Who is she? Acceptance Same-sex Marriage in Japan: Likely or Unlikely B11498 Yurie Shigefuji In the US - June 26, 2013 • In Australia →October 22, 2013 Marriage Equality Act in Australian Capital Territory (ABC news 2013) • In the UK →July 17, 2013 Same-sex marriage becomes law in England and Wales (BBC news 2013) パートナーシップ制度 承認なし 外国での同性婚を 国内でも適用 法令上制限 犯罪となる 同性婚OK Wikipedia commons 2013 How About JAPAN? Outline • 1. Definition • 2. Likely • 3. Unlikely • 4. Analysis • 5. Conclusion Title Acceptance Same-sex Marriage in Japan : Likely or Unlikely Same-Sex Marriage • Marriage between a man & man or woman & woman (*transgender) Acceptance • the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. (Oxford Dictionary 2013) Likely • Japanese society might be throw out prejudice of sexual minorities such as Gay people and can consent to them slowly. Unlikely • Japanese society will not be able to throw out the prejudice of Gay people and keeps the system of opposite-sex marriage. Outline • 1. Definition • 2. Likely • 3. Unlikely • 4. Analysis • 5. Conclusion 2.Likely • 2.1 Society →Disney land decision • 2.2 Politics →promise of some parties • 2.3 Religion →Not Christian, Not Muslim 3.1 Society – Disney land 東小雪 さん! 2.1 Society – Disney land They can held marriage ceremony wearing wedding dresses. It shows that same-sex marriage can accept in society face slowly. (Jimomo 2013) 2.2 Politics - promises • Japan Restoration Party (日本維新の会) ‘same-sex marriage should be allowed’ • Communist Party (共産党) & your Party (みんなの党) & Social Democratic Party (社民党) ‘Civil Partnership Act should be introduced instead of same-sex marriage’ (Rainbow pride Ehime 2013) Civil Partnership Act is “an official relationship between two people of the same sex, which gives them the same legal rights as two people who are married” (Longman 2013). 2.2 Politics - promises • Democratic party hold up a promise ‘性的マイノリティーなどが差別を受けない 社会をめざします’ (Minshutô 2013) Parties hold up promises for sexual minority people. It shows that political system will take account of sexual minorities. 2.3 Religion - NOT Christian, Muslim • In the Bible, 1:コリントの信徒への手紙一 / 6章 9節 正しくない者が神の国を受け継げないことを、知らないので すか。思い違いをしてはいけない。みだらな者、偶像を礼拝 する者、姦通する者、男娼、男色をする者、 (日本聖書協会 2013) • In the Koran, 預言者ロト「破廉恥(男色)をしておるのだな」「女のかわり に男に対して欲情を催すとは。まことに言語道断な奴」 (コトバンク 2012) 2.3 Religion - NOT Christian, Muslim • In Buddhism …衆道 Japanese religion is tolerant for • In Sinto sexual minorities historically. torelance It shows that Japanese people do not mind accepting same-sex marriage in religion face. Outline • 1. Definition • 2. Likely • 3. Unlikely • 4. Analysis • 5. Conclusion 3.Unlikely • 3.1 Society →a. cannot “come out” →b. discrimination • 3.2 Politics →Ishihara’s comment • 3.3 law →Japanese Constitution 3.1 Society a - cannot “come out” 5.2 % of Japanese people : LGBT (Dentsu Soken Institute) 3.4 % of American people : LGBT • (Asahi shimbun 2013b) Figure 2: Do you have a work colleague, close friend or relative who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? (Ipsos 2013) 3.1 Society b - discriminations • 年配者を中心に、職場にLGBTがいるかもしれないことへの 配慮や、人権問題という意識のない方が多い。だから『気持ち 悪い』などと笑いのネタにする。 (Asahi shimbun 2013a) • ‘Many employees fear work place bullying, discrimination when trying to findsociety employment or get throws a promotion, Japanese cannot outor even losing their job if they are open about their sexuality. the prejudice of LGBT people. (Nijiiro Diversity 2012) It shows that same-sex marriage cannot accept in society face. 3.2 politics – Ishihara’s comment December, 2010 • 男のペア、女のペアがあるけど、どこか足りない感じがする。 それはマイノリティーで気の毒ですよ” • “それをことさら売り物にしてテレビでどうこうするのは、外国で は例がない” • (Asahi Shimbun The will-known politician gave a 2010). comment criticizing sexual minorities. It shows that some of politician will not take account of sexual minorities. 3.3 law – Japanese Constitution • Article 24 of Japanese constitution states that 婚姻は、両性の合意のみに基いて成立し、夫婦が同 等の権利を有することを基本として、相互の協力によ り、維持されなければならない。(National Diet Library 2003). It is difficult to change Japanese Constitution. It show that legalize for same-sex marriage is nearly impossible now. Outline • 1. Definition • 2. Likely • 3. Unlikely • 4. Analysis • 5. Conclusion 5 Analysis 2.Likely • 2.1 Society →Disney land decision • 2.2 Politics →promise of some parties • 2.3 Religion →Not Christian, Not Muslim 2.1 Society – Disney land • From California, the US • In Disney land ⇔ In Society • Ex) The Koyuki △ 2.2 Politics - promises Figure 3 過半数を 超えない! (ザ覚書 2013) × 2.3 Religion - NOT Christian, Muslim パートナーシップ制度 承認なし 外国での同性婚を 国内でも適用 法令上制限 犯罪となる 同性婚OK △ Wikipedia commons 2013 3.Unlikely • 3.1 Society →a. cannot “come out” →b. discrimination • 3.2 Politics →Ishihara’s comment • 3.3 law →Japanese Constitution 3.1 Society - cannot “come out” - discriminations • Data… authoritative (from Asahi shimbun and Dentu Institution) • People cannot come out because they fear prejudices and discriminations. • There are still Discriminations for LGBT people. ○ 3.2 politics – Ishihara’s comment • Generalization… ? △ 3.3 law – Japanese Constitution • It is a powerful reason of unlikely. • For changing Japanese Constitution, (読売受験サポート 2013) ○ Outline • 1. Definition • 2. Likely • 3. Unlikely • 4. Analysis • 5. Conclusion 5. Conclusion Likely • 1. society • 2. politics • 3. religion △ × △ Unlikely • 1. society • 2. politics • 3. law ○ △ ○ 5. Conclusion • Now, in the world… same-sex marriage → ○ • But, Asian countries still never accept same-sex marriage. • Can Japan lead the same-sex marriage in Asia… ?
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