly jet, being advected by the confluent westerlies. Vertical profile of KE in a before-recurvature stage Vertically averaged horizontal distribution of KE in a before-recurvature stage ECMWF NCEP JMA Storm-relative coordinate with the domain of 2000 km x 2000km 2000km 2000km Note that the scale of NCEP is 10 times as large as that for ECMWF and JMA Comparison of kinetic energy of ensemble initial perturbations for Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) 15 Sep. 00Z (during-recurv.) 18 Sep. 00Z (after-recurv.) JMA Vertically averaged kinetic energy of ensemble initial perturbations ECMWF NCEP JMA Storm-relative coordinate 2000km 10 Sep. 00Z (before-recurv.) Vertical profile of kinetic energy of ensemble initial perturbations NCEP ECMWF 2000km Temperature and specific humidity perturbation I did the same verifications for temperature and specific humidity perturbations. Total energy = ½ {(u’2 + v’2) ! Kinetic energy + cpT’T’/Tr ! Available Potential energy + Lc Lc q’ q’/cp/Tr} ! Specific humidity energy cp is the specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, T’ is a temperature perturbation about the control analysis, and Tr = 300 K is a reference temperature. Similarly, Lc is the latent heat of condensation and q’ is a specific humidity perturbation. Comparison of APE of ensemble initial perturbations for Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) Vertical profile of APE of ensemble initial perturbations Vertically averaged APE of ensemble initial perturbations ECMWF NCEP JMA 15 Sep. 00Z (during-recurv.) 18 Sep. 00Z (after-recurv.) NCEP 2000km 10 Sep. 00Z (before-recurv.) Storm-relative coordinate JMA ECMWF 2000km Comparison of SHE of ensemble initial perturbations for Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) Vertical profile of SHE of ensemble initial perturbations Vertically averaged SHE of ensemble initial perturbations NCEP JMA 15 Sep. 00Z (during-recurv.) 18 Sep. 00Z (after-recurv.) 2000km 10 Sep. 00Z (before-recurv.) Storm-relative coordinate JMA NCEP 2000km ECMWF’s perturbations 1. ECMWF perturbs wind and temperature and does not perturb specific humidity. 2. In the before-recurvature stage, the ECMWF wind perturbation has a peak at 700hPa on average and is largest in the near environment of the typhoon. Looking at each ensemble member, the maximum amplitude is found to be 4.4 m s−1, appearing about 700 km away from the typhoon center while the amplitude within 100 km from the typhoon center is only 1.6 m s−1 at most. 3. As the typhoon moves northward, the amplitude above 500-hPa becomes larger, corresponding to the change in the area of highest amplitude from the typhoon surroundings to the synoptic features north of the typhoon. 4. As with the wind perturbation, the temperature perturbation also has a peak in the mid-troposphere (e.g., the maximum amplitude in the before-recurvature stage is 2.6 K at 500-hPa and about 500 km away from the typhoon center, implying that the perturbation has little influence on the warm core structure in the inner region). 5. The vertical profiles of the wind and temperature perturbations are quite similar to those of perturbations seen in TEPS at JMA, that also uses singular vectors targeted for TCs (Yamaguchi et al 2009). NCEP’s perturbations 1. NCEP perturbs all components; wind, temperature and specific humidity. 2. The amplitude of the wind perturbation is larger than ECMWF, especially in the upper troposphere. For example, it is 9.2 times as large as ECMWF at 200-hPa in the before-recurvature stage; the amplitude averaged over the 2000 km × 2000 km domain about the typhoon center is 3.4 m s−1. This trend is common in the other stages. 3. In the before-recurvature stage, there are large amplitudes in the temperature and specific humidity perturbations within about 300 km from the typhoon center. Looking at each ensemble member, the maximum amplitude of temperature (specific humidity) perturbation is found to be 2.1 K (1.8 g kg−1), which appear at 250-hPa (700-hPa). Considering that the temperature anomaly due to the warm core structure in the non-perturbed field (not shown) is about 4.0 K at 250 hPa, the temperature perturbation strengthens the warm core structure by about 50 %. The specific humidity perturbation increases the moisture by 16 % at 700-hPa with respect to the non-perturbed field. JMA’s perturbations 1. JMA also perturbs all components; wind, temperature and specific humidity. 2. JMA’s perturbations are characterized by the large amplitude of the specific humidity perturbation. For example, it is 3.7 times as large as NCEP at 925hPa in the before-recurvature stage; the amplitude averaged over the 2000 km × 2000 km domain about the typhoon center is 1.25 g kg−1. 3. The perturbation area is not in the typhoon surroundings but mainly south of the typhoon. This is because JMA uses moist singular vectors for creating the perturbations and they are not targeted for each TC, but for the entire tropics. That is why the amplitude south of the typhoon becomes smaller as the typhoon moves north. 4. On the other hand, the amplitude of the wind perturbation is small. For example, it is a quarter of ECMWF at 700-hPa in the before-recurvature stage; the amplitude averaged over 2000 km × 2000 km domain about the typhoon center is 0.24 m s−1. This trend is common in the other stages. How do the perturbations modify the symmetric and asymmetric wind field of Typhoon? Symmetric wind field Tangential wind at 850-hPa (before recurvature stage) ECMWF NCEP Black: CTL Grey: Ensemble member 1. The size of the typhoon (radial profile of the symmetric component of tangential wind) is similar among the ensemble members in each EPS; 2. The range of maximum tangential wind is less than 1 m s−1 3. The radius of the maximum tangential wind does not change significantly; 4. The differences between ECMWF and NCEP are much larger than the differences caused by the initial perturbations in each ensemble. 5. These trends are common in other stages. Asymmetric wind field Steering flow at 500-hPa (before recurvature stage) The steering flow is defined here as the asymmetric flow at 500-hPa averaged over 300 km from the typhoon center. ECMWF NCEP Black: CTL Grey: Ensemble member 1. The ensemble members are dispersed around the non-perturbed member in both EPSs. 2. The change in the steering flow of NCEP is larger than ECMWF; In the before-recurvature stage, it is 0.67 m s−1 for NCEP and 0.49 m s−1 for ECMWF on average. 3. These trend are common in other stages, probably due to the relatively large amplitude of initial perturbations Perturbation evolution for Sinlaku Growth of kinetic energy of asymmetric wind component of ensemble perturbations A 2-day time series of the kinetic energy of the storm-relative asymmetric component of each wind perturbation at 500-hPa. The kinetic energy is calculated as the difference between asymmetric wind components of the non-perturbed member (control analysis and forecast) and each ensemble member to investigate how the steering flow of the ensemble members is different from that of the non-perturbed member. Before recurvature stage (00Z 10th Sep. 2008) ECMWF NCEP Definition of kinetic energy of asymmetric wind component (uasym_i − uasym_c)2 + (vasym_i − vasym_c)2, where (uasym_i, vasym_i) and (uasym_c, vasym_c) are the asymmetric horizontal wind fields of the i’th ensemble member and the control, respectively. Ensemble member with the largest growth (ECMWF Ensemble member 44) Before recurvature stage (00Z 10th Sep. 2008) Track of EPS member with the largest growth (ECMWF) Ensemble member 44 Ensemble member 43 Westernmost (left) and easternmost (right) course among all EPS members Growth of kinetic energy of asymmetric wind component of ensemble perturbations -2- Before recurvature stage (00Z 13th Sep. 2008) ECMWF NCEP Example of ECMWF ensembles Example of NCEP ensembles Relationship of spread of ensemble track forecasts between ECMWF and NCEP 2007 2008 r = 0.27 r = 0.56 r = 0.21 3 day forecasts 1 day forecasts r = 0.26 Summary 1. Ensemble perturbations and their growth around a tropical cyclone are investigated using the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE). 2. Vertical and horizontal distributions of initial perturbations produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) are compared for Typhoon Sinlaku 3. The amplitudes and distributions of the perturbations are found to be different among the 3 centers: before, during and after recurvature. 4. The growth rate of the asymmetric component of wind perturbations (that control the steering flow) is much higher in the ECMWF ensemble than that of NCEP, usually leading to a relatively large ensemble spread of tracks in ECMWF for forecasts beyond 3 days. Due to the relatively large amplitudes of their initial perturbations, NCEP generally possesses a larger ensemble spread at forecast times of order 1 day. Thank you for listening Interactive forecast system Current system Interactive forecast system Observation Data assimilation Observation Data assimilation adaptive observations Numerical weather prediction Numerical weather prediction sensitivity analysis User User A sensitive analysis technique is needed to maximize the effect on a numerical prediction and to minimize the cost of the observations. ©JAXA ©NASA Adaptive observations ©Vaisala sensitive area 2nd year in RSMAS Title: On singular vector based sensitivity analysis for tropical cyclones in a non-divergent barotropic framework Motivation: How sensitive are the fast-growing perturbations to the intensity, size and asymmetry of the initial TC-like vortex? How does the perturbations (sensitivity region) affect track forecasts? Methodology: Using the SPECTRAL ELEMENT OCEAN MODEL (M. Iskandarani et al. 1995), singular vectors are computed for various initial conditions. Thank you for listening Acknowledgments Sharanya S. Majumdar1 Melinda S. Peng2 Carolyn A. Reynolds2 David S. Nolan1 1. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami 2. Marine Meteorology Division, Naval Research Laboratory
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