Rough situation by satellite image and the old administrative district name of sampling point 採集地点の衛星画像によるおおよその概況]とその古い行政区名 Table 4. The occurrence frequency of earthworm in Fukuoka Prefecture Kyushu Japan Kum Hik Sya Sef Kos San Sch Low ENS SNUMDA Number of Sampling sites 3 2 2 6 5 31 11 17 18 8 32 Total number 26 25 12 118 162 354 102 291 228 113 302 Average number per a sampling ++ > =1.0, 1.0 > + > 0.0 Exotic/introduced Amynthas Amynthas carnosus + Amynthas corticis + + + Amynthas hupeiensis *1 Amynthas robusutus + Amynthas phaselus + Native/endemic Amynthas Amynthas micronaria + + ++ + Amynthas tagawaensis + + + ++ Amynthas chikushinoensis + + + + Amynthas yahataensis + Amynthas minamataensis + Exotic/introduced Metaphire Duplodicodrilus [Metaphire ] schmardae + + + + Metaphire californica + + Native/endemic Metaphire Metaphire kyushuensis + ++ + + ++ + Metaphire nemorivagusa ++ + ++ ++ ++ + + ++ Metaphire sasagriensis + Metaphire siebold (mature+immature) + + + + ++ + Metaphire quasisieboldi + Metaphire tosaensis ++ + Metaphire pseudvittata ++ + Metaphire hilgendorfi / Amynthas tokioensis species complex *3 The morph having sexual organ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Degraded morph ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Lumbricidae Moniligastridae and others Aporrectodea caliginosa + Bimastis parvus ++ Eisenia foetida + Eisenia japonica *2 + + + + Undetermined (Eisenia japonica minuta ? were contained.) Undetermined (Drawida japonica ?) + + + + MI SSF FP MR OIG 5 16 10 17 9 76 254 178 146 81 + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + Amynthas yahataensis Fig.xx Amynthas yahataensis (goto-ensis :temporary name). A. Ventral view of segments 1-18 segments. B. Ventral view of male pore. C. Spermathecal pore. D. Seminal vesicles. E. Caeca. Amymyhas tagawaensis Amynthas tagawaensis Fig.xx (temporary name). A. Ventral view of 1-18 segments pore. B. Ventral view of male pore. C. Spermathecal pore. D. Prostatic gonad and duct. E. Caeca Amymyhas chikushinoensis Amymyhas chikushinoensis (temporary name) Table 1 Amymyhas tagawaensis (TAGAWA1 Amymyhas tchikushinoensis (TAGAWA2) Common feature Body size 70.3 mm (L) Spermathecal pore in 6/7/8 Shape of spermathecal pore Same Body circumference apart 0.41 4.8 mm(W) 81.5 mm (L) 3.9 mm(W) 0.4 Male pore Body circumference 0.48 apart Prostatic gonad and duct Prostate duct is U shape Prostate gonad in mass occupying 16-20 Caeca Prostate gonad in 17-20 separating three plate Manicate caeca originating in 27 extending 25 Difference feature Body pigmentation Dorsal brown, Ventral thin brown Genital marking and inner gland nothing Distribution This taxon was collected only in calciferous habitat: Mountain of limestone Dorsal brown, Ventral thin brown. Banded colouration of purple brown between segments of 1/2/3/5 Genital markings in paired sets of two or four papillae linearly in segment 7 and 8, and eight markings in front and posterior of male pore(s) on segment 18. Inner glands corresponding to each external genital markings Relatively abundant in evergreen forest in Fukuoka Pref. Tsble 2 Amymyhas yahataensis Amymyhas chikushinoensis [gotosoil] [TAGAWA2 Common feature Body size 70.9 mm(L) 3.7 mm(W) 70.3-81.5 mm (L) 4.8-3.9 mm(W) Spermathecal pore in Both are 6 / 7 / 8 Shape of spermathecal pore Same Male pore superficial Prostatic gonad and duct Prostate gonad in 16 or 17-20 and Prostate duct is U shape caeca simple originating in 27 extending 25 Difference feature Body circumference apart 0.46 0.41-0.4 Mp, body circumference apart 0.39 0.47-0.48 the size of prostatic duct Very small Large thin brown or no pigmentation Body pigmentation Genital marking inner gland Habitat Dorsal brown, Ventral thin brown or Banded colouration of purple brown between segments of 1/2/3/5. In the center of a ventral side of Nothing or paired sets of two or four segment, there are genital markings. papillae on 7 and 8, and eight markings in Its marking is a peak in broad bean, front and posterior of male pore(s) of the pair, and the inside becomes hollow. a protuberance corresponding to Inner glands corresponding to each genital marking external genital markings. Soil dweller? Litter dweller Amynthas IBPminamata Amynthas IBPminamata (temporary name). A. Ventral view of 1-25 segments. B. Ventral view of male pore. C. Spermathecal pore. D. Prostatic gonad and duct. E. Caeca. (Note of C, E and F. One of left spermathecal pore came off while observing it. Therefore, right spermathecal pore and right prostatic gonad and duct and right caeca were sketched.) Table 3 Amynthas Amynthas Amynthas corticis Amynthas minamataensis micronaria fuscata IBPminamata Common feature male pore superficial, four pairs of spermatheca in 5/6/7/8/9, U shape of prostatic duct and simple caeca Body length 63 95 120 240 Body width 2.8 3.8 4.1 9.3 pigment on Dorsal No Brown Brown Dark brown pigment on Ventral No Thin brown Thin brown Light gray Sp. Bcapart 0.5 0.3 0.31 0.2-0.23 Shape of The glove Flattened With Smooth and Smooth and spermatheca externals with short stak elongated ovoid elongated Diverticula Straight. Adverticulate Straight and much Very thick, dilated at tip tubular and sharply coiled The ratio of SP. to SP.. = Div. -----SP>Div ? diverticula in length Mp. Bcaaprt 0.34 0.26 0.36 ? Shape of GM. None None small round Large round Position of GM. on the setal line of 17, 19-25 segments paired almost segments 5-9, situated intersegmental nearer the lateral posterior of and just side the chaetal median to the line on 19-25 lines of the male pores in Amymyhas fuscata : Ohfuchi, S. (1937): On the species possessing four pairs of Metaphire tinkokuji Metaphire tinkokuji (temporary name). A. Ventral view of 1- 21 segments. (No scale). B. Ventral view of spermathecal pore. C. Ventral view of male pore. D. Spermathecal pore. E. Prostatic gonad and duct. F. Caeca Metaphire quasisiebold Metaphire nonsiebold temporary name). A. Ventral view of 1-18 segments. (No scale). B. Ventral ( view of 6 –9 segment (the region of spermatheca), C. Ventral view of male pore. D. Spermatheca. E. Prostatic gonad and duct. F. Caeca Body size Metaphire nonsiebold Common feature 254.0 mm (L), 11.5 mm (W) Metaphire sieboldi 243.0 mm (L), 10.0 mm (W) Position of spermatheca 6/7/8/9 Male pores Prostate gonad Shallow copulatory pouches look like conspicuous transverse Mass occupying 16-20 Prostate duct Wide and short and open to copulatory bursae. The whole of prostate duct touches parietes Circumference apart of male pore Caeca 0.28 Body colour Body surface spermatheca pore Circumference apart of spermathecal pore Diverticulum Shape of ampula Duct of ampula Width of male pore Distribution 0.25 Manicate caeca originating on 27 Difference feature Blue Blue grey Smooth Bi-annulated superiorly Longitudinal width of 17 Longitudinal width of 17 segments is usual. segments is less than half of Spermathecal pore (and 2-3 Not visible small genital marking) are 0.37 0.27 Wound complexly Liner The surface of ampula is The surface of ampula is smooth. covered with a double dotted The duct is extremely shorts The duct is 1/4 of ampula in length Male pore slit is relatively wideMale pore slit is short compared with that (1/2 of width of segment 18). of siebold (1/4 of width of segment 18). Most Mountenaus habitats in One site in Sasaguri Town Fukuoka Pref. Metaphire sasagriensis Metaphire sasagriensis [(ichinotakiji temporary name)] Metaphire nemorivagusa [non-querpa] Metaphire sasagriensis [ichinotakiji] Common feature Body size 145mm (L), 6.2 m (W) spermathecal pore two pairs of spermathecal pore in 7/8/9 Spermatheca C 0.3 0.28 0.23 0.2 Male C Table 3 *1 *2 107 mm (L), 7.7 mm (W) copulatoly pouches look like huge hole paired on 18 Prostate gonad occupying 15-21 Prostate duct two plate or mass occupying 15-21. Prostate duct is wide and short and open to copulatory bursae. The whole of prostate duct touches parietes Caeca manicate caeca originating in 27 Difference feature Body form Body cylindrical in cross-section Body width becomes narrow after clitellumin Body colour deep purple brown, Ventral bright purple brown Deep Purple brown dorally thick violet in segment furrows dorsall, then banded colouration spermatheca pore The spermathecal pore surrounding rises from the body surface plainly, slit like groove not visible many wrinkles in the body surface near spermathecal pore peripheral Width of male pore The hole surrounding has risen remarkably Male pore open in copulatoly pouches look like cross-hole paired Prostate gonad two plate mass Prostate duct is wide, and short. The point Short duct and huge copulatory Prostatic duct and copulatory burusae of duct extends like the semicircle bursae Caeca Three diverticular Six diverticular Distribution Most Mountenaus habitats in west Japan. One site in Sasaguri Town Fig.10 Metaphire pseudo-vittatus (temporary name).
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