スライド 1

Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)
[email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
Women's World Cup: Japan edges
Australia, 1-0, in quarterfinals
The Matildas go home after making their deepest run in tournament history...
Named after the Australian song
“Waltzing Matilda”.
• Australia's most widely known
bush ballad: “The unofficial
national anthem of Australia“
• The original lyrics were written
in 1895 by poet and nationalist
Banjo Paterson
• “waltzing”=to travel while
working; “matilda”=a travelling
worker’s bed roll/baggage
A “swagman” (travelling worker)
carrying his swag (Matiilda)
Slim Dusty (1938-2003), iconic
Australian country music singersongwriter, guitarist and producer
This Week: Essay Writing Workshop
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About you)
REMEMBER: Multiple answers are OK!
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About you)
For Japanese students coming to write an English
academic essay, there are 2 barriers…
1) Psychological (1部)
2) Technique/formatting (2部)
MESSAGE: The problem is the education system
NOT national character (国民性) or
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
5) The biggest difference between an opinion
piece (感想文) and essay (論文) is…
a) evidence
b) balance
c) critical thinking/analysis
d) a problem
e) all of these
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
6) Which of these are best NOT found in an
academic essay…
a) personal opinion (“I think”)
b) prescription (“should/must”)
c) citations (出典注)
d) generalisations
e) a bibliography (参考文献リスト)
f) unfounded statements
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
7) “I think…” is best avoided in academic writing
a) your opinion is worthless
b) it weakens your argument
c) an academic essay should be objective not
d) alternative viewpoints tend to be ignored or
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
8) A good essay will first tell the reader what
they are going to write (introduction), second
write what they promised (body), and finally
tell the reader what they wrote (conclusion)
a) True
b) False
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
9) Graphs and Tables need a n
the top and a
title at
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
9) Graphs and Tables need a numbered title at
the top and a citation underneath
Figure 1: The No. of Foreign Workers in Japan as a % of the Total Population (1980-2009)
Source: MOJ (2010)
Part 1: Multiple Choice Quiz
(About the Paper)
10) The first thing Mr Burgess looks at when he
starts marking an essay is…
a) the first paragraph
b) grammar & spelling
c) the bibliography
d) the clock
Part 2: Planning an Essay
1. Introduction
The whaling season opened with a public
carve-up and barbecue in the coastal town of
Minamiboso, Chiba Prefecture (July 2014)
April 2014
Part 2: Planning an Essay
2. Defining Terms
Modern Japanese Whaling: Culture or Commerce?
When is “modern”?
Which time period
will this essay
examine? From 1987
or before?
Dictionary or other
authoritative definition
of “culture” as it will
be used in your essay
Part 2: Planning an Essay
3. Culture (A)
3.1 Whaling is mentioned in the Kojiki
3.2 80% of Japanese have eaten whale Evidence
(food culture)
3.3 Many Japanese fishermen depend
on whaling for their livelihood
Part 2: Planning an Essay
4) Commerce (B)
4.1 Whaling policy is driven by special
interests seeking financial advantage
4.2 Whale meat is sold for profit in
4.3 “Research” is just a cover for (査読)
commercial whaling (very little refereed Evidence
research has been published on whales)
Part 2: Planning an Essay
5) Critical Analysis of “Culture” Evidence
Attack the evidence!
Part 2: Planning an Essay
5) Analysis of “Culture” Evidence (A)
• Whaling is mentioned in the Kojiki
– BUT Mass whaling only began post-war…
• 80% of Japanese have eaten whale
– BUT Most of those who have eaten whale ate it
a long time ago as school dinner
Attack 3.1
Attack 3.2
• Many Japanese fishermen depend on whaling
for their livelihood
Attack 3.3
– BUT Only a few coastal communities depend on
whaling – this is not “national” culture
Part 2: Planning an Essay
5) Analysis of “Commerce” evidence (B)
• Whaling policy is driven by special interests
seeking financial advantage
– BUT conspiracy theories about “special interests”
lack evidence
• Whale meat is sold for profit in supermarkets
Attack 4.1
Attack 4.2
– BUT the IWC allows countries to sell whale byproducts after research is complete
• “Research” is just a cover for commercial whaling
– BUT quality research on whales by Japanese is often
rejected by Western journals due to discrimination
Attack 4.3
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
そしてページ数を書く。例:(鈴木 1999: 57)。CHICAGO式
• Whaling in Japan has a long history (Suzuki 1999:57)
• Suzuki (1999:57) notes that whaling in Japan has a long
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activities in January (
“Japan’s present whaling policy is one that incorporates its
contentious scientific research program,” writes Kagawa-Fox
: 412), “and is one of the most criticized of government
initiatives.” These points are explained in detail by Mulgan
( ) and Hirata ( ).
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
(The Australian 2010). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activities in January (
). “Japan’s present whaling policy is one that
incorporates its contentious scientific research program,”
writes Kagawa-Fox (
: 412), “and is one of the most
criticized of government initiatives.” These points are
explained in detail by Mulgan ( ) and Hirata ( ).
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
(The Australian 2010). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activists in January (Asahi Shimbun
2012b). “Japan’s present whaling policy is one that
incorporates its contentious scientific research program,”
writes Kagawa-Fox (
: 412), “and is one of the most
criticized of government initiatives.” These points are
explained in detail by Mulgan ( ) and Hirata ( ).
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
(The Australian 2010). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activists in January (Asahi Shimbun
2012b). “Japan’s present whaling policy is one that
incorporates its contentious scientific research program,”
writes Kagawa-Fox (2009: 412), “and is one of the most
criticized of government initiatives.” These points are
explained in detail by Mulgan (
) and Hirata (
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
(The Australian 2010). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activists in January (Asahi Shimbun
2012b). “Japan’s present whaling policy is one that
incorporates its contentious scientific research program,”
writes Kagawa-Fox (2009: 412), “and is one of the most
criticized of government initiatives.” These points are
explained in detail by Mulgan (2000) and Hirata (
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
According to the Asahi Shimbun (2012a), Japan’s most
recent whaling season came to an early and rather
unsuccessful end. Part of the reason for this might be growing
criticism of Japan worldwide, as evidence by Australia’s
decision to take Japan to the International Court of Justice
(The Australian 2010). In Australia in particular, anti-whaling –
and anti-Japanese – sentiment appears to be rising following
arrest of Sea Shepherd activists in January (Asahi Shimbun
2012b). “Japan’s present whaling policy is one that
incorporates its contentious scientific research program,”
writes Kagawa-Fox (2009: 412), “and is one of the most
criticized of government initiatives.” These points are
explained in detail by Mulgan (2000) and Hirata (2008).
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
Family Name, First Name (and First Name Family Name)
Name of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Last Name, First Name
‘Name of Book Chapter’, in Name of Book, edited by Editor’s First Name
Last Name. Place of Publication: Publisher, pp. X-Y.
Last Name, First Name
‘Name of Article’. Name of Journal or Magazine. Volume : Issue
(Month), pp. X-Y.
Japanese sources need to be written in
Name of Newspaper
ヘボン式ローマ字 followed by a brief
‘Title of Article’. (Month Day), p. X.
English translation in brackets:
つ=tsu を=o し=shi 超級=chōkyū
Name of Author or Organisation
Year of Publication‘Name of Article’ (http:www.xxxxxxxx), accessed:
Part 3: Citations and Bibliography
Asahi Shimbun
2012a ‘Chōsa Hogei no Tōsū, Mokuhyō no 3 bun no 1: Konki 267 tō de Oeru’
(Whales Killed 1/3 of Target: Hunt Ends at 267). March 10, p.10.
2012b ‘Hogei Kanshi Senchō Shin’nyū, Gō ni Hikiwatashi Seifu Hōshin’
(Government Decides to Deport Whale Monitoring Captain, 3 Trespassers,
to Australia). January 10, p. 38.
The Australian
Book 2010 ‘Australia Takes Japan to Court on Whaling’
court-on-whaling/story-e6frgczf-1225872445926), accessed 2012/07/12.
Hirata, Keiko
2008 ‘Japan’s Whaling Politics’, in Norms, Interests and Power in Japanese
Foreign Policy, edited by Yoichiro Sato and Keiko Hirata. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-210.
Kagawa-Fox, Midori
2009 ‘Japan’s Whaling Triangle – The Power Behind the Whaling Policy’.
Japanese Studies. 29:3 (December), pp. 401-414.
Mulgan, Aurelia George
2000 The Politics of Agriculture in Japan. London and New York: Routledge.
Essay Guidelines & Model Essay
Please read and
go over carefully
for next week –
prepare some
Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)
[email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess