Plasma Current Start-up Experiments without the Central Solenoid in TST-2 and Future Plans Y. Takase Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo for TST-2 and TST-2@K Groups Joint Meeting of the 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on Spherical Tori and the 11th Internat Workshop on Spherical Torus St. Petersburg State University, Russia 3-6 October 2005 Motivation for CS-less Ip Start-up Compact, high b plasma with good confinement can be realized in ST compact burning plasma experiment and fusion reactor Lower aspect ratio and elimination of central solenoid (CS) improves economic competitiveness TST-2 Spherical Tokamak TST-2 C L Design parameters of TST-2: R = 0.38 m / a = 0.25 (A = 1.6) Bt = 0.3 T (0.3 T achieved) Ip = 0.2 MA (0.14 MA achieved) tpulse = 0.05 s (0.3 s achieved) TST-2 R = 0.36 a = 0.23 B = 0.4 T I = 0.2 M tpulse = 0.0 OH = 0.1 Main research topics: Plasma start-up optimization RF heating and wave physics MHD instability and reconnection Control of turbulence and transport 1m Achieved B = 0.21 I = 0.11 M tpulse = 0.1 Relocation of TST-2 (Twice in 2 Years) TST-2 Kyushu U. Fukuoka 2003 U. Tokyo Hongo ~2002 U. Tokyo Kashiwa 2004~ TST-2 at Kyushu University (2003) TST-2@K Heating / current drive By ECW and/or EBW TST-2 Waveguides from 8.2GHz klystrons EBW Antenna Typical plasma equilibrium Plasma Stored Energy Increase (Heating) Observed during RF Injection TST-2@K RF on no RF Wkin 15% increase in Wtotal Wtotal = Wkin + Wmag(pol) Plasma Current Formation by ECH TST-2 • 1 kA / 1 kW achieved by ECH (2.45 GHz) • Higher current for low gas pressure low collisionality is important • Requires vertical field with positive curvature trapped particles are important Solenoidless Start-up Experiments TST-2@K • Forest scenario no w = wce res. inside vac.ves. – “pressure driven current” with mirror Bv – 4kA maintained for 0.27 s (with static Bv ~ 2 mT, no induction) – Te = 160 eV (plasma is collisionless) 6 #301567 4 p I [kA] #301559-#301570 t=100-300ms (a) 2 B [T] @R0.38[m] 100 0 0.2 (b) RF (~100 k W) 0.1 t Exp(-E/160eV) 1 0.6 0 0.6 @R0.39[m] (c) 10 nel [1018m-2] CountxE [keV/0.05keV] 1000 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Energy [keV] 1.6 1.8 0 50 100 150 Time [ms] 200 250 300 Reconstructed Equilibrium of the RF Start-up Plasma (I) 0.8 Plasma is limited by the outboard limiter, j is truncated at top and inboard Flux functionhas free parametesb p 0 and A. j r p 1 0 f f 2 r 4 0 f 2rB r r 2 j0 b p 0 1 b p 0 0 1 - A n r0 r Fittedto magneticmeasurements (about 80 channels) Obtainedparamtersare b p 0 ~ 1, A ~ 8 0.4 Z [m] 0 -0.4 -0.8 0 0.4 R [m] 0.8 Features of RF Start-up Plasma Equilibrium j [kA/m2] @ z=0 0 • high bp • large outboard boundary current Outboard co-PS current is dominant, while inboard counter-PS current is truncted. • Steep pressure gradient at the outboard boundary -80 0 R [m] 0.7 p [Pa] @ z=0 4 Soft X-ray flux and temperature are roughly consistent with the pressure deduced from equilibrium reconstruction. 0 0 R [m] 0.7 Completely CS-less Start-up to Ip = 10 kA Achieved in TST-2 TST-2@K #302405 1 1m (kA) Achieved (6/01) B = 0.21 T I = 0.11 MA tpulse = 0.10 s I PF3(kA/turns) 0 I PF3 (b) -1 -2 V (Volts) L -3 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 10 8 (c) V L01 (outboard) I p (kA) (d) 6 p 24 turns R =PF5 0.361 m turn a = 0.23 m B = 0.4 T I = 0.2 MA tpulse = 0.05 s OH = 0.13 Vs CS -1 -2 1 I (kA) PF4 TST-2 PF3 I PF2-5(KA/turns) (a) 0 4 2 0 200 150 P RF (kW) (e) 100 50 0 0.2 0.2 0 Zp Rp-0.38 0.1 0 (f) -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 0.137 0.1 0.139 0.141 0.143 Time (s) 0.145 -0.2 0.147 Z p(m) 6 turns P (kW) rf PF2 I PF25(kA) PF1 R p(m) C L New Start at the Univ. Tokyo Kashiwa Campus TST-2 • Resume operation at Kashiwa – Solenoidless start-up • Based on results of JT-60U – Reconnection physics • Reconnection Events • Ion heating – Turbulence and transport • Develop fluctuation diagnostics – HHFW heating / current drive • 10-30MHz / 400 kW • k|| control (new antenna) – Prepare LHCD system • 200MHz / 400kW (from JFT-2M) 100kW of RF Power Injected Successfully TST-2 HHFW Antenna Full-wave calculation by TASK/WM Eq Bt = 0.3 T, f = 21 MHz, n = 10, ne = 2 1019 m-3, Te = 0.3 keV Preparation in Progress for 200 MHz Experiments TST-2 200 MHz transmitters (from JFT-2M) Full-wave calculation by TASK/WM Eq Combline antenna Bt = 0.3 T, f = 200 MHz, n = 10, ne = 2 1018 m-3, Te = 0.3 keV Reconnection Events TST-2 Detailed Time Evolution t=26.6ms t=26.2ms Ip TST-2 40.0 15.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 radiation 2.0 0.0 2.2 H_alpha 2.0 q_0 0.0 2.2 Hard X ray 4.0 1.4 1.4 0.0 25.0 26.0 li -4.0 mag. fluct. 0.76 1.0 0.71 -1.5 W(J) log(b^2) 50.0 -1.0 -5.0 20.0 27.0 Ion Heating Observed at Reconnection Events TST-2 Conversion of magnetic energy to ion kinetic energy 100 35534 Ip[kA] 80 60 40 Reconnection events T CV [a.u.] Intensty CV [a.u.] 20 CV intensity decreases while CIII, OIII intensities increase (loss of electron energy) 0 8 6 4 2 6000 450 300 150 0 18 20 22 Time[ms] 24 26 CV (core), and OV, CIII, OIII (edge) ion temperatures increase at reconnection events A New Experiment to Explore Ultra-High b Plasma Formation by Plasma Merging UTST TST-2 Magnetic Diagnostics Rapid Heating by Plasma Merging / Reconnection TS-3 120 Merging Megawatts of heating power can be obtained by plasma merging / reconnection I tfc =0 dW/dt ~10[MW] 80 Y. Ono, et al. 40 Single 0 FRC I tfc =10kA 80 ST#1 Bp ST#2 Bp Bp Merging dW/dt ~6[MW] 40 Single zI B t +B ext B t+B ext Bt+Bext Iz Low q ST 0 High b ST dW/dt ~4[MW] 80 Comparison of thermal energy evolution for merging (solid line) and single (dashed line) formation 40 I tfc =35kA Merging Single 0 10 20 30 time [msec] High q ST Start-up without Center Solenoid Demonstrated JT-60U • VTin coil disconnected • Use VR and VTout only Discharge duration increases with improvement of plasma position control Demonstration of Advanced Tokamak Operation without the Center Solenoid JT-60U Start-up and initial ramp-up Noninductive ramp-up Transition to self-driven phase 2002.06.21 Profiles of CS-less Advanced Tokamak with Very High Self-Driven Current Fraction JT-60U ITB + H-mode (Ip = 0.7MA) bp = 3.6, bN = 1.6, HH = 1.6, fBS > 90% transport barriers Backup(I) 0.8 PF2 Coil 0.4 The following flux function was tried, but parameters and were not efficient. 1st 2nd 3rd j r Z [m] p 1 0 f f 2 r 4 0f 2rB 0 Antennas -0.4 V.V 3 2 yields slightly worse fitting. 0.4 0.8 R [m] External poloidal field This implies that the present magnetics cannot resolve edge fine structure. 1 - A n insteadof 1 - A n -0.8 0 r r 2 j 0 b p 0 1 b p 0 0 1 - A n 1 - n r0 r Backup (II) Pickup coils Flux loop poloidal angle Fitting was poor for inboard Bz Flux function (red) and area of large j (blue).
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