フォト アルバム - 北海道大学総合博物館(HoUM)

Producing Multimedia 作成
Guven Witteveen, [email protected]
June 2009 北海道大学
Learning Something New
• PLAY – invention of car or phone or MMD
• WORK – normal way of doing your business
• SERIOUS PLAY – creative, unexpected uses
Begin with something you know
• List the parts of your episode
• Get images: photos, scanner, screen capture
• Edit pictures, then use: panorama, album sets,
movies for playback
• Make the multimedia (MMD) and share it:
email (small size, few viewers), blog for adding
more and more, video website for search
engine, conference – CD – publishing - Vita
Let’s edit the pictures
Introducing Picasa 3
PICASA main view – Non-destructive editor
PICASA navigation
FILE menu
PICASA: remove album versus delete album
BATCH of files: all actions from one apply to selected files
Your choice: folder sorting & image data to see
Double-click image for editor screen; Escape key.
Tab for TUNING: lighting and colors
Tab for BASIC edits: crop, straighten, fill light
Tab for the EFFECTS
Write captions for HTML album or the Online albums
PICASA: choose pictures for new album
Put images from the tray to your PicasaWEB online album
Put images onto your PicasaWEB online album by login
Export copies at original size or smaller size
Nice editing – what next?
Introducing Panorama Stitching
Panorama v. Wide-angle v. Standard view
Camera technique for panorama stitching
AUTOSTITCH: options for BLEND & quality
Big panorama – now what?
Introducing motion view & zoom control
looking only at the “Ken Burns” Effect
PHOTOSTORY 3 to use the Motion Effect
PHOTOSTORY 3: customizing the viewing motion
motion start & end points
Create the motion file (WMV movie)
Ready for movie playback
Introducing Windows Movie Maker
run > moviemk
editing controls & information
Close-up, editing information
Close-up, editing control
Icons – files & tools
Tracks: audio, images/clips, text. Cutter & camera.
Adjusting your workspace; zoom view
Close-up to adjust your view
Close-up of timeline working area
Tracks timing –drag files, pull file edges, overlapping
Display transitions; Display clip’s own audio
Pick user size: for Email, YouTube, on CD, Big TV
More ways to be interactive
software widely used
Record slide comments: auto-playback or manual
Decide recording quality, file location –embedded or not
Screencast – your voice & screen motions
Think of an episode: Pano? Album? Playback?
Sketch your plan: text, images/clips, audio?
Edit for best text, images/clips, audio.
Create the story.
Other ways to tell your stories: JING (5’ max),
PowerPoint (slideshare.net), SoundSlides,
interactive PDF or Wordprocessor document.
What to do with your MMD?
• Email for small group; small file under 10 mb
• Blog post for on-going subject: comments,
photos, movies , slideshow embedded
• Video website searchable by Google, Altavista:
teacherTube, youTube & videoGoogle,
watchKnow, vimeo, yahooVideo, wikiMedia,
voiceThread, archive.org
• Online album: picasaWeb, flickr notes; geotags
• Screencast.com ----------------or
more to do with your MMD
• Free storage space online that you link to:
wikispaces.com, sites.google.com,
skydrive.live.com, box.net, officelive.com,
• Tinyurl.com gives you a short URL alias
• Make personal Portfolio page to link to MMD
• Use during conference presentation
• Reuse (edited parts) to teach or publish
Learning Something New
• PLAY – invention of car or phone or MMD
• WORK – normal way of doing your business
• SERIOUS PLAY – creative, unexpected uses
Producing Multimedia 作成
Guven Witteveen, [email protected]
June 2009 北海道大学