ITC22 Nov.19,2012 Toki(Japan) Improvement of heat conduction analysis of a small thermal probe H. Matsuuraa, S. Ohshimab, S. Hashimotob, T. Mizuuchib, K. Nagaokac, H. Takedad, Y. Nakashimad aRadiation Research Center, Osaka Prefecture University bInstitute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University cNational Institute for Fusion Science dPlasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba This work is partially performed with the support and under the auspices of the NIFS Collaborative Research Program. (NIFS12KUGM071/NIFS12KUHL047) Background Accurate estimate and control of divertor heat flux are one of most urgent issue in fusion reactor design. Heat flux change due to Hmode, detachment, and so on is more interesting than steady state heat flux or total heat load per a whole discharge shot. Thermal probe (Calorimetric) method left the space for improvement to do it. Diamag.(arb.) Nucl.Fusion 45 (2005) 1557-1570 Principle of thermal probe What is necessary for determination of heat flux q(t) with thermal probe? • Fitting procedure of measured TC data with response function model with physical causality • Response function of probe/calorimeter sensor with appropriate modeling • A small sensor with fast response (small thermal diffusion time) and good SN ratio Fitting method must be robust to TC signal fluctuation Fitting to TC data Heat flux evolution is approximated with the sum of step-like heat pulse. Effect smoothing parameter MTP MTP=2 MTP=5 MTP=4 MTP=10 Temperature response to step-like heat influx • Response time is given by thermal diffusion time. • Response amplitude is proportional to the squar of the heat flux multifid by sensor size. • If the sensor is cooled, response becomes difficult to detect.( In GAMMA 10, sensors are designed to be thermally isolated. ) Here we assume the infinite slab model with only plasma irradiation boundary. Heat sink boundary Heat sink Kurihara, Kado (OS2006) qsink=0 GAMMA 10 Calorimeter tip Comparison of boundary condition Red: perfect sink boundary, Blue: perfect isolation boundary,Magenta: infinite boundary probe tip Plasma pulse TC signal response improvement • use high thermal diffusivity materials such as Cu, Ag, and so on for probe tip • reduce the size of probe tip • set TC connection point as close as posible to plasma irradiation surface • Of course, need fast data logger Heat conduction property of thermal probe tip material Heat cond. T.Diffus. [W/mK] [mm^2/s] Time const. [s] * Cu 398 117 1.0 Mo 138 54.3 1.8 MAP-Ⅱ Tokyo SUS 16 4.07 4.07 ICP Nagasaki Pylex 1.089 0.686 146 glow OPU plasma H-J edge Kyoto Glass * response time of TC below L=1[cm] from surface L2 ~ a If the first TC is set 2mm, its time response is estimated to become smaller by factor of 0.04. Heat flux measurement of divertor plasma Device Probe Results Reference LHD HDLP Heat flux evalution is evaluated with TC data of long pulse without mag. noise. ITC21 GAMMA 10 CM Heat load per shot is estimated. FEC2010 TC respnse is improved but signal jump due to RF noise(?) exists. Heliotron J HDP(#7.5) GTP(#8.5) Hybrid Probe OS2012 Heat load per shot is estimated. ITC18, ITC19 New probes suffers TC noise problem. AESJ/JSPF meeting Plasma irradiation data(13th campaign) (ITC21) Estimeted plasma heat flux(#78548) Heat flux[W/m 2] Co(zp=520) 110[deg.] 2000 105 1000 Ctr(zp=520) 100 0 0 2 4 6 time[s] HDLP was set just outside of LCFS. Magnetic configuration and NBI direction is chosen so that fast ion's heat flux reach probe tip. 95 HDLP for Large Helical Device Thermal diffusion time is of the same order as discharge duration. Probe temperature data is directly affected by the heat flux change. New channel is equipped for divertor leg measurement. divertor "leg" Spatial resolution: 1~6mm Particle flux: from Iis Electron temp.: from V-I data Heat flux: this work ch4(0.5) ch3(1) ch2(3) ch1(3) Comparison of the response for box heat pulse with two model 2MW/m2, 100ms heat sink boundary model 1MW/m2, 150ms thermal isolation boundary model Temperature at x=2,6,12[mm] is estimeted with two boundary model. Present (isolation boundary) model reproduces well the TC data. (OS2012) GAMMA10 Calorimeter system The west end-mirror region, together with the location of the diagnostic equipment installed for this experiment. New hybride probe(#8.5) Distance betweeen TC and surface is about 1.5mm, so response time of 10ms is expected. Cu tip is isolated thermally and electrically. Later may be cause the signal fluctuation. Other carbon pins are used for IS fluctuation measurement with other (#11.5 and #14.5) probes. B driving B-line Flux TC signal noise Conclusion(What we did.) • We develop a new fitting procedure of measured TC data, and demonstrate with LHD probe data. • We expand response function model to be applicable to small sensors in HeliotronJ/GAMMA10. • We construct a new small sensor and test it in FY2012 experiment. Both in HeliotronJ/GAMMA10, TC noise problem is left. What is left for future work? • Improvement of relibility on evaluated heat flux value or heat conduction model. Cross check of heat flux estimation • Comparison of Q-V characteristic of divertor plasma with those of low temperature discharge plasma • Design and construction of new sensors for Helioron J/GAMMA 10 to reduce or remove TC signal noise Heat flux evalution of LHD plasma presented at 21st ITC Anual. Report of NIFS(2011) Heliotron-J (Kyoto University) HDP analysis(H-J) (Presented at ITC18/ITC19) #7.5 Hybrid directional probe Pin3-5 Cu diameter 4.5[mm] Type-K TC Cu 157.5 deg. section view Long pulse discharge measurement Confinement transition due to biasing Delay of TC signal Thermal diffusion time of Cu 0.7[s] delay 1-D const. Q model 2 q t150 kJ / m #8.5 Hybride probe (FY2011) #11.5 probe (old) New probe C BN Pin3 Pin2,4 double probe Pin1,5 floating potential Pin3 not work Pin3-->Temperature gradient type thermal probe H-J用銅GTPのテスト ・約1センチのサイズで熱伝導率の良 い銅を用いてGTPを試作し、4ピンの ラングミュアプローブと組み合わせて 複合プローブを構成した。 8.5ポート上側よりLCFSのX点近傍 に挿入した。 熱電対信号には放電時のノ イズが大きく、また放電後の 温度上昇が見られない。 GTPが遮蔽されている? H-J用銅GTP(#8.5port)の問題 ・プローブ駆動装置はプローブの軸方 向に平行にLFCSに接近させる。その ため、磁力線は側面のBN部にあたり、 GTPはイオンセンシティブプローブの 様にイオンしか受け取ることが出来な い。 Fig.1, Top view of Heliotron J and the probe location, and cross sectional H-Jでは側面にセンサーが必要 view of # 8.5 and # 11.5 sections. Response of the old sensor The heat-flux density is evaluated from the difference between the temperature of the calorimeter tip measured just before the discharge and that measured immediately after the discharge. In FY 2010 experiment, time response of calorimeter sensor was slow, and data recorder also worked slowly. Calorimetric estimation qave S c m V T t pulse One division is 16[min], nearly equal shot interval • Was Temperature evolution of TC data sufficiently traced? Improvement of sensor Old calorimeter New calorimeter Material copper copper TC connection from irradiation surface about 10mm about 2mm thermal diffusion time about 1[s] about 40[ms] Thermocouple Type T with sheath Type T without sheath Response of TC signal TC signal noise During and just after discharge, there exist large noises in TC signal. They come from RF power, magnetic field induction, .... Noise at t=400-2000ms is well compensated with no plasma shot data.
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