Metadata Working Group Report

Status of data generation and sharing
Japan Grid
ILDG5 Dec. 3, 2004, T.Yoshie, CCS,Tsukuba
Two types of configurations
Nf=2 full QCD Configurations by CP-PACS collab
Iwasaki-RG gauge + tadpole improved clover quark
a=0.2, 0.15, 0.1 fm, π/ρ=0.8,0.75,0.7,0.6 , L=2.4fm
already open to public via LQA total size ~ 2TBytes
a=0.085 fm, L=2.0 fm
open to public soon
a=0.2 fm, π/ρ→0.35
Nf=2+1 full QCD configs by CP-PACS/JLQCD
Iwasaki-RG gauge, clover quark with NP Csw
a=0.122 fm, 0.100 fm, 0.070 fm (equal spacing in a^2)
L=2.0 fm, 5 masses for u/d, 2 masses for s
a=0.122 fm, ~ 8000 traj. finish
a=0.100 fm, ~ 7000 traj. finish
a=0.070 fm, ~ 1000 traj. continue to ~ 3000 traj.
(1~1.5 year)
open to public, after CP-PACS/JLQCD collaboration
completes studies on the light hadron spectrum