Hideaki Iida Prof. Hideo Suganuma Dr. T.T.Takahashi The 17th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2006) October 2-7, 2006 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Contents ・Introduction ・Formalism ・Results ・Conclusion Introduction Motivation Origin of the mass There are two types of the origin of mass: Higgs origin … about 1% current quark mass: mu (μ=1GeV)= (1.5-3)MeV md (μ=1GeV)= (3-7)MeV μ: renormalization scale mass of leptons: electron…me=0.51MeV from the data of Particle Data Group (2006) Strong-interaction origin … about 99% ! constituent quark mass: M ~ (300-400) MeV (for light quarks) ⇒ Most of the mass in the world is from strong interaction (QCD) current quark ~ 3MeV constituent quark ~ 350MeV Strong interaction (QCD) Introduction What is the mechanism of the generation of such a large constituent quark mass? One possible answer is Spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry …Important mechanism of mass generation for light fermions Y.Nambu, G.Jona-Lasinio,Phys.Rev.122(1961)345: in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model Chiral-symmetry is broken π Chiral-symmetry is restored π σ M ~ (300-400) MeV: Our present world σ m ~ (1.5-7) MeV: At high temperature or high density Study of partial chiral restoration: (theory) T.Kunihiro, T.Hatsuda (1983) (experiment) H.Enyo group, K.Imai group Introduction Note however that chiral symmetry is the symmetry for massless fermions Question: In the strong-interaction world, is chiral symmetry breaking necessary for mass generation? We notice following examples of mass generation without chiral symmetry breaking: ① Gluon (colored vector particle, which is originally massless): Large mass measured in lattice QCD: … massless massive J.E.Mandula and M.Ogilvie (Landau geuge) Phys.Lett.B185(1987),127 K.Amemiya, H.Suganuma(MA gauge) Phys.Rev.D60(1999)114509 Glueball: hadron made by only gluons even the lightest glueball (0++) is rather heavy…1.5GeV experimental candidate: f0(1500) ② Charm quark ・Current quark mass mc : about 1.2GeV (Particle Data Group) ・ In the quark model, constituent quark mass is about 1.6GeV The difference (1.6-1.2)GeV=400MeV is the mass generated by strong interaction without chiral symmetry breaking. Introduction In this way, we conjecture that there should be other type of mass generation without chiral symmetry breaking or Higgs mechanism. (non-chiral origin but strong-interaction origin) Our conjecture: Even without chiral symmetry, large mass generation generally occurs in the strong-interaction world. In fact, all colored particles (scalar, fermion, vector) have a large mass generated by dressed gluon effect. dressed gluons colored particles large mass In this talk, we study “light” colored scalar particle, which does not have chiral symmetry. We call this colored scalar particle as “scalar quark”. Here, the bare scalar-quark mass is set to be almost zero. We investigate bound states of colored scalar particles, namely, hadrons made by scalar quarks in lattice QCD in terms of mass generation of scalar quark. Can we observe large mass generation even in this scalar-quark system without chiral symmetry? Lattice QCD: first-principle calculation of strong interaction (non-perturbative) ⇒ powerful method in non-perturbative QCD First study for scalar-quark systems in lattice QCD Scalar-quark hadron Here, we investigate hadrons made by scalar quarks. Scalar-quark hadron is made by two or three scalar quarks. Scalar-quark hadron cf) ordinary hadron Scalar-quark meson (Boson) Scalar-quark baryon (Boson) Meson (Boson) Baryon (Fermion) : quark : scalar quark :anti scalar-quark ★ Statistics are different from that of ordinary hadrons : anti-quark Chimera hadron Chimera hadron is made by quarks and scalar quarks. “chimera hadron” is new terminology. Chimera hadron chimera meson (Fermion) chimera baryon (Boson) chimera baryon (Fermion) : quark : scalar quark :anti-quark :anti scalar-quark We calculate the masses of scalar-quark hadrons and chimera hadrons in quenched lattice QCD. Formalism ― continuum (Minkovsky space)― QCD : quark field (color triplet) :covariant derivative : field strength tensor Scalar QCD : scalar quark (color triplet) QCD including the quarks and scalar quarks Formalism ― discretization (Euclid space) ― Quark sector Wilson quark action: :space coordinate :link variable :hopping parameter Scalar-quark sector :mass of scalar quark Gauge invariant Summary of scalar and chimera hadrons For the study of scalar-quark system, we calculate the masses of following scalar hadrons and chimera hadrons: Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark Scalar-quark hadrons ・scalar-quark meson: Scalar ・scalar-quark baryon: Scalar Chimera hadrons ・chimera meson: Spinor ・chimera baryon: Spinor Scalar Hadronic operators and correlators We use the following operators of scalar-quark hadrons and chimera hadrons: ・operators of scalar-quark hadrons (scalar-quark meson) (scalar-quark baryon) ・operators of chimera hadrons (chimera meson) (chimera baryon) (chimera baryon) :scalar quark ( : index of color) :quark ( : index of spinor) ⇒ using these operators, we calculate the correlators of these hadrons (total momentum is projected to be zero) from , we extract the mass of these hadrons Parameters of lattice QCD Quenched lattice QCD β=5.70 ( β=5.75 ( β=6.10 ( ) ) ) (corresponding to gauge coupling) : lattice spacing (lattice cutoff) Lattice size: 163×24 (for φ†φ) 163×32 (for other hadrons except) spatial volume: (2.9fm)3 (β=5.70) (2.7fm)3 (β=5.75) (1.8fm)3 (β=6.10) Scalar-quark meson φ†φ M(GeV) (scalar-quark meson mass) Mass generation of scalar quark by gluon Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark 3GeV msq(GeV) (bare scalar-quark mass) Scalar-quark meson mass M vs bare scalar-quark mass msq (β=5.75, latt.size: 163×32) Important result: Large mass generation by At bare scalar-quark mass msq~0, strong interaction scalar-quark meson mass M~3.0GeV. (non chiral origin) ⇒dynamically generated mass of scalar quark Msq is 1.5GeV!! occurs in the scalar-quark Compared with constituent quark mass (~300MeV), system! this mass generation is very large. Scalar-quark baryon φφφ M(GeV) (scalar-quark baryon mass) Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark msq(MeV)(bare scalar-quark mass) scalar-quark baryon mass M vs bare scalar-quark mass msq (β=5.70, latt.size: 163×32) At bare scalar-quark mass msq~0, scalar-quark baryon mass M~4.8GeV. ⇒dynamically generated mass of scalar quark Msq is 1.5GeV. Large mass generation of scalar quark is also seen Chimera meson φ†Ψ M(GeV) (chimera meson mass) Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark Note: Ψ emerges in the following hadrons msq=270MeV msq=200MeV msq=120MeV (bare scalar-quark mass) mq(MeV) (bare quark mass) chimera meson mass M vs quark mass mq and scalar-quark mass msq (β=5.70, latt.size: 163×32) At bare scalar-quark mass msq~0 and bare quark mass mq~0, chimera meson mass M~1.9GeV. Msq + Mq ~ M is formed. (1.5 + 0.4 = 1.9) dynamically generated mass of scalar quark Msq ~1.5GeV constituent quark mass Mq~400MeV Chimera baryon φφΨ M(GeV) (chimera baryon mass) Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark msq=270MeV msq=200MeV msq=120MeV (bare scalar-quark mass) mq(MeV) (bare quark mass) chimera baryon mass M vs quark mass mq and scalar-quark mass msq (β=5.70, latt.size: 163×32) At bare scalar-quark mass msq~0 and bare quark mass mq~0, chimera baryon mass M~3.7GeV. 2×Msq +Mq ~ M dynamically generated mass of scalar quark Msq ~1.5GeV constituent quark mass Mq~400MeV Chimera baryon ΨΨφ M(GeV) (chimera baryon mass) Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark msq=270MeV msq=200MeV msq=120MeV (bare scalar-quark mass) mq(MeV) (bare quark mass) chimera baryon mass M vs quark mass mq and scalar-quark mass msq (β=5.70, latt.size: 163×32) At bare scalar-quark mass msq~0 and bare quark mass mq~0, chimera baryon mass M~2.4 GeV. Msq + 2×Mq ~ M dynamically generated mass of scalar quark Msq ~1.5GeV constituent quark mass Mq~400MeV ★Similarity between φφΨ and φ†Ψ Chimera baryon Chimera meson Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark Figures of the mass of chimera hadrons M(GeV) (chimera meson mass) M(GeV) (chimera baryon mass) msq=270MeV msq=270MeV msq=200MeV msq=200MeV msq=120MeV (bare scalar-quark mass) msq=120MeV (bare scalar-quark mass) mq(MeV) (bare quark mass) mq(MeV) (bare quark mass) …Slopes (mq-dependence) are almost the same between ⇒ Similar mq-dependence between and and is observed. Interpretation of the similarity between φ†Ψ and φφΨ Ψ: quark φ: scalar quark Chimera meson Chimera baryon wave functions Chimera meson Scalar quark φ is very heavy. So, the wave-function of light quark (Ψ) distributes around the scalar-quark φ. Chimera baryon Due to the large constituent mass of scalar-quarkφ, the two particles (φφ) are close under Coulomb interaction. Similarity of the system between V(r) and r Energy level of φφ Conclusion Large mass generation occurs even in the scalar-quark system! (non-chiral origin) Dynamically generated mass of scalar quarks: about 1.5GeV Dressed gluon effect … msq~0 (bare scalar-quark mass) Msq ≧ 1GeV (large mass generation of scalar quark) Dressed gluon effect QCD (gluon) effect (non-chiral origin) Summary and Concluding Remarks Using Lattice QCD, we have performed the First Study of scalar-quark (colored-scalar) systems. We have found Large Mass Generation of scalar quarks. (This is Non-Chiral Origin) This Large Mass Generation can be explained by Dressed Gluon Effect. Dressed Gluon colored-scalar msq~0 Msq ≧ 1GeV Similarity between and systems emerges due to the large mass of scalar quark.
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